"Can it still be split?" Ye Chen listened, and the highlights in his eyes shone more violently. "How many can it split into at most?"

Wei Meng thought for a while, and replied uncertainly: "About thirty, but by then the range will only be reduced to within ten meters, but individuals are fragile and harmless, even if they are ordered to attack the target in groups, they will not be able to reach the target." No shot is directly effective."

"Is that so..."

Ye Chen rolled his eyes, and then expressed his opinion: "However, the natal arcana will grow as the user's nightmare experience increases, right? Maybe your number and scope will increase in the future, thus becoming It is also possible to become a very powerful ability."

Wei Meng was speechless for a while, and then his voice couldn't help trembling: "Wow, Yechen, you are really amazing. Clifford teacher also told me such a thing back then, I hope it's true..."

Ye Chen nodded, suddenly remembered something that he was very concerned about before, and then asked: "Speaking of which, by the way, Wei Meng, how many times have you experienced nightmares?"

"Huh? Twice."

Hearing this question, Waymon frowned blankly.

"Yechen, don't you know? Only those who become "smelling its breath" are eligible to enter the graduating class. "Those who heard their singing" who have only had one nightmare can only study basic courses in the alternate class , until the second round of nightmares comes.”

When Ye Chen heard the words, he suddenly realized.

Before, he was surprised because the number of students in the cafeteria far exceeded the total number of students in his class. It turned out that those were all students in the alternate class...

In this way, the graduating class he is in is really powerful, and all members have reached the realm of "those who smell their scent". Yechen had suffered a lot in order to reach this level...

The standard of this Olympian hunter is really extraordinary.

At the same time Yechen was feeling so secretly, Wei Meng next to him stretched out his hand to spread out the roll of white paper brought by his mouse, and whistled happily from behind.

"Hey, the Honeycomb Bar will have a free drinking day next month, which coincides with our free day. This is great news! By then, we graduates can have a good drink. It seems... today The news should raise the price."

Seeing this, Ye Chen suddenly asked: "You...are you collecting information from the town by means of mice? Could it be that the reason why you knew that the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce was attacked by the Holy Light Knight was also through this method? Achieved?"

"Hey, as expected of Mr. Yechen, the reaction is really fast."

Waymon showed a smug smile.

"I made a deal with a newspaper boy in town to give my rats a copy of the newsletter every noon on the edge of town, and then I sold it to students in school who wanted to know the current news, although this thing was alone. If you know it, it means that everyone around you knows it together, but it’s still a side income that you can earn without losing money, so don’t do it for nothing~”

After hearing this, Ye Chen was speechless. He didn't expect Wei Meng to be able to become the informant in the Hunter Academy by virtue of his unique arcane skills.

However, this can also explain why this closed academy was full of rumors about Yechen on the first day of his enrollment. I don’t know if the tutors above are ignorant of this matter, or just turn a blind eye. One Eye, all in all, it's an amazing school...

"Okay, let's go back to the dormitory. The two classes in the afternoon are medicine and maze environment. They are super boring theoretical classes. If you don't sleep at noon, you will be dead!"

After Wei Meng finished speaking with a smile, he turned around and walked towards the dormitory building in front of him. Yechen glanced at the outline of Hunter Town below the cliff behind him, and then followed the pace of his roommate.

Chapter 0117 Healing Ability

After the lunch break, Yechen followed Wei Meng to the pharmacology laboratory of Hunter College to study medicine.

The tutor in charge of this subject is named Ke Si, a young, beautiful, slender woman in a white coat, whose appearance and temperament are nine points similar to Ke Duo, the diagnostician Ye Chen saw in the sanatorium hospital yesterday, contact her surname , the two should be a pair of sisters, but it is unknown who is the sister.

The main content of this class is to explain to students the different effects of various drugs, as well as the emergency treatment measures that should be taken when encountering injuries in different situations.

Yechen, who was trained by Lyle since he was a child, is also proficient in making medicines. Like the painkillers he often swallowed in battles, Yechen made it himself with the medicinal materials from the Eternal Winter Hidden Region.

However, this is the Pure Land of Holy Light after all, and 90.00% of the medicinal materials and medicines that Ke Si explained were never seen before by Yechen, so if the transfer student who transferred in the middle of the class wants to keep up with everyone's pace, he has to fully integrate into it. In class, even if you can't understand the meaning of a lot of new words at all, you can only write them down one by one, and look them up in the textbook after class.

Secondly, this subject also teaches students the correct emergency treatment methods when they are suffering from various injuries. The life-saving skills not only include the general arcane art of "self-healing", but also introduce some things that Yechen has never understood. of medical supplies.

For example, the magical bandage that Kadashy used to quickly stop the bleeding for Yechen was a new type of hemostatic medical device developed by the Beacon of Truth.

In addition, there is a magical medical foam syringe that impressed Yechen. Even if the injured suffers severe lacerations to the point where the organs are damaged, as long as the foam in the syringe is injected into the body, the It can greatly repair the damage of organs and greatly improve the survival rate of the injured.

"Okay, students, after talking about the ingredients and effects of the medicine, as well as the emergency measures, now let's make the medicine ourselves, Shia, please help me from the side."

When Cos finished announcing this, the three-none girl Shia who was sitting in the corner of the classroom stood up, received the experiment material box from Cos, and distributed them on the experiment tables of the students one by one.

"The goal of our experiment today is to prepare a tube of low-purity refreshing potion. The results of this experiment will affect your overall evaluation. Please listen to the tutorial carefully and carry out the experiment carefully."

Next, Yechen devoted himself to the experiment of refining the refreshing potion by himself. As mentioned above, he had received pharmaceutical training from Lyle since he was five years old, so Yechen did the next experiment very easily. The result was prepared, and then obtained satisfactory approval from Kesi.

However, when the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Ye Chen was about to pack up his books and get up to leave, but was suddenly stopped by Ke Si.

"Student Yechen, is your injury better?" the female tutor asked gently.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded politely and replied, "I can move around normally, thanks to the medicine prescribed by Dr. Ke Duo."

"Ah That's good."

Kesi nodded with a smile, then stretched out her hand to pull the three-none girl Sia over, and then explained to Yechen: "Sia is in charge of cleaning and tidying up the pharmacy room today, but I consider this time There are too many experimental materials, and she may not be able to handle it alone, so I want to ask you for help, okay?"

Ye Chen and Shi Ya looked at each other expressionlessly, and the former nodded his head again and replied, "No problem."

Weimon's eyes lit up instantly when he heard that Shia wanted to stay, and he quickly asked Ke Si to stay and clean up together, but Ke Si felt that he would add to the chaos, and finally drove Wei Meng away mercilessly.

Afterwards, the instructor, Ke Si, left after explaining a few words. In the end, only Ye Chen and Xi Ya were left in the spacious pharmacology room.


The two looked at each other again, but both of them remained silent. They walked to the two sides of the pharmacology room, and immediately began to tidy up the experimental table and collect the experimental materials in silence.

Unlike Wei Meng, Ye Chen didn't think much about Shia, but felt very comfortable with her indifference. At least staying with this kind of person, he didn't have to worry about being questioned, so that Ye Chen Feeling extraordinarily relaxed.

However, during the cleaning process, Ye Chen suddenly remembered that Wei Meng once said that Siya's natal arcane art seems to be an extremely rare healing ability, so he quickly became interested in her ability again.

Is it a healing type of natal arcana...

I have never seen it before...

I don't know what her medium is and what the effect will be...

Yechen was holding a plate of cleaned scalpels and walked towards the storage box of experimental equipment, but lost his mind because of thinking about these problems, and accidentally knocked down the petite girl who came out from the side of the medicine cabinet.

The next moment, several scalpels slipped from the wet chassis and flew towards Shia's head.


Yechen reminded immediately, and at the same time stretched out his arms quickly, and before the scalpel touched Shia's face, he grabbed them all tightly in his hand.

Although he understands that Shia and himself are both nightmare sensors, ordinary knives are difficult to cause harm to their bodies, but the eyes will not be strong after all, so in order to avoid accidental injuries to Shia, Yechen still made a subconscious move. defensive action.

It's just that he grasped this palm a little too nervously, and even used the power of the mysterious spirit, so that the scalpel, which could not hurt Yechen's skin, was squeezed by Yechen's own strong grip. The skin left a little bit of blood.

"Sorry, are you okay?"

Yechen put the scalpel back to its original position, looked at the painless bloodstain on his palm, and then smiled apologetically at Shia.


Shia didn't speak, but stretched out her petite hands, slowly opened Yechen's bloody palm, then stretched out her slender index finger, and stroked Yechen's bloody mouth lightly, the latter immediately Feeling itching in the palm of his hand, he soon found that the blood stains had disappeared.

This is... her natal arcana?

Yechen observed the scene in front of him in amazement, and after Shia let go of his hands, he immediately couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and asked the latter.

"Siya-san, the medium of your natal arcana...is your finger?"

After hearing this, Shia opened her watery eyes and nodded her head slightly.

It turned out to be the case.

The corners of Yechen's mouth raised slightly, just as he was delighted that the question in his heart was answered, but he didn't expect the girl in front of him to make a voice suddenly.

"Student Yechen, where did you... grow up in the maze?"

Shia's voice was both very soft and a little hoarse.

When Yechen heard this question, he was stunned for a moment, then hesitated, and after some consideration in his heart, he finally gave such an answer in a flat tone: "I don't know the exact place name myself, I only know It’s a world where the wild meets the desert.”

Shia heard the words, but didn't make a sound.

Yechen paused for a moment, and couldn't help asking again: "You can ask such a question, could it be...you also came from the maze?"

However, this time, Shia still didn't reply, and the icy aura that repelled people thousands of miles away suddenly radiated from her body again, she turned her head and left, and after cleaning up the area she was in charge of, she quickly disappeared in Yechen in sight.


Ye Chen, who stayed alone, stopped for a while, then shook his head helplessly, obviously he didn't expect this girl to do things so freely, she just said a few words and then suddenly ignored him.

That's all, anyway, what he gave was a lie, and it was not a loss at all.

Yechen sighed secretly in his heart, and then quickly finished his cleaning area, and finally closed the door of the pharmacology room.

Then, he returned to the dormitory, first earnestly completed the after-school homework left by the tutors, and then carefully made up for the various knowledge he had left behind.

All in all, Yechen studied extremely hard, and compared with Wei Meng who had been sleeping in front of the desk for half an hour, there was a world of difference.

Although in the afternoon and evening before that, many students in the graduating class and even the alternate class were still deeply interested in Yechen's deeds, and wanted to make friends with him through various means to get to the bottom of it, but Yechen always With a friendly smirk, he gave everyone the answer of rejection one by one.

Over time, everyone dispersed with interest.

Thus, Yechen's first day of class at the Hunter Academy came to an end smoothly.

If you ignore the farce in the cafeteria at noon.

Chapter 0118 Extreme Hunting

If the courses on the first day are all carried out in classrooms and books, then the courses on the second day are developed by outdoor sports.

In the morning, Yechen put on the student black vest and black thin pants specially designed for outdoor courses, and ushered in his first physical fitness class on the spacious training ground of the college.

The instructor's name is Kaibo. He is a tall, burly man wearing an instructor's uniform.

Compared with the sacred history, medicine, and maze environment, the content of this subject is extremely simple and rough. It is to let students carry out a series of various physical trainings such as sprints, long-distance runs, and obstacle runs. The power, but the distance has skyrocketed because of this, so that "kilometer" has become an exaggeration of the smallest counting unit.

After everyone in the graduating class practiced profusely, Kaibo immediately clapped his hands and announced loudly: "Okay, the warm-up is over, now we will conduct a physical fitness assessment test, listen carefully, this time the results will affect your assessment list The total score, so give me enough energy and go all out, do you understand——!"

"Understood, Mr. Kebo!"

The students stood at attention and shouted in unison.

"Okay, come with me!"

After Kaibo finished speaking, he led the 51 students in the graduating class to undergo various physical fitness tests in turn, mostly in the form of overcoming obstacles.

Although Yechen has no physical problems at all, but he has just recovered from the injuries left by the Abyss, the Holy Light, and the chase some time ago, so he hastily coped with today's test, and finally passed the test among the 51 students. I ran a No.20 ranking, and the results are considered passable.

By the way, the physical fitness test results of the others are: Oke first, Errigat second, Firona third, Shia No. 11, Wemon No. 20 and sixth.

It can be seen that, in the face of the power of the spirit, which is closely related to the spirit, the different sexual characteristics of men and women have basically negligible influence on physical movement.

"Phew... I'm exhausted"

After the physical class, after lunch and washing his body, Wei Meng sat on the soft bed in the dormitory, and while wiping his wet long hair with a towel, he complained in a tired tone.

"I heard that the hand-to-hand combat class in the afternoon also has an assessment test."

"Also, tomorrow's hot and cold strikes will also be evaluated."

"Ahhh, the pressure is huge!"

Ye Chen sat on the opposite side of Wei Meng, feeling the strong resentment from his roommate, but he put the quilt on himself calmly, and calmly reminded Wei Meng: "If you know, go to bed early and recover your strength as soon as possible. That's the urgency."

Looking at Yechen, Wei Meng couldn't help frowning, and muttered softly: "But I always feel that you don't seem to be tired at all..."

Although Ye Chen's score in the physical fitness assessment was No. 20, which is six places higher than him, which is already considered good, but Wei Meng always felt that this guy didn't go all out, as if he was deliberately letting go, even if he finished everything The physical training, and the face is not tired.

However, after all, the other party was the legendary transfer student who survived the siege of five knights. It is reasonable to be so physically strong, and it is not surprising.

Thinking of this, Wei Meng hung the wet towel on the balcony, and couldn't help asking Yechen: "Hey, yes, Yechen, I know that the rumors from Hunter Town have exaggerated a lot, so I am very happy. Curious, what is the specific situation of you and the five people taught by the Holy Light Knight..."

Ye Chen sank his head in the soft pillow, heard Wei Meng's question, and then sighed involuntarily.

Hearing Yechen's sigh, Wei Meng knew that he seemed very unwilling to mention this matter with others, and immediately slapped his eyes with a smirk: "Oh, everyone has the heart of gossip, if you really don't want to talk about it , then just pretend I didn’t say anything, good afternoon.”

After saying that, Wei Meng got into his own bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

However, after a few seconds, Yechen's words reached Wei Meng's ears.

"The only one who chased me was a real Holy Light Knight, and the remaining four were his students, all of whom were quasi-knights of my age. Although I killed them all, I took the real knight There is no way to choose a knight, if not for the help of two senior Olympian hunters, I would have been cut into pieces by the other party and turned into a dead person..."

Yechen told Wei Meng the ins and outs of the matter in a flat tone.

Although he originally didn't plan to discuss this matter with the people around him in detail, since Wei Meng is his roommate, he took good care of him as a new student all day today, so Yechen didn't have any objections, since Wei Meng Meng is so curious, it is not a bad idea to satisfy the other party's curiosity.

"However, don't tell others about these things, just let this topic fade away in the academy." After Yechen narrated the situation, he finally warned Wei Meng.

"Okay, I will definitely not talk too much!"

Wei Meng responded emotionally that Ye Chen's willingness to tell him the truth was already a form of trust in him.

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