Chapter 446: The Heroes’ Meeting

Destroy the soul! !

Undead appeared all over the world, the police received various alarms, and those who were silent in history reappeared in the world.

But these are accidents in China. Liu Adou heard Superman Batman’s intelligence, the United States seemed to have begun to ferment, and the Black Lantern Corps had begun to attack. But Liu Adou didn’t respond when he looked at the rings on the left and right that were not in the ground. It is unscientific. It stands to reason that there are many capable people in ancient China than the whole world. Why is it that foreign countries are already in dire straits, but here is so peaceful?

“General, is there any report about the undead attacking people?” Liu Adou asked.

“No, I’m also very surprised. There is so much noise abroad, why is it all right here? Are the black rings on our heads fake?” The general was also very strange.

It is estimated that this is not the reason. Liu Adou would rather believe that this is the setting of the hero world. Monsters will only appear in foreign countries, not in China. But will this setting be restored intact in the real world? Or that the bad guys ignored China and went straight to the powerful United States?

Regardless, it’s not a bad thing in China anyway. Liu Adou and Green Lantern looked at each other the same: “Can it be changed into a plane?”

“completely fine!”

“Kalan, Benn, let’s go!”


In the face of a large number of undead, multiple people have more power.

“You two take Li Cong and don’t run around, the general will come to pick you up soon.” Kidd said.

“Teacher.” Mingwu stopped Kidd and said, “Teacher, help my brother get revenge!”

Kidd glanced at Mingwu. Originally, he had read Mingwu. Revenge was what he should do: “Leave it to me, study hard, and make progress every day!”

“Go!” Green Lantern said.

The high-speed plane composed of green rays took off on the spot, and then went to the distance. Liu Adou still felt uneasy when he felt downward, and he felt countless dark energy surging continuously throughout the entire Chinese land.

“This is?” Liu Adou knows that this is probably a delay, because the ring is just a receiver, and the last control is the black light. The current signal of the black light covers the entire universe. It is normal to have a delay, but it is impossible for him now. Looking back, he must gather his teammates to discuss countermeasures.

Only by eliminating the source is it useful, brainstorming. However, the Black Lantern Legion must be resolved as soon as possible, because there are no eggs under the covering, and the earth must not be destroyed by the Black Lantern Legion.

“What?!” Green Lantern was taken aback by the sudden attack from the ground, but when he looked down, he found that there was a huge army on the ground.

The flag of the cross was flying, and the dark armor made them look mighty and majestic, not at all like undead.

“Isn’t it the Crusaders?” That’s right, it was the undead of the Crusaders who climbed out to continue their sinful deeds during their lifetime.

The crusade against the terrorists is simply the most beautiful story. But now I don’t have time to watch the show. I have to meet with other superhero before considering other things.

This time it’s not just a matter that the Justice League can handle. Avengers was also called up, plus X-Men, to face the large number of Black Lanterns that can’t be killed. Everyone has to contribute, otherwise it’s impossible to stop the evil Enemy.

“The disaster area is getting bigger and bigger. If they can’t be stopped, it will have to cause irreparable casualties.” Hal said with a heavy face.

The situation was uncontrollable, the atmosphere in the plane was heavy, and the offensive of the Black Lantern Corps was too fierce to defend.

“There is not much we can do. We can only hold back the Black Lantern Corps. I hope Batman can find a way to deal with the crisis.” Liu Adou said, “I’ll be one step ahead. You go to Superman.”

“Okay, split up.” Hal thought, a hole appeared under Kidd’s feet, let him go down.

Kidd found the right direction and flew towards Gotham City.

Gotham City also looks like hell, decedent crawls out of the ground, making people stand upright. Liu Adouxin told you not to be cremated, and the scalp of so many corpses was numb.

The gunfire did not stop. Liu Adou rushed directly into the bat cave. Batman had already begun to study, but the ring of the black lamp was just a terminal, and there was no point in not eliminating the source.

This is undoubtedly bad news, but now there is no time to study the solution, Batman put all the equipment on his body.

“Cool, when can I have such a power armor?” The second generation Robin was envious.

“Stay at home and stay with Alfred.” Robin hasn’t finished training yet and can’t play: “Kid, let’s go.”

“Let’s go.”

The Black Lantern Legion is gathering, the whole earth, the whole universe, and it is gathering towards North America.

Calculated at this rate, everyone has to deal with hundreds of millions of black lanterns this evening.

“God, what happened?” The Flash took a breath, and he looked up and saw the torrent of undead winding through his head, which was appalling.

“Did you see it? The Black Lantern Corps is gathering towards a place.”

“Everyone is going in that direction.” For a while, the Justice League, X-Men, and Avengers all went there.

“Eighty-two percent…” The killings in various parts of the galaxy caused the Black Lantern Legion to collect a lot of energy. Now they are gathering in North America for the final killing feast, to welcome death into this universe.

Flying in the sky are the ancient Chinese army, the Crusaders I have seen before, and the army from World War I and World War II. The armies of different countries from different ages traveled through the space of the times and gathered together. And their enemies this time will be the army and superhero armed with modern technology?

“Isn’t that the black stuff we are going to deal with?” Iron Man Tony was dumbfounded.

“This is simply the end of the world!” Hawkeye was also convinced, and everyone followed the torrent of the Black Lantern Legion and gathered to Star City, which is the hometown of the Green Arrow.

Green Lantern has fallen out of blood mold.

Definitely, as a bold American people, the residents of Star City can feast their eyes on it. With so many superhero, all the metropolises of Gotham City, New York City, and the metropolis are gathered here.

Star City will become a battlefield for superhero to resist the Black Lantern Corps. There are overwhelming numbers and desperate horror. The black torrent is death dancing. It is Death God who spreads his arms to embrace everyone.

“Fuck!” Kidd, the strange thief, saw an enemy of this size, too. He didn’t know if he could hold on for so long.

“According to calculations, each of us has to deal with a billion enemies.” Batman said calmly.

It’s not very painful, and Iron Man calculated the same. The Black Legion opened its big black mouth, grinds its teeth sharply, and is ready to swallow the delicious snack of superhero.

This is a battle that cannot be lost, because losing is death! ..

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