Liu Qing yelled: "I am a wounded person now, and I need a good rest environment."

Xiaowen smiled: "Do you still know that you are a wounded person? If you are a wounded person, you should lie there obediently and don't talk to me. Otherwise, if I miss, your broken leg will be broken again."

After washing up, I changed my clothes and went out.

After a few minutes, he came back again and brought Liu Qing a breakfast:

"A rice roll, an egg, and a cup of breakfast milk, a total of eight yuan, thank you."

After letting go, I rushed to work.

At noon and in the evening, she brought food from the dining hall and delivered it here, and ate with Liu Qing.

Because she shouldered the responsibility of taking care of Liu Qing, she was allowed by the company to deliver the meals. During the meal delivery period, she was held by the monitor, so that working on the day shift would not affect Liu Qing's life.

Liu Qing has already started to do rehabilitation training slowly, walking around the room with a cane.

The leg injury is slowly recovering.

In terms of civil compensation, after a few days of negotiations, an agreement has been reached with the family of the beating guy, who will transfer 2 yuan, including medical expenses, lost wages, nutrition, escort fees, etc.

Liu Qing also promised that even if there are sequelae in the future, the other party will not be held accountable.

The other party didn't want to transfer so much money at first, thinking that a minor injury would not cost so much money.

But the person sent by the property management company to negotiate told them cryptically that if they were not selfish, they would have to pay more money in a lawsuit.

The time Liu Qing needs to rest can be flexibly adjusted. It may be enough to rest for one month, or it may take half a year to rest.

Just one lost wage can exceed the 2 yuan.

During this period, someone had to accompany Liu Qing.

Although the company paid Xiaowen 50 yuan a day to accompany her, when negotiating with the other party's family, they gave 200 yuan a day.

There are also treatment fees and nutrition fees.

It would be even more serious if there were some sequelae.

If you really want to start a lawsuit and ask the other party to pay a hundred thousand yuan, that's still light.

If you pay the money earlier, the patient can recover sooner, which is good for everyone.

Anyway, the property company will fully support its employees in the lawsuit.

When they made threats like this, the family members of the other party also panicked, so they simply paid 2 yuan to the company, so that they could be settled.

Of course, what should be detained is still detained.

Because Liu Qing has made it clear that no amount of money will be private, and that person must be let in.

That sum of money is transferred to the company, because currently the medical expenses are paid by the company, and Xiaowen's escort fee is also paid by the company.

Including Liu Qing's salary during the period of recuperation, which is also paid by the company.

After Liu Qing is discharged from the hospital, the company will settle the settlement with him and transfer the remaining money to him.

Liu Qing has no objection to such an arrangement.

What he is most concerned about at this stage is not how much compensation he can get, nor when will this leg heal completely, but when Su Yi of Tianyuan Group will die.

The most worrying thing is that Su Yi, who was supposed to have a car accident, did not have a car accident because his rebirth affected the world.

If you can't be the rich second generation, you have to repeat the tragedy of your previous life.

In July, he read the news about Tianyuan Group every day.

On July 7th, Wednesday, around two o'clock in the afternoon, I searched Tianyuan Group on the Internet, and suddenly saw a message:

"Su Yi, chairman of Tianyuan Group, died in a car accident."

All of a sudden, the whole person cheered up.

Chapter 016

Since her rebirth, Liu Qing can be said to be counting on her fingers the day when Su Yi got into a car accident.

But he couldn't remember the exact date, he only knew it was July.

So after entering July, I read Tianyuan Group's news every day, many times a day.

He really wanted Su Yi to die.

It was the man who made his mother abandon his seriously ill father and him who was still in junior high school, made him drop out of school prematurely, and let him experience the pain of the world prematurely.

He hates this man.

Although he also knew that the bigger problem was his mother Ding Yun, but this still couldn't stop him from hating this person and wishing this person to die sooner.

Now this person finally died in a car accident, which is very happy news for him.

It also made him completely relaxed.

Although my own rebirth has had a little impact on this world, the impact is so small that it can be ignored.

Next, just wait for his mother Ding Yun to come to him and get ready to enjoy the life of a rich second generation.

After calming down his happy mood, he sent Xiaowen a message:

"Don't cook with me tonight, let's go eat hot pot."

After sending it, I added another sentence:

"My treat!"

Xiaowen sent a shocked emoji:

"Didn't you have sequelae? Why did you suddenly want to treat me?"

Liu Qing: "I'm in a good mood today, can't I?"

Xiaowen: "Okay, you treat guests, anything is fine."

After a while, another message came:

"Let me tell you, I won't go to the dining hall to eat at night, so don't let me go."

Liu Qing: "Don't worry, brother is not that kind of person."

It has been several years since he took the initiative to invite guests. This time he took the initiative to invite guests, mainly because he was happy in his heart, so he had to find someone to share.

In this city, he only has colleagues but no friends, and it is really hard to find someone to share his joy with.

After much deliberation, I still invite Xiaowen to have a meal.

This girl took care of him for such a long time. Although she came here for the escort fee of 50 yuan a day and free air conditioning, no matter what, she did bring convenience to his life during the recovery period.

To be a human being is to know how to be grateful.

Just ask her.

During this period of time, I am tired of eating canteen meals at home every day, so it is necessary to improve the food.

After Xiaowen got off work, she changed her clothes and helped Liu Qing go downstairs, and the two of them went to eat hot pot.

Walking half a mile downstairs, there is a hot pot restaurant, the price is reasonable, this is the place Liu Qing chose to treat guests.

Liu Qing's legs have almost recovered now, and she no longer needs crutches when she can't walk fast.

It's just that when going up and down the stairs, although Xiaowen came to support her.

It has been a long time since I went outside, breathing the car exhaust outside, Liu Qing felt that the whole person was brightened, and she sincerely sighed:

"It's better to be healthy! After staying in the house for more than half a month, people are almost moldy."

Xiaowen said: "If you want to go out for a stroll, I will take you to the park when I am resting at night."

"Then I don't need you anymore," Liu Qing said, "The plaster cast on my leg will be removed in a few days, and it will be easier to move around."

Xiaowen glanced at him, and suddenly her mood was not beautiful.

She came here to take care of Liu Qing, and she could get an extra 50 yuan a day as an escort, and she could sleep in an air-conditioned room here.

Thinking that such a good time will end in a few days, I feel very disappointed.

She didn't want to go back to that stuffy dormitory with a few girls.

Although there is a fan, how could the fan be able to solve the sweltering heat in a single room with several people in the hot weather in July?

Again, it is easy to go from thrifty to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

Looking at Liu Qing's leg, I suddenly had some regrets—why didn't that person hit him harder?Let this guy lie on the bed for two or three months, wouldn't she be able to spend this summer safely?

At the hot pot restaurant, Liu Qing took the menu and ordered a dozen dishes of meat dishes, and another five or six dishes of vegetarian dishes, and then handed the menu to Xiaowen:

"What I just ordered was just for myself. You can order whatever you want, don't care about the price, I'm treating you today."

Xiaowen said unhappily: "Who do you think I am? Am I the kind of person who will save you money?"

"I'm superficial." Liu Qing had to admit.

Xiaowen ordered more than a dozen dishes according to the highest price on the menu, and then said to the waiter:

"That's all first, and if it's not enough, add more."

Liu Qing asked her: "Is this how you scared your three boyfriends away?"

Xiaowen gave him a blank look: "Nonsense."

He asked again, "Do you want some cans of beer?"

"That's not allowed," Liu Qing shook her head, "I can't give you the chance to have sex after drinking."

Said to the waiter: "Add two more cans of Wanglaoji."

"Four cans are enough." Xiaowen said.

"That's four cans." Liu Qing didn't object.

I have already spent so much money to invite people to eat hot pot, there is no need to make people unhappy on drinks.

While waiting for the food to be served, Xiaowen asked Liu Qing with a smile:

"Why do you suddenly want to treat me to hot pot? Tell me the truth, do you want to chase me?"

Liu Qing pointed in the direction of the bathroom, and said bluntly:

"There's a mirror over there, why don't you take a look first."

"Don't be shy, men should be bolder, if you like it, just say it, I won't laugh at you." Xiaowen said, and gave him a very contrived wink.

Liu Qing took the menu on the table and showed her the same order: "Hey, look, beef balls are my dish, beef is my dish, mutton is my dish, eel slices are my dish, and enoki mushrooms are my dish." It's mine, but you're not mine."

"You haven't eaten it yet, how do you know I'm not your type?" Xiaowen winked at him and said with a smile, "I can give you a chance to pursue me."

"Don't you," Liu Qing waved his hand, "I finally got free, how could I fall into it again like an idiot?"

"I'm not your ex-girlfriend," Xiaowen said, "I'm not interested in your wallet."

"I know," Liu Qing said depressedly, "You are interested in my air conditioner."

Xiaowen covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly: "Don't be so blunt, can't you pretend that we have feelings?"

"We are all friends, why talk about feelings?" Liu Qing shook her head, "Talking about feelings is too hurtful."

If he could only maintain a purely physical relationship, he would not reject Xiaowen.

After all, we are all adults with normal endocrine.

I'm afraid that dirty feelings will accidentally mix in and destroy this pure physical relationship.

It's better to simply refuse.

Xiaowen asked strangely: "You didn't want to chase me, why did you suddenly spend so much money to treat me to hot pot?"

Liu Qing sighed: "It seems that I can't hide it from you, so let's tell the truth—"

He leaned forward and whispered to Xiaowen:

"I will soon inherit billions of dollars and become a rich second generation."

Chapter 017


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