"Don't think too much." Zhang Mingqi reached out and pressed Abu's shoulder, "You just did what you were supposed to do."

A Bu looked sad: "I know, but..."

"Actually, I've been thinking about one thing." Zhang Mingqi said suddenly.

Abu was stunned: "What is it?"

Zhang Mingqi opened his mouth, and finally just smiled helplessly: "I originally wanted to say it in a joking tone, but you are so serious, I think it's not good to say it."

Abu smiled, but it was uglier than crying: "Actually... I know what you want to say, you want to blame yourself for this, right?"

Zhang Mingqi's heart tightened, he looked at him and said, "You, how did you see that?"

"I just know... After all, it looks like those two words are written on your face."

"What word?"

"I'm sorry." Abu lowered his head and laughed.

Zhang Mingqi was stunned for a moment, then patted his thigh and laughed loudly: "Sorry is three words..."

Both of them laughed loudly.

Almost vomited from laughing.

Chapter 154 Returning from the Mountain

When returning the token, Zhou Gongjin looked at Abu and said softly, "Thank you for your hard work."

"I..." Abu lowered his head with some difficulty.

Zhou Gongjin smiled slightly: "You don't have to pretend to be in front of me if you feel uncomfortable. I'm not the kind of boss who wants to please you. If you want to cry a lot but are afraid of being laughed at by others, you can cry here If you have anything to say, I can listen to it."

Abu shook his head and said: "I know that what you did was not wrong. Once the disaster victims escape, even if there is only one person, it may lead to serious consequences. On the contrary, it is me, if I can control the situation from the beginning , perhaps such a thing would not have happened..."

Zhou Gongjin raised her hand to stop his words: "There is no need to make such guesses. Reflection is fine, but if you are too obsessed with it, it is not a good thing. Chang Gong kept you with me, hoping that you can improve. At least from my point of view, you're doing very well, very well."

He patted Abu on the shoulder, "Wash off the blood on your body, if you still feel uncomfortable, go to sleep, don't be too harsh on yourself."

The blood in the camp was washed away by basins of clean water, and the haze in the sky gradually dissipated.

The next day, the sun shone warmly throughout the camp, making people so lazy that they didn't even want to move.

When Qin Ke returned to the camp, even Zhou Gongjin couldn't sit still, and went to the door to meet him personally. After taking the bag Qin Ke handed over, he let out a "huh", opened it quickly, and praised: "It's such a big bag!" Snake gall, you, have you killed the ancestor of Jiuli?"

Qin Ke smiled a little proudly, looked around and asked, "Hey? Where's Abu?"

"Go to rest." Zhou Gongjin handed the snake gall to the sergeant at the side, and ordered: "Let Miss Qiao make the medicine as soon as possible. If there are not enough people, you can come to me."

"Yes." The sergeant took the snake gall and left quickly.

"Are you hungry?" Zhou Gongjin asked gently.

"It's okay." Qin Ke squinted and smiled, "On the way back, I caught some wild game, ate and ran all the way, and this is it."

"Food." Zhou Gongjin couldn't help laughing, patted him on the shoulder, and punched him in the chest, "Go and wash, look at your dirty and smelly body."

Indeed, walking back and forth in the old forest of Zhongyu Mountain, climbing trees and drilling holes, and soaked in snake blood and animal blood, it is impossible for him to be clean. Although he also encountered a small stream on the way, I have washed it a little bit, but compared to the blood and mud all over my body, it is better than nothing.

Taking off his clothes and sitting in the wooden barrel, Qin Ke scrubbed his skin and felt that his whole body was about to float in the water. The tiredness and soreness of his muscles also left his body at this time, he hummed comfortably With a cry, he leaned his head against the edge of the barrel, closed his eyes and sighed contentedly.

Xiao Hei swam slowly in the water, and from time to time, he got into the water and writhed for a while, like a naughty child, full of novelty towards the water.

Qin Ke squinted his eyes, looked at Xiao Hei carefully, and suddenly said, "Have you grown up a lot? My God, so fast?"

Of course Xiao Hei couldn't answer his words, it could only bark, but the barking sounded like a contemptuous laugh.

Qin Ke glared: "What do you mean, you despise me again, I find that you are really becoming more and more lawless now, it seems that I really need to discipline you, let you know... um..."

After scratching his head and thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a suitable adjective, elder brother like father?Phew, he didn't want to be like a lizard.

The majesty of the master?Xiao Hei never seemed to regard him as the master, did he?

Just at this time, the tent cloth was lifted suddenly. Under the bright sky, Qin Ke saw a slim silhouette, and was a little dazed for a while, but when he realized that the person who came in was Zhang Fu, he was suddenly dumbfounded, almost He hurriedly reached out and grabbed the bath towel from the edge of the barrel, covering his bare upper body.

"You...how...how did you come in?" Qin Ke stammered, "I'm taking...a bath."

"I know." Zhang Fu also blushed inexplicably, "Master Zhou asked me to come in and rub your back for you."

"Rub your back?" Qin Ke's eyes widened, thinking what Zhou Gongjin was playing?Although I am very happy to have one more back scrubber, but what does it mean to call a woman over?

Don't you know whether men and women give or take kisses?

"You...I...I don't need to rub my back, I can touch my back." Qin Ke sank a little into the water, causing Xiao Hei to be dissatisfied, "Well, I really don't need to bother you."

"This is Master Zhou's order." Zhang Fu lowered her head and raised a bath towel in her hand, "He said it was a reward for your hard work these days, and I won't disobey it. Or you... you can turn around .”

"Why do you listen to him..." Qin Ke almost shouted.

Zhang Fu stared at him, with a somewhat unclear look in her eyes: "You, do you...hate me?"

"No, no... Where is this and where is it?" Qin Ke was stunned, and didn't know how to answer. He sighed and turned around, "Okay, you can rub it."

Qin Ke lay on the edge of the bathtub, and quickly felt the temperature of Zhang Fu's fingertips. She slowly wet the bath towel, and then began to wipe his shoulders back and forth. The wound made by a wild beast has not healed completely. Although his body is good enough, it is estimated that he will need some recovery time.

Zhang Fu didn't dare to touch the wound, she only asked softly, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurt at the beginning, but now it's much better." Qin Ke smiled, "It is inevitable for people who practice martial arts to be injured, so what are you afraid of?"

Zhang Fu shook her head. She has seen too many noble sons in Qunfang who advertised themselves as "martial arts practitioners". Famous swords are like jade pendants in their hands. Even if they pull them out, it is just to show their so-called "Bearance" and "heroic martial arts", if they really want to suffer, get hurt, and bleed, how can they be willing?

Not to mention going to Zhongyu Mountain to fight with monsters with their lives, but only for a group of patients who have never met each other.

"The fan is already making medicine. The snake gall you brought back is enough for several days. With the continuous support of koi flowers from all over the world, this plague should be over soon." Zhang Fu said happily: "You can also rest assured."

Qin Ke nodded and was in a good mood: "Oh! That's a good feeling! I was worried about what to do if the snake's gallbladder ran out... Originally, if I searched for a few more days, I could find more, but in that case, I'm afraid of those people. I can't wait... But it's okay, the big deal is to go again when it's almost used up."

Looking at him, Zhang Fu couldn't help laughing and said, "You said you're fat and you're out of breath? Zhongyu Mountain is a dangerous place, where can you go in and out at will."

After all, Qin Ke is a young man. Although he is really cowardly sometimes, he still can't help boasting at such times: "What's the matter, since I can go once, I can go a second time. Dangerous places, as long as I want to escape, I can still escape."

But after he finished saying this, he inexplicably thought of how helpless he was in Jiuli Cave, the vines extending from above, and the dead bear behind the tree after he went up, who was helping him? Who is it?

Who would be so bored to go to a sparsely populated place like Zhongyu Mountain?And if that person said he was just passing by, didn't he mean...he lived in Zhongyu Mountain?

But who has such a great ability to live in such a dangerous deep mountain forest all year round, isn't he afraid of those monsters?Qin Ke frowned, feeling that this matter has always been a mess, and he couldn't grasp a clue at all.

Zhang Fu's slender fingers rubbed his back, giving him a tickling feeling. He grinned, but Zhang Fu suddenly said leisurely: "I don't want you to go again."

Then a touch of warmth reached his shoulders, and he felt Zhang Fu's hot breath, right next to his ears, her hands wrapped around his chest, hugging him gently, as if he was still trembling.

Qin Ke suddenly felt a little stiff in his body, followed by his tongue, "Why... what's wrong?"

Zhang Fu whispered in my ear: "It's nothing, I'm just a little worried that something will happen to you, but... now that you're back, I'm relieved."

Qin Ke felt that Zhang Fu buried her head on her shoulder, and felt a little flustered, but what she said was: "You...is someone bullying you?"

Zhang Fu smiled lightly, shook her head, after a while, she straightened up, helped Qin Ke get a dry towel, and then left with her skirt in her hand.

Chapter 155 Drug Testing and Sword Practice

Qiao Feifan's new medicine was already being prepared when Qin Ke set off. The only thing he lacked was the gall of the snake snake, and now the gall of the snake snake was already there. Naturally, it didn't take long, and soon the barracks was filled with smoke. .

The number of people making medicine increased again and again, and bowls of soup were brought into the barracks. Under the effect of the calming herbs added by Qiao Feifan, those plague patients who drank the soup soon fell into a deep sleep, and the whole barracks was silent for a while. Only the sergeants on patrol still stuck to their posts, the armor on their bodies rubbed against each other lightly, making a cracking sound.

But at this quiet moment, Qin Ke had no chance to be quiet after taking a shower.

On the crude martial arts arena, a few crudely tied scarecrows were like silent spectators. Qin Ke faced Mulan and moved slowly, but his eyes did not look at the daunting sword in Mulan's hand, but He looked at Mulan's legs.

Mulan stood there, motionless, like an old pine rooted in the ground.

Qin Ke couldn't see any change in Mulan's center of gravity at all, but when he gradually moved his gaze up to Mulan's saber, Mulan suddenly moved!

That was an oncoming thunder!

Qin Ke's pupils shrank slightly, and the steel sword in his hand was raised violently. The sword slashed fiercely on his blade, and a deep gash suddenly burst out. The huge force shook him so much that he could hardly hold the sword, and he backed away. One step, Mulan takes another step, he retreats, Mulan advances again, the two of them are like seeing a saw, that force seems to have no end at all, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Qin Ke gritted his teeth. He knew that he had no room to escape. His own strength was insignificant in front of Mulan. If he retreated, he lost his position.Thinking of this, he backed up abruptly, paused on the ground, let out a low shout, twisted the steel sword, and forcefully opened his saber, and then, he suddenly slashed at Mulan's neck!

He didn't want to hurt Mulan, but he believed that Mulan would not be easily hurt.Facts also proved that his thoughts were correct. Just when his steel sword was about to touch Mulan's smooth neck, he heard the wind.

The sound of the wind is like a gust of wind blowing in the wilderness. In the place where the Mohist family has a flat river, such a gust of wind often rises. It sweeps the earth, rolls up sand, gravel, grass and even trees. When it rolls over the roof of the farmer, the farmer The roof of the sky is lifted into the air, and no one can stop such a force.

Neither can Qin Ke.

Mulan didn't use her saber to defend back, but slashed at him suddenly from the side with her saber!

"This crazy woman!" Qin Ke shouted loudly in his heart, wondering what kind of freak came out of the Great Wall?If she really slashed down with this sword, wouldn't she worry that she, the great general of the Great Wall, would die so simply and be worthless?

Is she not afraid of death at all?

No, no one is not afraid of death.

Qin Ke, who was most afraid of death in his life, thought this way, he gritted his teeth, and wanted to move forward a little more!A little more forward, maybe a little more forward, and this woman will back off!

However, from beginning to end, Mulan never took a single step back, and she didn't even blink her eyes.

Qin Ke finally couldn't help it, and retracted the steel sword in his hand, as if he was thrusting into the air, he thrust hard sideways, and then a huge force hit his steel sword again, on the palm of his hand. It was wrapped in cloth strips, so under such a shock, the tiger's mouth didn't crack open, but the pain still made him grin his teeth.

He took a few steps back, surprisingly, Mulan did not catch up, but looked at him with interest.

"Why don't you dare to stab again?" Mulan asked.

Qin Ke rubbed his numb hands. He knew that Mulan would "whip" him for a long time, so he could recover a little bit. When he heard Mulan's question, he frowned and looked over: "What are you stabbing? I'll stab you again." Just die!"

Mulan smiled and said, "How would you know if you don't try it?"

Qin Ke felt that this kind of question really displeased him: "Try what, try with your life, I'm not crazy."

Mulan shook her head: "You still don't understand."

Qin Ke didn't understand.

Mulan smiled and said, "Come again."

Then there was another clanging sound on the field, but the one who cried out in pain was always Qin Ke, while Mulan... always stood quietly like a towering mountain, seemingly never falling down.

Qin Ke didn't know how many times he was knocked down. The tiger's mouth that had healed broke apart again, and blood seeped into the palms of his hands, but the sword was still powerful, and he didn't intend to release water at all.

Mulan's every knife is so powerful that Qin Ke can't easily resist it, and every time he tries to fight back, he needs to mobilize the strength of his whole body, and his blood is surging like hot magma, and some invisible things are steaming on his body. mist.

A few times during this, he found another opportunity and attacked Mulan, but Mulan didn't seem to care at all whether he was about to drop the sharp edge of the steel sword on her body. The saber swung again, but in the end Qin Ke had to be beaten all over the head by Mulan's saber, and he felt that this kind of fighting was really suffocating.

I don't know how many times this happened, Qin Ke finally couldn't hold back, and said loudly: "Stop for a while."

Mulan looked at him, he panted heavily: "Let me rest for a while."

Mulan didn't speak, but took a step. This mountain never seemed to know what it means to retreat, and her step was naturally moving forward again. Then, the saber pierced the air again, slashing from top to bottom!

"It's not over!" Qin Ke's eyes widened, he shouted involuntarily, and there was another jingle. His palm hurt and he couldn't hold the steel sword. He could only watch the steel sword fall straight to the ground. He stretched out his hand to hold the steel sword, but the saber was pointed straight at his forehead, as if to say that as long as he dared to take a step forward, he would definitely die.

Qin Ke was discouraged like a rubber ball, and simply sat down on his buttocks: "Let's not fight now."


Qin Ke squinted at her: "It's not why, I don't have the strength to fight now, and after that, I can only fight worse and worse. It's better to rest for a while to gain strength. Isn't there a saying that sharpening a knife will not cut you by mistake?" Woodworker."

Mulan said with a slight smile, "You have a set of principles. But... let's continue, this time is just right."

Qin Ke stared at her blankly, and said helplessly: "What's right, I have no strength, how can I block your saber?"

"Why do you want to block it?" Mulan asked back.

"Because if I don't block, I will be hacked to death." Qin Ke rolled his eyes, thinking how could General Mulan have so many idiot questions.

Mulan smiled and asked again, "Then why didn't I block it?"

"For..." Qin Ke wanted to say something, opened his mouth, but suddenly lost his voice.He recalled Mulan's previous actions. Indeed, she had never resisted his steel sword at all. In front of her, it seemed that any of his attacks did not exist. will not change.

But what is this?After all, this is martial arts, and it is impossible for him to pierce her throat with a steel sword. On the contrary, she has been using this rule to suppress her attack, which makes him a little annoyed.

"You mean to say that I took advantage of the rules?" Mulan asked.

Qin Ke looked at him and remained silent, but it already represented his attitude.

Mulan smiled and shook her head, "You think martial arts can't hurt people, that's the rule. But, when did I tell you this kind of rule? Was it from the beginning? Or was it added later?"

Qin Ke frowned. Indeed, from the beginning to the end, Mulan never told him that the martial arts between them should not hurt others, but martial arts is martial arts. Since there is a word "acting", it is possible that they really want to go into battle naked , Life and death can't be killed?This is not a battlefield, and he and Mulan are not enemies. How can you study martial arts to such an extent?

"You parried my knife four times in total, and you had the chance to stab me four times, but every time, you flinched." Mulan said, "And I almost got stabbed by you four times, every time , I didn't even stop it. Because I know, it doesn't need to."

"What do you mean?"

"Because you don't know how to stab. You won't, you can't, and you don't dare." Mulan looked at him. "But fighting is such a thing. If you meet each other, if you live, the opponent will die. If the opponent is alive, there is only one person." The reason is that you lost, or died."

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