The Ordinary Life of Ordinary Human Beings Author: Where Can Peach

brief introduction:

This book is poisonous, you can't read it at night, you can't read it at work, you can't read it while eating, you can't read it while walking, you can only read it secretly.


He Sihai, known as He Dali, is good at farming, moving bricks, bragging, setting up stalls, saving money, and raising peaches.

This is just an "ordinary" life story of an "ordinary human being".

This is a story about helping the dead to fulfill their wishes and extradite their souls.

Let's find the moving in the ordinary together.

This book is also known as "The Ordinary Life of Guiding People", "Guiding People in the Yellow Spring", "The Ferryman of Wishes", and "Meeting and Guiding People with Vows".

Chapter 1

When He Sihai came out from the construction site and went back to the rental house, he seemed to be seriously ill.The mouth was dry, the limbs were sore and limp, and because of the scorching sun, the red skin felt tingling.

Even though it has been more than two months since he came to the construction site, he still feels that he is not suitable for the current job.

He didn't know if he could persevere, but the busy work and exhausted body every day left him no free time to think, but instead made him persevere until now.

Of course he didn't dare to think.

I don't want to be able to live on.

Passing by the cold drink shop on the side of the road, the cold wind seeping out of the shop made his body cool for a while.

I glanced at the freezer outside and touched my pocket. There was 20 yuan wet with sweat inside, and I was reluctant to buy a bottle of mineral water in the end.

"It's all tap water that's a lie." He Sihai comforted himself and continued to move forward.

The weather was so hot that his sweaty clothes were dried in the sun in a short while, leaving streaks of white salt stains.

He Sihai rented a place far away, but in order to save one yuan for the bus fare, he chose to walk.

After walking about [-] meters, I saw an old man pushing a tricycle sitting in the shade of a tree to rest.

He casually glanced inside the tricycle, there were quite a lot of things, most of them were books.

Suddenly, a bundle of bikini-clad beauty magazines caught his attention.

"Master, do you sell this magazine?" He Sihai walked over and asked.

"Sell it, of course sell it, hehe~" The old man who collected the rags showed a look that any man could understand.

Instead of explaining, He Sihai scratched his head, showing a simple and shy smile.

"Why be ashamed? What's wrong with wanting a woman? Thinking of a woman means you're mature. Judging by your honest appearance, the uncle won't charge you money, so you can pick whatever you want."

The trash collector felt He Sihai's appearance and remembered when he was young.

Besides, these are all weighed by the catty, and they are not worth a few dollars.

"Master... I want them all." He Sihai blushed and said coyly.

"This..." The uncle showed a puzzled look on his face, one or two copies is fine, such a large bundle, he can sell it for several dollars.

"I can give money."

He Sihai hurriedly took out the only 20 yuan from his pocket, and held it tightly in his hand, extremely reluctant to part with it.

"Oh, forget it, you are on the construction site next door, it's not easy to come out to work at such a young age, forget it, you can take it."

He Sihai heard the words, and hurriedly hugged the bundle of magazines in his arms, the weight was not light.

After thinking about it, he put it down again, and said to the uncle: "Master, wait."

Then, under the surprised eyes of the uncle, he ran back to the cold drink shop he passed by just now, and bought a bottle of mineral water.

"Master, drink some water."

The uncle who collected the tatters was very surprised, but he was not polite and took it directly.

This time, He Sihai was no longer polite, and left with the magazine in his arms.

"Young man, I walk this way every day. If I want to read books in the future, I can come to the uncle to get them." Suddenly, the old man who collected the trash shouted from behind.

"Thank you, sir." He Sihai turned his head and showed a simple and honest smile.

"What a good boy." The uncle said with emotion.

But he didn't find any simple and honest smile on He Sihai's face when he turned his head.

He Sihai buckled a piece of limestone from the wall of the road, went straight to the gate of Lieutenant Colonel No. 32, found a slightly remote corner and sat down.

Then he opened the bundle of magazines in his hand.

Randomly flipping through, there are a total of 28 bikini magazines, ten martial arts books, and an unused notebook.

This is much easier.

He Sihai put the ten martial arts books on the outside, and only put two bikini books.

High school students are still at a shameless age, if they put all the bikini magazines, they might be embarrassed to buy them, which is why he found a remote corner.

"Martial arts secret books, two yuan a piece."

He Sihai wrote a few words on the ground with a lime block.

Then put the notebook under the buttocks and wait for school to end.

He Sihai works on the construction site in the morning shift, from 6:4 am to [-]:[-] pm, when the students are about to leave school.

Sure enough, He Sihai hadn't finished flipping through a magazine when he heard the school bell ringing.

Then a large number of students poured out of the school.

There are many stalls at the gate of the school. At this time, the students come out to find food, and they have to study at night later.

But none of this conflicts with He Sihai.

"Martial arts cheats, boss, you are so funny." The three students surrounded He Sihai curiously when they saw the words written by He Sihai.

He Sihai glanced at the fried skewers in their hands, they were all meat, and swallowed.

But this also shows that their family conditions are not bad and they are rich.

So he said with a smile: "It's really a martial arts cheat book. It's not a lie. It's an official national publication. If you don't believe me, you can read it."

As he spoke, he spread out the bikini magazines that had been stacked together just now.

The eyes of several high school students were immediately attracted, staring dodgingly at the bikini girl on the magazine cover.

In the end, these three students contributed 21 yuan to He Sihai.

Wulin is two yuan a piece, and bikini magazine is five yuan a piece.

He didn't lie, the martial arts cheats written on the ground cost two yuan a piece, but he didn't write a bikini magazine for two yuan a piece.

And beauties are naturally more "noble".

Boys at the age of fifteen or sixteen are all hormonal monsters.

So He Sihai's business needless to say.

It sold out soon, and some people with thin skins bought this martial arts bikini just by the way.

Some got on top, they didn't even cover up, they just ran away with their pockets.

Therefore, He Sihai obtained a net profit of 159 yuan, which was the cost of mineral water with one yuan deducted.

This is almost catching up with his wages for working on the construction site for a day.

When I stood up and was about to go back, I found the notebook under my buttocks.

He couldn't help showing annoyance, why didn't he just call it a "book without words" and sell it for ten yuan?

This notebook is bound in yellow leather and looks very old-fashioned. It is completely reasonable to say that it is a wordless book.

Think about it or forget it, go back and save it for bookkeeping.

So I put it in my pocket, ate the cheapest egg fried rice on the side of the road for only five yuan, drank three bowls of clear egg drop soup for free, and then went back to the rental house.

The place where He Sihai lives belongs to the illegal construction of the village in the city. The area is only 10 square meters, and 150 a month.

Back in the room, he threw the notebook on the bed, took out the money in his pocket and counted it.

I earned 160 from buying books, and originally had 180 in my pocket, so the total is 174, minus the mineral water and meal expenses, and I have [-] left.

He Sihai counted it three times and confirmed that it was correct. It seems that he still has to find a way to get 26 yuan, round it up, and then deposit it on the card.

He didn't dare to put him in the rental house, he had already been patronized by thieves three times, and the last time, the thief left him half a pack of cigarettes, but unfortunately he didn't smoke, so he gave it to the foreman in the end.

He Sihai took the notebook casually, and found a ballpoint pen with the cap missing in the crack of the drawer, and prepared to record it.

But when he looked through the notebook, he found that there were words on it.

No, to be precise, there are pictures.

Chapter 2 Shutdown

On the first page is a small figure in an odd pose.

He was also wearing a set of weird clothes, which looked like an ancient person.

"It's really a secret book of martial arts?" He Sihai wanted to laugh a little.

He has seen this thing a lot, there are many in martial arts magazines, the Yi Jin Jing and the Eight Scenery sections are all similar movements.

When I was in the second year of middle school, I also practiced for a while, but I didn't even get a fart, so I had to accept the reality.

"However, is there a picture on this before?"

He Sihai was a little puzzled.

It was because I didn't have one before that I was regarded as a notebook by myself.

Did I remember wrong?

If I had known earlier that I would sell it for 26 yuan, I would be able to make up a whole number of two hundred.

He Sihai was very annoyed.

Look at this cover, look at this artist, it is said that it is a proper martial arts cheat book.

He Sihai lost interest in this "Wulin Cheats" and casually threw it on the table.

I'm going to get off work tomorrow and sell it at the school gate.

Then he took off his shirt, put on his pants, took the washbasin to the shared tap water outside, took a shower for himself, and washed his clothes by the way.

After taking a bath, the hotness that He Sihai had been suffocating in his heart finally came down.

I don't know if it's because of the cold bath or because of the cold weather.

Lying on the bed, he picked up his rice phone casually.

When I bought it, I thought it was cheap and had a big screen.

But I didn't expect it to be a hot water bottle.

So after brushing it for a while, I didn't dare to play it anymore. I put it aside and let it cool down to prevent it from exploding.

He couldn't fall asleep for a while, and saw the "martial arts cheat book" on the bedside.

Take it over and flip it over.

"Is this teaching Sleeping Arhat?"

He Sihai looked at the first page, and there was a little man leaning sideways, with his head in his hands, very much like the Sleeping Arhat in Zhou Xingxing's movie.

He Sihai turned over and tried it out, and found that this posture was quite comfortable.

So I turned to the second page.

Sure enough, another pose was changed on the second page.

The entire notebook has a total of 72 pages, that is, 36 sheets, each with an action, and the back is blank.

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