Felkin said secondly with a shy face: "Master, it's amazing!! I was not as fierce as you when I was alive!"

Wutou also followed: "Although I haven't used the ghost energy to see the situation, but I feel it from the vibration of the air, it is really violent!"

The ugly ghost, A Chou, was wrapped in a veil and nodded as if to please.

Are you... flattering me?

Qin Kun shivered angrily: "Niu Meng... Although I have a bad temper, I'm a little bit angry. As a brother, you know some rules... When you brought Ah Chou back to the bedroom, I consciously slept on the sofa, okay? "

Niu Meng's cheeks flushed, and he anxiously explained, "Brother Kun! Ah Chou and I have a normal relationship between male and female ghost friends, you can't slander me!"

Peiping said: "Master, don't blame Brother Niu, we accidentally bumped into it just now, a ghost has been hanging outside Sister Liu's window, for your safety. We just stayed outside the window and peeked at you because we were afraid that the ghost would come from the building. Go around and sneak in."

Peipei also quoted a classic saying: "When the Mangshan ghost king Cao Cao was alive, he had sex with beautiful women in the house, and the ghost general Dian Wei was guarding the door! We are imitating the sages!"

Follow your example! !

Qin Kun was furious: "It's not an example. Tonight, you guys are guarding Sister Liu and Xiaoxue. Since there are ghosts around here who dare to make trouble, they will beat me to the death if they are caught."

Qin Kun threw Niu Meng's body cover to him: "After finishing the level, I'll save it."

"Master, yes, it's time, is it time for dinner? Can I skip the white rice tonight? Let's have some meat. I seem to be breaking through recently."

When the skinned ghost recognized the master, he was level 14, and he was level 18 in just a few days. The training speed was really fast. Qin Kun saw that there was a voucher in the elastic space, which could be exchanged for a luxurious meal set meal.So he waved his hand, and the table was full of chicken, duck, fish, and wine, and the eyes of all the ghosts stared.

"You all forgot about today's affairs, let go and eat!"


In the early morning of the next day, Linjiang University opened, and the city was extremely congested.

Linjiang University is located in the university town of Yangliu District in the south of the city, and there is still a certain distance from Longhuai District.

Sitting in the taxi, Qin Xue looked at the long line of cars in the distance, and said anxiously, "Brother! Everyone said to leave early, it's almost 12 o'clock, I'm going to be late for registration!"

Qin Kun scolded, it was too crowded today, they left at 10 o'clock, and there was no bus, so they could only take the second ring, who knew that the second ring was also blocked.

"What are you late for? Which university is late for registration? Don't make a fuss, we'll do motorcycles when we get off the second ring."

Qin Xue muttered: "It's obvious that you're late, but you still don't admit it. You and Dad have the same temperament."

The brothers and sisters finally waited until they got off the second ring road, and hurriedly called a motorcycle.

From the departure to the gate of the university, it took less than 20 minutes to charge Qin Kun 50 yuan. Qin Kun's teeth were itchy, this guy was taking advantage of the fire!

But for the sake of his sister starting school today, he endured it.

Linjiang University is a famous university in Linjiang City with a long history and many famous people.Today is also a splendid scene in which talented people and women gather, and a group of literary and musical stars come down to earth.

The old school gate, the name of the school above is an inscription by a writer, and the climbing tigers are covered with pillars.

Rockery, gardens, fountains, Soviet-style teaching buildings in the 70s, Qin Kun enjoyed this environment very much.

There are countless students coming and going, and as soon as they enter the door, a female student greets them enthusiastically: "Is this a freshman who is here to sign up?"

Qin Kun said: "Well! This is my sister, a freshman in the Department of Computer Science this year."

The female student said, "Sister is so beautiful. I'm a senior from the School of Biology. Today's volunteer, I'll take you there!"

Qin Xue was praised, very happy, and quickly got acquainted with the senior.

Qin Kun walked behind the two of them, looking at the college students coming and going, feeling that college is good.This was the first time he came to the university campus, and more or less fulfilled his dream of entering a university.


The Department of Computer Science is not large enough to be established as an independent school. Compared with the surrounding School of Biology, School of Chemistry, School of Economics and Management, School of Art, etc., it appears to be a lot petty, and the registration points are also very stingy.

The banners were hanging crookedly, and there was a row of dead mans wearing glasses at the registration office, except for the counselor, and there was no woman.This group of dead houses had a wretched look on their faces, judging the big white legs that came and went.

When Qin Xue came, Qin Kun clearly saw the eyes of the dead house thieves start to widen. Qin Kun's heart moved. His sister was two hundred and fifty. She could have been caught by the bastards back then, but now she can't be caught by these dead house thieves. .

Qin Kun put his arms around his sister's shoulders, and accompanied him to fill out the form while talking and laughing, pretending to be a boyfriend.It can be clearly seen that the eyes of the dead house exude a dim light of hopelessness.

"Brother! Why are you hugging me? It's so hot!"

After registering, Qin Xue complained, "I'm going to pick up the quilt. You help me pay the tuition first."

Qin Kun smiled: "Okay. See you on the lawn later!"

The place to pay the tuition fee is not far from the registration office of the Department of Computer Science, next to the registration point of the Academy of Arts. Qin Kun walked over and found that at the registration point of the Academy of Arts, there was a boy who was dressed in a killer style and had a Japanese high school gangster-style hairstyle. Standing in front of the art school registration point and arguing with the counselor.

"Your hairstyle is also unusual in our art academy! Shave it for me!"

"The school doesn't stipulate what hairstyle should be worn, so why do you care about me?!" The underworld boy who killed Matt was dressed in a Japanese school uniform, his leather shoes were shiny, his hair was combed back, and the second son, 'Prince Prince', was written on his T-shirt. The bag growled.

Qin Kun found out that this guy was imitating a certain star.

Qin Kun said in surprise: "Fuck, is this the Sakuragi Flower Road?"

Qin Kun's words were heard by the young man, and he turned around angrily: "Who said Sakuragi Huadao? Come out! Does Takiya Genji know? Idiot!"

What Takiya Genji, Qin Kun has never heard of, Sakuragi Huadao was his idol back then, and idols were looked down upon, Qin Kun came out: "Who are you calling an idiot?!"

As soon as he approached, Qin Kun rolled up his sleeves and prepared to teach him a lesson.But I was surprised to find that this kid actually knew him!

Isn't this Mi Shihong's son Mi Taizi?

When he escaped from Green Willow Villa, Mi Shihong asked himself to take care of him, and he was too busy to take care of him.

Qin Kun was speechless, the world is so small.

"Is that what you just said about me?" Prince Mi approached Qin Kun, his nose almost touched, and he said aggressively.

"It's me, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, are you looking for a fight?!"

Qin Kun's violent temper has been beaten by the old, so are you still afraid of the young?

He grabbed Prince Mi's hair with one hand, Prince Mi screamed in pain, and was carried to the registration office of the Art Academy by Qin Kun.

"I'm sorry, teachers, this is my nephew! I can't use my brain, so I'll let him get a haircut after signing up!" Qin Kun accompanied him with a smile.

Prince Mi was so tangled that his scalp was in labor pains. How could he have thought that this stranger would be so ruthless, and shouted: "You dare to attack me, do you know who my father is?!"

Qin Kun gave him a stern face and gave him the back of his head: "Mi Shihong, what's the matter? Your dad cried and told me to take care of you before he died, otherwise I wouldn't come!"

before death?

A few teachers who signed up heard the words, no wonder this kid was dressed so rebelliously, it turned out that his father died, and he couldn't help but feel a little sympathetic.

Prince Mi was surprised, stared at Qin Kun's face, and suddenly whispered: "Are you Uncle Qin Kun?"

Eh?Qin Nyima Kun Nyima Uncle Nyma! !

Qin Kun was surprised: "You know me?"

Prince Mi said, "My dad gave me a dream after he died, and he told me about you! He said that you are a very powerful person. I didn't expect you to be so young!"

Whoops!Lao Mi can do it!Actually playing this trick!

However, being called Uncle Qin by a young man the same age as his sister, Qin Kun is still a little uncomfortable, I'm only 22!

After Prince Mi recognized Qin Kun, he became more obedient. Qin Kun didn't know what Mi Shihong said to him. Prince Mi seemed to be respectful to Qin Kun.

Prince Mi completed the registration and paid tuition with Qin Kun. The two squatted by the lawn and smoked.

Seeing that Qin Kun took out a bag of Yuxi, Prince Mi hurriedly said with a shy face, "Uncle Qin, hit me!"

Qin Kun took a look, Nima 1916!

Qin Kun rudely put the box of 1916 into his arms and gave it to Prince Mi a Yuxi.

"Uncle Qin... that's my face when I started school!" Prince Mi was in pain. Uncle Qin was so young, how could he still like to grab things.

Qin Kun took a deep breath of 1916 and said intoxicated: "To fill your face, this bag of Yuxi is enough for you!"

Prince Midea shrugged and pulled his head, not daring to speak back.

Seeing that he came alone, Qin Kun asked, "What about your family? Is there no one to accompany you?"

Prince Mi pouted: "Grandpa and grandma are in poor health and can't run long distances. My mother died a long time ago. After my father's accident, my stepmother ran away with money. Am I the only one left?"

Prince Mi dressed up as a middle-schooler, and his name was middle-secondary, but Qin Kun felt that this kid was still a man, at least after such a big incident, he didn't have any hostility.

Mi Shihong's death Qin Kun felt that he deserved it and killed himself!Just pity this kid.

Qin Kun said: "Your father is the handle of the general's tomb, your stepmother is running with others, and your father's former younger brother didn't cut that concubine?"

Prince Midi spit: "She ran with my dad's deputy. My dad's barbecue shop and slaughterhouse have all been sold over the years. Fortunately, there is a suite in my name, otherwise I will not even pay the registration fee. nothing."

"You sold the house? Where do you live?"

Prince Mi said: "My grandparents are in the suburbs and rural areas, and I have nothing to live with them, but now that the school starts, you can live on campus."

Human feelings are warm and cold, and the world is hot and cold.Prince Mida probably also knew that his father was involved in drugs, and felt a sense of resignation.Qin Kun saw Prince Mi at the funeral home last time, and now I see him again, and finds that he is much more mature than last time.This is growth!

Qin Kun didn't want to get involved in this muddy water, but he had friendship with Mi Shihong, so he couldn't betray his promise.Since he shares a school with Qin Xue, he can take care of it in the future if it is convenient.

"By the way, Uncle Qin, what are you doing here at school?" Prince Mi asked, pinching his cigarette. He was not so affectionate enough to think that Qin Kun came for himself.

Qin Kun saw Qin Xue running from a distance, and Prince Mi understood a little when he saw that she was a beautiful woman with a straight face.

Uncle Qin turned out to be picking up girls!Fellow people!

Prince Mi smiled and said, "Uncle Qin, do you like that girl? I'll help you tease her!"

"do not!"

Qin Kun wanted to stop it, but it was too late.



Chapter 0031 The Tailor Shop

Qin Xue has always been ruthless towards the men who harassed him since he was ordered not to fall in love by Qin Kun in junior high school.

She ran towards Qin Kun, but found that Prince Mi was also running towards her.

"Sister, which department? Show your face and have a meal with your brother?"

Prince Mi stopped Qin Xue, but before he could finish speaking, Qin Xue grabbed her hair and hit her with an elbow on the back of the neck, almost blinding her.

"Stinking rogue!"

Qin Xue ran away quickly.

Qin Xue saw Qin Kun sitting on the edge of the lawn, and ran towards him: "Brother, that person is harassing me! He also said that he wants to eat with me at noon!"

Qin Xue pointed to Prince Mi and ran to complain, Qin Kun grimaced, seeing the dizzy Prince Mi, his head dipped for a while.

My younger sister had opened a beer bottle for all three cousins ​​back then, and this Prince Mi was too clueless.

Qin Kun sighed helplessly: "Xiaoxue, that's my own..."


At noon, in the school cafeteria, Qin Kun, Qin Xue, and Prince Mi sat together, staring at each other.

"Uncle Qin... is this really your sister?"

Qin Kun pouted: "You have asked three times, don't you think?"

Prince Midi smiled wryly, saying that he was slapped in vain?

However, Prince Mi has a better mentality and has a thicker skin: "Sister, it was me who was abrupt just now, I'm not with you, you will be bullied in school in the future, come to the Art Academy to find me, my name is Prince Mi, the prince of the prince! "

After Qin Xue knew that Prince Mi was his own, he smiled apologetically, a little embarrassed: "My name is Qin Xue, my brother's sister. I started a little harder just now, and I thought you were a bad person."

Seeing that the two had introduced themselves, Qin Kun corrected him: "Xiaomi, that's my sister. Since you call me Uncle Qin, he is your aunt!"

Prince Midi nodded, "Auntie, my nickname is Guo'er, I'll just let it go!"

"It's really shameless..."

Qin Kun scolded, Prince Mi laughed, Qin Xue also covered her mouth and giggled. It seemed that one met the beautiful aunt, the other met the poor nephew, and the classmates were in a good mood.

There are not many teachers in the staff cafeteria today, but many parents bring their children to eat. On the first day of registration for new students, they have to taste the school food.Prince Midea's hairstyle was seen by many nympho girls, exclaiming in amazement, forming groups to watch, secretly discussing, and from time to time came the voices of 'so handsome' and 'so cool'.

Today's young girls like the rebellious and decadent young girl who kills Matt underworld boy with a rebellious and blurry eyes.

When Prince Mi was being watched from a distance, Qin Xue also got the attention of many boys. Those boys who saw Prince Mi next to Qin Xue guessed that the famous flower had the owner, but no one looked at it much.

After dinner, Qin Kun instructed: "Xiaomi, I don't care what Lao Mi said to you, I just want to say that the only thing I can help you is to take care of you when you are bullied, and I can't help you with the rest. ."

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