Gao Qian smiled and didn't explain much.The explanation is too clear, but it is troublesome.With An Pingchang's tiger skin as his banner, he certainly held it as high as possible.

"What you did about the Black Tiger Gang was too reckless. It resulted in Du Tao's death. The consequences of this matter are serious. Do you know?"

Mu Guofeng put on a straight face, and Gao Qian nodded again and again: "The deputy director taught us that we were too reckless. Team Du was jealous and charged forward, and this is the heroic sacrifice..."

Anyway, Du Tao is dead, and he will not come out to refute all these things on Du Tao.

As a subordinate, it is only natural to obey the captain's orders.In any case, he cannot be blamed for acting impulsively.

"Don't say anything wrong, don't do anything wrong."

After more than ten years, Gao Qian has gained rich experience in observing precepts.It is not a violation of the precepts to tell lies skillfully.

The standard of etiquette is not asking people not to tell lies.If the standard is so strict, there will be no place for li.

Mu Guofeng laughed instead, "Indeed, Du Tao was very impulsive, and even if he died, he would be incompetent."

Gao Qian couldn't say anything, so he could only keep silent.

Mu Guofeng turned around and said: "You are young and promising, courageous and insightful, you are a talent in our inspection team. Just be cautious in doing things in the future."

"Yes, I'm young, and I'm a little edgy. I still need to learn a lot from the seniors in the inspection team." Gao Qian didn't know what Mu Guofeng meant, so he put on a very low posture, as if he was honest and responsible.

"You are very capable and motivated. The serious crime team of the fourth team is missing a team leader. You go and bring the serious crime team. Don't disappoint my high expectations of you..."

Mu Guofeng gave instructions in a friendly manner, and finally said: "Okay, I still have something to do, you can go back."

"I must keep in mind the deputy director's guidance and do things well."

Gao Qian didn't quite understand what Mu Guofeng meant, did he call him here just to give him a promotion?

No matter how you look at it, this guy doesn't look like a kind person, why are you so friendly to him?

"I'm going out first, Deputy Director." Gao Qian saluted again, and politely closed the office door gently.

When the door was closed, Mu Guofeng picked up the landline and called his old friend.

"I chatted with that kid. He is very shrewd and has a very strict tone. The fact that An Pingchang can come forward proves that they have a close relationship..."

"That kid's life or death doesn't matter, the key is the Black Star III pistol. We must find it."

The voice in the microphone was a little anxious, and Mu Guofeng could only explain patiently: "I went to check the records of the Evidence Department, and there are several pistols. Besides, you know, they all like to take things by hand.

There were people from the Special Affairs Bureau at the scene. It's really hard to say whose hand the pistol fell into. I need time. "

"We must find that pistol as soon as possible, the matter is of great importance!"

The voice in the microphone became more irritable, and Mu Guofeng was also a little unhappy. He was silent for a while before he said, "We should be cautious when it comes to the Special Affairs Bureau. If the Special Affairs Bureau finds out the clues, we will be finished..."

"I don't care, you have to find that Black Star pistol as soon as possible, at any cost!"


Coming out of Mu Guofeng's office, Gao Qian also heaved a sigh of relief.

This era is really simple and rough. Du Tao, a patrol captain, died for no apparent reason, and no one investigated and collected evidence. An Pingchang decided the case with a few words.

Mu Guofeng didn't mean to pursue this at all.It looks like the matter is over, at least officially.As for whether he will retaliate in private, that is another matter.

Gao Qian returned to the inspection team's office and called An Pingchang.

Mu Guofeng suddenly gave him a promotion, he really didn't understand the situation, he had to ask An Pingchang for advice.

"It's okay. It's a great credit for you to crack down on gangsters and eradicate evil. You should be promoted. I'm afraid of shit."

An Pingchang said confidently: "Don't say it in private, officially your third uncle still has face in Lin Hai."

He thought for a while and said: "The monster race is vicious, and every revenge will be revenged. You must pay attention to your personal safety. Also be careful of the black gun behind you..."

Putting down the phone, Gao Qian went to find Li Yan, the vice-captain, and proposed to stay temporarily in the dormitory of the inspection team.

The patrol team needs to deal with emergencies at night and has a special dormitory.Gao Qian used to dislike the poor conditions here, so he went out and rented an apartment by himself.

Li Yan was very enthusiastic: "Du Tao has a dormitory with complete supporting facilities, and he is gone. Just for you..."

Gao Qian went over to take a look, Du Tao's dormitory was at the end of the corridor on the second floor, with an area of ​​more than 70 square meters, luxurious decoration, separate bathroom, and even a bathtub.

This dormitory is much better than the apartment he rented.

Gao Qian didn't refuse either, there's no need to be too polite with Li Yan, anyway, it's a public property.

Li Yan also sent several inspectors to help Gao Qian move in the inspection team's car.Gao Qian has few things, just some personal items.

In order to please Gao Qian, Li Yan waved his hand and used the public funds of the patrol team to exchange Gao Qian for a brand new set of personal items.

Someone with money tidied out Du Tao's dormitory in one afternoon, and replaced all personal items with new ones.

In the evening, Gao Qian thoughtfully invited Li Yan and several inspectors to dinner, and brought along inspector Shi Ming.

This kind of dinner is always indispensable to the younger brother who brings tea and water.

Li Yan and the others are about to start a relationship with Gao Qian, Gao Qian is so good at being a man, both of them chatted happily at the dinner table.

During the meeting, Li Yan reminded Gao Qian to be careful of revenge from the Black Tiger Gang.It is said that Duan Heihu has two guys, Hei Lang and Bai Lang, who are very fierce...

The other inspectors were scolding the Black Tiger Gang, and everyone praised Gao Qian for eradicating the Black Tiger Gang.

After a meal, everyone became good buddies, and almost beheaded chicken heads on the spot to make sworn brothers.

Everyone was full of wine and food, Li Yan held Gao Qian's shoulders and said: "Brother, let's go, brother will take you to have fun..."

The smile on his face became a little more slutty: "Sapphire Bath Center is a good place, brother will find you the most beautiful girl!"


For a moment, Gao Qian really hesitated, but only hesitated.

How could he be a high-quality male human being to do such a thing.

Gao Qian politely refused: "Brother Li, it's not convenient for me to go there. Next time..."

Li Yan was stunned for a moment, he didn't believe that men would not like this.However, the relationship between him and Gao Qian has not reached that point after all.

Looking at Gao Qian's appearance, it seems that he has some scruples, of course he can't force it.

"Okay, next time next time."

Several people watched Gao Qian go away on his motorcycle, and an inspector curled his lips: "This kid is still so prudish."

Li Yan glanced at the man, "Don't talk nonsense, dare to do it and be patient, this is not an ordinary person!"

Gao Qian returned to his luxurious dormitory and took a bath in the bathtub.The only downside is that the electric water heater is a bit slow, and it takes half a day to take a bath.

After taking a comfortable bath and putting on the newly bought pajamas, Gao Qian lay down on the bed, holding a bag of Yuanzuan in his hand and closed his eyes to sleep peacefully.

The next moment, Gao Qian came to Taiyi Palace.

Gao Qian handed the bag in his hand to Linger: "First study the source diamond."

Ling'er took it over and looked at it, she was very surprised and said: "Father, you brought the source diamond into the Taiyi Palace!"

Real objects can be copied in the Taiyi Palace, but real objects will not really enter the Taiyi Palace.

This bag of source diamonds was brought into the Taiyi Palace by Gao Qian.

Gao Qian didn't believe it, he regained consciousness and returned to the real world, and found that the bag in his hand was still there, but the source diamond in the bag was gone.

Back in the Taiyi Palace, Gao Qian and Linger studied for a long time, but neither of them could explain what was going on.

In the end, both of them felt that the source diamond was the essence condensed by the source force, with extraordinary characteristics, so they could be brought into the Taiyi Palace.

According to this rule, Yuanjia should also be able to be stored in the Taiyi Palace.

It's a pity that Gao Qian doesn't have Yuanjia at hand.He had only seen Yuan Jia twice in the Inspection Academy, and he had only seen it, and he was not even qualified to touch it.

"Is there something wrong with Sister Zhou?"

Linger suddenly frowned slightly, and she said nervously: "Dad, go and have a look, sister Zhou is in danger!"

Chapter 11 Trial

The thick arc-shaped dome made of reinforced concrete, and the three walls and the ground are also poured with concrete.Only one wall is a huge bulletproof glass.

This confined space is the size of one and a half basketball courts.In the middle stands a granite stone as tall as a person.

At this moment, Zhou Yuxiu was leaning against this granite rock and panting heavily, the sweat on her forehead was constantly sliding down her cheeks, and it fell into little water marks on her black armor.

Zhou Yuxiu was wearing a bust, which fit her body curve very well and completely covered her upper body and her arms and hands.It presents a strong, sharp and graceful line.

Under the bright light above, the source armor reflected a beautiful black metallic luster.The slightly raised rivets above give the armor a unique modern industrial texture.

The fierce battle just now left claw marks on Yuanjia's chest and back.Greatly damaged the beauty of the source armor.

Zhou Yuxiu was not in the mood to pay attention to these details, her bright eyes were staring at the wolf demon opposite.

This wolf demon was close to [-] meters tall, even standing there with his back hunched, he was still much taller than Zhou Yuxiu.

The huge gap in body size also makes the strength and weakness of the two sides clear at a glance.

The wolf demon was tall and strong, covered with thick black hair, and there were several deep bloodstains on his chest and abdomen, but these bloodstains seemed insignificant compared to his huge body.

The wolf demon was also panting heavily. Unlike Zhou Yuxiu, it wasn't because of too much physical exertion, but because he was in a state of rage, and his heart was beating at a high speed of [-] beats per minute.

The surging hot blood made his emerald green eyes stained red with blood.After hyperemia, the body becomes even larger, with more exaggerated muscle lines.

It was his heavy breath that turned into clouds of white mist in the low-temperature room.

A group of people watching the battle behind the bulletproof glass windows are all watching the battle seriously.

Xu Huiyun, who stood at the front, was a woman in her 30s. Her beautiful face was full of nervousness that could not be concealed.

Slaying the wolf demon alone is a hunter's trial assessment. Although she is Zhou Yuxiu's teacher, she cannot interfere.She doesn't even have the power to stop.

Zhou Yuxiu was only 17 years old, with a first-order four-star origin force cultivation, it was already a bit reluctant to participate in the hunter assessment.

It's just that Zhou Yuxiu insisted on participating in the assessment.On the other hand, considering Zhou Yuxiu's extraordinary combat talent, she felt that the chance of passing the assessment was still very high, so she didn't stop her.

Unexpectedly, during the battle, the wolf demon suddenly entered a berserk state. In this state, the fighting power of the demon clan can be tripled.

In other environments, the source master can also consume the power of the monster race by roaming.

Although the frenzied state is terrifying, it cannot last long.Hold for two to three minutes at most.After the berserk, the Yaozu can only be slaughtered.

But in the closed trial room, Zhou Yuxiu had nowhere to hide.

Xu Huiyun looked at Luo Bin. The vice president of the Changyang Hunter Branch is the host of the trial, and he alone has the right to stop the trial.

Luo Bin is a middle-aged man in his 40s. He is in good shape, wearing a brand-name suit, and his hair is full of pomade. He looks like an elite.

Luo Bin's face was deep, his eyes flickered behind the gold-rimmed glasses, and he didn't know what to think about, as if he didn't notice Xu Huiyun's eyes asking for help.

There is no way, Xu Huiyun can only plead: "President Luo, the trial is over here. We admit defeat."

Before Luo Bin could speak, an old woman with white hair beside him sneered: "Xu Huiyun, the hunter assessment is not a game, we disagreed with it from the beginning, you insisted on participating.

"Now you have to give up halfway, how can there be such a reason!"

Xu Huiyun didn't want to argue, let alone argue with the white-haired old woman.She said to Luo Bin: "The werewolf has entered a berserk state, which is beyond the scope of the trial."

Luo Bin pondered for a moment and said in an indifferent tone: "Zhou Yuxiu is very talented in combat, and I still have a high opinion of her. Don't worry, let's see..."

Behind these three people, more than a dozen young men and women listened to the commotion with their ears pricked up.

Most of them are gloating.

As the pre-hunters of the Hunter Association, they are all eligible to participate in the Hunter Trial, but none of them want to take risks.

It is too dangerous for them to defeat a wolf demon alone.

Zhou Yuxiu participated in the hunter trial, most of these pre-hunters were very jealous.Seeing that Zhou Yuxiu's situation was not good, everyone couldn't help gloating.

Zhou Yuxiu couldn't see the subtle expressions of everyone, but Gao Qian could see them clearly.

Through the mysterious connection of Tai Yiling, Gao Qian has descended to Zhou Yuxiu's side.

Gao Qian was able to focus on Zhou Yuxiu, and his observation radius was almost 50 meters.

This time, he had a more detailed understanding of the state of arrival.

For example, in his state, he can penetrate most substances.It's just hard to penetrate a human body.Especially for these source masters, he will feel obvious oppression when he gets close.

Fortunately, these origin masters couldn't see him.

Although Gao Qian didn't know the specific situation, he could probably understand the situation after listening to the conversations of a few people and watching the subtle expressions of everyone.

Just as he thought: "Zhou Yuxiu is really not very attractive..."

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