Lu Ming

Page 16

Later that day, the great monk Miaoshu was unconscious due to drinking too much rice wine, and was carried back to the guest room by the housekeeper and Liu Guanshi...

Just that night, there was such a conversation in Master Liu's room:

"Master, I just heard Liu He say that after tomorrow, the master will stop the 'water medicine' in the bottle for my son and use the medicine instead. How can this be good?"

"Well, I know about this. What Liu He said when he accompanies Miaoshu to drink is that it is not easy to brew this 'water medicine'. You can tell by looking at the crystal bottle."

"Master, this 'water medicine' is very effective. Once the medicine is changed, what should I do if my son repeats it again? I hope the master will seal more money tomorrow. Please do your best."

"Fu Dao people, what do you know, people are not here to make money!"

"Ah, no money! Is this something for the master? How can this person talk?"

"Oh, it's hard to talk if you don't want money..."

"My concubine knows, and if that's the case, I'll show He Yue's face tomorrow, and send it along with the body deed."

"This, it's not very good..."

"It's just a cheap maid, but it's not worth a hair of my son's hair. This concubine is only this son, and I hope the master will do it."

"Alas, women."

"My concubine thanked the master..."

Tangzhuang in a few days.

The "Saving the Second Generation Action" has been a perfect success. Master Liu has officially stated that he will take action to quell the situation when needed, but Yi Ying will spend the cost of crossing the company to take care of himself.

In the smallest courtyard of Tangzhuang, there was an extra little girl carrying a small burden, slender and beautiful, in a soft floral skirt.

After successfully completing the task, Master Miaoshu did not receive the heroic treatment he imagined. Under the old locust tree in the back garden, the master's robes were messy, his eyes were full of panic, and seven or eight big men were surrounding him, shouting and asking, From time to time, someone would push the master from behind...

"Say! Are you asleep?"

"Cough, I'm asleep..."

"Huh?! What a beast!"

"That's right, bald donkeys are like this, at least they're big animals!"

"Everyone, tell me, how should I clean up this stuff? My personal opinion. Since this lecherous monk dares to use public property for his own profit, he should confiscate his illegal income!"

"good idea!"



...Master Miaoshu is actually not afraid of such things. When he was caught raped by his wife before time travel, he was besieged by his brothers-in-law, so he has experience in this regard.Originally, he planned to pretend to be his grandson and just fool the matter away, but he didn't expect this time he miscalculated, and he instantly realized: This is the Ming Dynasty, a lawless place, and the dean can't help him.

Seeing that the crisis is about to come, the master is blessed at this moment and shouted: "Brothers, in fact, Lao Xia is the culprit! Think about it carefully, are we short of money? Who is hindering everyone, and using me? Say?!"

The crowd suddenly fell silent, and then turned their heads to look at a person standing in the outer circle.

Chapter 48

Bai Shuchao's voice was like enlightenment, and the results were immediate, but it was hard for Xia Xianze, who had been happily watching the fun from the sidelines. As soon as the CEO heard the bald donkey's nonsense, he knew that something was wrong, his face changed, he bowed his head and left.

However, it was too late. The people who were stimulated by the little loli finally realized the main contradiction at this moment.The people quickly abandoned the culprit, and the siege was staged again. The CEO finally couldn't hold it anymore this time, and had no choice but to express his position: hold an emergency meeting that night to discuss everyone's personal problems...

In some respects, the unrecorded closed-door meeting that night was no less profound than those that would go down in history.The traversers who attended the meeting have already interpreted the scene at that time into different N versions in the years to come, and they have been widely circulated in many traversers in the future for a long time.

The losers of the old time and space, who have been used to being hosted, summarized and represented for many years, discovered for the first time that the simple concept of the minority obeying the majority is really close to themselves, it is really that simple.

Of course, it cannot be raised indefinitely. At best, this meeting is just a prototype, and the most positive meaning of it is that it opens a small window on the inherent way of thinking of some people.

According to the experience of the early parliamentary struggles, the tongs and the canes should fly together that night, and the fists and the dentures should dance together.The reason why nothing unbearable happened was not that the quality of the Transmigrators was much stronger than that of the people in the old time and space.

After a wave of recklessness, everyone discovered that Xia Xianze was really a paper tiger.

The meeting ultimately resulted in the following decisions:

One: Allocating a sum of public funds to buy maids according to the head, if you don't want to buy, the money is put in a special maid account, special funds are used for special purposes, and there is zero interest rate.

Two: Bai Shuchao does not enjoy this grant.

Three: In the future, new traversers are eligible to enjoy this grant.

The next afternoon, when Cao Chuan came across the sky from the old world and heard President Xia describe to him how these bastards divided up the collective property, he couldn't help laughing, and said a little jokingly that his own share was the first. It is temporarily stored in the account - Mr. Cao has no shortage of women now, and he plans to select one or several beautiful girls carefully after the future traveler has conquered a certain city.

This is just a joke, because everyone knows that when Chuan Zhongzhen has the strength to take down a certain city in Daming head-on, there won't be too many girls coming to your door, and you won't need to spend money.

In the future, the "mistress's community", dubbed by passers-by, was also planned - in fact, two courtyards in the northwest corner of Tangzhuang.

This is the end of the series of episodes brought by the second generation of the Liu family, and the traversers can finally implement the next step.

With the arrival of a new batch of traversers, and Zhou Tong once again mobilized the troops from Pingfengzhai down the mountain, the number of traversers in Tangzhuang has now grown to 39, and there are 70 bandits in total, including Zhou Tong. The manpower of the beggar gang's plan is already enough.

And the three directors of Pingfengshan Underworld Unlimited Liability Company finally had the honor to participate in the task arrangement meeting attended by all the traversers. The three directors had a foreign meal this time: So what is the meeting of the gods?

After a few traversers who were responsible for the preparatory work came to the stage to explain, and explained the original intention and decomposed the tasks through a series of materials, figures, slides, and charts, after a meeting was held, the three indigenous people finally clearly understood that they were participating in it. to what a huge plan.

In Zhou Tong's view, such a sophisticated plan and the use of top-level big moves such as "Rejuvenating Hands" should at least be worthy of conquering Hangzhou City. However, the traversers do all this just to be able to smuggle in the future. How many refugees?

What's even more terrifying is that this huge refugee transfer plan is just a pre-task for the traversers to compete for the world in the future?

The bandit elites, who are used to being reckless in trouble, can only sigh after thinking about all this: "The emperor is really not that easy to do."


A few nights later, in the south gate of the city, Hu Zhengqi came out humming a little song from a half-closed door.

Hu Zhengqi is short and stout, with two rat whiskers, a pointed mouth, bulging cheeks, and two large yellow teeth protruding outside his mouth, just like a mouse.

Hu Zhengqi is a member of the beggar gang. Due to the low value of force, he can only rely on drilling camps to shoot horses to please his own incense master. Over the years, he has managed to get a middle-level job in the gang. Beggar's "rule money".

Today, his luck is good, and he sees the Hanako stealing the money, so he grabs half of it abruptly.By the end of the night, there was nothing left, and all fell on his concubine.At this moment, he was all comfortable, his body was light and his legs were soft, and he was humming a little song and rushing home.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to a secluded place, he suddenly felt a gust of wind sweeping past him, and Hu Zhengqi fell down in an instant...

When he woke up, he found that his house was lying on the ground, in an earthen hut, and several big men were sitting or standing in the house, watching him strongly.

The oil lamp on the table was on, a man with a square face, thick eyebrows, and a short beard was sitting on a chair, and beside him stood a murderous black dwarf leaning on a knife.He couldn't see the other two clearly, the room was dark and shadowy, and at this moment, someone Hu only felt tight to urinate, so he didn't urinate on the spot.

Fortunately, Hu Zhengqi has been in the arena for many years, and he still has some experience. Knowing that he can't hesitate in such a scene, he quickly sat up and bowed his hands, enduring the pain in the back of his head, and reported the name of his boss: "Brother is the subordinate of Su Xiangzhu in the south of the city of the Beggar Gang. A good man brought his brothers here, I don't know what to do?"

The middle-aged man on the chair heard the sound and smiled: "Please come, naturally there is something."

Hu Zhengqi saw that the attitude of the opposite party was acceptable, and he felt a little more at ease: "This, brother, I have a low position in the gang, I don't know how a few heroes can use my brother?"

"Knowing that your position is low, Hu Zhengqi, see the wind and turn the rudder, and the dogs in the south gate of the city know it."

When Hu Zhengqi heard this, he felt a "squeak" in his heart. This group of people is not good, and they have checked their own bottom beforehand?

Before he could finish his thoughts, a piece of snowflake silver rolled to his feet.Hu Zhengqi was shocked, and the conditioned reflex he had developed over the years made him cover the ingot of silver with lightning speed.

A voice sounded in my ear: "This ingot of silver, I will buy you a word when it comes."

"I don't know... I don't know when the hero... what will I say?"

"When to speak, what to say, you will understand when the time comes. It depends on your understanding."

If Hu Zhengqi is a little bit more stubborn, or has been a troll on the Internet for two days, this will guarantee that he has properly scolded: "Nima let Lao Tzu speak when the time comes, and when he says something, he still doesn't tell Lao Tzu, let I realize it myself, I realize your mother?"

It's a pity that Hu Zhengqi is only a late-stage gangster in the seventeenth century, and the current situation is artificial. what's good.

Chapter 49

Seeing him in a state of confusion, the man in the chair laughed, stood up, and a few people filed out of the house, before leaving, he said: "Today is busy, and there are still a few houses to go, you are a lucky one. , and go home and realize it slowly. If you don't say it when you should say it that day, it will be a shame to kill you!"


Hu Zhengqi, who was holding the silver ingot tightly in his hand, was sitting slumped on the mud floor, tongue-tied, as if in a dream, puzzled...

At the same time, in a private room of a casino in Hangzhou, Mingxiangju's man, Liu Wang, was kneeling on the ground sweating profusely, watching a silver ingot on the floor in front of him spinning around.A middle-aged man dressed as a businessman sat in front of him with the owner of the casino, and said to him with a smile: "Liu Wang, you are blessed, do this well, buy and sell the previous debt, and this ingot will also belong to you. ."

Liu Wang: "..."

In the early morning of the next day, Liu Wang, a friend of Mingxiangju, came to work in the teahouse as usual. Today, he was extra diligent, boiling water and stoking fire, and was very busy.

Looking at the sky, it was almost morning. The shopkeeper shouted, and Liu Wang agreed. He went to the back hall and took down a set of Jingdezhen official kiln white porcelain tea sets from the cabinet.After that, the shopkeeper went up to the second floor with the tea set in person.

Liu Wang then opened a fine blue-and-white porcelain jar and started to do something he knew very well—preparing tea for Master Zhu.

Zhu Zheng, Master Zhu, was a clerk in the punishment room of the Renhe County Government.

For Liu Wang, the grass-roots man, Master Zhu is the first-class luxury person in the city of Hangzhou.In the early years, Mr. Zhu also went to the county government office to respond to errands. In recent years, he has stopped ordering mao. He comes to Mingxiang Restaurant on time every day to drink a pot of morning tea, use some snacks, and spend the morning time to send his apprentices, lawyers, and others. All kinds of people in the arena who came to him to do business.As soon as noon was over, he disappeared again—Master Zhu had three bedrooms in his bright outer house, so he had to take care of them all.

Just as Liu Wang opened the celadon tea pot exclusively reserved for Master Zhu, poured out the Mingqian Longjing from the inside, and started to brew, the shopkeeper's loud hello was already heard outside. Liu Wang didn't need to look to know that it was Master Zhu entering the door. .

In just one minute of tea making time, Liu Wang somehow became pale and sweating profusely.When the teapot was ready, Liu Wang looked around first, and then took out a small crystal bottle from his bosom.

Through the crystal bottle as long as a little finger and as thick as a straw, Liu Wang could clearly see the yellow rice-sized pill in the bottle.

The next moment, he gritted his teeth, pulled out the cork, and tilted it slightly, and the pill slid into the teapot.

After finishing all this, Liu Wang wanted to lift the pot upstairs, but his legs were shaking like a sieve at the moment, and he really couldn't take a step.

Liu Wang wiped his sweat with his neck towel, and said to the guy with a wry smile, "Little Liao, I probably broke my body yesterday. I woke up this morning and ran on my stomach. My legs and feet are weak. Bring this pot of tea to you."

Xiao Liao did not suspect him, so he picked up the pot and went up to the second floor.

Seeing the guy go upstairs, Liu Wang turned around and took a few breaths while leaning on the desk. After a while, when the shopkeeper went downstairs, Liu Wang went over with a pale face and sue the shopkeeper for a lie. go.

After walking out, he turned into an alley, turned around and looked around, Liu Wang smiled bitterly - after he was behind, someone was following him.In desperation, he could only bow his head and report to the person who came.

The consequences of this incident began to manifest slowly after a few hours.

Mr. Zhu felt a little unwell until after lunch. Today, he didn't go to the outhouse and went home to rest. When he woke up in the evening, he couldn't even get out of bed!

The family hurriedly invited someone to come to Xiuhetang's Langzhong, and after the diagnosis of the pulse, the word "sudden dysentery" was dropped, and the Zhu family immediately exploded.

Just when Master Zhu fell ill and the Zhu family was in chaos, in a teahouse not far from Xiuhetang, Chu Jianli and Master Miaoshu were sitting by the window, drinking tea and talking.

After a while, the person who was sent to inquire about Lang Zhong has returned. After listening to the report of the spy, the master laughed: "Checkout, checkout."

Third Master Chu was still a little worried. After walking out of the store, he couldn't help but ask, "The person is still being treated, why don't you take a look again?"

Master Miaoshu nourishes yin and yang for the past two days, his face is radiant, and he is very talkative: "What are you waiting for, Zhu Zheng is coughing phlegm, chest tightness, and sweating profusely, tomorrow will be diarrhea, blood in urine, and the appearance of a response, all in harmony. Diarrhea is right, he won't survive the day after tomorrow."

Having said this, the master smiled hehe: "This poison is my own end, and it will take a lot of time to resolve it. What kind of bird use is there? Even if the imperial doctor is invited, Zhu Zheng's life will not be extended!"

"Master's methods are exquisite, I admire it, I don't know if this kind of strange poison has a name?"


"Oh... Castor? This... is not very eye-catching. It's a good name!"


At this point, the preparatory work for the traversers has all ended.

Zhu Zheng, Master Zhu must be eliminated - whether it is the biggest political backing of Huang Qi, the head of the beggar gang, or the behavior of cultivating Huang Qi for many years, he must die.

It is impossible for the travelers to put all their hopes of pacifying the situation on Liu Yaozu. Political revenge provoked by an old official in the dark is very troublesome.Instead of spending a lot of time and money after the fact, it is better to cut through the mess beforehand.The Middle Ages was an era when people made things happen. The power vacuum and chaotic period left after the death of a key person was enough for everyone to do things.

August 1627, 8 AD, noon on the first day of the seventh lunar month.

In the east of Hangzhou, in the Wuxian Temple behind a miscellaneous forest outside Qingtai Gate, it is very lively.

Wuxian Temple is a famous temple both inside and outside the city.As you can guess from this name, there will be neither offerings to the Buddha, nor worship of the Three Qings - during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the fire spread to the south of the Yangtze River, and the government was helpless, and the people spontaneously worshipped. Brother God, is the true master of this temple.

The Wuxian Temple outside Qingtai Gate is relatively dilapidated.Sanjin's temple is old and dark, and the clay sculptures of Wutongshen brothers were rushed to the front hall.

The main hall is rather strange: there is no statue of a god in it, but there is a large-scale painting on the wall: a person wearing a red robe, black gauze, soap boots, a jade belt around his waist, a silver bowl in his left hand, and golden chopsticks in his right. But because of starvation, the high-ranking official who turned his back to the sky and sighed like Yan Song.

Yan Song, who was an extremely noble official, but was starved to death in the end, because of rumors that the emperor named him "the head of the world" when the house was raided, and was in charge of beggars in the world; so after the Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, beggars in some places began to worship Yan Song. It is a routine to worship the beggar god and the gentlemen on the beam.

Wuxian Temple painted with the image of Yan Song is naturally related to beggars.

In fact, the Wuxian Temple outside the Qingtai Gate has become the main hall of the Hangzhou Beggar Gang.The main hall is the public servant of the head of the beggar gang. On weekdays, the head of the beggar is here to hold court hearings, execute executions, and handle public affairs in the gang.On the first day of the first lunar new year, the incense masters from all walks of life inside and outside the city would come to Wuxian Temple to worship the head and pay the monthly regulations.

50 King to King

Today coincides with the meeting. On the field in front of the Wuxian Temple Mountain Gate, there are clusters of three or five people in the east and one cluster in the west. There are seventeen or eight groups of flowers.The inside of the mountain gate is even more lively. On the square in front of the hall, a large iron pot is rolling with large pieces of meat and bones. Beside it, dozens of bosses from all walks of life are gathering around and making noise, waiting for the meal.

The current head of the Beggar Gang, Huang Qi, was chatting and laughing in the main seat in the hall at this moment.The next head of Huang Qi is the first-line eldest brother who has been divided into two rows. Behind Huang Qi, his chest is raised and his belly is lined up. They are the disciples of the leading leader known as the "Five Little Righteousness".And at the feet of Huang Qi, there are several baskets of scattered silver and copper coins, these are the monthly rules handed in by the subordinates today.

Huang Qi is in his early [-]s this year, his face is like the bottom of a pot, his eyes are like copper bells, his body is fat and mighty, his voice is like a bell, and his imposing manner is exactly the style of a hero.

However, all the old men in the gang knew in their hearts that if they dealt with Tuantou as a hero, they would not end well if they were serious.

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