Hulk didn't expect this guy to be so tough, just about to give him a heavy punch, he suddenly kicked him in disgust, Hulk flew out of the street in an instant, and smashed into a residential building.

The abomination immediately got up and rushed towards Hulk with a stride.

General Ross in the helicopter couldn't sit still anymore. If Hulk was knocked down, no one would be able to stop this monster. At that time, these things must be his own responsibility.

General Ross immediately said to the soldiers: "Help him with a machine gun!"

The soldier asked cutely, "Who do you help?"

General Ross looked at the soldier in disbelief and said, "Of course I want to help the green guy. Who else do you want to help?"

The soldiers opened fire immediately. Although the helicopter's machine gun couldn't hurt Lu Shang, it still made Lu Shang extremely painful.

Looking at the helicopter in disgust and anger, he shouted: "Ross" made up his mind at the same time, since you guys do it first, then I have to kill you first.

Wang Yue looked at the abomination who had climbed up to the top of the building and said, "You still have reason. It seems that General Ross really created a monster."

The helicopter followed closely and continued to shoot at the abomination on the roof.

Hatred endured the severe pain in his body and ran on the roof of the building. Suddenly, he accelerated and sprinted to take off, grabbed the helicopter's bracket, and the helicopter immediately descended to the next section.

At this time, Hulk also jumped up and grabbed the body of the abomination, hanging on the body of the abomination.

However, the helicopter couldn't bear the weight of these two monsters, its center of gravity was out of balance, and it kept spinning in the air.

The driver immediately yelled: "We need to land, get ready for a collision"

Before he could finish speaking, the helicopter couldn't take it anymore, and finally crashed in front of an abandoned residential building.

Hate got up and jumped onto the plane, stared at Hulk firmly, touched the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and rushed towards Hulk again.

Hulk was also dizzy from the fall, and before he could react, the abhorrence pressed against the wall and locked his throat, and his feet flew into the air, unable to use his strength.

He said proudly with hatred, "You don't deserve to have this kind of power, just watch her die now."

It was only then that Hulk noticed that due to the crash of the helicopter, the fuel tank began to leak, and the electric sparks on the wires above the helicopter kept flickering. Finally, a spark fell on the fuel tank, and immediately the fire ignited, and the helicopter was immediately surrounded by flames.

Hulk struggled immediately, only wanting to save Betty.

Hate saw the timing, and thrust a bone spur on his arm into Hulk's heart, but Hulk didn't seem to feel it, turning his head to look at Betty inside the plane.

Wang Yue, who was watching from a distance, immediately said: "It is still useful to save the people in the plane."

Estes replied: "No problem."

Suddenly, Betty felt a chill spread all over her body, but she didn't care about studying this, and looked at the struggling Hulk with a worried face.

At this time, Wang Yue said: "Everyone is ready, this time it is a robbery with the military, one group changes the tranquilizer and shoots Hulk's wound, the second group fires tear gas at the surrounding crowd, and the third group immediately flies over to take Hulk and Hulk away." Lu Shang, you only have 1 minute."

"1 group received over"

"2 group received over"

"3 group received over"

Seeing that the flames were about to spread to the plane, Hulk became more and more anxious, and finally became more angry when he saw the hatred who kept preventing him from rescuing Betty.

Hulk felt that his strength had greatly increased, and he kicked the hatred away with just one kick. Facing the flames beside the helicopter, he clasped his hands fiercely. The huge force squeezed the air in his hands into a hurricane, which instantly blew away and was about to burn to the fuel tank. flames.

Seeing Betty who was already safe, Hulk felt relieved.

Suddenly Betty's face changed drastically, and she shouted: "Be careful!"

Before the words fell, Hulk was sent flying by an iron chain used by the abomination.

The Abomination seized the opportunity and rushed forward to impale Hulk with the bone spur in his arm.

Hulk dodged the attack by standing up on the ground, grabbed the bone spur with his hand back, pulled it out violently, and then inserted his hand on the chest of the abomination.

He hated the pain and wanted to pull out the bone spur, but Hulk didn't give him a chance, and strangled Lu Shang's neck with both hands.

Just for a moment, the constantly struggling hatred gradually lost its strength, and finally dropped its hands.

Betty immediately yelled: "stop"

Hulk heard Betty's voice, the ferocity in his eyes continued to decline, and finally let go of his hands.

Wang Yue's eyes flashed, and he immediately said: "Action"

In an instant, a group of scp members wearing skull masks appeared on the surrounding roofs and shot wildly at Hulk's wound.

Hulk kept protecting the wound, but a few bullets still shot in.

Wang Yue also seized the opportunity and used "It's Noon" on Hulk's wound. The difference from the past is that the bullets fired from the gun this time are no longer blue, but purple strange bullets.

The bullet exploded immediately after entering the wound, but Hulk only paused for a moment before standing up tenaciously again.

As the fragments of the bullets were continuously squeezed out by Hulk using his muscles, the antidote and anesthetic in Hulk's body began to work. Bruce Banner.

Wang Yue also couldn't help sighing: "It's such a terrifying recovery ability, thanks to Hulk, let's call the people from the 3rd group to come over."

Betty looked at the battlefield surrounded by thick smoke, and could only hear countless gunshots. Anxiously, she could only keep shouting: "Banner! Banner! Hulk!"

The scp team heard a voice here, and it was a tear gas bomb without a word. General Ross immediately pulled Betty to avoid it.

Suddenly a large helicopter flew over, and the wind from the propellers blew away the fog. Rose watched helplessly as a group of people in skeleton combat uniforms boarded the plane with hatred and Banner.

General Ross looked solemnly at the departing helicopter. These well-trained people are definitely soldiers, and shouted: "Whose plane is that, check it, check it for me immediately!"


I plan to change it to "On the Containment Measures of the Foundation in American Manga", after all, the plots of subsequent SCPs will gradually increase.

Chapter 26 Barrett-Destruction

A soldier reported: "General, there is no record for this aircraft, and..."

Ross looked at the speechless soldier and cursed, "And what? Say it"

"And we didn't keep any images of those skeleton soldiers. Even after the surrounding crowd took pictures, all the images disappeared."

General Ross was stunned, and he couldn't help guessing secretly, who would it be? He actually used a lot of hackers to erase the information. Could it be that someone wants to plot against me.

Suddenly, Ross, who was thinking, was interrupted by a burst of crying. Ross looked at Betty beside him, walked over and patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her: "Actually, you don't have to worry. With Banner's ability, he will be fine."

Betty looked at Ross with red eyes, choked up and said, "I'm afraid that the person who arrested him has the same purpose as you." After finishing speaking, she turned and left.

General Ross' outstretched hand froze in mid-air, and he sighed helplessly.

Wang Yue brought Bruce Banner and Abomination back to the underground base.

Wang Yue said to Lei Hu: "Keep an eye on Abomination, once he recovers, immediately arrange D-level personnel to conduct tests."


Wang Yue suddenly thought of Ward and the others: "By the way, where are the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. that I brought back last time?"

"Commander, they are all locked together, what are you going to do with them, are they also included as D-class personnel?"

Wang Yue waved his hand: "No, just give them A-level brainwashing and return them to S.H.I.E.L.D. Neferek won't mind."

Lei Hu immediately replied: "Yes, what about Banner, he is still in a coma"

"Just find a room and leave it there, call me immediately when he wakes up, don't provoke him"

Wang Yue thought, Banner is a talent. He can kill monsters, fight bosses, and teach homework. It would be a pity that this kind of talent does not join the SCP Foundation. We have to find a way to lure him in.

Wang Yue looked at the panel in his mind

Wang Yue

Containment point: 35400 points

Guard points: 810 points

The next transmission time of containment scp-3035 scientific cockroach (product of evolution) is undecided.

(New Mission) Temporarily Teleport SCP-096 (Shy Man) Containment Time Remaining 715:32:54

Wang Yue murmured, "The Hulk is indeed a Keter-level containment object, but why is there a new mission? Could it be that the SCP Foundation over there is still unable to deal with scientific cockroaches for the time being, and then arrange something for me?"

"A shy person? It should be the one who can't look at his face. This is easy to handle. Just lock him up and pack him up and take him away."

Time to draw a prize.

Wang Yue immediately prepared for the lucky draw ceremony.

Burning incense, praying, meditating

After completing the tetralogy, Wang Yue looked at the panel and said, "I want to draw a lottery."

Containment point: 35400 points

Guard points: 810 points


Level 1 1000

Level 2 10000

Level 3 100000

"Let's draw a Level 1 first."

Immediately, a big disc popped up in my mind, with ten gift packages on it, only one was a golden box, and the rest were all gray boxes. The pointer in the middle of the disc began to rotate, and finally the pointer gradually slowed down. Finally, Wang Yue was full of expectations. In the eyes of looking forward to, I fell into the golden box................................... . the gray box next to it.

"ε=(?ο`*))) Alas!"

Wang Yue opened the box and took out a small metal rod and a blueprint.


Pressing this button will erase one hour of memory.

It comes from "Men in Black". After use, it can erase the memory of human beings including self-aware life forms within 1 hour, and enter a semi-hypnotic state at the same time, but it will cause certain damage to the brain.

Using it on the same person multiple times in a row can eliminate all memories within 24 hours at most and enter a hypnotic state, but it will cause irreversible damage to the brain.

NOTE: Only works on the person who saw the amnestic.

Note: It is invalid to bring sunglasses or similar items.

Note: Not valid for animals.

Note: It will be invalid for people with strong mental power.

Wang Yue was startled, this one is so strong, it can kill people and set fires, and it is a must-have artifact for home and travel.

Wang Yue put the amnestic aside, and the next step was the main event: "I want to draw a 2nd prize"

Immediately, a box jumped out of nowhere in front of Wang Yue, waiting to be opened.

But Wang Yue suddenly became entangled, and he thought of Schrödinger's cat.

"It must be ability"

Suddenly he gritted his teeth and opened.

In an instant, the light was dazzling, and a firearm exuding a noble aura appeared in the box.

The dark black metal coating is used as the base of the gun body, and the domineering gun body is made of dark red. The overall shape is majestic, low-key luxury, and unstoppable.


from crossfire

Number of ammunition: 15 rounds

Penetration ability: 5 stars

Stability: 4 stars

Power: 5 stars

Bullets: Only special caliber bullets can be added.

Comes with infrared aiming aid, thermal imaging.

Features: Cannot be dropped (the attached equipment space ring can only be equipped with Barrett-destruction and special ammunition, and other people cannot use it after binding)

Evaluation: Get it, you will be the brightest cub in the audience, you can buy it home with only 88800 CF points.

Wang Yue looked confused, why is it still a gun, although it is very powerful, but I want the ability to make myself stronger, others charge in front, I put a cold gun in the back?

This gun is still bound, forget it and put it away for now, and I will study who it will be used for after I finish it, anyway, I don’t know how to shoot.

Now I should hurry up and fill up the skills of the peacekeeper, alas, I have to shoot another 6000 rounds!

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