On the other side, Phillip lifted up his robe, revealing the belt he had been wearing.

"I'm going to fuck Shotaro, henshin!"

[Fang Joker! ]

...The Kamen Rider and the Dopant began to fight, and Philip was distracted and looked up information about DEEP (Abyss) in the library.

"Abyss, this dopant can penetrate all inorganic substances like diving. The jellyfish-like mucus on the head can give the wrapped items the same penetrability. If it is a living thing, it will also be paralyzed."

"I see, this is your method of kidnapping women."

"Damn it!" The dopant got angry after being seen through, swung its head and shot the mucus towards the knight.

Phillip didn't panic at all, he threw out his fang flying knife and cut the mucus into pieces.

"Okay, the final blow!"

"Wait, wait!" Seeing that he was about to be defeated, the doping body panicked: "Do you know where this is? This is five hundred meters underground in Fengdu. If you defeat me here, you will never get out in your life. "

"You'd better think about how you should live here."

[Fang Maximum Drive! ]

Philip flew into the sky and hit the dopant with a beautiful roundhouse kick, destroying the memory.

At the end of the battle, the sixty-year-old Izumi Daichi collapsed on the ground, but he still grinned and said: "Humph, we can't get out now, stay and be buried with me, Kamen Rider!"


He raised his hands to the sky and remained silent.

Chuwen Daqi:?

After a while, an eagle's cry suddenly sounded from the "sky" five hundred meters underground, and the Ultimate Memory circled and flew over Philip.

Then, Philip turned into a green data flow and entered the extreme. The golden falcon rose into the sky and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Chuwen Daqi:? ? ?

"Wait, take me, take me... I don't want to die here!!!"

A few minutes later, Phillip returned to the ground and walked side by side with Shotaro.

"Partner, are all those women really...?"

"Well, I asked the memory component to search for it. Unfortunately, I only found a few graves."

"Damn it, that guy!" Shotaro hammered the wall angrily.

Philip could understand his partner's mood. He stood there and waited for Shotaro to calm down a little before he said, "Let's think about how to bring him up first. He may also know Tokiya..."

Didi didi~

A burst of cell phone ringing interrupted Phillip's words. Shotaro picked up the phone and answered the call immediately after seeing that the caller was Terui Ryu.

"Hey, Terui."

"Huh? Is there a Kamen Rider fighting a dopant?"

"What?!" Shotaro's eyes widened and he shouted, "Skull?!!"

Chapter 218 The Determination of the Skull/The Gate of Fengdu

Kamen Rider Skull's true form is Narumi Shokichi, the former guardian of Wind City and Shotaro's master.

But this man, who could almost be called the incarnation of a tough guy, was shot and killed as early as the day he first met Philip (the day Shotaro first met Philip). This was something Shotaro witnessed with his own eyes.

Therefore, after hearing what Terui Ryu said, his first reaction was: Could it be "Dummy" playing tricks again?

Dummy memory can read the most fearful things in people's hearts and imitate them. Relying on this ability, the mimic dopant once transformed into Narumi Shokichi, causing a great blow to Shotaro who fought with him.

However, after Shotaro cheered up, the impostor quickly exposed his hypocritical nature and was eventually eliminated by Kamen Rider W.

"Ah! Forget it, just go and take a look and you'll find out!"

Shotaro shook his head and called Phillip to walk towards the location pointed out by Terui Ryu.

Speeding all the way, when they arrived at their destination, the two girls from Terui Ryuwa's office were already waiting here, but strangely they did not take any action.

"Terui, what's going on?"

Terui Ryu pouted towards the square below: "See for yourself."

Shotaro was stunned when he saw it.

In the empty fountain square, there are two people fighting, one is Skull, the other... From the appearance, it is also Skull.

However, the difference between the two is obvious, one is a knight and the other is a dopant.

After watching for a while, Shotaro understood why Terui Ryu hesitated to strike, because the two men's fists and kicks were equally powerful, and they even used the same method of attack.

The most important thing is that the actions of these two people have the shadow of Narumi Shokichi.

Shotaro could see it, and his daughter Ashuko could also see it, so Terui Ryuu didn't dare to intervene because he was afraid of killing his father-in-law by mistake.

Let’s not think about how he was resurrected. According to common sense, it is more likely that the knight is Narumi Shokichi, but... what if?

At this time, it was Detective Fengdu’s turn to appear.

"Could both of them be fake?" Shotaro frowned and muttered.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly shouted to the two fighting men: "Master! I'm here to help you!"

The two of them continued fighting without saying a word, as if they didn't hear his call.


Very good, this reaction is very Master.

He spread his hands helplessly: "I can't tell."

Yasuko covered her mouth and was shocked: "What? Shotaro, you can't tell the difference either?"

Shotaro suddenly had a dark look on his face.

"That~." The silent Shiya suddenly raised her hand and interrupted the conversation: "I think I can see it."

Shotaro and Azuko turned their heads at the same time: "Eh?"

"Although I don't know Shotaro's master, that knight is fake." Shiya pointed at the knight Skull and said: "That is also a dopant."

"I see, it's a big help, Shiya!"

Shotaro put on the belt confidently: "Go, Philip!"


The two transformed into the W of the Wind Ace and jumped into the battlefield.

Azuko reached out to support Philip, who was collapsing with his consciousness out of his body, but Shiya got there first.



"Sure enough, this guy is a 'mimic'!"

"Then smash the memory!"

Shotaro inserted the Ace memory into the special slot on the side of his waist and activated the special move.

Under W's classic split knight kick, the simulant doping body that was beaten back to its original form was kicked and exploded with two kicks, falling out...


The shattered simulant doping body melted into a ball of black mud, which looked just like those "roads" that were extremely poisoned.

But if you look closely, you will find that the two are not the same. The color of this black mud is darker than the secretions of the road, and it has not solidified.

But Shotaro's mind is not on these doubts now. He slowly turned around and looked at the doping body that might be his master.

He asked in a trembling voice: "Uncle, is that you?"

The word "Uncle" seemed to touch the silent skull doping body a little.

A purple flame ignited in his terrifying pupils, and he stared carefully at the two-color knight standing opposite.

After a long time, he called out the other party's name in a hoarse and low voice: "Sho...Taro."


Shotaro was sure that the other party was undoubtedly Ming Hai Shouji.

He lifted the transformation and walked over quickly, and Akiko also rushed down shouting "Dad".

However, "Ming Hai Shouji" took a step back.

"Don't come over!"

The two stopped immediately.

"Why? Uncle!" Shotaro asked excitedly: "What happened? How did you become like this!"

"No time."

He did not answer Shotaro's question, but pointed in a direction and said: "T-junction, go quickly."

"Uncle, you... eh?"

After saying this, the skull mixed body suddenly began to melt into black mud.

Before Shotaro could react, "Uncle" had left this world again, leaving only a memory full of cracks lying quietly on the ground.

Shotaro stared at this scene in a daze, and walked over in a daze for a long time, picking up the memory with the skull-shaped S printed on it with trembling hands.


...Without time to be sad, everyone quickly rushed to the direction pointed by the mixed body that was suspected to be Ming Hai Shouji.

The other party's last words were not very clear, but combined with the past "road" events, it can be inferred that he was talking about the T-junction where Shi Ya first appeared.

Their inference was correct, because before they arrived at the location, they heard the fierce fighting over there.

[Trigger-Extreme Drive! ]


With a knight kick-type ultimate move, Blue Light Red turned into a huge bullet and pierced through three mixed bodies. The enemies exploded and quickly turned into black mud and dissolved. At the same time, Faria, who was floating in the air, also drove the sharp wind arrow to break the two winged mixed bodies.

Judging from the amount of black mud falling near the two people, they have been fighting here for a while.

"Really, where did all these things come from... Eh? Why are you here?"

"I'll explain the details later. It seems that the wind has changed dramatically."

Philip walked past Blue Light Red and frowned to explore around.

Soon, his eyebrows stretched out: "Found it, Shotaro."

Shotaro walked over silently and took out the S memory that was on the verge of breaking.

Blue Light Red: ...

I don't know what happened, but it seems that the decisive battle is about to begin.


The memory that was pressed seemed to resonate with something, and it flew away from Shotaro's hand into the air, with purple light flowing out and extending forward.

Finally, the light stream spread out to the surroundings as if it hit a wall, and a passage to another world filled with an ominous atmosphere appeared in the center.

Terui Ryu frowned: "It feels very different from the first time I entered, everyone be careful!"

"Wait!" Blue Light Red raised his hand to stop it.

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