Not only is there no previous depression, but even a little flattered.

After parting hands, it felt like a shackle was removed, and the whole person felt relaxed, and felt that they should celebrate.

Now there are more than 3000 yuan in the card. After deducting the rent, utilities, there is still 2000 yuan left.

The 2000 yuan is used by one person, and there is no need to save it up. Liu Qing feels that she is rich.

Going out, I went out and bought a cold dish worth ten yuan, and bought two bottles of cold beer at the convenience store downstairs. When I got home, I turned on the TV and ate and drank.

It hasn't been like this for a long time.

After being with Huo Zhenzhen, no matter what I eat, I can only eat according to Huo Zhenzhen's taste.

He wants to eat something he likes, but he is reluctant to pay for it—there is only a little money in total, he needs to buy everything, and there is only so much left for himself, which cannot satisfy his preferences.

It's different now, I'm already alone, and I can eat alone every day.

Eat to your heart's content.

Also regretting:

"Have I been fascinated by ghosts a few years ago? Why would you lower your quality of life for such a woman?"

"It's not worth it, it's not worth it."

"This person can do anything, but he can't be a spare tire or a dog licking."

"In the future, if I, Liu Qing, lose myself and wrong myself for a woman again, then I will be the number one idiot in the sky!"

"I was an idiot in my last life."

"In this life, I want to live well for myself!"

"Live only for yourself!"

After drinking two bottles of beer, the whole person was dizzy, and fell asleep on the bed without taking a shower.

In the past, Liu Qing didn't drink alcohol. In her last life, she only started to learn to drink after she broke up with Huo Zhenzhen. Her drinking capacity is getting bigger and bigger. It's no problem to drink five or six bottles of beer at a time.

He bought two bottles of cold beer at the convenience store this time, and he didn't want to get himself drunk, but just wanted to have a drink.

But he forgot that his current body was still not used to drinking, and two bottles of beer knocked him down.

The next day, he was woken up by the phone ringing.

The squad leader's angry voice sounded in his ears:

"Liu Qing, what are you doing? It's not your day off today, why haven't you come to work yet? Do you know what time it is?"

Liu Qing woke up all of a sudden, and looked at the time on the phone, it was seven past five.

Quickly said: "I'm sorry, the alarm clock of the mobile phone is broken today, and it didn't ring. I will come right away!"

"Hurry up!" the squad leader finished and hung up the phone.

Take over at seven o'clock, if you are late, you will be deducted points, and you will start with two points.Five points will be deducted for being late for more than 15 minutes.

However, the management office is not working at this time, so it is up to the squad leader to choose whether to deduct points or not.

Liu Qing tidied up in a hurry, and hurried out.

Ding Yun would come to him two months later, and he only had more than 3000 yuan in hand, which would not last two months.

As for taking the initiative to find Ding Yun and let happiness come earlier, Liu Qing just thought about it for a while and then dismissed that idea.

For one thing, this will make Ding Yun look down on her, and she will not feel so deeply guilty about herself, so there will definitely not be much compensation in the future.

Secondly, Su Yi of Tianyuan Group is not dead yet, he won't die until July.

They didn't die naturally, they died in a car accident.

Liu Qing didn't want to cause a butterfly effect because of her past, so that the car accident that should have happened never happened again, so she couldn't cry anymore.

Ding Yun hadn't contacted him for so many years after he remarried, and he had to wait until after Su Yi's death to contact him, which in itself explained some problems.

It would be foolish to look for it now.

So I still have to live a hard life for two months, and I still have to work as a security guard for two months.

When he arrived in the community, the squad leader took his shift at his post, and scolded him severely after he came over:

"Your fucking alarm clock is broken! You're just drinking! I called you several times before I got through!"

"I don't want to say that you are a fool at work, you have to come to work!"

"The company paid you to come, is it just to let you skip work?"

The scolding made Liu Qing feel evil, and thought to himself: "When I get rich, I will buy a house here and become the owner of this place, and then I will stare at you every day and complain to the management office!"

The squad leader scolded him, and then said: "Forget it this time, if you are late next time, I will report to the management office and your points will be deducted!"

Hearing this, Liu Qing thought again: "Forget it, this guy is not easy, so let's not complain about him."

Chapter 008 People with Life Experience

While playing on her mobile phone at work, Liu Qing saw Huo Zhenzhen's circle of friends posted last night.

That circle of friends was complaining about how hard it was to find a house, and posted a few photos of the newly rented house. It was a small single room with only one bed, and there was not much space left.

There is also her new electric fan in the photo.

When the two decided to rent a house together, Liu Qing also thought about renting a small single room, so that the rent would be lower.

But Huo Zhenzhen was not happy, saying that it would be cheaper to live in a dormitory.

There is no way, so I rent a one-bedroom house.

Unexpectedly, when it was her turn to spend money to rent a house, she just rented a small single room, and it looked like a small single room without windows.

Looking at the furnishings in the room, he looked rather embarrassed.

Liu Qing watched, feeling inexplicably relieved.

There is a saying that is very reasonable-seeing that you are not doing well, I am relieved.

This statement applies to most people after a breakup, regardless of gender.

Liu Qing is in this state of mind now.

Originally, I wanted to delete this woman, but after thinking about it, I still kept it.

In two months, he will become a brand new rich second generation, living a life of luxury and luxury.

Such a life, without such an envious and jealous audience, always feels that life is not complete.

Then keep it.

The work of security is always so boring and tedious. Twelve hours of work is too long, so long that you will get tired of playing with your mobile phone.

The security guards in Jiayi Community, no matter men, women, young or old, always look decadent when they go to work, and only become lively after get off work.

But this day Liu Qing was different, she had just thrown away her status as a spare tire, and felt relaxed, thinking of the happy life of the rich second generation two months later, her face was always involuntarily brimming with a happy smile, and she couldn't hide it.

So that when eating in the cafeteria at noon, a colleague asked him:

"Liu Qing, what's the matter with you today, you seem to be in a good mood."

"What's not bad?" Liu Qing said cheerfully, "I just broke up, and I'm dying of pain."

The colleague shook his head: "Don't talk about it, you don't look like you broke up. Tell me, what is so happy about it, I promise not to let you treat me."

"It's really a breakup!" Liu Qing said seriously, "I lied to you as a puppy."



The colleague saw that his face did not seem to be fake, and suddenly became interested, and asked with a smile: "Who cheated whom?"

It wasn't just him who was interested, but all the colleagues who were eating in the dining hall were also interested, and their voices were all quiet, waiting for his answer.

Liu Qing didn't want to admit that she was cheated on, so she frowned:

"I said, why are you so vulgar? Is this the only reason for breaking up? Isn't it okay to have different personalities? Isn't it okay to have different views?"

"But you've been together for a few years, so it's not like you just found out that your personalities are inconsistent and your views are different?" a colleague retorted.

It makes sense to say so, and Liu Qing didn't know how to refute it for a while.

Sighing, he spread his hands and said, "Okay, let's be honest, he's already an urban white-collar worker, and he looks down on me, a hopeless little security guard, who feels awkward staying together, so it's better to be different and be happy with each other."

"But you can't be so happy." The colleague was puzzled.

Liu Qing was very helpless: "I said I was in pain, but you didn't believe me."

"It's not like this, it must not be like this!"

The colleague muttered a few words, suddenly his eyes lit up, and said:

"I understand. You must have made a fortune. You didn't want to be with your girlfriend anymore, so you found an excuse to break up with her. The so-called three major happiness things in life are getting promoted, getting rich and killing your wife. You don't even have an officer when you are a security guard." Ke Sheng, if you are still so happy after breaking up with your girlfriend, then there is only one possibility - you got rich!"

Liu Qing's heart skipped a beat: "Damn it, what's going on with Conan per capita now? He discovered it all!"

The colleague rubbed his hands excitedly: "Tell me, did you win the lottery or the two-color ball? How much money did you make? Where are you going to invite the brothers to have a meal?"

Liu Qing scolded with a smile: "Are you crazy about food? I only have more than 3000 yuan on the card now. The salary was only paid yesterday. I am the poorest one in the whole company. How can I still get rich?"

"Then why are you happy?" the colleague asked.

"In the future, the money I earn will be used by myself, and I don't need to look at other people's faces. Isn't it worth being happy?" Liu Qing asked.

"I don't believe that's the reason," said the colleague.

Another old colleague who was listening by the side said: "Xiao He, you don't believe this reason because you are too young and haven't found a girlfriend yet. When you have a girlfriend, when you start a family, you You know how reasonable this reason is."

That old colleague is 50 years old, has his own family, and has a wealth of life experience.

It can be heard from this passage.

Liu Qing glanced at him with a smile.

Several other old colleagues in the dining hall agreed one after another, feeling that the reason given by Liu Qing was very sufficient.

Everyone is a person with life experience, and one can imagine Liu Qing's joy.

Xiao He, who has no life experience, inevitably becomes the object of ridicule.

Xiao He fell into serious confusion:

——Did I really guess wrong?

——Is falling in love really that scary?

——Am I in the midst of blessings and don’t know the blessings?

——I'm still thinking about how to find a girl to fall in love with!

——Is being single the real blessing for a man?

——But I still want to fall in love!

If Liu Qing knew what he was thinking, she would definitely expose him mercilessly—no, you don't want to fall in love, you just want to criticize!

Boring people spread gossip very quickly. After Liu Qing woke up in the afternoon, she received several messages from colleagues on WeChat. The content was very similar:

"You really broke up?"

Liu Qing replied one by one:

"Yes, I broke up."

There are male colleagues and female colleagues who send messages.

A female colleague named Xiaowen immediately sent another message after receiving his reply:

"Your girlfriend moved out?"

Liu Qing: "Isn't this nonsense, she still doesn't move out after breaking up? With such an expensive rent, I let her live in vain?"

Xiaowen: "I heard that you are renting one bedroom and one living room? And you have an air conditioner installed?"

Liu Qing: "Yes."

Xiaowen: "Now you are alone, are you ready to check out?"

Liu Qing: "I don't have any plans for now. Why, do you want to rent a house?"

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