Chapter 025 Yang Qilong, Go Help!

While Chubby Princess Jianning was happily eating fresh mutton mooncakes freshly baked by Dashunzhai, her husband Wu Yingxiong was meeting Yang Qilong, a wine and meat monk who had a lot of research on the Third Prince Zhu, in the Buddhist hall!

This monk Yang looked to be in his 30s, with a dignified appearance and a personable demeanor, and he knew that he was of extraordinary background at a glance.Under the current rule of the Qing Dynasty, there are still quite a few monks who seem to be dignified. If they are monks, they are probably the sons and daughters of the previous dynasty or the remnants of the previous dynasty who are not reconciled to the sky.

Although this person became a subjugated slave, he still felt a little bit unwilling to be a law-abiding and obedient citizen of the Qing Dynasty, and wanted to resist the Qing Dynasty's shaving law in a different way.Of course, I dare not keep my hair. It’s been ten years since Kangxi. Except for Guangdong and Fujian, there are still some remnants of the Ming Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty has been stabilized. No kidding.

As for wearing hair to pretend to be a Taoist... It was not very convenient in the early Qing Dynasty. In the early Qing Dynasty, the Taoist master had to shave his hair. It was not until more than ten years in Shunzhi that it was because of Zhang Zhenren in Longhushan, Jiangxi and Baiyun Temple in Beijing. At the request of the Dazheng Dazheng, Emperor Shunzhi issued an imperial decree, allowing the Taoist priests of the world to grow their hair.But at that time, almost all the survivors of the Ming Dynasty who were unwilling to reconcile had already pretended to be monks, and it would be troublesome to change them, so most of them continued to pretend to be monks.

And this monk Yang Qilong Yang also has a secret identity that is not very well known - he claims to be the third son of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, the Ding Wang Zhu Cijiong, also known as the so-called third prince Zhu!

The fat Jianning who was eating fresh mutton mooncakes would probably never have dreamed that her cowardly son-in-law, who was almost on the verge of depression, would dare to have a relationship with the third prince Zhu who didn't know the truth, and the relationship seemed to be quite good ...

"Monk Long," Wu Yingxiong said to Yang Qilong with a smile, "I have bad news for you, you can no longer pretend to be the third prince Zhu to deceive you!"

"Isn't that good?" Yang Qilong smiled, "Your Majesty no longer has to worry about being implicated by the poor monk, and for the time being, he doesn't need to worry about being slaughtered by the Tartar Emperor."

Judging from his tone, it was obvious that some kind of trap was devised to trap Wu Yingxiong.

Wu Yingxiong laughed: "Monk Long, who is the real one between you and the third prince in Chaozhou?"

Yang Qilong smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter who is real and who is fake, what matters is who can take on the great cause of anti-Qing and restoring Ming! My son, do you think this third prince of Chaozhou can do it?"

While listening, Wu Yingxiong gently turned the tea bowl in his hand, and said unhurriedly: "Maybe you are more like the third prince Zhu than him, but he can fight much more than you... The banner soldiers of Duke Xushun's mansion are not useless Dim sum, without Xiao Erbai, I can't even touch the moat that the Third Prince Zhu of Chaozhou is entrenched in the city, and let the third Prince Zhu's rescue messenger protrude from the city!"

"Ask for help? To whom?" Yang Qilong asked.

"Ask for help from the loyal uncle Qiu Hui who was privately taught by the Yanping Prince's Mansion... This Qiu Hui has been entrenched outside Chaozhou Prefecture for many years, with Dahao and Haimen as his bases and has more than ten thousand people." Wu Yingxiong said with a smile, "If Qiu Hui recognizes the third prince Zhu , then the matter will make a big fuss!"

Yang Qilong said with a half-smile: "Since this Qiu Hui is a general of the Yanping Palace, no matter whether he recognizes the third prince Zhu, he will send troops to rescue him... If King Pingnan and King Jingnan show mercy, the third prince of Chaozhou will indeed become bigger." , Maybe it can last for two or three years! That poor monk should congratulate the son."

Wu Yingxiong leaned forward and said, "Monk Long, don't you want to go to Guangdong to meet the Third Prince Zhu?"

Yang Qilong raised his brows lightly, "Your Majesty wants me to go to Guangdong?"

Wu Yingxiong nodded, took out an envelope, and handed it to Yang Qilong, "Monk Long, this is my autographed letter to Shang Zhixin, if he reads this letter, he will regard you as mine!"

Yang Qilong took the letter, put it in the inner pocket of the sleeve of the monk's robe, and said with a smile: "The prince said so, the poor monk really wants to visit Guangdong."

Wu Yingxiong said: "Then leave quickly... You have to arrive in Guangdong before Mi Sihan and Xiong Cilu, the imperial envoys who are investigating the case of the third prince Zhu, or you won't be able to help the third prince Zhu in Chaozhou!"

"I know, I know," Yang Qilong said with a smile, "It's not easy to find the third prince Zhu who rescued the suffering, and he also led the third grandson of Zhu. We must not let Mi Sihan and Xiong Cilu find out that they are fakes."


When Mi Sihan, Xiong Cilu, Deng Zhong, and Yang Qilong went south to Guangdong separately for the high imitation version of the Third Prince Zhu and the Third Grandson Zhu.Zhu Hesheng, the chief culprit of the chaos of the Third Prince Zhu in Chaozhou, has just led 180 seven rebels who looked like refugees out of the vast Danan Mountains and arrived at Gucheng Village in Longjingdu in Chaoyang County.

The reason why 180 "refugees" followed Zhu Hesheng out of Dananshan was because Zhu Jushan and Zhu Hesheng's lair, Dananshan Tianwangzhai, was on the way to Dahao by detour.Zhu and Sheng went back to their old lair along the way, and then issued mobilization orders to the rebels and their families who were entrenched in the old lair Tianwangzhai (actually a large walled building) and Tianwang Valley. Men, a total of 180 three people were recruited, plus Da Boling, Swen Bai, Yongmeng Su, and Master Guo, it was 180 seven people. If Zhu Hesheng himself was added, it would be a very auspicious "to have a hair". Good omen!

After getting a good omen, Zhu Hesheng came to strike while the iron was hot, and immediately led the more than 100 refugees straight to the important stronghold controlled by Da Laohui, to Haimen Port located in Lianjiangkou, and arrived at Haimen Port on the eighth day of August On the opposite bank is Longjingdu Gucheng Village.

Although this ancient village is also under the rule of Qiu Hui, Zhu Jushan, Zhu Hesheng and his son also have some foundation here-the Zhu family and his son originally used this fishing village on a peninsula in Lianjiangkou as a retreat.Not only did they buy land here, but they also built a two-story square building covering a large area.

The Zhu family's father and son spent a lot of money on this building. Not only did it build it tall and large, but the outer wall of the building was also covered with bricks, which was extremely strong.Ditches were dug around the perimeter of the building, and there was a suspension bridge outside the gate, making it an invincible castle.

However, after the completion of this expensive castle, Zhu Jushan, Zhu Hesheng and his son did not live in it for a day, but provided a "factory owner" in it.

Yes, it is a father-in-law who was a eunuch who was a supervisor of ceremonies and a eunuch who served as an imperial eunuch in the official banner of Dongchang!This father-in-law's surname is Pang, and his name is Yongzhong. He is the godson of Pang Tianshou, the horse supervisor under Emperor Chongzhen.

Not long before the city of Beijing was broken by Li Zicheng, this Pang Yongzhong left Beijing to work in Nanjing with his godfather Pang Tianshou, so he escaped the catastrophe.

Later, Emperor Hongguang came to power in Nanjing. Because of his good writing skills, Pang Yongzhong became the eunuch of the supervisor of ceremonies. After working for a while, he was promoted to Bingbi, and then Emperor Hongguang rushed...

After the fall of Hongguang, eunuch Pang kept Zhu Yujian, who was still the king of Nanyang at that time, and ran to Fujian. Later, Zhu Yujian became the emperor of Longwu in Fujian. Chen is almost the top eunuch in the Ming Dynasty!Although there are still bigger eunuchs in the official position, but when it comes to real power, it belongs to the writer and factory minister who is the biggest.

Not long after Eunuch Pang "became an extreme minister", Emperor Longwu had another bad thing and became the first emperor, and the Qing soldiers also attacked Fujian.So Eunuch Pang had no choice but to flee again, keeping Zhu Yukai and Zhu Yu'e brothers to go to Guangdong.

After arriving in Guangdong, Zhu Yukai ascended the throne and became emperor, known as Emperor Shaowu in history.Eunuch Pang has made meritorious service in escorting him and continues to be an extremely courtier.But a few days after An's birthday, Emperor Shaowu disappeared again.

Eunuch Pang had no choice but to protect the last Tang king Zhu Yu'e and go to Wen'an City to join Wang Xing. This time, it was stable for a few years. In the 13th year of Yongli, Wen'an City was broken by Shang Kexi again!

Eunuch Pang performed his "running" stunt again, and went to Nan'ao Island to seek refuge with Zhu Yihai, the governor of Lu. I thought that he had already "lost" the six masters, and suspected that he was "disturbing the master" like Luma, so I didn't dare to take him, but sent him to vote for Zhu Jushan.

Zhu Jushan did not think that he was "disturbing the master", and even gave up the mansion in Gucheng Village that he had just built to Eunuch Pang for the elderly... He is really a good man who didn't let him go to Dananshan to suffer hardships!

Zhu Hesheng didn't remember the "master of the factory" at first, but Zhuge Junshi mentioned him in his tricks.

So Zhu Hesheng asked such a "factory owner" for help!

Chapter 026 I want candy, I want fish, I want pigsty!

Because of Zhu Hesheng's arrival, the gates of the surrounding buildings in Gucheng Village have been opened wide, and the suspension bridge has also been lowered.Servants in blue trousers and maids dressed in jackets and skirts had already stood outside the door in two rows, with a total of 30 people—these were the servants and servants of the factory owner!

Although the factory owner Pang eunuch "disturbed the master", it did not prevent him from making money.Speaking of this eunuch Pang's method of raising money is amazing, he is a banker with no eggs!

When he followed Zhu Yu'e to avoid living in Wen'an City, he took out the coffins he had accumulated over the years and lent them to maritime merchants and pirates along the coast of Guangdong as capital.Chen Shangchuan, Qiu Hui, and Jiang Sheng have all borrowed money from him.After he moved to Gucheng Village, relying on the support of Zhu Jushan and Qiu Hui (to help collect the bills), his business grew even bigger, and he even started to absorb savings.Before the defeat of the army, Su Suli with a big belly deposited the money he had plundered over the years with Eunuch Pang.

With this fund, eunuch Pang's business became more and more prosperous, and he also opened a financial institution called "Dongyin Money Factory" in Haimen Port and Dahao Commercial Port!The business has also expanded from money storage and lending to minting coins - helping Emperor Kangxi, the little sage of the Qing Dynasty, to mint Kangxi Tongbao!

After making a fortune, the owner of the factory, Pang Yongzhong, naturally became more ostentatious, and he was surrounded by everyone everywhere he went.

Surrounded by a group of servants and servants, stood an old man and a young man. The old man was wearing a green cloth robe, with a childlike face and a spring face, with white hair tied in a bun, but without a beard.This person is the factory owner Pang Yongzhong.

Next to Eunuch Pang stood a boy who was also wearing blue cloth.The boy was sixteen or seventeen years old, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, dark complexion, and a little chubby.The boy's name is Pang Siming, he is Pang Yongzhong's adoptive son, and he is known as "little father-in-law"!The reason why there is such a nickname is because of Eunuch Pang's plan, after the successful anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty, he will eunuch Pang Siming and let him rise to the sky and become a great eunuch!

This adoptive father is really... Really good at arranging the future for his godson!

Seeing Zhu Hesheng coming with a large group of refugees, Eunuch Pang clasped his fists with a smile, and spoke in Baoding Mandarin: "Pao Zhu, I will wait for you to come here today! It's hard for us I heard from the people of Big Brother Hui that (you) have finally rebelled against the Qing Dynasty in the capital city of Guiyu? How is it? Is it going well? That little man Siming can’t wait. Hehehehe..."

Hearing the old eunuch's sinister smile, Pang Siming and Pang's little eunuch beside him trembled, and then stared at Zhu Hesheng with wide eyes in fear.

Zhu Hesheng hadn't thought of the good future the factory father had arranged for his godson, so it was a bit strange to see the little father-in-law trembling—what was he afraid of?Are you afraid of the Eight Banners soldiers?How cowardly!

Thinking of this, Zhu Hesheng sighed softly, then got off his horse, and when he arrived in front of the old eunuch, he first clasped his fists in return, and then exchanged a few words of greeting before walking into the mansion with the old man.

After entering the gate, he put on a confident smiling face again, and said to the old eunuch with a smile: "Mr. Chang, the situation was fine when I left Guiyu Capital. What can you get and Guiyu these two days?" Any news about the capital?"

When Zhu Hesheng said this, Eunuch Pang had already ushered Zhu Hesheng, Da Boling, and Master Guo into the hall, and the guests and hosts were seated.

Yongmeng Su and Swen Bai followed the little father-in-law to arrange for more than 100 "refugee soldiers" who followed Zhu and Sheng to settle in the enclosure.

Mr. Pang Chang said with a smile: "It's no big deal, Zou (just) came from Fucheng with a thousand green battalion soldiers and his slaves, and surrounded the capital of Guiyu even more tightly. And wow, Jieyang County It seems that they are all talking about the third prince... that foolish official Deng Guangming heard the gossip from somewhere, and he thinks (your) father is the third prince, so (you) said that Coke is not fun, right?"

After hearing his words, Zhu Hesheng frowned slightly. It seems that people outside Chaozhou don't really believe that the king of heaven, Zhu, is the third prince of Zhu...

Seeing Zhu Hesheng's frown, Eunuch Pang thought to himself: "It seems that the king of heaven Zhu is going to do something bad... now the only one who can save his life is Big Brother Hui! But Big Brother Hui doesn't like Huo Pao Zhu very much, so it's really hard to handle." ah!"

Thinking of this, Eunuch Pang asked again: "Lieutenant, when do you plan to visit Chief Qiu and Prefect Qiu? Do you want our family to prepare anything?"

Eunuch Pang now calls Zhu Hesheng "Lieutenant", which actually means Lieutenant Fengguo.

This Lieutenant Fengguo is Zhu Hesheng's official position!

He was a bandit and a rebel in the Qing Dynasty.But if you go out of the "boundary" and enter the control area of ​​the Chaozhou Prefecture of the Ming Dynasty, you will be the majestic official of the Ming Dynasty!He is a serious Ming Fengguo lieutenant, Zhu Yu'e, the last Tang king, and Lu Jianguo Zhu Yihai successively named Zhu Hesheng a Fengguo lieutenant.

And the chief executive officer Pang mentioned was Qiu Hui, the boss of Qiu Hui, the commander-in-chief of Chaozhou town in the Ming Dynasty granted by the Yanping palace.And Qiu Taishou is Qiu Hui's son, Scar Rong Qiu Rong, the magistrate of Chaozhou Prefecture in the Ming Dynasty.

"It's not urgent to visit Chief Qiu and Prefect Qiu," Zhu Hesheng said, "I still want to do some shopping in Haimen first."

"I don't know what the lieutenant wants to buy?" Eunuch Pang thought that Cannon Zhu wanted to buy some gifts in the Haimen Port Commercial Market next door, so that the fourth Miss Qiu Shuzhen would be happy.

Of course he also knew that Huo Pao Zhu Wanji's Miss Qiu Si had been around for some time, and he had protected Zhu Qipao's big matchmaker before, but Qiu Hui refused to agree.

Although Qiu Hui disapproved of this matter, it was not hopeless.

As far as Eunuch Pang knew, Miss Qiu was young and ignorant, and she didn't know how bad Hu Pao Zhu was, who was as fierce as a tiger and as vicious as a wolf, so she still had a crush on him... After all, Hu Pao Zhu is good-looking!

If Huo Pao Zhu can make the little girl happy with something delicious and fun, maybe he can come and cut first and then play.

If the innocent body of Miss Qiu Si can be obtained, then the matter of sending troops to rescue the siege will be easy to talk about.

At this moment, Zhu Hesheng stretched out two fingers and said with a smile: "There are only two things, one is sugar; the other is fish and shrimp."

Eunuch Pang was taken aback: "Candy? And... fish and shrimp?"

Eunuch Pang didn't know that the candy had been turned into a "dangerous product" by Cannon Zhu, but Master Guo and Da Boling thought that Zhu Hesheng was greedy and wanted to eat fish and shrimp!

Master Guo asked: "Young master, do you want to eat fish and shrimp tonight?"

Da Boling also smiled: "Yes, Paozi, what kind of fish do you want to eat? Auntie will make it for you."

Once Zhu Hesheng was reminded by them, he also thought of the seafood in Haimen Port... In his previous life, he often went to Haimen Port to find seafood to eat. Later, he ate too much and his uric acid was high, so he didn't dare to eat it.

And he should be able to eat something in this life, he is only 21 years old now!And he insists on exercising all year round, so his body is extremely strong, so he is not afraid to eat a few more seafood!

Thinking of this makes my mouth water!

Seeing his gluttonous appearance, Eunuch Pang smiled and asked: "Since the lieutenant likes to eat, I will ask Siming to buy it for you (planned) later, as much as you want, it is difficult (for me). "

"Thank you very much!" Zhu Hesheng laughed, "I want 360 catties of white sugar first! Fish and shrimp... I want [-] catties first, and they all smell bad!"



"Pao boy, you are..."

Eunuch Pang, Master Guo, and Da Boling were all dumbfounded. It would be fine to have 360 ​​catties of sugar...but what's the use of rotten fish and rotten shrimp?If you eat this, you will have diarrhea.

Zhu Hesheng didn't explain, but changed to a more shocking topic, and asked Eunuch Pang, "Mr. Chang, do you have a pigsty here?"

"Yes, yes...but not inside the enclosure."

After all, Eunuch Pang's mansion was located in the countryside, so it was normal for him to raise some livestock, livestock, and poultry.

But eunuch Pang didn't keep these stinky things in the enclosure, after all, he was a great eunuch who had been pampered for most of his life, so he couldn't smell it.So another piece of land was enclosed outside the enclosure, and stables, pigpens, chicken coops, and duck sheds were built.

Zhu Hesheng asked, "Does the pigsty have a roof?"

"Yes, yes," said Eunuch Pang, "How can we keep out the wind and rain without a shed?"

"How big is the pigsty?" Zhu Hesheng asked, "Is the floor of the pigsty paved with bricks or wood?"

"This pigsty is not small..." Eunuch Pang pondered for a while, "However, our family really doesn't know what is laid on the floor of the pigsty."

"Very good!" Zhu Hesheng clapped his hands, "Mr. Factory, find someone to take me to have a look later. If it is useful, then I will borrow this pigsty from Mr. Factory."

"Borrow... a pigsty?" Eunuch Pang was stunned.

"Yes, just borrow a pigsty," Zhu Hesheng said with a smile, "is that okay?"

Eunuch Pang couldn't believe his ears. He turned his head to look at Da Bo Ling and Master Guo, as if he was asking, "What's wrong with this Cannon Zhu? Was he tortured so badly in Qinggou's dark prison? He was tortured so crazy and stupid." ? No, this matter must be known to Big Brother Hui!"

Chapter 027

Dahao North Street, located in the north of Dahao Commercial Port, is where the Chaozhou General Army Yamen and the Chaozhou Prefect Yamen are located!

The two yamen are actually two almost identical square enclosures, both of which are two-storey high, with towering turrets built on the four corners, and both have a wide and imposing gate with a large door outside. The stone lion.At first glance, it looks the same as the "Changgong Mansion" where Zhu Hesheng stayed, but the area is more than twice as large.

When it was getting dark, a man dressed as a servant dressed in blue trousers quietly walked into the enclosure with the plaque of the General Soldier's Office, and went straight to a main room inside.None of the soldiers standing guard inside or outside the general's yamen seemed to have seen him, and neither interrogated him nor obstructed him.

After the man in Tsing Yi walked into the main room, he bowed his head and said: "Boss, Huo Pao Zhu arrived at Chang Gong's mansion yesterday afternoon."

"Big brother" is Qiu Hui's respectful title. Qiu Hui was originally a villager in the recruiting capital of Dahao Island, who made a living by raising ducks and selling salt.When Zheng Chenggong recruited troops in Nan'ao, he went to join him and became a soldier in Zheng Ming's army. Later, he got a small officer because of his meritorious service, and made friends with a group of heroes in the army.

Before the Qing Dynasty imposed the sea ban on relocating borders, it was ordered to operate along the coast of Chaozhou.After the coastal relocation began, there was chaos in Chaozhou, and when the Qing army was exhausted from suppressing everywhere, Qiu Hui seized the opportunity to attack Dahao, gathered more than [-] troops, and occupied Dahao Island, which was close to the mainland.

After that, with the assistance of Zheng Ming's forces, he worked hard to build Dahao into a prosperous trading port and coastal salt farm.Using private salt and maritime merchants to grab huge profits to recruit soldiers and buy ships, to dominate one side, and at the same time, through "middle forces" like the old man who is on two boats, to share the spoils with corrupt officials in Chaozhou and Huizhou in the Qing Dynasty.

Because the Manchu and Qing courts moved borders and banned seas in various coastal areas, the originally prosperous international trade suffered heavy losses.However, the demand for trade did not completely disappear, and the Manchu and Qing courts could not fully control the coastal areas of Guangdong and Fujian. Therefore, there were three main smuggling ports in Xiangshan—Macau, Dahao and Xiamen.

The only three remaining ports in the country are naturally thriving in business and rich in wealth... Besides, Qiu Hui doesn't live alone, and both the Pingnan Palace and Xushun Duke's Palace have the need to support bandits.

Therefore, Qiu Hui has been "ignored" by the Guangdong Qing army in the past two years, and they have allowed the forces attached to Qiu Hui to continue to expand their power in Huilai, Chaoyang, Chenghai, Jieyang and other counties in Chaozhou Prefecture.

As for Qiu Hui himself, he was also praised as a big brother Hui by the heroes of the rivers and lakes along the coast of Chaohui.

Now this big brother Hui is having dinner, not eating alone, but a man and a woman at the same table for company.

The man was in his thirties, and he looked very similar to Qiu Hui, with a full face, upside-down eyebrows, a scary scar on his face, and an unreasonable and ruthless appearance.This man's name is Qiu Rong, nicknamed "Sword Scar Rong", he is Qiu Hui's eldest son, he is also the second in command of Da Hao Ming Army, and he is the prefect of Chaozhou.

The girl was much prettier, about sixteen or seventeen years old, with white skin, a melon-shaped face, rosy and full lips, lively eyebrows, quite heroic.She is Qiu Hui's fourth daughter, named Shuzhen.It was the daughter of the Qiu family that Zhu Qipao had always been thinking about.

In this feudal society, sons were valued over daughters, and the man who was the head of the family generally would not let his wives, concubines, daughters, or daughters-in-law sit on the table.

Of course, Qiu Hui is also an old feudalist, and the rules in the family are not small after being developed.But he is an exception to his fourth daughter, Shuzhen, who really wants to give him what he wants, and what he says, as long as the big brother Hui can do it, there will be no second words, and he will absolutely spoil him without rules.

And the reason why Big Brother Hui dotes on his daughter Shuzhen so much is not because this girl is particularly beautiful, nor is it because her mouth is so sweet.

It was because of an unknown domestic violence tragedy!Shuzhen's biological mother was actually beaten to death by the gangster Hui who had drunk too much and fell into a rage!

Not long after beating Shuzhen's biological mother to death, Qiu Hui, who was in good health, fell ill. After recovering from the illness, a circle of pimple-like mouse sores appeared on his neck, and he was also regarded as an enemy because of this. Officials of the Qing Dynasty called it "stinky Xiangdao" scornfully.

Being sick and having sores, Qiu Hui finally felt deeply guilty towards his wife.So he built an ancestral hall for his wife on Dahao Island, burned incense every day to ask for forgiveness, and even spoiled Qiu Shuzhen, the only daughter born to him and his wife.

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