"Yes, it's called the 'Sunset School'. It focuses on the study of ancient mysteries, and has been pursuing the mystery of the sun's fall..."

Nicholas sold the original school without hesitation: "Do I need to quit to prove my piety?"

"No, you don't need to. You can continue to stay in that school. They can help you cover up a lot of things. For them, you can think of an explanation yourself. For example, you met a magical doctor who stabilized or cured your condition. ..."

Aaron didn't want to give up that school, after all, the other party most likely followed the path of 'Yao'.

For Beyonders of the same path, the more companions, the richer the resources!


Nicholas accepted his undercover order calmly: "I will find a reasonable explanation."

"Very well, remember, there is no need to pray to our Lord, and there is no need for rituals, He doesn't care! He will not respond to the prayers of believers at will."

Aaron gave a warning and made a patch at the same time.

Nicholas nodded, but at the same time he was looking at the mysterious 'rapier sword', feeling awe in his heart.

Those who can guide believers to get a response are not divine envoys, but also divinely favored ones!

His tone couldn't help but become respectful: "If I want to contact Your Excellency, what should I do? This party has decided to adjourn for a long time..."

"There is a gang in this city called the Iron Fist Gang, they can contact me."

Aaron gave his contact information while mourning the gang.

Not only did I rob them twice, they still don't know about it, and they still have to pay protection fees to themselves every month.

Not only that, once someone tracks down the "Void Spirit" and the secret organization that believes in him, and captures Liliat or Nicholas, they will eventually point to the Iron Fist Gang, and the Iron Fist Gang can only passively wait for their own contact, and they can't trace themselves at all.

At that time, maybe the whole family may be killed!

"By the way, tell me everything that happened in the Green Forest Cathedral!"

Aaron ordered.


The muscles on Nicholas' face were slightly distorted, and he recalled the horror of that night, explaining everything clearly, without letting go of any details.

He actually hoped that the 'Spirit of Falsehood' would send his emissary to kill that evil Roberts.

In the end, he talked about the archbishop after the mutation, describing the strange shape of the opponent's human skin skeleton, and the ability to drive a large number of insects.

"Mainly 'chrysalis', supplemented by 'red', 'worm nest'?"

Aaron nodded secretly, which was consistent with the information he got from the Bone Worship Society.

'Also, it turns out that every time the original quality is improved, there will be a kind of madness and thirst?I don't feel anything, it should be the special power of the purifying spirit of falsehood...'

'Look at those lunatics of the Black Sun Cult, aren't they crazy?It turns out that there is also this factor...'

"What else do you want?" Nicholas asked respectfully.

"Protect yourself, and at the same time inquire about all the news of the Sunset School, as well as the official movements... Well, we've stayed long enough, it's time to go out."

Aaron began to clear the spiritual walls he had set up.


An hour later, the Yver Bridge area.

Aaron walked out of a dark street. He had already put on a human skin mask, changed his face, and put on a raven mask. He came to Liliat's safe house and knocked on the door.

"My lord envoy, please come in!"

The door opened a gap, revealing Liliat's face wearing glasses.

Seeing Aaron, she immediately opened the door respectfully and welcomed Aaron in.

In the living room, a kerosene lamp shone warmly.

This is Aaron's agreement with Liliat through the Iron Fist Gang before, to meet at the safe house after the party.

"The operation to explore the ruins has been successfully concluded. The information you provided is more useful. According to the previous agreement, you can get a certain reward."

Aaron laid out the items on the table.

They included a straw doll with a deep wound on its head, several pieces of pure spirituality and untainted materials, and a thousand pound note.

"You can choose any of these items."

He looked at Liliat and smiled.

"No, no need..." Liliat waved her hands first, and then asked expectantly, "I... can I use them as a dedication to the sect?"

"I'm very enlightened, I know that I will automatically pay the tour fee..."

Aaron complained in his heart: "It's a pity that I don't have an order to maintain, and this is Ginny's descendant, so I can take care of it a little bit..."

His voice became serious: "Among the teachings of my lord, there is an exchange of equal value. Any transaction must be rewarded. You must not violate the teachings of my lord!"


Liliat trembled all over, she had already reached the level of doctrine, what else could she say?

If you dare to give up, you will be apostate!

She glanced at the items on the table, and was very moved by the spiritual materials, then looked at the broken straw doll, feeling that it might be some magical item.

"This straw doll could absorb the enemy's attack and return it at the right time, but it has been damaged... After repairing it, it can barely be used as a one-time protective doll. It can resist a fatal attack for you, and it is especially effective for curses. ! After one use, it's completely broken."

Aaron explained.

As for those few pieces of pure spiritual materials and the thousand pounds in cash, Liliat naturally recognized them.

"I choose the bodyguard doll!"

Liliat grabbed the straw doll. There is no doubt that compared to gold pounds and materials, the value of magical items is the highest, even if it is a one-off.

"Very good. It is equivalent to a special spell now, so there is no negative effect..."

This doll originally belonged to Oliver the owl, but after it was destroyed by Aaron, he picked it up and repaired it with the ability of the 'Shepherd'. During the period, he also used the 'Spirit of Illusion' to purify it, so it is quite good as a talisman. He wanted to give Liliat a life-saving item.

As he said, he put away the gold pounds and materials: "Lvsen City will be very uneasy recently, and the frequency of our contact should be reduced. Remember to protect yourself."

"I will."

Liliat is very confident about this. After all, the Duolun family is not an outsider in the local area, and the possibility of being suspected is very small.

Chapter 149 Funeral and Reinforcements

"My lord envoy...do you know what happened to the Green Forest Cathedral?"

Thinking of that sleepless night, Liliat also couldn't bear to ask curiously.

"Archbishop Roberts has fallen. He has cooperated with the lotus eater organization and has been successfully promoted. He opened the fourth essence and became an inhuman existence—"worm nest". It is currently uncertain whether he is fleeing or hiding in the local area..."

Aaron replied with a sigh.

"My lord envoy is so powerful, "Jazz" at most knows that Roberts has been promoted to an inhuman existence, and he even knows the name of the other party's collaborators and the promotion. '

"The Lotus Eater Organization, I've heard of it, is a notorious corpse-eating association with a very vicious reputation in the hidden world... It's simply too bad that Roberts cooperated with the other party. '

Liliat condemned in her heart, and asked with a little expectation: "What is the attitude of our church towards them?"

If necessary, she can report secretly to the Bureau of Investigation!

"My Lord doesn't care. As for the senses and positions of the members of the sect, they are free!"

Aaron replied nonchalantly.

The lotus eater and Roberts are at war with the Bureau of Investigation. What does it matter to him?

"I understand."

Liliat immediately believed this. After all, the Void Spirit doesn't care about belief at all, and is an outsider god who can sit back and watch the Ethereal Sect decline!

'But... I still have to follow the attitude of the religious order, otherwise the end will be worrying. '

Lilia was no fool, she looked at Aaron expectantly, wanting to know his attitude.

"As for my attitude?"

Aaron glanced at Liliat, and suddenly chuckled: "Do you want...to restore the glory of the Sotos family?"

He was too tired to do this himself, so he might as well leave it to Ginny's descendants.

At this time, you can guide subtly.

"miss you!"

Liliat replied without hesitation.

"From now on, it is easier for you to cooperate with the authorities, at least to obtain the tacit approval and tolerance of the authorities. I allow you to disclose some information to the investigation bureau on the premise of protecting your own secrets...so that Get superior content and rewards."

Aaron laughed.

'My lord is so kind. '

'report?Great, just as I thought! '

Liliat cheered in her heart, and immediately heard the voice of the envoy: "Set a small goal first - to bring back Sothos Castle! Well, this is also a small test for you!"

Aaron let himself speak very calmly, as if it was just a task and test specially formulated by a high-level executive based on the wishes of the new members after understanding the wishes of the new members.

"Sothoth Castle?"

Liliat's smile froze, and she collapsed a little bit.

That's the kingdom's famous museum, the property of the City Hall!

'Besides, it has been included in the Kingdom's Cultural Heritage List, and it cannot be destroyed or changed. It cannot be lived in after it is brought back! '

She complained in her heart, but still replied respectfully: "Yes, I will work hard to complete the task!"

"Well, finally, I need the technology of positioning and timing in the dream world. If you can find it for me, I can do one thing for you."

Before Aaron left, he mentioned this matter.

He really needs a copy of the dream world positioning technology, because the current dream world is a different place every time he enters, and the uncertainty is too great.

For him, this is even more dangerous. After all, if it is too random, there is a possibility of confronting a certain Si Sui as soon as he enters. Although this possibility is very small, he has to guard against it.

And after he acquires the positioning technology and can enter from a safe position every time, he can make full use of the advantages of his own spirit body and Auclair to search for materials in the spirit world.

After getting the answer that Liliat would try to find, he walked out of the safe house and disappeared into the darkness.


After returning to No. 33 Golden Rose Street, Aaron became much more peaceful.

Of course, going out to play and visit every day is a must, otherwise people will be suspicious, because ordinary people don't know anything about the mysterious world, and they don't know how high pressure and danger are in the hidden world of Green Forest City at this time!

In fact, according to Aaron's perception, the activity of all wild Extraordinary people in this city has indeed plummeted!

It can be said that as long as the brain is normal, they have entered a dormant state, so as to avoid becoming the target of the investigation bureau's madness.

For Aaron, the suspension of gatherings has little effect for the time being.

After becoming a "Shepherd of Light", he can accumulate spirituality with the "radiance method" and "absorption method" every day, waiting for the node of qualitative change to the next level.

Tuesday, October 9th.

Aaron wakes up early in the morning, finishes his daily meditation workout on the balcony, and heads to the living room for breakfast.

Next to the glass full of lemonade, there is today's morning paper.

The above headline caught Aaron's attention:

[The only survivor!The latest progress of the gas bombing in Lusen Cathedral is exposed! 】

[The police found the survivor——Priest Nicholas Inam! 】

[Currently...the priest has completed treatment in the Sanatorium of Santa Maria, and the attending physician said that the patient's condition is stable and he can be discharged at any time...]


"Well, it seems that Nicholas has already fooled the Sunset School, and with the help of the Sunset School's secret technique, he passed the investigation by the Investigation Bureau... Now it has finally appeared in the newspaper."

For Aaron, this is great news.

Because if Nicholas fails, what awaits him is a secret execution, which will never make him a public figure.

While Aaron was enjoying a leisurely breakfast, a mass funeral was also held at the cemetery on the outskirts of Greenwood.

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