When Ye Wanrong faced her, she looked very humble on the surface, but she could tell the arrogance in her heart at a glance.

These words are a bit heart-wrenching. It is almost the holidays, so there is no need to say them.

The meals in the kitchen have been prepared, and they are served on the table in the same way.

Ding Yun also sat down with Liu Qing.

Thinking of something, he said to Liu Qing:

"Tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival, some of your cousins ​​will come here, do you remember them?"


Liu Qing was silent for a moment, then smiled:

"I remember what they looked like before, but I haven't seen them for more than ten years. I really don't know what they look like now."

There was a bit of bitterness in the smile.

Those cousins ​​are the children of Ding Yun's brothers and sisters.

Before Ding Yun divorced Liu Qing's father, everyone was a family, and they met more often, and the relationship was pretty good.

Later, Ding Yun divorced his father, so naturally this relative couldn't do it, and there was no contact after that.

Liu Qing remembered that once he saw his brother-in-law, Ding Yun's brother, in the town. They also saw him, turned their heads away, and walked away, as if they were afraid that if they stayed for a while, they would get bad luck.

At that time, Liu Qing had a very difficult life and needed help very much, but the relatives on the other side seemed to have disappeared from the world, and no one came to help.

For the relatives on the other side, Liu Qing has no affection at all in her heart.

Now, he met Ding Yun's mother and son, and the relatives over there became relatives again.

But when it comes to walking around, he still feels quite responsive.

Of course he knew that in order to inherit Ding Yun's assets more smoothly, he shouldn't have such thoughts, and he couldn't show it no matter how hesitant.

But in a hurry, he couldn't control his emotions.

Seeing Liu Qing's expression, Ding Yun could understand his feelings in his heart, and also showed guilt on his face, sighed, and said:

"Son, the past is in the past. In the past, Mom was sorry for you. In the future, Mom will treat you well and leave you the best in the world."

Liu Qing pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "It's okay, I just feel a little bit emotional, it turns out that so many years have passed."

——In the past so many years, at the critical moment of my growing up, as my mother, you were not present.

Uneasy after all.

Ding Yun didn't talk about this topic again.

Of course she knew that Liu Qing couldn't be indifferent to this, but she couldn't just let go of the relatives over there.

Say it one day in advance so that Liu Qing's emotions can be vented earlier, so that when the guests come tomorrow, they won't be able to control their emotions and embarrass everyone.

During lunch, Liu Qing seemed a little silent.

However, after a whole afternoon of self-adjustment, when it was time for dinner, Liu Qing's mentality became calmer, and she seemed much more cheerful when talking to Ding Yun.

This also made Ding Yun quietly relieved.

Liu Qing also had to let go of her knots.

In his last life, he remembered that after he refused to recognize Ding Yun's mother and son, Ding Yun recognized her brother's son, changed the household registration to her name, and then lost contact with him.

In other words, Ding Yun didn't have to be his son, but had another plan.

That night, lying on the bed, he chatted with Xiaowen for a while, and chatted with Ye Wanrong for a while.

Ye Wanrong arrived home after nine o'clock in the evening, and sent some photos of her hometown to Liu Qing. She lived in a rural area with a single family, but it had a big yard.

There is a sandbag hanging on a big tree in the yard, which should be used for boxing.

It seems that it is not a poor family.

At least the cost of the house and yard will not be less than 50.

In the countryside, that can be considered rich.

There was also a photo of a handsome young man in the photo, Ye Wanrong said that it was her younger brother Ye Mo.

Liu Qing was quite envious—the family had good genes, the men were handsome, and the women were beautiful.

There is another point that I am more envious of. The relationship between the siblings is very good. They can accompany each other when they are young, and they can help each other when they grow up.

This is family.

He thought in his heart that if he wanted to have children in the future, he should have more.

At least two children are needed, and he doesn't think there are too many three or four children.

——This is not a question of whether to respond to the country's call, but he really feels that it is better for the child to have a companion.

He is the child without a companion.

The little headache now is that I have the awareness to have more children, but I haven't found anyone who is willing to give him children.

Chapter 113 Competitors

The next day is the [-]th day of the eighth lunar month, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Early in the morning, Liu Qing distributed red envelopes in several groups before getting up.

August [-]th is mainly at night, and more and bigger red envelopes will be distributed at night. The red envelopes in the morning are just warm-up.

Ding Yun usually didn't get up until around ten o'clock, but this day she also woke up early, at around eight o'clock.

Not long after breakfast, four cars drove outside the yard of this villa.

The four cars came together, and after the car stopped, someone called "Fourth Aunt" outside.

Ding Yun ranked fourth among her brothers and sisters. "Fourth aunt" and "fourth aunt" are what her nephews and nephews called her.

Hearing that voice, Ding Yun smiled and said to Liu Qing: "It's your old cousins ​​who are here, let's go out and pick them up."

The mother and son went out.

The four cars that drove over seemed to be new cars, but none of them were of high grade, about a dozen or 20.

A total of more than a dozen people were carried by the four cars, all of whom were juniors of Ding Yun, including several children.

These are four families, and each of Ding Yun's brothers and sisters has a representative.

When they got out of the car, the adults were carrying big and small bags, which seemed to be gifts for Ding Yun.

But from the fact that each of their families brought their children, it can be seen that they never thought of returning empty-handed.

One family even brought two young children.

Those who took their children out to visit relatives never thought about losing money.

A total of thirteen people came, and among the thirteen people, Liu Qing could recognize only three people.

Two cousins, one cousin.

Those three were all older than him, and they were all adults when they were relatives who could walk around. Although there are some changes now, they are still recognizable.

There was another family, the couple came with a child, and one of them should be Liu Qing's cousin or cousin.

But no matter how much Liu Qing thought about it, he couldn't think of who he knew there.

Ding Yun divorced his father when he was 14 years old, and the relatives on both sides did not move around.

Those who are younger than him must be under 14 years old, and they are not yet adults. Their appearance will change a lot, and it is normal for him not to recognize them.

——Some people don't change much from childhood to big projects, while others have great changes.

The one he didn't know obviously changed a lot.

It's just that when Liu Qing saw that man, she felt palpitations inexplicably.

Ding Yun introduced both sides with a smile:

"Do you remember this? He is my son Liu Qing."

"Son, do you still recognize them? This is your cousin Weijun, this is your cousin Changping, this is your cousin Xiaolan, and this is your cousin Yongyuan."

With a smile on her face, Liu Qing followed Ding Yun's introduction and greeted each of them.

When I heard the words "Cousin Yongyuan", my heart beat violently again.

In his memory, after he refused to recognize Ding Yun, Ding Yun let her younger brother's son adopt her family and become the legal heir of her property.

The chosen person's name is Ding Yongyuan.

It was the one he felt familiar with.


Liu Qing thought to herself.

The smile on his face grew wider.

He would not allow what happened in the previous life to continue in this life.

The cousins ​​were also very enthusiastic towards Liu Qing, those who called cousin called cousin, and those who called cousin called cousin, as if they had always been a loving family.

However, Liu Qing still saw a trace of resentment in their eyes.

This is understandable.

After all, without him, Ding Yun's tens of billions of assets would belong to this group of people in the future.

Now that their mother and son recognize each other, those people have no chance.

Thinking of this, Liu Qing's mood became happy.

Seeing Liu Qing's current performance, Ding Yun was very satisfied.

She was afraid that this son would still remember the old hatred.

——It's not that Liu Qing has hatred for her natal family, it's really not worth caring about.

What she cares about is that if this son can't let go of the old things, he will have hatred for her as a mother. When she is too old to move, I'm afraid she will suffer a lot.

——She has seen many such things.

She even thought about whether she should find a good-natured junior from her natal family to keep her by her side, which can be regarded as a hedge, and it will be safer when she grows old.

It's just that she knows all about those juniors, and she really doesn't want to get too close to them unless she has to.

Now it seems that it is still over-concerned, her son has not got into the horns and can't get out, it seems that he has let go of the past-although it is impossible to let go of all of it, but at least he does not have so much hatred.

Relatively speaking, these family members made her feel a little dissatisfied.

Although she hasn't read any books, she has been living carefully all these years, and she is the best at observing words and deeds. How can she not see the dissatisfaction of those from her natal family towards Liu Qing?

This made her feel depressed: "It's really mud that can't support the wall. My own son, I should give him all my things. What right do you have to be jealous?"

Originally, I wanted to build a good relationship with one of these juniors, and set up a double insurance for my old age.

Seeing them like this now makes my heart go cold.

But she still didn't show it, she still had a smile on her face, and greeted one by one.

For those children, she had already prepared red envelopes. Each child was given a red envelope worth 1 yuan. When she saw them, she gave them a red envelope.

This is just a small amount of money to her, but there is nothing she can't bear to part with.

After she married Su Yi, she just didn't dare to meet Liu Qing, her biological son, for fear that Su Yi would be unhappy.

I often meet with my natal family, and I also take care of them.

However, it was just that she paid for it personally to take care of her, and she didn't ask Su Yi, nor did she introduce anyone to Tianyuan Group to work.

——She was afraid that doing so would make Su Yi look down on her, which would affect her future happiness.

In order to allow herself to enjoy a better life, she could even abandon her husband and son, and not see her own son for more than ten years, so how could she feel uncomfortable in front of Su Yi because of her mother's family?

This made her natal family feel a little resentful towards her, feeling that the girl in her family married such a rich man, but they didn't do them much favors, and she was somewhat heartless.

It's just that the resentment can only be concealed, after all, they still have to rely on their own girls to live a relatively affluent life.

After Su Yi got into a car accident, Ding Yun gained so much inheritance that she has autonomy in life.

She also needs help.

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