Become a dog?How do you know what it takes to be a dog?

Wang Yue hesitated for a moment, but gave up. If he knew, what would he do if he became a dog.

Commander Dog?

"Dr. Kane, you are a scientific researcher! What are you good at?"

Kane proudly puffed out his chest, and said confidently: "I am good at biochemistry, advanced robotics, and psychology, and I am also in charge of the containment research report."

one one one one one one one one (file) one one one one one one one

King of Magnetics

Item #: SCP-M011

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Located at a depth of 500 meters below the Magic Star base, it is a prison built entirely by high-strength elements.Anyone wishing to see SCP-M011 is to have no metals of any kind on their person, and must have no more than 20% iron in their blood.No magnetic fields of any kind are to be present within the vicinity of SCP-M011. Members below Class B are prohibited from talking to SCP-M011, and offenders will be taken away.

Description: SCP-M011 was originally named Eric Lansher, a Jew, ██ years old.Once a survivor of the Holocaust in World War II, he hated humans.Has a special ability: the ability to control magnetic fields and all metals.

SCP-M011's micro-control ability is extremely strong, and it can accurately measure the thickness of metals to nanometers, but it requires a lot of physical strength.

SCP-M011 can perform preliminary and fine control of steel weighing up to 5000 tons, which is not his peak. (doubt it still retains strength)

SCP-M011 can control the magnetic field to achieve the effect of using the magnetic field to protect itself or kill enemies, and to isolate radiation. (It's not science, so I can't write it out. If you know, you can leave a message and I will modify it.)

Due to the dangers of SCP-M011, no experimentation with other contained items is to be performed without the permission of the Commander or O-5 personnel.

Note: The magic star base will suppress its ability.

Chapter 65 Containing the Lord

Wang Yue nodded, it seems that a scientific research talent also came.

He took out an MDT-48-3 (experimental) drug and said seriously: "I need you to develop this drug, can you do it?"

Kane stared at the transparent pill, narrowing his eyes.

"Sir, I need to do some research."

"Dong dong dong" knocked on the door.


Estes came in with a lunch box.

Muran saw a golden retriever sitting in front of the computer, its paws were still tapping on the keyboard.

Puzzled: "boss, when did you raise a dog, why don't I know."

The sound of the golden retriever typing on the keyboard disappeared in an instant, and the dog turned its head to Esthers and solemnly said word by word: "I... am... s... The ..4..level..personnel..member, Kane Qicrow, you can call me Kane."

(Code name Kain Qiya, if you don't agree with this name, I can use the English name KainPathosCrow, which is easy to use)

Estes paused, and said to Wang Yue with a blank face, "Did you hear that? Did I hallucinate just now?"

Wang Yue smiled wryly and said, "This is a new member of our foundation, Dr. Kane, a Level 4 personnel."

Estes nodded half-understood, but stared at Kane, eyes full of curiosity.

Wang Yue immediately had a bad feeling when he saw the lunch box in Esdeth's hand: "Xiao Ai, what did you take ⊙?⊙?"

"I'll bring you something to eat, I made it myself."

Kane, who was looking at the computer data on the side, moved his nose, with a disgusted expression on his face.

Wang Yue looked like he was facing a big enemy, and he almost passed away when he ate Esdes last time.

Seeing Estes's sweet smile, Wang Yue couldn't bear to refuse, and couldn't help but think in his heart: Logically speaking, Xiao Ai's cooking skills should probably have improved by about [-]%.

Open the food box, and there is a dense piece of it.But there is a strange fragrance coming out.

Wang Yue picked up an unknown object with a dignified expression.

The hands hanging in the air trembled slightly.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, he put down the coke in his hand, turned around and walked in front of Kane.

Seriously asked: "You are also a high-level executive of the original SCP foundation, what do you think the current foundation's system lacks?"

Kane nodded slightly: "The growth of the foundation cannot be supplemented by your summoning personnel alone. You need to recruit players from this world, which will also expand the influence of the foundation. And we lack high-end combat power. I have learned about this world. It's dangerous, we need stronger containment teams."

The two began to discuss the foundation's institutional issues intensely, apparently ignoring food.

Estes pouted, and could only put the food box aside and leave alone.

Wang Yue quietly touched the sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Red Queen suddenly projected down and said: "Commander, you don't have to worry. According to the test, this plate of Dongpo meat is non-toxic, edible but difficult to digest."

"How did you know it's Dongpo pork?"

"There is a video camera in the kitchen that shows Estes cooking with pork, do you want to see it?"

Wang Yue quickly waved his hand: "No need! Just save it."

Kane stared at the projection of the Red Queen and wondered whether he should write a file about her and do a Turing test by the way.

One one one one one one one one pretending to be a dividing line

Pandora Force.

The captain of Pandora (actually, he was only acting temporarily, because Abel was the real captain) put down the binoculars in his hand, waved his hand and said in a low voice, "Attack."

In the basement, Walong's captain, Holy Lord, sneered, "This is the person you're looking for? He hasn't come back yet, so he must have run away!"

The Holy Master's eyes flashed red, and he said in a deep voice, "My regiment will find them."

Suddenly a younger brother ran in in a panic and shouted: "Boss, someone came in."

Valon's face changed, he was busy fighting with Jin Bing recently, and just lost three blocks and nearly a hundred younger brothers.Someone actually called in again.

Valon laughed back angrily, did he really think I was made of mud?

"How many people are there?"

"No... I know, but the well-equipped army is not much different from the regular army, and the brothers suffered heavy casualties."

"Trash!" Wa Long kicked the bastard away: "Call me!"

"Boss, there is no signal at all!"

Valon's face was cloudy and uncertain, and when he heard the gunshots getting closer, it was obvious that he was about to hit the door.In the end, he gritted his teeth and walked up to the Holy Master, begging in a low voice: "Holy Master, I need your help."

The Holy Master's eyes flashed red: "Walone, you have disappointed me so much, you can't even solve this kind of thing."

"I became like this because I angered Jin Bin last time when I went to grab the talisman. I did it to help you get back the talisman!"

The Holy Master snorted and closed his eyes, but countless blood-red eyes appeared in the shadows.

Valon was overjoyed and immediately ordered: "Kill those invaders."

The Pandora team easily breaks into the Mafia headquarters.

Whenever a gangster with a heavy weapon appears, he will be called out by snipers in the distance immediately.

The gang members were also terrified, they died and fled.

"Captain, I feel that it's a pity that these people are not filled as D-class personnel!"

Captain Pandora shook his head: "Although they are gang members, they are not considered death row prisoners and cannot be classified as D-class members."

Suddenly, a hand appeared in the shadows and grabbed a Pandora team member.

In an instant, he was shot by a sniper rifle in the distance.

Countless blood-red eyes appeared in the shadows of the room.

"Is it finally here? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Captain Pandora shouted: "All throw concussion grenades in batches."

Due to the characteristic of the Shadow Corps, it is ineffective to be attacked in the shadows, but can be attacked in places with light. The concussion grenade developed for the research and development has a double explosion effect. The first explosion is a flash bomb, and the second explosion is an explosive. .

All drop bombs, and take care of wherever there is a shadow.

The dazzling light continued to light up.The team members all wore tactical goggles, repelling the Shadow Corps in an instant.

The whole team rushed into the basement at an instant speed, and kicked open the door of the room.

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Saber-toothed tiger

Item #: SCP-M014

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Magic Star Base, a containment chamber made of 3 cm thick steel walls.

Description: SCP-M014 is a human being approximately 2 meters in height.Possesses extremely strong self-healing ability and is hard to kill.

SCP-M014 has a violent personality and is relatively silent, occasionally making a roar similar to that of a Siberian tiger.

SCP-M014 was (DATA EXPUNGED) modified ten fingernails were changed to metal.

SCP-M014 can transform into a beast personality to get rid of mind control, but there will be a side effect that it is difficult to regain its original consciousness, and at the same time it will become brutal and bloodthirsty during this period, making no distinction between the enemy and the friend.

At the same time, the physical function is greatly enhanced, and the metal nails of the ten fingers will grow to 20 centimeters.

Evaluation: Just a big cat with a grumpy personality.

Experiment 1-1

014% of the muscle tissue of SCP-M10's body was removed to see if there were any signs of self-healing.

SCP-M014 will recover within 10 minutes after losing another 30% of its muscle tissue.

The excised tissue showed no signs of self-healing.

Excision of 014% of SCP-M50's body, along with bone tube rubbing whether there is any sign of self-healing.

SCP-M014 was half injured and died instantly.One day later, it was observed that the bones began to develop and grow, three days later the heart supplied blood again, and seven days later the self-healing was complete.

However, he was extremely weak, his body was emaciated, and he was unable to lift his palms.

The other part is 50% bone tissue, which starts to grow after 5 days, stops growing after 7 days, and completely dies of muscle tissue.

Chapter 66 Ancient One Revisited

Valon watched in surprise as a group of Pandora squads wearing skull masks rushed in.

With despair written all over his face, can't even the Shadow Corps stop him?

Immediately, two Pandora team members suppressed Wa Long, and then installed high explosives on Shengzhu.

Captain Pandora stretched out his hand and tapped the dog charm on the Lord's body a few times, but found that he couldn't lift it, the dog charm was perfectly embedded inside.

He took out the detonator and said to the Lord with a smile, "Hand over the dog charm now, or I will detonate the bomb and blow you apart."

The Holy Master's eyes lit up for a moment, but soon fell silent again, ignoring it.

Now the body is in the shape of a stone sculpture, and the bomb can't kill him, the Holy Master doesn't care at all.

Captain Pandora saw that the threat had no effect, so he said coldly: "Take it back and use a cutting machine to cut it off."

"Commander, the Pandora team has returned. We have captured Valon and a dragon-shaped stone sculpture."

"Oh! Arrange the test immediately!" Wang Yue nodded and continued to process the documents.

"Commander, let me test it!"

As soon as Wang Yue looked up, he found a golden retriever controlling a humanoid mecha.

"Gundam? How did you make it?"

Golden Retriever adjusted his glasses: "Commander, this is not Gundam. It's just a mechanical prosthesis with a very simple structure."

"Easy?" I really don't understand the world of Xueba, "Then the Holy Master will be handed over to you!"

Mechanical prosthetics?Wang Yue smiled and shook his head, Kane and Tony must have a lot in common.

Suddenly the office space rotated, and a wave of space was set off, which spread to the entire room in a blink of an eye.

Wang Yue looked around vigilantly, 36 steel balls were suspended beside him.

Called tentatively: "Is it Master Gu Yi?"

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