Li Kuo tried to command the archer troop to counter-suppress the stone slingers on the city wall, but the rain of stone bullets on this side was too ferocious, and the undisguised suppression of the number was so overwhelming that the archers could not lift their heads. Under the blessing of the skills of Panna's gold-level slinger specialization, the fierce offensive that broke out was enough to make a large number of people stunned!

Chapter 2 Eighty, Three Bow Bed Crossbow VS Siege Tower

Fortunately, Li Kuo adopted a slow attack to advance, otherwise, according to the firepower of Zhao Pan, a round of stone bullets smashed past, it is estimated that it can cause a devastating blow to the fast attacking force!

But his slow attack was also suppressed so thoroughly for the first time. If the previous offensives of the enemies were compared to a violent storm, then this time, the overwhelming rain of stone bullets is equivalent to a tsunami. Shoot him on the beach.

But everyone knows that the focus of this battle is not on the big troops at all, but on the two siege towers and the three three-bow crossbows. This is the key to the victory or defeat of this siege!

The three three-bow crossbows placed on the city wall fired frantically, bombarding the siege tower on the left side of the siege tower in accordance with Zhao Pan's instructions. As the distance got closer, the pressure on both sides continued to increase. .

It was the first time that the soldiers pushing the siege tower encountered such a ferocious attack, and every step was a shock to their hearts. And the soldiers who controlled the three-bow crossbow to fire were also hell in their hearts. Except for the city wall, For the first time, their siege weapon encountered something so resistant to beating.

Holding the monocular in his hand, Zhao Pan commanded the slingers to suppress the advance of the enemy's large army, and also kept an eye on the situation of the siege tower on the left.

As the distance got closer, the destructive power of the heavy crossbow was becoming stronger and stronger. After a series of indiscriminate bombardment by three triple-bow crossbows, the entire outer bronze armor plate was bombed beyond recognition.

In the time that Zhao Pan's thoughts were flying, three heavy crossbow arrows flew out in a row, and with the roar, the siege tower that was hit was crumbling.

The violent shaking made the soldiers hiding inside the siege tower stunned. Then, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, there was another loud noise, and a few sharp bronze fragments splashed on a soldier's face. He slashed his cheek, and the scene that caught his eye immediately made his legs tremble, and he fell to the ground on the spot!

"Break-through! The bronze armor plate was pierced!"

Looking at the heavy crossbow bolt directly nailed to the bronze armor plate of the siege tower, the defending soldiers standing on the city wall went crazy!The enemies outside the city are also crazy, and the difference is that the former is ecstatic, while the latter is probably only panicked...

"Fire! Keep firing! Blast it for me!!" At that moment, Zhao Pan, who was standing on the city wall, changed his calm and mountain-like image. He suppressed it for too long, and the backlogged emotions burst out in an instant. After that, it directly caused him to fall into an unprecedented excitement!

And until now, the crossbowmen who finally saw the clear results of the battle are also suddenly excited, installing heavy crossbow arrows, adjusting the attack angle, and even with these operations, it has become a bit more agile.

The indiscriminate bombardment of the three three-bow crossbows continued, affecting the nerves of everyone on this battlefield, and the last of the siege army, as the general who commanded this army, Li Kuo's face can be said to be It was extremely dignified, well, he did not deny that he had had so little expectations for the siege tower, hoping that in this siege battle, it would be as indestructible as before.

But the reality is that at this moment, its skinnyness is fully displayed. Looking at the siege tower that was pierced by three heavy crossbow arrows in a blink of an eye, Li Kuo still has a kind of unrealistic feeling. a feeling of.

After all, the status of the siege tower in the minds of their Da Zhou soldiers is equivalent to the three-bow crossbow in Luo Ji's hands, and now, the trump card of their Da Zhou army, that indestructible siege tower in the siege battle is actually really to be breached? !The blow to morale at that moment was undoubtedly huge.

Fortunately, as a commanding general, Li Kuo still has a strong control over his army. After using his skills to boost his morale, he quickly stabilized the situation and made a series of new instructions.

The fierce battle continued to ferment on this battlefield, and finally, with a loud noise, the crumbling siege tower was finally completely destroyed at this moment!

The soldiers of the defending force were completely in ecstasy. However, before they could cheer for a while, a violent muffled sound suddenly came from the right side. It was another siege tower of the siege army!When they set fire to attack the siege tower on the left, the siege tower on the right had already slammed into their city wall!

Facing such a situation, Zhao Pan stood on the wall with a calm expression. Since he had already decided to destroy them one by one, he also had to be mentally prepared to fight one by one. Therefore, he ordered three three-bow crossbows to set fire to them. While attacking the siege tower on the left, he also directly dispatched a team of spearmen to guard the wall on the right. This move was undoubtedly aimed at the siege tower on the right.

When the time comes, once the soldiers hiding in the siege tower are killed, he will let the spearmen who are guarding outside take all those soldiers back in one breath.

By the way, these spears are still ready-made by Luo Ji from the armouries in Eastbound City and Songhe City...

Quickly re-confirmed the situation on the battlefield. The battle has been fought so far, and the enemy's advancing troops are about to be pushed outside the city gate. With a big wave of his hand, "All the slingers throw the last round, and then all withdraw from the city wall! All the shield and axe troops come forward! Pay attention to the ladders on the opposite side, don't let those ladders stand on our wall!"

The replacement between troop and troop proceeded very quickly. After hearing the order, the infantry troop waiting below quickly rushed to the city wall and replaced the slingers.

The situation here basically does not require Zhao Pan to worry, so most of his attention now is on the siege tower that came over!

The tightly closed bronze armor plate fell heavily on the wall of Songhe City like a suspension bridge, making a muffled 'bang' sound, accompanied by a burst of shouting and killing, inside the tower of the siege tower, a group of shield axes The soldiers rushed out frantically!For this team of shield and axemen hiding in the siege tower, every time they rushed out of the siege tower and jumped on the enemy's wall, it was a choice between life and death. It would be nice to have half of them go back alive.

However, the reality is that at the moment when they fell on the bronze suspension bridge, they gave them a heavy blow, which made them clearly feel the cruelty of reality. One after another, sharp spears stabbed them. The unlucky soldier was stabbed in the opposite direction on the spot, and the spear, which was far longer than ordinary spears, used this length advantage to restrain the opponent's wave of rushing at this moment!

Chapter 281 , The Battlefield of Fragmentation

The moment Li Kuo realized that the siege tower on the left was attacked by the concentrated fire, he had already made a response, and quietly shifted the center of gravity of the entire army to the right. In other words, the army was maintained below. The soldiers who are advancing slowly will use the siege tower on the right as a bridge at the moment when the siege tower hits the city wall, and they will rush up in large numbers!

However, as an experienced veteran on the battlefield, it is obviously impossible for Li Kuo to press all his troops on that one point, and concentrate all his troops to attack one point. A concentrated attack would be more convenient for them to defend.

For example, now, in the face of the siege tower that came over, Zhao Pan on the city wall unceremoniously dispatched three spearmen, and let them hold their spears directly and block there. The opposite side can't rush up at all for a while!

In this way, the time for the Yunti troops to play a role has come. With the sound of the attack horn again, the soldiers rushed for a while, and the target of the Yunti troops was directly locked on the left city wall. The purpose of this approach is to disperse the defenders of the city. The strength of the troops also increased their chances of rushing to the wall. As long as a group of soldiers can board and open a gap, then their chances will come.

This way of playing directly divided the battle on the west wall of Songhe City into two parts. On the left, three spearmen formed a spear formation to fight against the soldiers in the siege tower. The battle formations on both sides It can be called a clear distinction.

In comparison, the scene on the right side is much more chaotic. A large number of shield axemen and halberdiers are running back and forth on the wall, some are pushing down the ladder, and some are throwing sparring stones and Rolling wood, occasionally one or two enemy soldiers successfully climbed up, which would immediately lead to a siege. The second stage of the battle for the city wall had just started, and the armies of both sides fell into a stalemate of mutual consumption!

"The general defending the city on the opposite side has some means..." Gritting his teeth, he was unable to occupy the wall of Songhe City for a long time, and it became extremely difficult to even climb the wall. This situation made Li Kuo's face obviously more ugly than before. "Where's Jiang Wei? What's going on? According to the plan, Jiang Wei should also start attacking the east wall of Songhe City at this point in time, but the opposing force of the defenders has not been divided at all. , is there an accident?"

However, what Li Kuo didn't know was that when he was thinking so, Jiang Wei on the other side had the same idea as him, "Damn! Why hasn't that guy Li Kuo captured Songhe City? Is it because What has delayed the siege time? It can't be that the attack has not yet been defeated, right? It shouldn't be. Considering the troops mobilized in the past, there are at least [-] siege troops on the battlefield in Shangyuan City. With the last two siege towers, even if Li Kuo's siege tactics are slow, they should be knocked down..."

While his thoughts were flying around, he only heard the sound of swords colliding, and a bronze battle axe slammed into the bronze long sword in his hand.

"This guy is really difficult to deal with!" I saw that at this moment, maintaining the posture of holding swords in both hands, the blue veins on Jiang Wei's forehead and neck exploded exaggeratedly. In the blink of an eye, he was beaten again. three rounds.

In the lineup of generals under Zhou Dongnan, Jiang Wei's overall strength can be ranked in the top three, and his command and bravery have reached the level of four stars. According to Luo Ji's standards, he can already be ranked in the lineup of first-class generals.

But compared with his personal strength, Guo Zhen, who has a double four-star valor and endurance, is clearly superior. The violent and aggressive offensive style has almost overwhelmed Jiang Wei's passive defense, and the bronze long sword in his hand has been chopped up several times. This cut made Jiang Wei feel a pain in the flesh. The sword in his hand was not cheap, it cost him a lot of money!

Gritting his teeth tightly, as the blades collided, he made two more moves with the stubborn enemy general in front of him. Jiang Wei glanced around. In this wave of ambush battle, as the side that was ambushed, they had already lost their lives. He had the first-mover advantage, and at the same time, he couldn't even match the strength of the opposing team. After a while, not only him, but the soldiers under his command couldn't stand it anymore!

As soon as he thought of this, Jiang Wei's arms suddenly exerted force, and after forcibly forcing Guo Zhen to retreat half a step, he launched two more chasing attacks, and then shouted, "The whole army retreats!!"

There is no way to fight on his side, and if he continues to fight, there is only a dead end. It is a sensible way to quickly withdraw to Songshan City to regroup while there are still troops in his hand.

"Boss, they are starting to retreat." Zhou Yi, who had been staring at the battle situation on the high ground in the distance, said quickly.

When Luo Ji heard this, he replied calmly, "Choose wisely, if we fight again, they will all be wiped out here."

"Boss, what should we do next?"

"Hmm-" Faced with this question, Luo Ji pondered for two seconds. Although the overall plan had already been finalized, some details of the mobilization and layout still had to be pondered a little bit. Just when he was about to say something. When the sound of horse hooves came from a distance, Luo Ji glanced at him and saw a soldier riding a fast horse, rushing towards his position...

This person is a familiar face, but unfortunately, the bodyguards beside Luo Ji are all wolf warriors in the early years, and all of them are full of loyalty. In order to ensure Luo Ji's safety, they have never been close. Human feelings, let alone a familiar face, even if the former commander Luo Yong dared to rush all the way on a fast horse like this, each and every one of them would put their hands on the hilt of the bronze war sword around their waists!

The visitor was obviously aware of the behavior of Luo Ji's personal guards. He reined in the reins in his hand from 20 meters away, then got off his horse, rushed a few steps, and knelt down on one knee directly towards Luo Ji. , "Zhang Ji, captain of the seventh team of the reconnaissance team, see the leader!"

While speaking, Zhang Ji quickly handed over the sealed parchment in his arms, "This is a letter entrusted by Guo Junshi."

"Guo Jia?" A flash of surprise flashed in Luo Ji's eyes, and then he waved his hand. The guard beside him immediately understood, and neatly took the letter and delivered it to Luo Ji.

Luo Ji opened it, and then chuckled, "Guo Jia, he's very clever in doing things now..."

As he spoke, Luo Ji waved his hand, "Send the order, and let Guo Zhen lead seven hundred troops to continue the pursuit, and all the remaining troops will be withdrawn to Songhe City and returned to Zhao Pan to assist in defending the city!"

Chapter 282, Li Kuo's decision

On this side of the battlefield west of Songhe City, this agonizing siege is still going on. Under the city wall, a large number of corpses are constantly accumulating, and the battle on the wall is even more fierce. The dark red blood is almost dying. Paint the entire wall a new color.

In the distance, the hand that Li Kuo was holding on the hilt of the sword had turned ashen because of too much force. The number of corpses piled up under the city wall has reached a shocking amount. Numbers, however, Jiang Wei's side has been silent for a long time. He is basically certain in his heart that Jiang Wei is probably in an accident, which can't help but put more pressure on Li Kuo.

Zhou Dongnan's order was to capture Songhe City in one breath before sunset, but the situation is now repeated. First, Jiang Wei had an accident, and he failed to attack the east wall of Songhe City as planned, and then the defender of the west wall. The general is really tenacious, occupying the top of the wall, and he is actually fighting with him until now...

One side was His Majesty's order, and the other side was the situation in front of him. This bad situation made Li Kuo feel a dilemma for a while. Who knew that at this moment, the closed gate of Songhe City in the distance slowly rose.

This obviously exceeded Li Kuo's expectations. When the soldiers near the city gate of Songhe City saw the gate open, they thought that the top of the wall of Songhe City had been occupied by their people, and subconsciously rushed inside. , but unexpectedly what was waiting for them were dozens of sharp spears!The group of soldiers who rushed in front were stabbed to death on the spot by those dozens of spears before they could see clearly!

At the same time, a uniform sound of footsteps came from behind the city gate. The sound of those steps was heavy and powerful, and it kept hitting everyone's heart, bringing a lot of psychological pressure to the enemy outside the city gate. .

Li Kuo, who was in the distance, looked intently, and saw that the other side opened the way with spearmen, followed by a large number of shield and axe soldiers, advancing at the same pace in a rigorous army formation.

"What does the other party want to do? They actually took the initiative to go out of the city to meet them?" Li Kuo frowned when he saw this battle. The battle had reached this point. Although he failed to directly capture the wall of Xia Songhe City, according to the whole battle situation, His military strength still has a fairly obvious advantage. At this time, the defending generals of the other side will send infantry troops out of the city to meet them, which will inevitably lead to a decline in the garrison strength on the city wall of Songhe City. Isn't he afraid that the city wall will fall?

Of course, from the enemy's point of view, Li Kuo wished that the other party made a serious mistake, so that he could capture the city wall in one breath, so of course, he would also pay close attention to the movement on the other side of the city gate.

Visually counting the number of troops advancing out at a glance, there are at least 500 people. Li Kuo looked overjoyed. Once this force is taken away, he does not believe that the opposite side can still defend the city wall!

With this thought in mind, just as Li Kuo was about to force the soldiers to rush to the wall again, the picture that continued to catch his eyes in the distance made the joy on his face gradually disappear...

"How is it possible? There are more than 500 troops advancing?!" The army formation is still advancing!The opponent is obviously also using a slow attack and advancing style of play. Relying on the length advantage of the spearmen, they maintain the spear formation. The opponent's army formation is pushed out step by step, forcing the soldiers near the city wall to retreat. Just one breath opens up a living space.

Then, looking at the number of enemy troops that had completely shot out from the city gate, Li Kuo's face changed completely, and he quickly looked up to confirm the situation on the city wall in the distance, but found that the defending soldiers on the other side's city wall basically did not decrease, "No. , It's impossible, it's impossible! What are you kidding? How come there are so many troops on the opposite side?!"

The huge pressure on his body made Li Kuo's whole mind into a mess. The siege battle has been fought so far, and he basically knows how many defending troops the opponent has. But it has reached at least 1000 people!

Holding his forehead with one hand, with that gloomy face on his face, Li Kuo tried to sort out the mess of thoughts in his mind, and then, as if thinking of something, his expression suddenly changed, "We are dividing our troops, and the other party is also dividing our troops. ?!"

Li Kuo, who came to this conclusion, twitched his heart violently, "Their army was divided into two parts at the beginning, and the one who was in charge of garrisoning Songhe City was only part of it from beginning to end, and the other one. Part of it is doing other things..."

"Ambush Jiang Wei?!" At this moment, the more Li Kuo thought about it, the more ugly his face became, and his whole heart kept sinking, "And now, the troops that ambushed Jiang Wei have returned, that Jiang Wei Did he..."

Li Kuo didn't dare to think about it any longer, this was simply a nightmare!At the same time, the Songhe City in front of him also seemed to have transformed into an ancient giant beast at this moment, becoming hideous and terrifying!

"Quick! Destroy all the wheels of the siege tower, and then the entire army retreats!!" His strength advantage is gone, and if he continues to fight, it is estimated that he will have to pay a heavy price!As a moderate-minded general, Li Kuo never liked to make impulsive decisions. According to his idea, he would first preserve his troops and withdraw to Shangyuan City, then fight a wave of defensive battles to stabilize his position, and wait until after regrouping. Looking for opportunities to counterattack is a good strategy.

At the same time, before retreating, he issued an order to destroy all the wheels of the siege tower, because he knew very well, just as much as the siege tower, pushing the siege tower, basically don't want to leave, this can also be said to be pretending One of the major flaws caused by so many bronze armor plates, after all, this defensive power is acquired by sacrificing speed.

In this way, the siege tower can't be brought back, but if you stay here, you will undoubtedly lose the enemy in vain. At that time, if the enemy pushes this siege tower to attack his Shangyuan City, then The fun is big, so before you go, you must destroy all the wheels!

With the sound of the retreat horn, the siege army of Shangyuan City began to retreat. After Zhao Pan asked his troops to chase and kill them for a symbolic distance, he told them to withdraw.

Because this time, Luo Ji was transferred back to support his infantry unit, but they had already fought two battles in a row, and they couldn't even catch their breath in the middle. The physical strength of the soldiers had to be taken into consideration.

At the same time, the opponent didn't get beaten and fled by them, but retreated in an organized way. In other words, the opponent still has the strength to fight, and if they catch up, there is basically no hope that the opponent will be severely damaged, and it will only increase casualties. is not necessary.

On Songhe City, when Li Kuo's siege army withdrew, the entire siege battle could be said to have come to an end temporarily. On the other side, Guo Zhen and Jiang Wei's chasing battle was not so easy. ended……

Chapter 283

At this moment, in the northeast direction of Songhe City, Guo Zhen led his [-] troops to chase them all the way. In that posture, he obviously did not intend to let Jiang Wei escape back to Songshan City alive.

However, when the other party wants to escape, Guo Zhen, who is the chasing party, is not so easy to catch up in a short time.

However, just when Guo Zhen was thinking about what to do, the slightly shaking ground and the rumbling sound that gradually penetrated into their ears made Guo Zhen and Jiang Wei change their faces at the same time!


Both of them are obviously familiar with the most mobile arm of the cold weapon era. Almost at the same time as the idea arose, a cavalry force that had already rushed to the limit was already carrying the sand and dust all the way. Charge towards the retreating troops.

"Damn!" Guo Zhen was shocked when he saw Bai Ze who was at the forefront of the cavalry unit, and hurriedly rushed towards Jiang Wei.

However, aside from his riding skills, how could Guo Zhen, a burly man with a strong back and a bronze armor, surpass Bai Ze faster?

Considering the mobility of the light cavalry, Bai Ze's armor is specially customized. More than 70.00% of the whole set of armor is made of leather, and only a few small pieces of bronze protect the heart, the back of the heart and other vital organs. The purpose is to reduce the load and maintain his mobility when charging!

Now this area is the only piece of terrain on the entire road leading to Songshan City that is relatively suitable for cavalry charges. If you go further, once you enter the steep mountainous area, the cavalry will not be able to charge even if they want to. , So, this wave of raids, both the timing and the location, are very accurate. After all, from a certain point of view, Bai Ze, who has the tactics of 'cavalry raid', can also be called an expert in raid warfare. !

It was too late, but it was too soon. I saw that the five hundred light cavalry led by Bai Ze quickly approached the fleeing enemy, and the first shot was a set of signature two-stage rushing, which directly caused destruction to the infantry unit in front of him. sexual blow.

And Bai Ze, who was at the forefront, directly locked on the enemy general Jiang Wei. With a flick of the bronze spear in his hand, I saw him picking up the spear, riding a white dragon, and swept past with the momentum of the unity of the people and the horse. At the same time, he did not give the opponent any chance to react or resist at all. The cold light flashed at the tip of the spear, and the bronze spear carrying the momentum was about to bring a vague shadow of the spear. It ran through Jiang Wei's throat!The result was a neat result in the life of the enemy general!

Bai Ze's performance is undoubtedly satisfactory, but Luo Ji is more satisfied with the comprehensive performance of the cavalry units. This is no longer a rookie unit that only knows how to charge. After going through a lot of actual combat on the grasslands, they There was already a sense of sophistication in every move. After the second-stage rush, the entire troop was instantly divided into two, quickly forming a closed formation in a roundabout way, directly cutting off the retreat of the deserters. Shrinking the formation, while constantly making up the knife, quickly harvesting the remaining enemy soldiers.

After the war, looking at Bai Ze, who was riding his horse slowly, compared to Luo Ji, who looked satisfied, the other two were not in a good mood...

One of them is Guo Zhen, this guy Bai Ze, who actually stole people's heads as soon as he came up, and immediately stole a piece of merit. Facing such a bad thing, he chased and killed Guo Zhen for a long time in the back. , Now the mood is good to have a ghost.

The other person who was not in a good mood was Burigude who arrived with a cavalry troop. The cavalry troop's attack method was mainly cavalry and archery. Bai Ze brought his light cavalry troop with a He rushed up, which made it difficult for the cavalry archers behind to shoot at all, and then they could only watch the light cavalry troop swipe a few times and solve everything, making them completely useless...

For a while, the two who had never met before cast an unhappy look at Bai Ze at the same time.

Seeing this, Luo Ji laughed and introduced them to each other. Bai Ze and Buri Gude fought on the grasslands all the year round, while Guo Zhen and Guo Jia, the two brothers, went west all the year round. The understanding of each other is basically maintained at the level of hearing the names.

At the first official meeting, Bai Ze managed to arouse the other two obviously unhappy. Then, after learning from Luo Ji's mouth that he had robbed Guo Zhen's head, Bai Ze acted bluntly and directly directed at him. Guo Zhen clenched his fists and fully expressed his apology.

In this regard, Guo Zhen's complexion has obviously eased a lot. He is a big man himself, and he is not someone who will think about this matter, but he has been fighting for a long time, and he was suddenly robbed. He is in a bad mood. Inevitably.

As for the other Buri Gude, who was still unhappy, Bai Ze decisively ignored it. There is a saying that is good, colleagues are enemies, everyone is cavalry, and they all hang out on the grassland, and they are all about the same age. When people get together, it's hard not to think hard.

Facts have proved that the two of them have been competing all the time, ranging from marching to war, small to some boring trivial matters, the two can basically be compared to everything, one of which is that Brigude won an overwhelming victory, That is, his two sons can already make soy sauce, and Bai Ze is still hesitating in front of Liu Yuan, not like a man.

Of course, this is a trivial matter, and if you have something to do, you can make fun of Bai Ze, but Burigude himself doesn't take it seriously, as a proud eagle on the grassland!Since it is compared, it is of course a comparison of military exploits and achievements. For this reason, the entire grassland is almost disturbed by them. The people of the grassland tribes all fled after seeing them.

And this time, the reason why the two came late was also because they accidentally killed too far during the competition and broke into the depths of the grassland completely.

Therefore, unlike Luo Yong who was stationed in the city at the time, they were almost a week behind when they received Luo Ji's recall order, and then they started rushing to the battlefield here, so they have only arrived now.

After comforting the three generals under his command, Luo Ji's eyes fell on Guo Jia, who had arrived late in the rear. It was obviously impossible for Bai Ze and Brigude, who had just arrived, to know the situation here. Even more unfamiliar with the terrain, there is no doubt that the arrangement of this wave of cavalry raids was obviously made by Guo Jia.

"Guo Jia sees the leader."

"I did a good job this time. I will remember your merit. I know that your kid has been thinking about my tea, and I will share some with you later."

Guo Jia's eyes lit up decisively when he heard this, "Thank you boss!"

Chapter 284, He Started to Panic

Since Ye Qingxuan sent him a batch of tea last time, he has been drinking it for a long time. Luo Ji has also developed the habit of drinking tea, but tea is a luxury item on his side. In other words, in the entire civilization at present, Luo Ji is basically the only person drinking tea.

After all, there wasn't much stock in total, and it was basically enough for him to drink. The last time he brought them back to Jingjing City for the reward, Luo Ji asked someone to make a pot of tea. I ordered some tea to remember...

However, this can be regarded as solving a problem for Luo Ji, that is, the award to Guo Jia, because according to the position, Guo Jia, as a military advisor, has a very detached status, and there is no promotion in the position. After the merit, Luo Ji could only reward some things.

You said to reward some money. After a few times, Guo Jia can be said to be very rich, and rewarding money is meaningless, so Luo Ji can only find some rare things. Once there was really nothing to reward. Now, Luo Ji directly asked Ma Liang to find a good-breed foal for him, which is enough to see how much Luo Ji has a headache about this problem, but now that he is well, he can enjoy tea leaves, just pity him That stock...

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