Although Wei Meng left Yechen with an image of a sunny boy at first, and the Hunter Academy strictly forbids students from carrying dangerous items, Yechen, who is careful in everything and takes every step at every step, still reserves such a backhand for himself.

However, Yechen is not satisfied with the quality of these backhands, so he plans to survive tonight and start looking for any props to make more sophisticated weapons from tomorrow.

Without the long knife and the revolver, the two well-known weapons, Yechen didn't even feel comfortable breathing.

After all, he has stayed in the atmosphere of fighting for too long, and he doesn't like to stay with strangers for a long time, let alone that Weimon in front of him is just like him, a student who aims to become an Olympian hunter. It is a nightmare sensor who controls the power of the mysterious spirit, and is a complete threat to Ye Chen.

But when Ye Chen was sitting on the bed, staring at the back of Wei Meng's study, and began to consider the next precautionary action, Wei Meng suddenly yawned loudly and stretched his waist by the way.

Yechen's expression remained unchanged, but his left hand immediately gripped the pen under the pillow.

Such actions are enough to show how vigilant he is.

"Wow, I don't want to study anymore, I really can't stand it—!"

However, Wei Meng didn't notice Ye Chen's vigilance, instead he screamed strangely to himself, venting loudly about the dullness and boredom of reading.

Then, sitting on the wooden bench, he suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Chen, and said curiously: "Ye Chen, you... are from the Aolyn Labyrinth, right?"

After hearing this, Ye Chen hesitated for a moment, then nodded and asked back, "Yes, did the steward tell you?"

But Wei Meng shook his head with a wry smile and denied it.

"How could the college tell the students this kind of thing? It's just because our students have their own intelligence network."

"You have to know that what happened to the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce today spread throughout Hunter Town. A boy who came out of the maze was besieged by five Holy Light Knights in order to save them. Arrived in Hunter Town alive!"

"Contacting you, a freshman, is a time to join the class. A fool can think of your identity, Ye Chen. Now, not only the tutors, but also the students in the whole school must be talking about you. Tomorrow, you will definitely become a big celebrity in the Hunter College." !"

Ye Chen's face changed when he heard the words, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

In fact, the opponents he killed during the day were four quasi-knights, and the remaining Holy Light Knight was killed by Nesuo, but now it is rumored that Yechen killed five Holy Light Knights alone , One to ten, ten to one hundred, this is too exaggerated!

Yechen originally planned to spend the remaining three months of school life in a low-key manner, but now he has become the focus of the Hunter Academy. This first step is against his plan, and he thinks he will get into trouble in the future. No trouble, what should I do?

However, seeing his new dormmate sitting in front of the bed silently, his eyes fluctuating, Wei Meng sat beside Yechen familiarly and put his arm on Yechen's shoulder.

"Haha, it's okay, friend, since we are roommates now, we will be brothers who wear the same pair of underpants in the future, if there is any trouble, just come to me, Wei Meng!"

Ye Chen cast a strange look at the speaker, and while saying thank you with a stiff smile, he gently pushed Wei Meng's arm away from his shoulder.

Chapter 0111 Graduation Class of 2020

The light of the morning seeped into the interior from the doors and windows of the male dormitory 417. Yechen lay on the soft bed, felt the warmth on his cheeks, then let go of the fingertips that were holding the blood-stained pen tightly, and eased his left hand from under the pillow. Pull out slowly.

Although the size of this dormitory is small and the furniture is old, the softness of the bed alone is ten thousand times better than Yechen’s room in the old church. Escaping and running around, so last night was undoubtedly the most comfortable sleep Yechen had in these days.

He sat up from the bed sheet, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and then looked at Wei Meng on the other side, only to see that Wei Meng was still in a deep sleep at the moment, still snoring, and his sleeping face was so horrible that half of the quilt They all fell to the ground.


Seeing this, Ye Chen remained silent, but frowned suspiciously.

This guy clearly knew that he was an outsider who came out of the labyrinth, but he didn't care about it and fell asleep, which really made him feel very strange.

Therefore, Yechen couldn't help but tiptoed to Wei Meng's side, reached out and touched Wei Meng's shoulder, Wei Meng didn't respond, Yechen tapped Wei Meng's cheek again, but the other party just turned around muttering dodge.

It seemed that this roommate was not pretending to be asleep.

Too defenseless...

Compared with this guy, I was like a fool who held the pen all night last night...

You know, as long as I have that thought now, a blood-stained pen nib is enough to kill him...

Ye Chen observed Wei Meng's opening posture, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

However, he shook his head immediately, and immediately shook off all the dangerous thoughts in his mind.

Perhaps, Wei Meng's actions are considered normal. He has stayed in the fighting atmosphere in the Asura field for too long, and his reaction may be a little too nervous...

Ye Chen thought so, sighed softly, went to the balcony to brush his teeth and wash his face, of course, all the utensils provided by the college were used.

Afterwards, he changed into the student uniform issued by the Hunter Academy, which consisted of a white shirt, blue tie, and gray trousers, plus a breathable black coat with a close-fitting hood. There was also a black head portrait of a three-cornered hat printed on the chest of the coat. The emblem of the Olympians.

Hmm, it looks pretty good...

Yechen tied his tie and looked at himself in the mirror, revealing the atmosphere of a scholarly boy, completely different from the gangster style he used to wear in a wolf fur coat and holding a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, he was simply not the same person.

Ye Chen took out his pocket watch and saw that the time was only six o'clock in the morning, and the class was only at nine o'clock, so he went back to the dormitory, previewed the lessons he was about to touch today at the desk, took out the emergency food in the handkerchief, and solved it simply problem with breakfast.

As a result, Yechen just read the book for two and a half hours, while Wei Meng, who was lying on the bed, was still soundly asleep, showing no sign of getting up.

Yechen put away the books, seeing his roommate's sloppy appearance, he was speechless, and then reached out to shake him awake.

"Weimon, there is still half an hour before class."

Ye Chen said softly, of course he can choose to go first by himself, but Ye Chen is a freshman after all, and he is not familiar with the place here, so it will be much more convenient for him to have an old student take the lead.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Yechen's words, Wei Meng sat up from the bed sheet with a blank face, scratched his messy hair, and then let out a strange scream.

"What, it's already time—!?"

After saying that, he immediately jumped out of bed, washed and tidied up on the balcony in a hurry, and even put on his shirt backwards.

This old student... is there really no problem?

Yechen next to him was ashamed while waiting.


"Come on, dear transfer student, this is our classroom!"

Wei Meng led Ye Chen to rush to the door of a spacious classroom on the first floor of the Hunter College teaching building, and then stretched out his hand to introduce Ye Chen with a proud face, like a waiter who welcomes guests into the table.


Ye Chen gave him a dry laugh, and followed Wei Meng into the classroom with some trepidation.

Indoors, except for Ye Chen and Wei Meng, the remaining 2020 students of Hunter Academy 49 have all taken their seats in front of their desks, put away their textbooks, paper and pens, and waited quietly for the teacher to come.

Wei Meng was the last one to arrive in the classroom, which is already a common sign in the 2020 hunting class, so after seeing him at the door, everyone's eyes did not show any surprise.

However, when Ye Chen, who followed Wei Meng, also stepped into the classroom, the situation was completely different.

The next moment, he became the focus of everyone's attention.

The originally quiet and peaceful classroom, because of the arrival of Yechen, instantly exploded and boiled immediately.

"Who is this person? Why is he wearing the same uniform as us!"

"Could it be a transfer student... Wait, didn't there be rumors yesterday that there was a boy who came out of the maze, killed five Holy Light Knights who were trying to harm the Kingfisher Chamber of Commerce, and came to Hunter Town! Could it be him? "

"Huh? Killed five Holy Light Knights alone? Just kidding! What's the point of this? Shouldn't you be directly promoted to Olympian Hunter!"

"Hey, it looks pretty cool..."


Faced with the gossip of unfamiliar students, the corners of Yechen's eyes couldn't help twitching. It was the first time he saw such a scene. Although he didn't get confused, he still felt extremely troubled inside.

After all, Yechen's original plan was to spend the remaining three months of school life as low-key as possible, but now it seems that his illusion is obviously shattered...

All in all, let me introduce myself first.

Just as Ye Chen was thinking about it, he heard a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door, and then a middle-aged man with short hair in a leather jacket and holding a book appeared in front of his eyes.


The middle-aged man smiled and stretched out his hand, and the whole classroom became silent in the next second.

Then, he asked Yechen in front of him kindly, "Are you the transfer student introduced by Mr. Niesuo?"

However, Wei Meng grabbed Yechen's shoulders at this moment, pretending to be his brother and brother, and proudly introduced: "Yes, he is a new member of our class, and he is also a new star who fights for the people. oh!"

Ye Chen gave Wei Meng a blank look, pushed away his familiar arm, and immediately replied politely to the middle-aged man: "Yes, hello."

The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly, quickly looked at Yechen's whole body, and then introduced himself in a friendly manner.

"Hello, I am the main tutor of the hunter training class, Clifford. Although I am responsible for the lectures of the history course, I am also responsible for the big and small matters of the class. Let me be the class teacher. Since you are about to integrate into our group, now First, let me introduce yourself to everyone."

Yechen listened, nodded in agreement, strode to the podium, faced the 49 students with his signature smirk, and spoke calmly.

"Hi everyone, my name is Yechen. For the next three months, please give me your advice."

When Ye Chen said this, he would have ended here, but he felt that it seemed too simple, so he added a few more words to avoid future troubles.

"Maybe some people already know, yes, I did come from the maze."

"Although I can't disclose the specific details, there is one thing I have to correct, that is, I am not that capable of killing five Holy Light Knights."

"Actually, I was lucky enough to survive because of the help of two senior Olympian hunters. Otherwise, as some students said, I wouldn't need to be a student here."

After saying that, Yechen showed a wry smile, and tried his best to dilute the terrifying impression of others on him, hoping to make his future school life more ordinary.

Chapter 0112 The First Lesson

"Well, Yechen, just sit there."

Clifford smiled and pointed to the last row of empty seats in the classroom, Yechen nodded, and immediately walked towards the corner of the classroom under the eyes of everyone.

At this moment, except for Wei Meng who also went to his seat, all the remaining students in the hunter training class were all looking closely at Yechen's whole body, whispering, and still proceeding one after another in the classroom.

Ignoring everyone's gazes and comments, Yechen walked straight to his vacant seat, put down his book, pulled out the wooden stool, and sat down.

However, as soon as he looked forward, the boy's attention was attracted by the girl sitting in the row in front of him who was wearing the same type of student uniform as him.

Just now when Yechen passed by this female classmate, he didn't pay attention to her appearance deliberately, but at this moment, Yechen's sight could not help but focus on her back.

Because, the girl's long hair on the back of her neck is really too chic.

Her hair is pale pink in color, shining white in the morning light, fluffy and thick, and the ponytail tied with white hair bundles at the back of her head does not fall directly behind the clothes, but just like this It was tucked into the collar of the nape of her neck and pressed against the girl's skin.

Ye Chen couldn't help but look down, and through the gap under the desk, he found that the end of the ponytail had already protruded from under her coat, like a pink tail, coiling around the girl's buttocks , the overall length is almost on par with the girl's height.

long hair...

Just at the first glance, the girl at the front desk left such a deep impression on Ye Chen.

Is it because of my personal interest in dressing up that I keep this pile of long hair to show my personality, or is it because the medium of natal arcana is hair, so I have to keep it?

Ye Chen observed the pink and white hair on the front table, and couldn't help thinking curiously in his heart.

And just as he was staring at the girl's hair, staring intently, the girl's face suddenly turned around.

Fair skin, pink lips, high nose bridge, and a pair of fiery red pupils make up the girl's fairy-like face, which is obediently presented in front of Ye Chen.

"Hi, my name is Oke."

She raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said this to Ye Chen in a soft voice.

"Hello, please advise."

Ye Chen was taken aback for a moment, and immediately retracted his gaze from the hair. Facing the exquisite facial features on the front table, he didn't show much interest. He just made a skillful smirk and politely responded to Ouke. .

Then, Ou Ke turned his head away, and Ye Chen also started to organize the books.

The first conversation between the two came to an end so simply.

However, because of Ye Chen and Ou Ke's exchange of just a few words, the classroom exploded again.

"Ah!? Oke, she actually talked to her peers!?"

"I've never heard her voice before, so it's like this..."

"No, Oke still talks to the mentors occasionally, although it's only two or three times a week, and there are only two or three words each time."

"Today is really eye-opening. First, a legendary transfer student flew in, and then I saw Oke talking..."

"You said, she won't be interested in this transfer student?"

Seeing Oke's voice, the students around the classroom began to chatter again, some were shocked, some were excited, some were dumbfounded, and among them, Wei Meng dropped the half-baked food he was about to steal in class. A piece of cheese for breakfast, perfectly integrated into the ranks of the dumbfounded crowd.


However, when Clifford, standing on the podium, cleared his throat, everyone fell silent again.

After all, Clifford, the main mentor, is responsible for the overall evaluation of the students. Even if he is usually gentle and old-fashioned, any student who aims to become an Olympian hunter will not dare to provoke Clifford's anger, because as long as the other party With that thought, they would be expelled immediately.

Fortunately, Clifford was not such an unreasonable character. After the students quieted down for the second time, he didn't have any thoughts of punishing everyone. He opened the textbook and announced it to everyone.

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