Zhu Qiyu walked with his hands behind his back and came outside. Seeing the people kneeling together, he also knew that his happy time of going out in disguise today was over.

Happy time is always so short.

Next time, borrow two masks from Yu Qian to cover your mouth and nose, so no one will recognize it.

"Xing'an, Lu Zhongna, pay close attention to the movements of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and all the relatives." After Zhu Qiyu walked away, his eyes showed some fascinating eyes.

He intentionally released the news that Zhu Qiyu wanted to force those courtiers who had objections to him to show up at Yongfang and Xishan Coal Kilns!

The Taoist who is dissatisfied with himself as a concubine who is good at a high position, stand up.

"Your Majesty, wait for the order!" Xing'an and Lu Zhong looked at each other, and understood why His Majesty wanted to spread the news.

The front foot reprimanded the Metropolitan Procuratorate and pursued the money and goods of private kilns, and then spread such news. The meaning of targeting was too obvious.

Your Majesty, this is straight hook fishing.

Chapter 1 Thirty Loyalty!

Can straight hook fishing catch fish?obviously can't...

It's like a fisherman who is always in the air and never catches fish.

Jiang Taigong had been fishing for so long before he caught King Wen of Zhou. Zhu Qiyu's fishing with such obvious signs really did not abide by the Basic Law.

Is Zhu Qiyu's official residence law really so inhumane?

He did limit the freedom of some officials.

But in the world of Ming Dynasty, there will be no accusations of freedom and human rights, nor will there be such values.

Especially the Beijing officials, either obey, or there are only two choices, kill Zhu Qiyu, the emperor who likes to wander around, completely, or retire.

Did Zhu Qiyu go too far?

Not too much, in the official residence, there are people to take care of food, clothing, housing and transportation. It can be said that there are all kinds of things.

What he has to do is still the previous idea, to get the support of the real doers, or to artificially screen out the doers.

We can't let officials of the Ming Dynasty like Yu Qian work hard for the country, do their best to do their best, but get nothing and get nothing. We can't let the current officials in Beijing eat their mouths full of oil, but they don't do anything.

As for the trial operation of the official residence law in Dashi Yongfang and Xiaoyongfang, Zhu Qiyu has already spread the news, waiting for the first person to resist the imperial decree to appear.

who can that be?

Will this offend all the nobles, relatives, and court officials?

Of course they would, but Zhu Qiyu thought about it the other way around, if they don't offend them, will they really support him?

Not will.

Lu Zhong took people to go door-to-door to ask for money, and asked them to collect enough silver taels within a time limit and hand them over to the internal shipping warehouse.

Lu Zhong didn't know how much money he had, it was Xing'an's responsibility, so Lu Zhong would not cause trouble.

But as far as Lu Zhong saw the situation, His Majesty's intention of fishing with a straight hook was too obvious, and nothing was caught at all...

Before noon, there were crowds of people near the inner transport depot, all queuing up to pay fines.

It has only been 80 years since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, and it has not yet collapsed to the point of uncontrollable. The money earned by breaking ground on Zhu Di's head is their life money. Before that, the orthodox emperor was in power, but now he is a concubine. Within two days of his enthronement, more people were beheaded than in the orthodox 14 years.

What made the courtiers especially frightening was that the royal guards were loyal to His Majesty, and His Majesty said to behead him, even if he died, he would do so!

Peng Deqing, the supervisor of Qintianjian, was a friend of Wang Zhen's party. He was overly frightened and died in prison. When Jin Yiwei executed his sentence, he still beheaded him.

Even Zhang Yu dismissed the recruited family members, quelled public grievances, and then sent the housekeeper to Beizhen Fusi.

It's a pity that the Fusi Yamen in Beizhen refused to take the housekeeper into custody because of the sentence that those who don't know are not guilty.


"Go to the martial arts hall of the capital." Zhu Qiyu went to the stable, took out the horse, got on the horse, and ran to the martial arts hall of the capital.

The Jingshi Lecture Hall is built from the former site of the Beijing Camp, and it is about half the size of the Jingshi Lecture Hall.

Civil servants and sergeants have been recruited one after another, and it has been built.

The old battalion, which already had military functions, has officially become a lecture hall.

It is worth mentioning that the Dalongxing Temple built by Zhu Qizhen is next to the martial arts hall of the capital, which is extremely magnificent and continuous.

Now the Dalongxing Temple has been changed into the Wu Temple, which enshrines the ten philosophers of the Wu Temple and the meritorious service of the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Qiyu came to the outside of the lecture hall and got off his horse.

On the main entrance of the lecture hall, on the right side is: kill all the enemies and captives, stop, on the left side: shroud in horse leather before turning back, and the horizontal inscription reads: serve the country with loyalty.

The four words engraved on Yue Fei's back, serve the country loyally.

And Yue Fei also practiced these four words all his life, but he met Zhao Gou and was framed in the end. In the prison of Dali Temple, he wrote down the eight characters "天日昭眯" and "天日昭昭" and died.

This is the couplet written by Zhu Qiyu himself and engraved on the mountain gate, which is to tell those who step into this gate their lifelong aspirations.

After the entrance guard room, there is a two-story brick and wood tile house with three roads and four entrances, three roads, four rows of houses, three roads and four entrances.

And these four rows of houses are the head of the school, sacrificial wine, teachers, admirals, military supplies, imperial medical office and other institutions.

Zhu Qiyu served as the head of the mountain, and Yang Hong was in the lecture hall to offer wine. Unfortunately, before he took up his post, Yang Hong had to guard the border again at the age of 70 for the sake of the safety of the Ming Dynasty, and the offer of wine was temporarily suspended.

Originally, Zhu Qiyu planned to let Yu Qian take the sacrificial wine temporarily, but Yu Qian was determined not to accept it, so he could only hang it in the end.

The reason for Yu Qian's refusal is very simple. It is a matter of expediency for the Ministry of War to hold military power. It is only natural that His Majesty withdraws the power to appoint and dismiss officers.

If he, Minister of the Ministry of War, gets involved in it, it is not a suspicion of seizing power, but the reality of seizing power.

As for the teaching, it is the [-] troops of the old battalion of the old Beijing camp of the capital, who choose the best and strive for excellence as the commander-in-chief, with first-class skills and tactics.

And the admiral's inner minister is Zhu Qiyu's big peng, Li Yongchang is in charge, he used to help Shi Heng organize military affairs outside Zhangyimen and Deshengmen, so he knows this better.

The military supplies are handled by one member of the household department, Uiro, and the military doctor is a good doctor selected by Lu Zicai from the Imperial Hospital.

And Zhu Qiyu specially set up a branch school that is not much different from the martial arts hall, called the commander's lecture hall.

The Commander is in charge of supervising the battle.

For example, the military order of the Ming Dynasty clearly stated: If the leader ignores the sergeants and retreats first, the commander will behead him immediately, and don't choose the leader to lead.

If the leader does not advance bravely, and the sergeant loses ten people, Xu Commander will behead him to show the public.

During the march, if the sergeant dared to plunder more than ten pieces of people's wealth, the commanding officer beheaded to show the public, so as to establish the army's prestige.

If the leader condones the sergeant to plunder up to ten people, he will be dismissed from his post and exiled to the army, and the commanding officer must not choose the leader to take over.

Those who rob more than 20 people to the whole team will be executed at the gate of the camp, and all the sergeants will be executed.

In addition to being responsible for passing on the command orders of the commander-in-chief and his superiors, the commanding officer also physically persuades sergeants who are not serious about combat and have problematic thinking, so that they can change their past and repent.

And Zhu Qiyu is looking forward to the commanding officer, because most of these soldiers are literate because of the need to pass orders.

Zhu Qiyu hopes to have full control over their commanders, so as to achieve a certain degree of high control over the army.

Commanders, who have performed their duties for more than three years, can join the Jinyiwei establishment if they have not violated their authority.

This is Zhu Qiyu's plan to build Jinyiwei into the Centurion.

Zhu Qiyu specially left a row of houses with courtyard walls in the martial arts lecture hall of the capital, and the commanding officer would live, eat, and attend classes alone.

And the one who taught them was also Zhu Qiyu himself.

He is very familiar with the Beijing Camp. During the large-scale training of the Tenth Regiment Battalion, he lived here for more than a month, scrambling in the mud every day, holding a long gun, and standing for two quarters bell.

Except for the three-way and four-way school headquarters, there are no redundant buildings here, but the special commander's camp is a newly built place.

"The highest good is like water, and water is good for all things without fighting."

"Great virtues are widely practiced, and the virtues of the soldiers and the people are famous."

"The sun and the moon hang high."

Standing in front of the commander's workshop, Zhu Qiyu read the couplets, which were also written by himself.

Zhu Qiyu raised a question at the court meeting. There was no real answer to this question, and no one answered it.

That is, the sergeants of the Ming Dynasty were privately enslaved, but they had no way to go to heaven and earth, so they could only admit that they were unlucky, or directly regarded them as the family servants of these generals.

Among the generals of the Ming Dynasty, by the end of the Ming Dynasty, which one had not had thousands of adopted sons and tens of thousands of disciples and grandchildren?

The use of corporal punishment by officers for private use, greed for military pay, and private service of sergeants have been repeatedly prohibited.

Yushi has also reacted to this kind of problem before.

For example, the Metropolitan Procuratorate once wanted to abolish the eunuchs and supervising the army, because the eunuchs and supervising the army did not have exclusive power, but instead controlled them. Yu Qian and Shi Heng held objections to this.

For example, when Xu Youzhen served as the censor of the left capital and the chief constitution of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, he also mentioned: Bohou has no general strategy, he is sympathetic to others, the soldiers complain, the military administration is abolished, and the purpose of the Metropolitan Procuratorate is to kill the good and pretend to be meritorious. It is to seize power, let the patrolling censors in various places verify the military achievements before reporting.

The army does need monitoring. As the most sophisticated mass killing tool in the history of human social activities, the background of the army is violence.

Everyone knows that there is a problem here, and the problem is very big, and they are very panicked, but they still can't find a solution.

Since ancient times, the army has had the positions of Supervising the Army, Marquis of Yu, and Guanjun Envoy. Just like the commanders in Ming Dynasty, they all have similar powers and responsibilities as commanders.

When it is time to fight the world, it is easy to say, after all, the emperor spends all day in the barracks, eating and living with the army, so the army of the world is the emperor's personal armed forces.

So here comes the question, since the army can be your emperor's private arm, why can't it be the general's private arm?

When dismounting to rule the world, it’s okay for the old emperor to be around, but once the old emperor leaves and the new emperor succeeds, then no matter the supervisor, Yuhou, or Guanjun Rongshi are the emperor’s domestic slaves.

The emperor was so far away, how could a domestic slave be sent over to compete for the hearts and minds of a general who ate and lived with soldiers all day long to resist and kill the enemy?

When dismounting to rule the world, all dynasties and dynasties unanimously promoted culture and martial arts, advocated the rule of culture, and stopped fighting.

Da Song is an extreme, he has directly become more civilized than military, he has been held down and beaten all his life, and he has suffered all the uselessness.

But Daming is slowly forming this kind of atmosphere at this time.

At this moment, as at that moment.

Ming's army needs supervision, but this supervision cannot be done by people outside the army. The army is the backbone of a country. If someone rides on the head of the sergeant, it will be domineering.

When the army knelt down, Daming knelt down too.

The emperor of Ming Dynasty could only tear up with his ministers until everyone couldn't get down.

For example, Emperor Jiajing and his courtiers fought for 200 million taels for several years, but in the end they only got 20 taels.

Jiajing said angrily: "They took 180 million taels of my money, but I only took 20 taels. I have to thank them!"

Kneeling to make money, shabby, very fucking shabby!

Zhu Qiyu has no other skills, but the ability to copy some methodologies is still there.

The commanding officer is a group of people who eat and live with the soldiers all day long, resisting and killing the enemy. In addition to the essential work of the commanding officer, Zhu Qiyu will give the commanding officer the post of gossip.

There are quite a few civil servants in Jinyiwei's yamen, and it is very suitable to do this job by sorting out clues and information.

The four words of rectifying military affairs must be implemented by the commanders. They cannot be shouted loudly in the Seventeen Prohibition 54, but they cannot be implemented.

Zhu Qiyu's biggest requirement for the commanding officer is...loyalty!

Absolutely loyal to Daming, absolutely loyal to Daming's interests.

The elegant government of the new dynasty has been fully rolled out. Whether it can last and how long it can last depends entirely on how long the emperor Zhu Qiyu can last.

But at this moment, Zhu Qiyu's body was still covered with a huge shadow.

For the past two days, Zhu Qiyu has been fishing, just hoping to catch the fish and sacrifice the flag.

Chapter 131 Killing Chickens for Monkeys, But No Chickens

Zhu Qiyu walked through the commander's yard step by step, and heaved a sigh of relief.

So far, his plan for the first phase has been fully laid out.

Use the method of collective farms to ensure the stability of Daming's grain output, and use the craftsman system to encourage the inventions and innovations of Ming craftsmen.

Make use of vocational skills colleges, stable production, and mature skilled craftsmen to promote the development of productivity. The more off-duty workers, the more off-duty labor is needed.

Use the capital lecture hall to increase the loyalty of the army, at least the loyalty of the tenth regiment battalion must be full, and 20 fierce troops are placed in front of the door. If they are not loyal enough, the emperor will not be able to sleep soundly.

Use the family compound to control the officials in the capital. They cannot be left alone all day long, having fun and forming cliques for personal gain, thinking about how to usurp the emperor's power and oppress him all day long.

He planned to basically complete the exploration and construction of the Collective Farm Law in Daming within five years, and complete the most basic coal and steel production needs.

Restore the strength of the Beijing camp and make it even better, improve the efficiency of Ming bureaucrats and speed up the selection of hard-working bureaucrats.

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