Lu Ming

Page 99

Chapter 261

After entering the Taijiang River, everything is beyond the control of the fishermen.

Yu Chengde and his two broken boats were first "accompanied" by armed boats to a separate pier, and then there were soldiers and soldiers wearing pea-green ramie short-sleeved shirts, half pants, and big caps, much like the Hong Kong patrol police of later generations. The wharf officials boarded the ship for questioning.

After a brief interrogation, everyone was ordered to disembark with their packages and go to the registry office to register.

In the classification of immigrants, people like Yu Chengde belong to the "free travel" customers.According to regulations, all such immigrants need to be registered separately, and inspected and quarantined for a period of time... Such people usually have suspicious health conditions.

Then all the villagers of Chengwei Village, 32 people in total, disembarked from the boat and formed a crooked line under the command of the Immigration Bureau officials with short sticks.The whole process was peaceful and there was no protest, for there were many soldiers nearby with bayonet-mounted rifles in their hands.

At the same time, the immigrant queues from other boats had already lined up in several long lines, waiting to be registered.

At the end of the line is a row of immigration quarantine sheds on the docks.This kind of shed is transparent from front to back. After immigrants pass through, they can go directly to the bathhouse behind them to take a bath and change clothes.

The large procession of bald men moved quite fast: these people had all been "trained" in Hangzhou.They know how to line up, and their personal information has already been registered. Now they only need to go to the checkpoint and recite their "identity number" aloud.

The team leader standing in the shed and the receptionist of the immigration bureau have forms for these people. Whenever a person passes through, both parties who have checked clearly will tick the form at the same time, and the affiliation of this person will officially transfer from Hangzhou to Hangzhou. Arrived sir.

Since the newcomers are all quarantined in Hangzhou, they will be taken away by people from various communities soon after taking a bath and changing clothes.Generally speaking, these newcomers who already "know the rules" only need three days to recover, both mentally and physically.Then they will be assigned work according to the specialty on the form.


The speed of passing the level is very fast for large troops, but it is not so easy for small troops.

Yu Chengde and the others were individually assigned to a work shed away from other people.After hearing that they were from Putian, a clerk who spoke Putian dialect soon began to question him.

The procedure is very complicated, the first is the self-report: all personal information must be stated.While Yu Chengde, who was the leader, kept answering the questions, he saw a book office on the side desk constantly taking notes with a short and thick black pen.

After explaining the personal information and the general information of the villagers, including the reason for coming here, the clerk nodded, then took out a piece of paper and began to read the regulations to Chengde.

Since the monkey had talked about this before, Yu Chengde generally understood these few sentences mixed with some strange words.

The content of the article is very simple, it is nothing more than that the king here promised them to join the gang, and warned the newcomers to obey.The last two sentences are what he wants to hear: Here, he promised to give the house and work, and pay according to work.

After reading a few short procedural declarations, the clerk pointed to a long table beside him, where several gloved people were already waiting.

Yu Chengde knew that this was a search, so he cooperated very well and took out a few ingots of silver and other odds and ends in his arms—no one would have imagined that there was a small box containing gold ingots hidden in the dilapidated fishing boat .

So Yu Chengde was very calm.

Seeing that he was still cooperative, an inspector with a white cloth on his face turned his head and shouted to the villagers behind him: "All property, jewelry, and weapons must be taken out for registration. Don't worry, I won't be greedy for your money." Household belongings. Everyone will have to take a shower and check up later, it’s useless to hide it, so take it out quickly.”

Yu Chengde laughed when he heard this, and the next moment, he pulled out the military thorn from his back and threw it on the table.

At this moment, things changed: when an inspector picked up the military thorn and glanced at it casually, he suddenly became frightened.I saw him walking quickly to the clerk with a military thorn in his hand. After the two pointed to the string of numbers on the knife and muttered a few words, the clerk immediately pointed at Yu Chengde and shouted: "It's a spy, take it down!"

A sharp whistle sounded, and the surrounding soldiers rushed over. Before the people in Chengwei Village could react, they were all cornered by the shining bayonets.

But Comrade Yu Chengde understood a little at this time... The dagger pointed at the tip of his nose was very familiar, and it was exactly the same as his own.


Everyone was quickly quarantined, and Yu Chengde received the most important treatment: he was first locked by a pair of shiny iron rings, and then several people pushed him into a separate shed, He was handcuffed behind his back to the chair.

In the small shed soon came two men with big caps and blue short-sleeved shirts with fierce faces.

Next comes the interrogation session. After a "clang", the military thorn was first thrown on the table in front of Yu Chengde.Then one of the big caps stared at Yu Chengde viciously and asked: "Tell me, where did the knife come from? I warn you, there is still a way to survive if I tell you the truth, otherwise I will let you taste the call."

"These two are probably from the Gongmen here." Although Yu Chengde didn't understand what a call was, he knew it was just some kind of punishment.

A certain person's heart is clear now, it really is this dagger that caused the disaster!So he hastily explained loudly: "My lord is wronged, the dagger was fished from the bottom of the sea!"

"Did you catch it? This is fresh, please tell me carefully?"

Yu Chengde hurriedly began to explain honestly.He knew that the villagers must be being questioned at the same time, so he had nothing to hide... except for the gold.

At this moment, two people walked in from outside the shed.

The current one is tall, fair-skinned, and has a three-to-three hairstyle.This person has an ordinary face, wearing a half-worn Gucci gray short-sleeved shirt, trousers, handmade Taiwan water moccasins on his feet, and a P226 law enforcement pistol hanging from his waist.

When the two big caps in the shed saw this person entering the door, they immediately stood up and saluted, and reported loudly: "Hu Xinsheng, the trainee police chief of the Chikan branch, is here to see you, sir, please give me instructions!"

"You go on." After the visitor said four words in a strange tone, he sat beside him with a blank face, reached out and picked up the statement on the table and began to read it.

The two gentlemen obviously worked harder after that, and it didn't take long before they interrogated all the stuff in Yu Chengde's belly-it wasn't too complicated at first, it was just a short-answer story about Haidilao.

By this time, the shed fell silent: everyone was waiting for the man in the gray shirt to speak.

"Go and read other people's statements." Gray Shirt finally spoke, and then the followers standing behind him ran out.Not long after the young follower went out, he came back and bent down to whisper a few words beside the man.

"If you really caught it, your son is not small?"

"Don't dare, I'm just a naughty kid." Seeing the man who was obviously the leader asking him kindly, Yu Chengde hurriedly answered with a smile.He now has a hunch: this matter will probably be resolved.

However, what Yu Chengde didn't expect was that at the next moment, the clerks who were in charge of registration just ran over excitedly: a bronze Buddha and a box containing gold ingots were then placed on the table.

Yu Chengde's originally red face suddenly lost its color...he knew it was over.

Someone can now be 100% sure that the sunken ship belongs to these Kun people.Now that people get all the stolen goods, these people in my family are falling into the trap of themselves.So Yu Chengde has lost all hope at this moment-according to his life experience, everyone can't escape from prison, and maybe his own head is beheaded.

The next moment, under Yu Chengde's horrified eyes, the gray-clothed man listened to the clerk's performance by his ear, and stretched out his fingers to pick open the gold ingot box with great interest.

"Yes, this is much better than sinking at the bottom of the sea, at least it can participate in the economic cycle again."

After saying a word that Yu Chengde could not understand, the gray-clothed man reached out and picked up the bronze Buddha, and then somehow he fiddled with it, and he opened the lotus base of the Buddha statue.

Under the gaze of everyone in the shed, the man then used two fingers to pull out a weird gadget from the Buddha statue.

"Oh, the chip is broken." The man stood up, turned his head and said impatiently to the clerk: "In the future, we will be clear before we inform the Intelligence Bureau. Do you think we are free?"

Having said that, the man threw the bronze Buddha into the arms of his entourage, and left with his hands behind his back...

Then it was even more embarrassing.The policeman and the clerk of the Immigration Bureau stared at each other in Chengde for a while, the two policemen first laughed dryly, then left a scene and then picked up the military stab and the confession, turned around and left: "Old Wu, We will return this military product to the military."

The clerk surnamed Wu is the most embarrassing now: I thought that a group of spies had been discovered, but this matter was eventually identified as a fuss by the big boss of the Intelligence Bureau... This is not a problem.

After scratching his head in embarrassment, the thirties-year-old Wu first signaled his accomplice to uncuff the suspect with his eyes, and then he said to Chengde angrily: "The military thorns and bronze Buddha are both military products and must be confiscated. The gold ingots will be converted into silver prices according to regulations, and then a passbook will be issued to you."

How could Yu Chengde dare to entangle these belongings at this time? While rubbing his wrists, he nodded apologetically: "It's the little blind man who has touched the property of the lord. Now it's a good thing to return the property to the original owner. beautiful thing."

"You bastard, do you think this is Daming? Who cares about your little money!" Secretary Wu was unlucky to be reprimanded by the chief today, and finally took the anger out on Yu Chengde, the chief culprit: "You who hide things You bastard, let me be criticized, get out...Xiao Wang, take him to open a passbook first."


Chapter 262 Coupons and Monetary Policy

The migrants in Chengwei Village started the search process again after adding a "Daytime Horror" repertoire.Comrade Yu Chengde got a "passbook" after the clerk weighed the gold face to face.

In fact, the Immigration Bureau has seen too many people like Yu Chengde.Nowadays, more and more immigrants come from across the sea spontaneously. Although most of these people are poor ghosts who even need to pay for the boat across the country, there are also people with huge sums of money, but the number is very small. Nothing less.

Of course, the so-called "immigrants" here refer to people who have obtained ID cards in the crossing country, changed their nationality, shaved their hair, and are completely controlled by the crossing people.

As for those shopkeepers who come to Chikan with large sums of money to do business, these people can only apply for temporary residence permits and business licenses-they are not considered subjects of crossing the country, they are just sent by wealthy businessmen and gentry on the mainland Wage earners.


After Yu Chengde pressed his fingerprints and fingerprints on several forms, he received a cardboard passbook.At the same time, he was told that the passbook is for special use only, and before withdrawing large amounts of cash, he must fill out an application form and explain the reason.

Yu Chengde didn't understand anything the clerk said.In his view, the so-called passbooks are nothing more than precious banknotes issued by the local government, a trick to deceive the poor by changing flowers.

Fortunately, he is still in a good mood now.Despite the twists and turns, he still led everyone to the way of life, and this is the most important thing.As for those treasures, it is in Chengde's simple concept: after making money from the government's property, he throws himself into the net.

In addition to the passbook, Yu Chengde also got a stack of "banknotes".


The banknotes in circulation here today evolved from the early work-point coupons.

When the first staff came to start their own business, the people who traveled across the country sent blank papers to their subordinates.At that time, the conditions were difficult, and the work-point coupons were made of white paper bought in Hangzhou and cut into small strips, with the seals of Wang Liguo and the Ministry of Finance stamped on them.

Later, after the opening of the kiln base, with sulfuric acid and wood tar, simple hard paper and ink were produced.From then until now, the work-point coupons, which are similar in size to the food stamps of later generations, have assumed the role of the first set of legal tender in the crossing country.

This set of currency is quite crude: there is neither the issuing unit nor any anti-counterfeiting mark on the face, only the denomination numbers with Arabic numerals and Chinese characters capitalized on the front and back respectively.

Of course, the font itself printed with ink registration is the biggest anti-counterfeiting mark.Don't look at this kind of pattern as crude as the later generations of Ming coins, but in the 17th century, this technology was Zenith Star technology, and no one could imitate it.

In addition, the paper quality of work point coupons has been improving.From the early native paper to the mid-term ordinary paper, and now to the current special paper for banknotes, with the growing strength of the kiln base, today's work-point coupons are still inferior to those of later generations in terms of paper quality, except that the printing pattern is still simple. There is no difference between the regular food stamps.

A set of nine work-point coupons, which shoulder the function of circulating banknotes, has three denominations: 1, 2, and 5 yuan jiaofen respectively, and the maximum denomination is 5 yuan.

The "Yuanjiaofen" here corresponds to the "two qianfen" of Daming.

According to the design plan, the one-yuan work-point voucher can be exchanged for seven cents and two cents of Kuping silver, with a fineness of 80.00% nine silver ingots—this conversion ratio is the standard silver-containing ratio of silver dollars that people are familiar with in later generations.

And the main reason why the country is still using silver ingots is that the patterns of the silver coins have not yet been finalized.However, this problem will be resolved soon - no later than November 11, the day when the new emperor ascends the throne, issuing new coins, abolishing the two and changing the yuan, these are all the meanings in the question.


The work-point coupons are anchored by the precious metals stored in the basement of the imperial city by the Ministry of Finance.These precious metals include 925 silver that Cao Chuan brought from later generations from time to time, gold and silver traded from merchants from all over the world, especially the Japanese, and gold and silver that were forcibly exchanged from high-ranking immigrants.

Due to the existence of the ring, the time-traveling force will not go bankrupt theoretically.But 925 silver cannot be eaten after all. The development and strength of a power in politics, technology, economy, and military is the most fundamental thing.

Don’t you see the quantitative easing of American emperors in later generations, when the monstrous banknotes are printed, the whole world has to hold their noses to take over for the Yankees, and the only collateral for the issuers is the government’s credit...

Naturally, the time-travelers are taking this path now: No matter what 21 or [-], use industrial products to raise the total amount of social wealth first.As for precious metals - some people know the location of gold and silver mines around the world, so there is no rush.

With the growth of wealth across the country, today's work point coupons are quite strong.You know, after the early immigrants got this kind of paper, the only thing they could consume was food-all kinds of extra seafood (rice was rationed).

But now it is different.The monthly salary of the lowest-paid apprentice is one tael of silver, while the monthly salary of ordinary technicians ranges from two taels to three taels.Workers with equivalent work vouchers can now go to the community store to buy a wide range of industrial products.

In addition, these people still have to save work-point coupons to buy a house and marry a wife—they can’t live in a dormitory for the rest of their lives, can they?

In short, after going through the initial difficult stage, at least within the Dali society, the credit of the banknotes issued by the Traveling Kingdom is as strong as silver taels.


What Yu Chengde received from the clerk today was such a stack of work-point coupons.These flower papers were exchanged with the broken silver in his hand, unless Yu Chengde went to Daming on a business trip in the future, it would be very difficult for him to see such things as broken silver again in his life.

After all the silver was exchanged, the broken bags brought by the fishermen were also searched.

In fact, except for some odds and ends, all the old clothes and wooden bowls in the luggage were confiscated—these things would be used for fire or paper making, and all ways for fleas to enter the community would be blocked.

After that it's time for the shower.

After the fishermen entered the bathhouse, under the command of the guards holding short sticks, they took a vigorous shower of novelty.

After washing, everyone received two sets of new clothes: a white linen T-shirt, cropped pants, large pants, and linen canvas shoes; the women also received an additional set of cotton underwear.

All processes are designed.When the bewildered newcomers came out of the bathhouse, the doctor who checked their bodies was already waiting there.

Most people will be dosed with some deworming medicine at this stage-intestinal parasites were quite a common disease of the poor in the 17th century.

After being "rectified" by the Kunren doctor, the villagers who gathered outside the medical area finally met the final boss, the director of the street office who came to collect the people.

Chapter 263 Check in

A blank sheet of paper is good for drawing.

Chikan New District, which has developed from scratch, is now a large residential area with more than [-] people under its jurisdiction.

This number is nothing in later generations, but it was not a small number in the 17th century.Except for the first-tier cities like Beijing, Hangzhou and Guangzhou in the Ming Dynasty, there were only so many people in the other second-tier cities.You must know that in many small counties in this era, the usual resident population is only 2000 people.

On the coastal plain to the east of the Taijiang River, the land within a radius of 10 kilometers is being developed one after another.Burning, clearing, improving river channels, hardening the ground, building roads, building houses with blocks... everything has become a fixed procedure, and it is enough to do it step by step.

All the residential areas were built into the most manageable squares as far as possible, and the builders did not hesitate to fill up those cobweb-like streams.

There is a reason for this approach: from the recent typhoon disaster, it can be seen that shallow streams are actually useless when flash floods erupt, and the water storage capacity is too low, and many communities were flooded at that time.

After gaining a deep understanding of the typhoons and mountain torrents in the 17th century, recently, the vigorous river reconstruction project on the Chikan side has begun.The gas forklifts emitting black smoke were mobilized to the river near the populated area, and large-scale deepening operations began.

This kind of excavator with a big butt and looks very low is driven by gas, steel cables, gears, connecting rods and other components.Although the failure rate is high and the excavation efficiency is low, they do not require imported hydraulic parts and are the main excavators in the western industrial society in the 19th century.

These excavators will cooperate with a large number of infrastructure workers to excavate the river channel, transforming the original spider web into a main channel surrounding the new area, so as to resist future flash floods.This project is long-term, because the community on the Chikan side has been expanding, so the deep trench made by the excavator will continue to extend eastward.


The fishermen of Chengwei Village who traveled from Putian to Dayuan, their new home is next to the excavator site.The "free travel" newcomers who have passed the preliminary quarantine are generally assigned to a fringe community for a period of "house arrest", usually half a month.

The person who received Yu Chengde and his group was Ma Ming, the director of the street office who was in charge of several nearby communities.

Ma Ming is a thin 40-year-old man.Before he came to Dayuan, he had worked as a village chief in the countryside of Hangzhou, so he was very skilled in business.

After receiving Yu Chengde and the others from the medical station with a few subordinates, Director Ma first took a roll call, then introduced himself with a smile, and then everyone set off for the passenger terminal.

The location of the terminus is just behind the dock area, and it is currently the largest transportation hub across the country.Many pairs of buses are dispatched here every day, and the workers in the community will take them to go to work in the kiln area.

There are 2 types of buses.

The first is urban rail.Since the largest passenger flow is fixed between Kiln District and Chikan, every morning and evening, there will be many small trains driven by gas locomotives running on the rails.The small-diameter iron wheels used in the front of the car and the flat-bed carriage behind it are relatively slow.

The fronts of short-distance buses and urban rail are basically the same, but the wheels are different: short-distance buses with only two or three carriages use large-diameter rivet-type wooden wheels.

The short distance to the station has already scared the fishermen: the crowds, all kinds of roaring steel machinery, weird buildings, and the roaring iron ox... I am used to the slow and quiet rhythm Immigrants from the Middle Ages were immediately taken aback.

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