Lin Meng pushed Chu Fei's big hand away, and responded casually, her eyes still did not leave the book, she was already attracted by the content inside, this book is quite beautifully written.

After tidying up his clothes, Chu Fei entered the back kitchen.Although the 'Bloody Red Moon' won't have wrinkles, tidying up clothes has become Chu Fei's habitual action.

There is still a lot of soft-shelled turtle meat left in the refrigerator. The current customers do not have the ability to consume third-tier cuisines, and most of the soft-shelled turtle meat is consumed by their own population.

Instead of exchanging ingredients from the system, Chu Fei took out some soft-shelled turtle meat, combined with the mutated catfish, made a sweet and sour fish steak, included the fish steak in the menu, and walked out with it.

The square piece of meat is wrapped in dark red sugar coating. In some places, because the amount of starch is too small, the dark fish meat is exposed.Chu Fei didn't make a shape, it's the end of the world, these bells and whistles are useless, as long as they are delicious and effective.

Picking up a piece of fish, Chu Fei put it in his mouth and chewed it. His teeth penetrated through the sugar, and it landed on the tender fish, which was slightly sweet. The combination of fish and sugar coating made people feel very delicious.

Chu Fei and Lin Meng chewed the fish meat in their mouths with a 'crackling, crunching' sound. A mass of rich energy flowed into their bodies. The energy that the third-order cuisine can provide is still very rich.

After eating so many energy dishes with Chu Fei, although Lin Meng didn't practice normally, she now has some signs of being promoted to the second level.

However, Chu Fei still had no clue about Lin Meng's strange supernatural state, but with the consumption of energy dishes, the energy in Lin Meng's body became more and more stable.


For a month in a row, Chu Fei ate every day, received guests, and occasionally went out on a tram to hunt some first- and second-tier zombies, and also harvested a lot of crystal nuclei.

There are more and more customers in the restaurant, and word of mouth spread among the survivors in City L. Longhu alone can no longer deter other forces, so they have no choice but to give up the blockade.

During this period of time, Chu Fei also rose to the third level. The process of upgrading was very calm, as if it happened naturally, and it didn't attract anyone's attention.

Longhu was still monitoring the restaurant. Wang Song came several times during the period and brought some news to Chu Fei.

As for Yan Zhengfeng before, Chu Fei also got news that he seemed to be the leader of a force in the suburbs, not far from the restaurant, and was stationed in an air-raid shelter.

Hei Wuchang told him this news. Just half a month ago, she and Yan Wang came to the restaurant without making a sound.At that time Chu Fei was cooking, and when he came out, he saw the figures of the two people, and he was stunned.

Faced with such an enemy, Hades was able to escape, but his right eye was empty, and the eyeball inside seemed to be taken away by something.

According to Yan Wang himself, the mutated dog was chasing him at the time, and he ran into a park. In that park, there was a mutated willow tree with four steps, and the eyeball was caught by the willow.

Fortunately, it was this willow tree that slightly blocked the group of mutated dogs behind, otherwise Hades might never have escaped from that park.

"At that time, the damn wicker was inserted into my eye socket. As long as I stirred it, I would die. Fortunately, I reacted in time and cut it off. You know, that sickle is very amazing!"

Although Yan Wang was very calm when he told the story, with a stiff smile on his face, Chu Fei could still imagine the thrill at that time, and he patted Yan Wang's shoulder consolingly, but he didn't know what to say.

"Boss, don't comfort me, how could I die, I am the king of Hades, hell dare not accept... dare not accept, but you know what, boss, I was really scared at the time, I would die, just give me a light touch Stir, I'm gone, I don't know anything."

When he said this, Yan Wang's voice was a little choked up, and he was crying like a tearful person. In the final analysis, he was only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child.

For some reason, at this moment, Chu Fei let go of his guard against him, and comforted Hades silently like an elder.

Only when a person is most vulnerable can he see his heart, and when a person is most vulnerable is the moment when he is facing death.

Hades... I believe you once, if you betray me, I will search all over the world, and I will cut off your head.Chu Fei looked at Hades calmly, his eyes stretched out, revealing a touch of determination.


Shou Deyun sees Yueming

Dear book friends, first of all thank you for your support. So far, I have written a lot of words, and the ups and downs in it are hard to describe.

Readers, please don’t misunderstand, Xiao Jin definitely didn’t mean to sell miserably, but just thinking about it makes me feel a little sad. Countless days and nights, late nights at the desk, after various setbacks, it is only now that the results are not bad.

To be honest, it was not rushed to the shelves, and Xiao Jin finally waited until this day, the fateful moment, is a trial for every author.

The night before, the old authors in the group told me that the subscription ratio was miserable, and some even advised me to give up and reopen the book.

But how can I give up, how can I give up willingly, for this book, Xiaojin feels that he has done enough, every chapter is carefully coded, watching one or two collections increase every day, so that he has to go to other people’s books The book review area advertised, was scolded, and was permanently banned, but the results did not improve much.

I began to suspect that my writing was not good, and even wanted to give up writing novels, but there was always a force supporting me.

This is my dream, even if it is broken, I have to pick it up and put it back together again.

In case, there will be a miracle!

In the future chapters, you will have to pay to read them, and Xiaojin has no choice but to charge fees, which are beyond the control of our authors.Websites need to make money, and we writers also need to make money.

Xiaojin is working full-time now, and his family is not in a good position. The combined income of his parents is only 3000 yuan. There is no money to help me. I can only rely on myself, hoping to earn money and stick to my dream.

Brothers who are able to read the original version, Xiaojin hopes to support the original version, one yuan can be exchanged for 100 book coins, one chapter is a few cents, ten yuan is enough to read nearly [-] copies, and it doesn’t cost much to read the entire book, Xiaojin agrees Thank you so much for your support, readers.

For those readers who left because of fees, Xiaojin also thank you, after all, you have always supported me in the days when it was free.

This book will definitely be finished. After all, the outline of more than 300 million words has been devoted to a lot of hard work. If the grades are not good, Xiao Jin will double-open. This book may be slow, but it will definitely be finished.

As long as 200 people can subscribe, the monthly manuscript fee will be as much as [-], and Xiao Jin can maintain his basic life and write this book with all his strength.

Xiao Jin is already very satisfied if he can earn [-] a month. If his grades are better and he can reach [-], maybe I will be proud of myself.

Forced by reality, I can’t choose to quit my job for several years, write books full-time, stay up all night every day, and make noodles and ham every day. If I don’t really like writing books, no one can stick to it.

As long as he can live, he can write, and as long as he can write, he has the opportunity to realize his dream. Xiao Jin never lacks confidence in himself.

Ups and downs, stumbling, all the way to the present, Xiaojin has some readers, and the comment area is also lively. Every day there will be some new readers, and many familiar figures will leave.

Maybe some people haven't read this book anymore, but Xiao Jin has never forgotten your names and your encouragement to me.

You have always encouraged and helped me when I was a shivering newcomer. A ticket, a reward, a comment, every bit of it, these have supported me and kept me from falling down.

In addition, thank you Tu Shi, Your Majesty, for rewarding the rudder master when the book was first opened, and for supporting me all the time.I also thank the book friends who have been with me all the time.

It is your insistence on leaving messages and comments at the end of the chapter that made me grit my teeth and insist on writing. There are many, many people, and Xiaojin will not write them one by one. I see your support in my eyes and will never Dare to forget!

After talking about a lot of useless things, Xiaojin got off topic, and his thoughts were not very clear, he just thought of what to say, a little emotional, and his eyes were a little sore.

Finally, let me talk about a few practical things, which are also issues that everyone is more concerned about.

First, for the update after it was put on the shelves, I still remember Xiaojin's promise, if you don't double open, it will be updated four times!

Second, after the launch of the update, in addition to the big recommendation, one update will be added for Wan Rewards.

Third, for the event on the shelves, today and tomorrow, 2000 book coins will be rewarded, and a chapter will be added.

Fourth, the explosion on the shelves, all manuscripts will be saved, Xiaojin will not rest today, and will code and write all day, 24 hours, as much as he can code, and post as much as he can, without leaving a chapter!Everyone get ready.

Finally, and most importantly, thank you all for your support. For your help, Xiaojin can only write a good book with his heart in return.


Chapter 121 The Power of Hades

Seeing Hades brewing an attack in the distance, Zhai Hong was naturally very anxious, but he was still in the ice coffin, so there was no time to stop it.

Damn it, didn't it mean that this boy only has the strength of the second-order peak?Now it seems that there must be at least three levels!

Originally thought that he could kill him by himself, but now such a change occurred, which made Zhai Hong couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart, wishing to tear the person who provided the information alive!

Zhai Hong waved a piece of blue horseskin, shattering the ice coffin, and he walked out of the ice coffin.But then, a few ice hands suddenly appeared on the roof, grabbing Zhai Hong's legs tightly.

Naturally, these icy hands couldn't restrain Zhai Hong's movements, but they still slowed down Zhai Hong's pace slightly. After the icy hands on his legs were removed, Hades was ready to attack.

Skills, absolutely frozen!

In an instant, everything around was suddenly frozen, the dead leaves blown by the aftermath of the two people's energy, the stones and tiny dust on the ground, the evening wind that was whistling in the sky, and Zhai Hong's right leg even scattered on the ground ice hands.

Within a hundred meters, everything has turned into lifelike ice sculptures. This feeling even freezes time.

Hades took a deep breath. This skill required too much energy, and it even put some load on his body, but at the same time, the effect was absolutely terrifying.

Dragging the huge sickle in his hand, Hades walked up to Zhai Hong, pointed the tip of the knife at Zhai Hong's head, and dropped it quickly.


Following Yan Wang's attack, the frozen Zhai Hong turned into shattered ice balls all over the place. A third-level supernatural user was instantly killed by Yan Wang's set of skills!

This is also the result of his carelessness at the beginning, otherwise he would not be easily controlled, so that Hades would have time to release such a terrifying skill as 'absolutely frozen'.

Sometimes, battles are like this, the one who controls the enemy with one move is not necessarily much better than the one who was killed. If the time and place are changed, the one who dies may be Hades.

He casually dissipated the energy ice scythe in his hand, Yama was a little confused for a moment, his mission was to assassinate Zhai Hong in his plan, but now that Zhai Hong was dead, he didn't know what to do.

The sound of fighting here attracted the attention of many people. At this time, some noisy voices could be heard not far away. Yan Wang's eyes turned cold, and then he turned over and entered Zhai Hong's villa as if he had thought of something.


With the sound of glass breaking, Yan Wang entered the villa, hid his figure, and silently waited for the arrival of the others.It was planned that this was the final assembly point.

After shaking off the blood on the energy blade casually, Chu Fei sat on the sofa beside him and lit a cigarette.Not far away lay the naked body of a middle-aged fat man, whose head had been cut off, and placed neatly on the coffee table beside him.

This is already the third faction leader killed tonight, this fat man is the weakest one, and the other two have the strength of Tier [-].

The strength of these forces gathered by Longhu is quite good.The leaders of these forces all came to Longhu for a meeting this afternoon, and Chu Fei chose to do it at night because he was waiting for them.

Wang Song's news was quite accurate. Chu Fei blew out a smoke ring, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but in his heart, he always felt that something was wrong. The plan seemed to be going too smoothly.

After bowing his head and thinking for a while, Chu Fei didn't notice anything missing, and casually crushed the cigarette end on the dead man's head, Chu Fei stood up with some headaches.

No matter, there is one last one tonight, kill him and you can close the net.Chu Fei dissipated the energy giant blade, brushed off the non-existent dust on Zen's clothes, and walked out of the villa gate with a harmless smile on his face.

There were people coming and going outside, groups of armed men passing by, among them occasionally appeared a few people with different costumes.

Chu Fei walked leisurely on the road in the villa area, without the slightest look of having just fought.When he made a move, it was always a sneak attack, and besides, Chu Fei had already stepped into the third level, so it didn't take much effort to kill the enemy.

Even against the second-order peak just now, Chu Fei sneaked in and made a sudden attack. The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, and the opponent was still a second-order peak superpower.

Thinking of that middle-aged fat man's greasy body, Chu Fei felt a little sick. This fat man likes to sleep naked, which made his eyes so hot that he didn't know if he would get needle eyes.

After a while, Chu Fei arrived at the target location. The last one was an acquaintance. He had been to the restaurant a few times before, and Chu Fei still had some impressions of him.

Well, not bad for a young man, but unfortunately, he is going to die soon.

Quietly avoiding the sight of the people around, Chu Fei stretched out his hand and condensed an energy blood blade, like cutting tofu, cut a hole the size of a person in the wall.

The falling stone bricks were supported by Chu Fei with energy, and they were gently placed on the ground. Chu Fei walked in and instantly activated the energy state.

The target is in the room at the end of the first floor!In the supernatural state, Chu Fei is like a clairvoyant, and can easily find the life forms with blood in the surrounding body.

Without intentionally hiding his figure, Chu Fei entered the villa, raised his feet and walked towards the room where the target was located. Although his movements were big, they did not make a sound.

Arriving in front of the carved mahogany door, gathering the energy in his body, Chu Fei raised the blood knife in his hand and rushed in like a sharp sword!


The wooden door did not provide any protection at all, and was pierced by the blood knife in an instant. Chu Fei's speed did not slow down, and the tip of the knife pointed at the figure on the bed, with a cold killing intent in his eyes.

The sudden sound woke up the owner of the house. He quickly got up from the bed, turned around and saw Chu Fei holding a knife, attacking him like a ghost.


Blood spattered, the man let out a miserable howl, and his entire arm fell off. He reacted quickly, and moved his body forcefully between life and death. The sharp blade that had been stabbing his heart slashed on his arm.

The severe pain made the man's face pale. Looking at the severed left arm, the man's eyes were full of disbelief, but the current situation did not allow him to be in a daze.

Chu Fei's next wave had arrived. The man exploded with energy and built an energy light curtain in front of him to block Chu Fei's attack. At this moment, he also clearly saw the attacker's face.

"Chu Fei! Why are you in Longhu!" Looking at Chu Fei's face, the man was shocked.Chu Fei didn't reply, but grinned at him, and the blood in the man's body instantly went into a riot.


Chapter 116 The Cave

Originally, according to Chu Fei's idea, he wanted to go to the air-raid shelter to see if Yan Zhengfeng was still there. If he was still there, with Chu Fei's third-level strength, he had no chance to resist at all.

Although he knew that Yan Zhengfeng might have evacuated, Chu Fei still wanted to make sure that he really hated this person to the extreme.But Yan Wang said that he will upgrade soon, and the estimated time is only one or two days.

Hearing this news, Chu Fei was a little surprised. It seems that King Hades also gained something from his previous exile.It's better to wait for Hades to upgrade before going, and it can also solve Longhu's troubles by the way.

It only took three days for Hades to ascend the rank. In fact, when he returned to the restaurant, he had already half stepped into the third rank.

It's just because of the injury, and the energy in the body is not particularly abundant, so the level has not been raised.In the past three days, Chu Fei has been using ingredients produced by the system to help Hades heal his injuries.

After the injury is recuperated, Hades' rank will naturally rise to the third rank.

This morning, Chu Fei got up very early. He had already told Bai Yue yesterday that the restaurant would not be open today. Bai Yue thought that Chu Fei was going to Longhu, so she offered to go with them to help.

Chu Fei thought about it, but he didn't refuse. After all, there might not be anyone in the air-raid shelter. If there was no one, he would attack Longhu.

After fighting for so long, Bai Yue should be more familiar with Longhu's situation than him.But Chu Fei only brought Bai Yue, and his first-tier team members would not be of much use if they went there.

After the three of them had breakfast, Chu Fei and Lin Meng explained, leaving her at home and closing the business when they went out.

To be careful, Chu Fei rode on the electric bike, agreed with Bai Yue on a location, asked Bai Yue to wait for him in Longhu, and drove towards the air-raid shelter with Yan Wang.

The air-raid shelter is not very far away, but it has to pass through many prosperous areas along the way. Although it is possible to take a detour, it will take a long time to spend more calls.

Thinking of solving Longhu's matter today, Chu Fei relied on the characteristics of the electric car and drove on a rampage all the way.

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