Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 3541: Detonated anger

The spirit is always very good at using the brain. This guy’s words and minds seem to have shaken the infinite faith, because the words of Shiling are very reasonable, and Daowu cannot always stay in the sixth level universe. If I really leave this level of the universe, and there is no way but I can't get the chickens to go to heaven, then the problem will come. The endless road should be very miserable. No way, as a chess piece of Daowu, I have to consider this consequence.

"No! Adults will never give up on me!" Nothing roared like a madman, but on the other hand, it was like being stimulated to a painful place. No way, this is a crazy rhythm, so he Start to frantically attack the first spirit, the first soul and the first slave.

Hearing the scream of nowhere, Daowu also understood about this time. He knew that it was definitely the beginning of Yuan’s men who used the spiritual stimulation to insinuate them, but they did not act, but they were not worried. Discard, become a poor abandon. In fact, Daowu really only sees no way as a chess piece. When he kills Qin Lang, he will probably leave this level of the universe, and will not consider the endless way, but now he hears the incompetent roar. Daowu still feels that he feels guilty. He also thinks that this guy from Yuanshi is very abominable. He even used this kind of heart attack. Moreover, from the current situation, it is still quite unfavorable for no way.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!~" Nothing loudly roared, and forced the three strong enemies to retreat.



People such as Yue Fei, Che Yu, and Wei Wei immediately responded and fought back. However, the number of monks who have no way is a little less, and the balance of victory begins to tilt toward the spirits of the first spirit, the first soul, and the first slave.

Go back to heaven without surgery!

At this time, even Daowu was somewhat worried. It wasn’t that he cares about the life and death of his men, but that Daowu feels that once he has failed completely, it means that the piece he cultivated is completely scrapped. If the Yuan Shi really has the heart of the tiger and wolf, then it is quite unfavorable to him. This time, it is inevitable that there is some worry, and Daowu also feels that there is no need for his army and his legion. After all, Daowu is Killing Qin Lang does not necessarily mean that it will never come to the sixth level of the universe, so retaining a strong piece is a good idea anyway. However, the guy at Yuanshi seems to really want to remove his pieces from the roots!

You must know that Yuan Shi had blessed the power of Shi Ling, the first soul, and the first slave, and also added some strength to the rest of the pieces. Anyway, this is nothing for Yuan Shi. In fact, Yuan began to do this only to give Dao a warning. Let Dao do things too much. You must know that Yuan Shi is the only big master here. However, this kind of warning was misinterpreted by Daowu, or was misled by the innocent, but Daowu felt a huge threat from the actions of Yuan. At this time, Daowu will not even communicate with Yuanshi, because he feels that even if he receives a reply from Yuanshi, it is definitely not the real idea of ​​Yuanshi.

Just as Dao was secretly worried about the situation, I suddenly heard a voice shouting: "Haha!~ It’s time for us to kill the walking dog of Guangdaowu! Yuanshi is supreme!"

Later, in the heart of the universe, countless powerful men rushed out and swept away to the invincible majesty, so that the infinite army that had fallen into a disadvantage immediately collapsed!

In an instant, countless deaths and injuries!

Undoubtedly, anyone will think that these monks who came out of the heart of the universe must be the reinforcements of the spirits of the first spirit, the first soul and the first slave, not to mention the fact that these guys also shouted "Yuan Shi Supreme", even if It is the first spirit, the first soul and the first slave. These guys will think that this group of people is their reinforcements. It is the faithful running dog of Yuanshi.

Daowu is completely angry! He already felt that he was yin by the beginning of the Yuan, and this time Dao clearly felt that the will of Qin Lang flashed past, and Qin Lan’s will was very proud, and it was hidden in the heart of the universe in an instant. What does this mean? ?

It must be because the beginning of the Yuan and Qin Lang hooked up!

This is the real reason why Daowu is completely angry. It is no wonder that the chess pieces of Yuanshi will launch such a war on the edge of the heart of the universe, saying that it is to bring out the mysterious powerhouse in the heart of Qinlang and Zhou, but in fact? In fact, it was a killing of the road and the Dao, this is to prepare to completely cut off the Daowu's party feathers, too poisonous!

Daowu hated his heart. If he lost the chess piece and his army, no one could call it. He could only pursue Qin Lang by his own means. What is even more horrible is that this guy from Yuanshi is likely to catch up with Qin Lang. This time, it was calculated by the Yuan. Qin Lang must have secretly sneered in the dark, because there is no way to kill these fallen monks, and their cultivation and strength are definitely cheap. The mysterious guy in the heart of Qin Lang and Zhou.

"A good beginning! A good Qin Lang retreat!" Daowu issued a retreat order to the innocent, ordered the invincible and the majesty the strong to immediately retreat, and expressed strong hatred to Yuan Shi.

At the same time, the monks who rushed out of the heart of the universe continued to shout "Yuan Shi Supreme" and then returned to the heart of the universe.

The first spirit, the first soul and the first slave were opposite each other. Although they were defeated, why did they feel that this battle was a bit weird? The victory was somewhat unbelievable, because no one was really defeated, and at least the infinite army was defeated. There are also mysterious helpers.

"Yuan Shi adults!" At this time, the inspiration was due to the will of the Yuan Dynasty, and the spirit of the moment was a glimpse. Perhaps it is now necessary to guide the maze. But in any case, it is better than a game, and there are some faces in front of Yuan.

"How? Victory, is it very proud?" Yuan Shi’s will seems to be not very happy. "There was no way to keep that **** innocent, and you can't blame you all. This time we might give people calculations. ”

"Do you think it is calculated? We have already won, how have we been counted?" Shi Ling’s brain has always been relatively easy to use, but he did not find any signs of being calculated, although the victory came a bit suddenly, but Already victorious, how is it calculated?

"You know what! You don't know anything!" Yuan began with a cold cry. "You really won a little, but you don't know what you lost! Oh... I am miscalculated!"

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