Ma Guoming also mentioned one thing. He called all the workers who used to work in this mask factory and told them about the current treatment in the factory. More than a dozen workers have expressed that they will complete the resignation procedures within half a month. work here.

There are also some who are temporarily in a wait-and-see attitude and have not agreed, but they have not explicitly refused, and only said that they will consider it.

To achieve the scale of production required by Liu Qing, it is necessary to recruit a group of workers from the society.

Of course, some mask machines need to be purchased.

Liu Qing made it clear that the mask machine can be purchased beyond the quota, and more parts should be purchased.

When it comes to the critical moment, the mask factory is just like the arsenal during the war. It must be produced at full capacity, which will cause a huge loss to the machine, and it is necessary to have enough parts.

Although Ma Guoming didn't understand, he didn't object.

——After Liu Qingxiu showed an account balance of nearly [-] million yuan, in the face of Liu Qing's various high-minded remarks, all he wanted to say was one sentence: "The boss's opinion!"

Because there are still many things to discuss, Liu Qing eats dinner here.

Just sent a message to Xiaowen, telling her not to cook for him and Ye Wanrong at night, and they will eat outside.

When I got home, it was already past nine o'clock.

Xiaowen was watching TV alone in the living room, with a pack of Chacha melon seeds beside her.

——She is not so financially distressed now, and can afford less expensive snacks.

When Ye Wanrong went to take a bath, Liu Qing sat on the sofa next to Xiao Wen and watched TV with her, in fact, he ate her melon seeds.

Xiaowen asked him sourly:

"I didn't go to the company these two days, and I didn't eat at home. Did you go on a date?"

Liu Qing shook her head and sighed: "As for the mask factory, I'm so busy that I don't know when it will stop. Where can I have time for a date?"

"How long will you be busy?" Xiaowen asked curiously.

"I don't know," Liu Qing said with a tired tone, "It will probably take a few months."

"Is the mask factory important to you?" Xiaowen asked again.

"Of course," Liu Qing said, "at least for the next few months, I will focus on the mask factory."

Xiaowen said depressedly: "I see, you don't regard me as your own. You let me go to the media company to be your eyeliner, and you won't let me go to the mask factory that is more important to you."

Liu Qing smiled, stretched out her hand to pinch her face, pulled her, and said: "The factory is tens of kilometers away from the urban area, in a remote countryside, where there is no supermarket, and there are still men in the factory. Yes, do you really want to go to such an environment?"

Xiaowen was in a good mood, then looked at him and cried out in pain:

"Take off your claws, that's my flesh, it hurts!"

Liu Qing squeezed two more times before letting go.

Girls in their teens are just in their youth, and the collagen in their hands is still quite stress-reducing.

Chapter 109 So That's How the Internet Works

In the next few days, Liu Qing ran to the mask factory every day.

The production capacity of the mask factory has also begun to increase. It used to work eight hours a day, five days a week, but now it has become a daily work, working more than ten hours a day.

——Overtime work is voluntary and not forced.

Liu Qing also didn't want to bear the reputation of being a black-hearted capitalist. If she wanted to work overtime, she had to fill out a voluntary overtime form.

If everyone is unwilling to work overtime, he can recruit more workers, and he doesn't want to ruin his reputation just to save a few dollars.

Now there is nothing, capitalist is not such a bad word.

Another year and the capitalists will be the target of criticism.

This has nothing to do with hatred of the rich. It is mainly because some capitalists behave too disgustingly. While squeezing employees to death, they also make themselves into the image of a savior. Their feet will create benefits for them, and their bodies and minds will be sacrificed to them.

Liu Qing didn't want to be that kind of person.

At present, it seems that everyone working overtime is really voluntary, and those employees are happy that their income has been greatly increased.

Some of the former employees who left the company still have contact with the current employees. Some former employees who were on the sidelines heard that their basic wages had indeed been increased and that they had time to work overtime. to this mask factory.

After all, Liu Qing also promised that the returned employees would be given 1000 yuan in travel expenses, paid together with their wages, and there was no probation period, and they would directly enjoy the same treatment as old employees.

Using those employees who have been trained saves a period of training time and saves money for the factory. It doesn't matter if there is a little extra money.

Both sides are happy, this is called a win-win situation.

With those departing employees who are willing to return, the number of new hires need not be so great.

The margin left by Nian Fengyan's original land lease was too large, and it would be no problem to build a staff dormitory here.

At present, Ma Guoming, the factory director, is still in charge of personnel affairs. When there are more employees, he will have to find a director of the personnel department.

Those who cook and clean must also be recruited.

Liu Qing didn't want the entire factory to be unable to operate because of the lack of any small link after the outbreak.

Seeing boxes of masks being put into the warehouse, Liu Qing was filled with a sense of accomplishment.

After the construction party was determined, the local people who should say hello were also called, and the expansion of the factory buildings and warehouses began to be constructed.

Originally, that piece of land was applied for the construction of a factory and warehouse, and the procedures had already been completed, but Nian Fengyan had no money in hand, so he could only put it there.

Now that Liu Qing has money in his hands, he has to rush for time to do this well. Of course, he must start work as soon as possible.

Most of Liu Qing's energy was also put on this.

He hasn't been to Tianyuan Media for the past few days, so he listened to Qin Kun and Xiaowen report the situation to him.

Under Qin Kun's spur and encouragement, Tianyuan Media had some improvement, and the traffic began to increase.

However, it costs a lot of money to promote it.

Generally speaking, that is to lose more than last month.

——Since Su Yi's car accident, the group headquarters has stopped blood transfusions to Tianyuan Media, that is, paying a salary, and nothing else, so there is no expenditure, that is, paying rent, utilities and wages.

Now Qin Kun wants to make traffic, and plans to invest 100 million in a month. In just half a month, he has already spent 30 million.

It is still growing. Although the income has been greatly improved compared to before, it has not yet reached the same level as the money thrown out.

For this, Liu Qing can express her understanding.

Growth takes time.

It's nice to see revenue growing now.

Part of the increase in revenue comes from the gifts received during the live broadcast, and the other part comes from selling goods and commercial promotion.

Acne India has started live broadcasting products last year, but there is a certain threshold, the number of fans must exceed [-].

(Note: This restriction was not released until the end of 19, and ordinary people can also bring goods.)

Fortunately, Tianyuan Media's contracted anchors have the fewest number of fans with 10,000+. Although most of them are bought zombie fans, at least the threshold of the number of people has broken through.

The big anchors get a very high share of live broadcast sales, but Tianyuan Media is just a small company. The current goal is to open up the channel and build up the reputation of the goods. It is not that important to make money for the time being.

If you want to choose a supply channel and build up word-of-mouth, you must have certain requirements for product quality.

If you want to sell it, you have to sell it cheaply.

In this way, Tianyuan Media can only lower the anchor's share when selling goods.

They also chose goods of low value, mainly for the purpose of getting a high score and laying the foundation for the next big move.

In 18, Su Yi felt that there was great potential for live streaming, so he set up such a Tianyuan media company.

At that time, I felt that short videos would rise rapidly and attract more traffic, so I chose to focus on the iron factory and acne marks as the development platform.

In this regard, Qin Kun and Su Yi have the same views.

It is a pity that under the leadership of He Feng, this Tianyuan media company has become a tool for withdrawing funds from the group headquarters, and missed the best time for development.

Now to keep up with the development dividends of this platform faster, it is natural to increase investment.

Qin Kun's own account has already got 10,000+ followers. On Saturday, he called all the contracted anchors under his banner, and set up a live broadcast in the original director's office to bring goods. A total of more than 5000 orders were sold, and the sales reached Give more than [-].

Judging from the book figures, for a new media company of his magnitude, the results are quite impressive.

Of course, in fact, a considerable part of this is the amount that the company's staff mobilized their family and friends to rush up. If they go down the mountain and don't return the goods, they can still get subsidies from Tianyuan Media for each order.

What I choose are those high-quality and cheap things, and it is more expensive to buy them in the supermarket. Now I can get a subsidy of a few yuan when I place an order, and I help relatives and friends improve their performance. There are still some people who are willing to do such a thing .

As for how much of this part accounted for, Liu Qing was too embarrassed to ask for detailed data.

But he can be sure that Qin Kun did not make such data to cheat his money.

Because such a live broadcast with goods sold more than 10,000 sales, the supplier is very satisfied with the results, and has already decided on follow-up cooperation.

Moreover, there were other suppliers who took the initiative to find them, and the conditions for cooperation to bring goods were not bad, giving a relatively large profit margin.

Tianyuan Media subsidized tens of thousands of yuan, but the subsidy of tens of thousands of yuan raised their delivery score, ushered in more business cooperation, and the gains far outweighed the losses.

For this, Liu Qing can only sigh with emotion—it turns out that this is how the Internet works.

Before Chapter 110

Thursday, September 9, the fourteenth day of the eighth lunar month.


Accompanied by Ye Wanrong, Liu Qing was watching the construction team at the mask factory when the phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that Ding Yun was calling.

He hurried to a quiet place and connected the phone.

The moment he answered the phone, a smile was already skillfully on his face.

——Although Ding Yun couldn't see it, he still did it.

"Mom, what do you want from me?"

"Do you know what day tomorrow is?" Ding Yun asked.

"Tomorrow," Liu Qing was stunned for a moment, before she remembered, "Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival."

When he was a security guard, he was quite concerned about such days.

One is to work on this day, which is counted as overtime work, and you will get three times the salary.

The other is that when the Mid-Autumn Festival comes, the company will give some benefits, such as a box of moon cakes to each person, and a red envelope worth a hundred dollars.

Also, before and after the festival, as long as the security guards are not very annoying, they will receive mooncakes from the owners of the community more or less.

For these reasons, there are still ten days and a half months before the Mid-Autumn Festival, and he has already started the countdown.

But now, he is busy with the mask factory every day, and he has already forgotten that the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.

I can remember, or I suddenly remembered what Xiaowen said yesterday, Tianyuan Media will send moon cakes to every employee and all contracted anchors, and each person will have 200 yuan for the festival.

It wasn't that Xiaowen had mentioned this, Ding Yun couldn't even remember it when he called.

"Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the day of reunion, don't you plan to come to my place to celebrate the festival together?" Ding Yun asked on the phone, her tone still a little unhappy.

Liu Qing sweated profusely and said quickly: "Mom, don't worry, I will go to your side today."

Then he explained: "There are too many things these days, I'm too busy to forget."

"What are you up to?" Ding Yun asked curiously.

Liu Qing said: "I bought a factory, and now I am busy with the expansion of the factory building and warehouse, and I will have to be busy for a long time."

"Didn't I give you a company? Why did you still buy the factory?" Ding Yun felt quite surprised.

"Uh," Liu Qing said, "I don't think all eggs can be put in one basket, and the industry must be diversified."

"Can you make money?" Ding Yun asked again.

"You can rest assured that it will definitely make money." Liu Qing said confidently, "Within a year, I will make this factory a star enterprise in Pengcheng's manufacturing industry."

His statement made Ding Yun very happy: "Then you work hard, I look forward to your success."

For Ding Yun, whether Liu Qing can succeed this time is not so important, having such a fighting spirit is the most important thing.

She would rather see Liu Qing lose money due to investment mistakes, and lose all the 9000 million he pooled up, than see Liu Qing spend the [-] million, only to leave her with [-] to [-] million.

A dude is absolutely incapable of taking over a company as big as Tianyuan Group, and has no other role except to reproduce.

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