Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 257: Old poison pot

Juvenile doctor 257_ juvenile medical immortal full text free reading _ 257 chapter old poison 涮 hot pot from

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This is not a spring medicine. It is just a medicine that makes people sleepy. However, if you inhale too much, you will not only sleep, but you will also forget what happened before.

Qin Lang had to open the window to breathe, so that Jiang Xueqing inhaled too much.

"Dog bite Lu Dongbin! Kid, Laozi is creating opportunities for you!" The old poison snorted. "You are not afraid of people resisting, Lao Tzu let her sleep, you have the opportunity to overthrow the bow, and afterwards She doesn't remember anything..."

Qin Lang erected a **** outside the window, and the old poison shut up.

"Since you don't want to spend a lot of money in the spring, you don't have to stay in the hotel, and go to the street with Laozi." After a while, the sound of the old poison sounded again. "The night is high, it is killing night... Hey."

Since the old poison was spoken, Qin Lang also safely left the hotel.

On the one hand, the safety of star-rated hotels is still good. In addition, there are old poison-packed tickets. It is impossible for anyone to hurt Jiang Xueqing.

Qin Lang out of the hotel, according to the instructions of the old poison, quickly passed through two blocks, and then drilled into a night market barbecue street. Qin Lang can see that the old poison's recent actions are very careful, and it seems that he seems to be jealous.

Into the crowd, this time a strange old man walked to Qin Lang, with a familiar voice said: "Kids, don't look around, there is a small hot pot shop in front, let's talk inside. ”

It turned out to be old poison!

Qin Lang sighed that the old poison was so powerful that he couldn’t see the flaws at all.

In the front 20 meters, there is a "pig small pot". To be honest, Qin Lang does not have much love for this name, but the business here is very good, and it is also the place where old poisons are selected, so Qin Lang has no choice.

The hot pot here is not eaten in the house, but eaten in an open-air quadrangle, so there is no flavor.

The key is that there are many people here, so even those who are the best in their ears can hear the conversation between Qin Lang and the old poison.

"Old poison, this hot day, you actually come to eat hot pot. Age is so big, are you not afraid of getting angry?" Picking a table in the middle of the yard, sitting on the wooden bench, Qin Lang couldn't help but joking. A poisonous sentence.

"I am afraid of getting angry? You said that you are a kid, I really don't like you more and more! You said that you have a woman's benevolence. If you treat a woman, you will also wear it. You should be on it. After the end of the trousers, the trousers leave and leave, clean and free, this is the man's demeanor!" The old poison responded to Qin Langdao.

"No wonder old poisons are still old bachelors!" Qin Lang snorted. "Don't think that I don't know what the old guys are playing. You don't like me to be emotional to girls, so you simply induce me to be addicted and addicted. Desire. Is it hope?"

"You kid thinks complicated." The old poison did not directly answer the question of Qin Lang, and shifted the topic. "Forget it, young people love this kind of love, Lao Tzu is too lazy to take care of you. Looking for you, it is serious. Things. Wolongtang things, in general, you handled very beautifully, the layout is very good, more than I had expected of you. Especially in the use of Lu Qingshan's kid, you are doing very well! Through this kid You can control the old club -"

"Wait--stop!" Qin Lang interrupted the old poison. "Old poison, I am a friend with Lu Qingshan, we are cooperation and mutual assistance, not what you said."

"The result is the same." The old poison said in an indifferent tone. "In Laozi's view, the relationship between people is the use and use of the relationship between killing and being killed. In short, you play with this hand. It’s beautiful, and the old man will be a gang on the rivers and lakes. If you can control it in our hands, it will be of great benefit to the revitalization of the poison in the future. In addition, your other child is also good, and the Tangmenzhong people are also very big. Use value."

Qin Lang is speechless to the old poison, because the value of this old poison has problems at all.

"Old poison, Tangmen was really under our poisonous sect?" At this time, the dishes have been delivered, and Qin Lang asked while holding a hot pot.

"Crap! Without the support of our poisonous sect, how can Tangmen have today's achievements." The old poison said, "Tangmen's hidden weapon, if there is no poisonous poison, no matter whether it is power or deterrence, it will be greatly reduced. ”

For this, Qin Lang also very much agrees, so then Qin Lang asked: "Why should Tangmen betray the poison?"

"Strictly speaking, it is not a betrayal. It is only when our poisonous family is unlucky. The people of Tangmen take the initiative to draw a line for us. It is nothing more than Mingzhe." The old poison said faintly, "So I am with you." It is said that the relationship between people is exploited and utilized. If you want to be friends with others, you must be prepared to be betrayed by friends."

"Old poison, you are a scorpion killed, I don't believe your set." Qin Lang said, "Friends, can not be used. Old poison, if you have a few trusted friends, I am afraid It will not be forced into this field."

The old poison was silent for a moment, and unexpectedly did not refute Qin Lang’s words: "Maybe you are right. This is a lot of my friends, but there are not many friends who are truly trustworthy. But boy, I am coming to you today, but I don’t tell you this. No matter whether you are a friend or a chess piece used by Lu Qingshan, it doesn’t matter. The key is that you have to successfully take this move. To be honest, even I didn’t expect you to go out. It’s such a good move.”

“How good?”

"It's quite good." The old poison smiled. "According to my original estimate, I will wait for you to grow up. If you succeed, you will take over the assets of Wolongtang. It will take at least three or five years. If it is not going well. I am afraid that it is very difficult for you to do it in ten or eight years."

"Don't you say so exaggerated?" Qin Lang did not seem to believe. According to Qin Lang's estimate, he should be able to complete this "mission" within two years.

"That is because you underestimated the strength of Wolongtang and underestimated the strength of the old club." The old poison said with a smile. "Do you know why the old man has not been beaten yet? That is because their reality is still there. Although the strength is not as good as the time of prosperity, it is still much stronger than you think. It is like Hou Kuiyun. Strictly speaking, he is also a person of the old age. The military man like him, the old man should still have a lot, just It's easy not to show up, but if it's time for the gang to die, the situation is completely different."


Juvenile doctor 257_ juvenile medical immortal full text free reading _ 257 chapter old poison 涮 hot pot updated!

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