Then, with the light from the torches inserted in Luzhai and the carbine guns, Lin Ahu finally saw the enemy's attire clearly... All cloth face armor and gun helmets, they were clearly the flag army of the Pingnan Palace, and there were at least a few of them in number. thousand.

That's right, the enemy Shang Kexi has arrived!

Thinking of this, his face became distorted: "Fire! It's good to kill him!"

Chapter 167 It's a joy to catch someone earlier!

"Open... fire!"

The lingering sound of the password issued by Lin Ahu was still echoing, and in the center of the defense line of Jinyiwei Qinjun Town, rows of fires, large and small, suddenly flashed!Then the musketeers on both sides of the line of defense heard the gunshot, and immediately fired their muskets.

Before the gunshots of the muskets dissipated from people's ears, a more intense roar was picked up!It was seven or eight six-pound iron guns roaring and spouting shot--the guns were hidden behind fences or bamboo mats hung up and covered with rain-proof sheds.Because the enemy's formation can't be seen clearly at night, these artillery don't shoot long-range, they just load shotguns and hide behind the cover, waiting for the shady people.

Now that the gunners heard that the muskets had been fired, and knew that it was time to fire, they immediately pulled down the fences or bamboo mats covering the cannon muzzles, only to realize that groups of Qing soldiers were already in front of them!

The small officers in command of these cannons and brocade-clothed pro-army see these people, that makes an enemy extremely jealous when they meet!They all drew out their waist knives, pointed forward, and ordered loudly to fire.

Seven or eight shotguns were immediately pushed out of the muzzle by the deflagrating gunpowder, and then turned into countless fine and deadly particles, sweeping through the Qing army's bannermen, knocking down the Qing army's bannermen one by one.

At the same time, the turtledove foot muskets of Jin Yi's pro-army gunners continued to fire, and bullets poured out.

But the Qing Army Banner Army still did not take half a step back. Although their casualties were not small, and the dead were one by one, the living still rushed to the Luzhai District one after another.I saw them push the deer village and refusal guns piled up on the official road to both sides of the road against the rain of bullets.

Although Jinyi's pro-army is firing desperately, their number of muskets is not many, less than a thousand, and there are only eight cannons that can reach these Qing soldiers, and the rate of fire of these guns is a bit slow, so they cannot be suppressed These Qing army flag soldiers risked their lives.

With the light from the torches and lanterns, Shang Kexi can see from a distance that the Luzhai and Juma on the official road outside Longtou Pass have been gradually removed, and the road leading to Longtou Pass is about to be opened.

Shang Kexi put down the binoculars, and said in a low voice: "We will break through soon..."

His military adviser, Jin Guang, also put down the binoculars and shook his head slightly: "My lord, we suffered heavy casualties this time..."

Shang Kexi took a deep breath: "If the green hills remain, I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood..." He suddenly raised his voice, and said to Jin Guang: "Military Master, hurry up and take out the talisman paper that Zhang Zhenren drew for us and distribute it to the soldiers. After using this talisman, Zhu San and Zhuge Yaodao's demonic methods will not be able to hurt us! The sky fire will not burn, and the sky thunder will not hit us!"


Jin Guang responded, took out an oilcloth package, and opened it carefully. Inside the package were two thick stacks of talisman paper.This is drawn stroke by stroke by real Zhang Zhenren of Longhu Mountain in Mianhu Village, using the blood taken from the black dog with spiritual power captured by Fengming Mountain.

Jin Guang gave Shang Kexi two first, and took two himself.Then he distributed these talismans to Shang Kexi's personal soldiers, and then asked them to distribute them to the banner cavalry guarding Shang Kexi, two for each person - one for the person and one for the horse.

After seeing that the people below had all been assigned talisman papers, Shang Kexi drew out the treasured sword given to him by Emperor Shunzhi, pointed forward, and shouted, "Boys, follow me...kill the rebels and go back to Guangzhou!"

"Kill the thief, go home!"

Shang Kexi's cavalry also raised their sabers, shouted loudly, and then went up the official road one by one, and rushed towards the Ming army's position at Longtou Mountain Pass.

The scene of thousands of cavalry rushing into battle is still very bluffing. Four thousand horseshoes hit the ground heavily, making a rumbling sound, and splashed a large amount of mud and grout. There was a strange sound, and a few drums that were placed in nowhere were also beating tightly.

The impact of the cavalry of the Qing army also greatly boosted the morale of the infantrymen of the Qing army who had suffered heavy casualties from the gunfire. They also raised their swords and guns, shouting and pounced on the front line of the Ming army-they could If you can't rush across the Longtou Pass and rush back to Guangzhou City, just watch it!

These soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were gratifying trump cards, with top-notch equipment, martial arts, and physical fitness. Now that they were fighting for their lives, they immediately plunged Zhu and Qi's soldiers into a bitter battle.The defense lines on both sides of the official road can still withstand it, but the area around Longtou Mountain Pass in the middle can't stop it.The brocade-clothed pro-army soldiers guarding here finally withstood a round of desperate pounces by the Qing infantry, and before they had time to organize their formation and form a spear formation, the gratifying cavalry came roaring.

Of course, the scattered formation of the Ming army couldn't stop these cavalrymen who were rushing madly. Even if they risked their lives to resist, they were still rushed away by them.

The Shandong mouth of the leading dragon was finally captured by soldiers under Shang Kexi's command!

Shang Kexi also started rushing towards Longtou Mountain Pass under the protection of a group of palace guards!

It's too late to say it, but the short distance of a few hundred steps is really instant for a four-legged war horse.Shang Kexi himself didn't even realize it, the horse under his crotch had already rushed across the battlefield where the two armies were fighting like lightning.The speed was so fast that Shang Kexi rushed into the pitch-black valley along the official road before he had time to see the fighting situation around the Longtou Pass.

Shang Kexi, who has been a vassal in Guangzhou for more than [-] years, is very familiar with the terrain around Guangzhou City, especially the area around Longtoushan and Matoushan.Because according to his arrangements for his "grave", he seems to be buried in Matou Mountain - this is a confession to the Manchu masters, he is fortunate to be an old Manchurian horse, and he will still be a cow for the masters in the next life Be a horse!

So Shang Kexi now knows how to pass the Matou Mountain official road with his eyes closed, and also knows that as long as he passes the Matou Mountain official road, no one can block his way back to Guangzhou.

Shang Kexi thought of this, raised his head and looked forward, and found that at the end of the pitch-black valley, there was actually a flash of light, which seemed to indicate that as long as he rushed out of the valley, there would be a bright light... Victory is in sight!

its not right!This is a valley, not a cave.The inside of the valley is pitch black, so how could it be bright outside?

Just as Shang Kexi thought of this, the cavalry of the Pingnan Prince's Mansion running ahead had already reined in their horses and exclaimed at the same time: "No, Zhuge Yaodao...there is Zhuge Yaodao ahead!"

What?Zhuge Yaodao?

When Shang Kexi heard these four words, he almost didn't fall off the horse. He hurriedly stopped the tall horse that was running happily under his crotch.At this time, he suddenly smelled a very pungent smell, and he didn't know what it was coming from?But he didn't have time to think too much, so he raised his eyes to look at the mouth of the valley.

I saw a huge fire burning blazingly outside the entrance of the valley in front of me, with a team of spearmen lined up on both sides of the fire.In front of a group of pikemen on the left, there were several knights. The leading one was a middle-aged man with a fat face and dark face.Behind this man is a burly cavalry soldier in Confucian uniform with thick eyebrows and big eyes and sideburns. He is holding a red flag tightly with one hand. Zhuge"!

And on the other side of the fire, there is also a big flag with the words on it, "Shang Kexi died here"!

When Shang Kexi saw the five characters "Zhuge, Marquis of Wuxiang", he just cursed in a low voice: "Zhuge Liang doesn't have such ignorant descendants..."

And when he saw that "Shang Kexi died here", he couldn't help shouting and cursing loudly: "You dare to curse this king! This king has Zhang Zhenren's talisman, so I am not afraid of you!"

"Hahaha..." Military Master Zhuge laughed wildly, "It's good to see you, if you don't shout, this military teacher doesn't know you're coming! Come, fire, target, good news!"

What?fire?Shang Kexi was terrified when he heard Zhuge Sanhe's words, he hurriedly pulled the reins, trying to steer the horse to avoid the cannon.The talisman Zhang Zhenren gave him is fireproof, lightningproof, but not gunproof!

But at this moment, several "bang bang bang" sounds suddenly sounded from behind the fire in front, the muffled sound of wood colliding.Then Shang Kexi saw four fireballs flying towards the sky from the other side of the fire!

It turns out that the "cannon" that Zhuge Sanhe said was a cannon, not a cannon.

Four fireballs flew over Shang Kexi's head, and then landed on the open space more than ten steps away behind him, crashing into pieces...

"It's okay!" Shang Kexi said secretly, "Fortunately, the shot missed..."

As soon as he thought of this, he heard a "boom", and the fire suddenly ignited on the official road where he was!

It's fierce oil!

It turned out that after getting Lin Ahu's report, Zhuge Sanhe took four cannons and four battalions of infantry, and rushed all the way to the other side of Longtou Mountain Road at a fast marching speed to block it.

Moreover, he asked people to bring a lot of fire oil mixed with gum arabic and sugar, part of which was used to light a fire, and part of which was dumped at the exit of Longtoushan official road, waiting for Shang Kexi to arrive.

At the same time, Zhuge Sanhe ordered people to set up four cannons that could be disassembled and assembled, and also placed a fierce fire oil tank on the throwing pocket of the cannons, just waiting for Shang Kexi to catch himself!

Shang Kexi, who had been trapped in the net by Zhuge's army division, was now in a desperate situation!It wasn't that the fire oil poured on the official road was ignited and burned him, but the horse's legs and hooves of the BMW under his crotch were set on fire!And it's still very hot, that talisman doesn't seem to work!The horse can't take it anymore!

This is a live roasted horse leg and horseshoe!What kind of BMW can't be roasted like this on the fire!

The horse was roasted mad at that time, and with a scream, it spread its hoofs and galloped, and even took the lead, and the first one rushed forward.But it didn't dare to rush towards the fire that blocked the way, but rushed towards the place where Zhuge's army division was.It seems that this beast also has spirituality, knowing that the one who hurt him is that black-faced Zhuge.

Military Master Zhuge didn't panic when he saw Shang Kexi's flying horse coming towards him, he just shook his fan, and the pikemen on both sides rushed out immediately, forming several rows in front of him, all pointing the points of their pikes forward.

Shang Kexi knew that he couldn't forcefully bump upwards, and tried hard to stop the horse, but the horse was already "crazy" and couldn't be controlled at all. It just moved forward like crazy, and finally bumped into two long, Above the sharp Zhangba spear.

The horse's chest was pierced by a spear, and it immediately lost its strength to move forward. After a dying cry, it was unable to take another half step forward, and Shang Kexi, who was riding on his back, was miserable. His fat body was crushed by a huge The inertia was thrown out, and after flying for a certain distance in the air, it fell heavily on the ground...

Chapter 168 It is gratifying, you have suffered a bloody disaster!

Shang Kexi is getting older, has not exercised for many years, and still likes drinking and sex, his body is not as good as before.So after this fall, Mr. Shang couldn't do it at that time, he couldn't get up, the bones all over his body seemed to be falling apart, and he couldn't exert any strength.

If you can't exert your strength, of course, the only thing you can do is to be caught alive.A few sword soldiers pounced on like hungry wolves, regardless of Sanqi 21, first take the back of the sword and slap Shang Kexi hard a few times to relieve the anger.

Shang Kexi, who was not very good at first, was slapped by the back of the knife for a while, and he didn't even have the strength to yell and curse, only humming.

Hearing that Shang Kexi was still humming, Military Master Zhuge hurriedly ordered: "Don't fight, don't fight... Catch the living ones! Catch the living ones!"

The value of living is too great!

After catching him, not only the Battle of Longtoushan has been a complete victory, but even the city of Guangzhou is a sure thing.

The sword soldiers also knew this reasoning, so they spit Shang Kexi a few more times, and then took out the hemp rope and tied up the old traitor.

And at this moment, the cavalrymen under Shang Kexi, who was burned by the fire unbearably, rushed out of the valley in a panic.

Their horses, like Shang Kexi's horses, did not dare to rush into the fire, but rushed towards the gun formations on both sides of the fire.But where can I be impulsive?Those are all made in Foshan, not the best, but the most expensive Portuguese-style Zhangba long spears, and the guns used are stuck in the mud... unless the "burned" horses can be used Break the spear with your chest, otherwise both man and horse will die.

And the four cannons placed behind the Zhuge army division's formation were not idle at this time, but kept firing fierce fire tanks.The burning fire pots were thrown one by one onto the heads of the Qing cavalry who were trying to rush out of the valley, and then shattered into pieces, and the viscous fire oil inside was spilled out while burning... This kind of fire oil added with gum arabic and white sugar Not only can it burn, but it can also stick to people's bodies and burn, and it is difficult to extinguish if you can't shake it off!

No matter whether you are a horse or a horse, as long as you touch this kind of burning oil, you will be seriously injured even if you don't die!

And after these panicked cavalry rushed out of the valley, their fate was not much better.The spear array outside is not something these "fire cavalry" can break through. Even if they can fill it with corpses, the spear array arranged by Army Master Zhuge is still deep... He came here with four battalions.Not only pikemen, but also musketeers, swordmen and grenadiers, who can also throw "fresh out of the oven" sugar grenades!

Therefore, the "fire cavalry" who rushed out desperately were no different from dying, and soon died in pieces outside the west entrance of Longtou Valley.

However, most of the cavalry who followed Shang Kexi into the valley were not burned, and Zhuge's military master didn't have so much kerosene on hand!

So only the section near the exit of the valley was oiled.

And when Shang Kexi entered the valley, he was actually at the back of the team.If he hadn't been eager to kill a bloody road and returned to Guangzhou, and his horse could run fast, he wouldn't have rushed to the front, and he wouldn't be a prisoner now.

But his military advisor, Jin Guang, rode a short-footed horse and ran very slowly, so he fell behind and escaped a death.

But he was still dumbfounded, the prince is gone, and the way forward is cut off again, what should I do?

Some people have already found out about this great gold strategist whom Shang Kexi regarded as the reincarnation of Zhuge, so they gathered around to ask questions.

"Military teacher, the prince is gone! What should we do?"

"Military Master, the prince was burned to death! What shall we do?"

"Military Master, the one who set up an ambush to burn the prince to death seems to be Zhuge Yaodao... What should I do?"

"Military division, please come up with an idea..."

Where does Military Master Jin have any ideas now?Now there is an interception in the front, and chasers in the back, and even King Pingnan Shang Kexi himself was buried in the sea of ​​flames... And it was Zhuge Yaodao who designed this killing situation, so what is the big guy's way out?

When he thought that Shang Kexi, who had been kind to him, was burned to death, and that he was about to lose his way of life, the military master Jin Guangjin burst into tears.

Seeing that the military division was crying anxiously, Shang Kexi's group of desperate soldiers also burst into tears.


When Jin Guang led a group of elders to cry for Shang Kexi, the battle at the west entrance of Longtoushan official road was over.

Shang Kexi, who was tied up with five flowers, had already been carried by four sword soldiers to the front of Zhuge's army division's horse, and was thrown onto the wet mud with a bang.

Shang Kexi was dumbfounded, he was just now the incomparably noble Great Qing Pingnan Prince... What's going on now?Was this caught by the rebels?How did he get caught?How could he be happy to be caught by the rebels of the third prince Zhu and the grandson of Zhu third grandson?

He has too many enemies in Guangdong. To say that half of Guangdong wants his life is an understatement... The Third Prince Zhu and the Third Grandson of Zhu must not be forgiven lightly, no, it is "lightly killing" him !

This is bad!

At the thought of dying, Pingnan Wang Shang Kexi, who fell off his horse and fell into a daze, couldn't help but burst into tears.

Shang Kexi cried, but Zhuge Sanhe was overjoyed.Glad he caught it!When he got a report from Lin Ahu before that Shang Kexi might break through the dragon's mouth, he thought about bringing people over to try his luck, and it turned out that he really hit the big luck!

Guangdong's largest No. [-] Qing Yao called him, the Zhuge military division, to be captured alive!

At this time, the sky was already a little bright, and the military master Zhuge who was in a good mood got off his horse, waving a goose feather fan, laughing and standing beside Shang Kexi, first looked at it carefully for a while, then half-jokingly said : "King Pingnan, the poor Taoist sees that your seal is black and your face is hideous, there must be a bloody disaster!"

Not to mention, Military Master Zhuge is quite accurate in fortune-telling and fortune-telling!

Military Master Zhuge then said: "King Pingnan, your bloody disaster this time is terrible, maybe it will develop into a catastrophe of extermination... Hahaha, but that's okay, killing more than one is boring? If you want to kill, you have to kill it." A big family, a family must be neat and orderly!"

When Shang Kexi heard this, he trembled, gritted his teeth and scolded: "You monster said goodbye too early... I have millions of heavenly soldiers in the Qing Dynasty, and it will be easy to destroy you rebels! When the time comes, you will also I can’t escape the catastrophe of genocide!” He then cast a vicious glance at the surrounding soldiers in brocade clothes, “When the Heavenly Soldiers of the Qing Dynasty arrive, we will all be unable to escape the scourge of genocide!”

The surrounding Jinyi soldiers would get angry when they heard this, and would slap Shang Kexi with the back of their knives to relieve their hatred, but Zhuge Junshi waved his hand to stop him and said: "This old thief only wants to die quickly, but I can't let him do what he wants. His life is of great use!"

What's the use of keeping Shang Kexi?

Of course, the surrounding group of soldiers in brocade clothes did not dare to stand up to Zhuge's military master - this great military master's prestige in the army was actually higher than that of Zhu Tianwang, second only to Zhu Heqi, the sage of Zhu!But the big guy is still a little dissatisfied, what is the use of Shang Kexi other than cutting flesh with a blunt knife?

Just when the big guy was suspicious, the fire on the official road had been extinguished and the smoke had cleared. The sharp-eyed Jinyi soldiers had already seen hundreds of cavalry from the Shang family who were not blocked between the east and west entrances of the official road on Longtoushan.So he shouted loudly: "Military Master, it seems that there are still remnants of the Shang family army in the valley!"

Military Master Zhuge laughed loudly when he heard the words: "See? That's where Shang Kexi comes in...Come on, frame Shang Kexi as an old thief, let's use Shang Kexi to persuade him to surrender!

Tell those lackeys of the Shang family that Shang Kexi has already been taken by us...and we only kill one family of the Shang family, and the rest can be spared from death! "

The policy of killing only one family of the Shang family and keeping the rest from death was discussed by Zhu Heqi, Zhuge Sanhe and others.

It's not really to let Shang Kexi's lackeys go, but to coax the Shang family's lackeys to put down their weapons and surrender!

Although they will not be killed and surrendered after surrendering, Zhu Heqi has arranged for them to undergo labor reform. And the Quren Coal Mine is waiting for them!

Chapter 169

It is gratifying to be captured, but there is actually a big accident factor.

To put it bluntly, it means that his character is too bad, evil will be rewarded with evil, and he was punished by heaven, so when he got home, he was caught by Zhuge Junshi who was walking towards the pinnacle of his life in a daze.

When he was captured, none of the three armies under him gave up. Among them, the left and middle armies commanded by Shang Zhijie and Shang Congzhi fought fiercely with Lin Ahu and Zhao Hongkui of the Ming army. It's a hard fight, but it looks like it can hold on.

If it hadn't been for Zhuge's military division leading people to escort Shang Kexi out of Longtoukou to persuade him to surrender, the center and left armies of the Shang family's army could hold on for at least a few more hours before retreating from Longtou Mountain.

And even if they retreat, the whole army will not be wiped out... After all, Zhu Heqi's army is still in the initial stage of establishment.It might not be a problem for them to hold their ground against the enemy, but if they were to fight mobile battles with Shang Kexi's army, that would be a big problem.Maybe they will be counter-killed by Shang Kexi's people!

However, when Army Master Zhuge escorted Shang Kexi to appear on the battlefield of Longtoushan, the situation of the battle immediately turned one-sided... The balance of victory immediately fell to the Ming army.

Shang Kexi has become a prisoner, and the people below are not heartbroken?

The Qing army on the Longtoushan battlefield either surrendered or fled. The six or seven thousand Shang family soldiers who were still fighting to the death were defeated in a blink of an eye.

Shang Congzhi, who commanded the troops to fight at the Longtou Pass, was taking the lead. Suddenly, he saw Shang Kexi who was being tied up and detained, and at the same time, thousands of Ming army infantry came out of the Longtou Pass.The soldiers of the Shang family around him immediately dispersed, and he lost his mind, and was surrounded by the Ming army after a moment of hesitation.So he could only cry and ask Xiang to be a prisoner to serve Shang Kexi... He felt that he was the adopted son, not the real Shang family, so he was not on the "blacklist" of being killed, so he could surrender with confidence.

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