"That's good, that's good, I'll go right away, Tianzun wait a moment!" After the figure finished speaking, he ran out.

Looking at the shadow of the old man, Lin Xiao turned around and looked at Jiao Hanyun: "Brother, I see that you have a lot of spiritual tablets to enshrine, why is only the old man coming out this time?"

Jiao Hanyun was slightly stunned, and then exclaimed: "Isn't it all lost by that thing? My grandfather, grandpa...I..."

As he said that, Jiao Hanyun ran into the house, bowed and bowed to the spiritual seat non-stop, muttering words, but to his disappointment, there was still nothing in the end, no one came out.

At this time, Lin Xiao also felt that the yin energy in the yard was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, which also meant that only the old ghost was really left in the yard.

At this time, Lin Xiao suddenly became a little interested in the things that threaten these souls. It shouldn't be easy to threaten so many ghosts, right?

The speed of the old ghost was very fast. In less than 10 minutes, he brought a large group of ghosts, no less than hundreds of them densely packed. But looking at these ghosts, Lin Xiao was a little dazed. not enough.

Fengmen Village has a long history. According to some investigations in previous lives, the history of Fengmen Village should first appear in the Song Dynasty. With a history of nearly a thousand years, if the customs remain the same, there must be no less than tens of thousands of ghosts appearing here at this time. But now there are only hundreds of them left.

Maybe some of them will gradually dissipate due to time, but tens of thousands will not be enough, and there must be thousands of them. This is equivalent to disappearing nearly nine-tenths of it?

At this time, these ghosts looked at Lin Xiao with a little anxiety and expectation on their faces. Putting away distracting thoughts, Lin Xiao found out the reward and punishment order, and threw it directly at the group of ghosts. Shoot, each ghost's life and past are all recorded in the reward and punishment order.

After a while, Lin Xiao withdrew the order of reward and punishment, and glanced at it. Just as Jiao Hanyun said, these ghosts are honest farmers. Apart from delaying reincarnation, they basically have no faults. Maybe these ghosts can also gain a lot of merit.

Reaching out his hand to delete the delaying reincarnation above, Lin Xiao threw out the reward and punishment order again, and made a tactic with both hands, and suddenly a huge black passage appeared in front of the group of ghosts.

"Everyone, this deity has deleted the article about your delay in reincarnation, and reported it to the judge. After arriving at the Reincarnation Division, you can immediately reincarnate and reincarnate as human beings. If there is no objection, everyone, please go on your way."

The sound of rolling thunder entered the ears of these ghosts. After listening, all the ghosts roared excitedly. Jiao Hanyun's old man was the first to rush into the passage without giving Jiao Hanyun any chance to speak.

The other ghosts followed suit, and it was not difficult to see from their expressions that they were really trapped by the labyrinth building in Fengmen Village.

In just a few breaths, these ghosts all disappeared without a trace. Afterwards, with a wave of Lin Xiao's big hand, all the Yin Qi in the village quickly gathered together, and he forcibly threw them into the passage of reincarnation.

When he felt that all the yin energy in the village had disappeared, he put away the order of reward and punishment, turned to look at Jiao Hanyun, and said, "Brother, now let's go and see what the old man said about those things."

Jiao Hanyun was slightly stunned: "I'm going too?"

"Brother, I don't know anything about the layout and roads in the village. How can I find it if you don't take me with you? Right?" Lin Xiao said dumbfounded.

Only then did Jiao Hanyun realize that indeed, people had visited their village before, but without any accident, nine out of ten had to get lost.

Thinking of this, he grinned: "Middle, my brother reincarnated my father, and you will be my real brother from now on. I didn't say anything, let's go, I will take you there."

As he spoke, he walked towards the door, but when he reached the door, he suddenly said: "No, brother, where do you want me to take you?"

"Let's go and have a look at those temples. When I came in today, I felt that these three temples were a bit weird. Maybe I could find some clues inside."

"Middle!" After having a target, Jiao Hanyun no longer lost his mind, and led Lin Xiao all the way towards the location of the ruined temple.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the first temple, which was the temple that Lin Xiao encountered when he came in today, but to Lin Xiao's surprise, everything in this temple was gone, except for the remaining breath Besides, nothing.

"Escaped?" Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, then shook his head. This possibility was basically impossible, and he followed him into the ruined temple.

In the temple, there is a pair of men and women enshrined, the man on the left and the woman on the right. They look like a pair of golden boy and jade girl, but there is a strong evil spirit on the statue of the golden boy and jade girl. With a little power of faith.

The corners of Lin Xiao's mouth couldn't help twitching. The customs of Fengmen Village are too weird. This kind of situation should be expected. After all, people live with ghosts, people can't die in the village, and the undefeated gods worship ghosts This is enough to cause some evil things to emerge in the village. The most important thing is that these evil spirits that have been worshiped by the people are mixed with a little divinity, so they are no longer pure evil spirits, but... evil gods.

Looking at the pair of golden boy and jade girl again, Lin Xiao sighed slightly, and played three evil-breaking talismans casually, saying: "Go, go to the other two temples to see..."

Chapter 490 Evil Wu Shanwen


Just as they walked out of the ruined temple, the ruined temple behind it instantly burst into flames.

Looking at the ruined temple in flames, Jiao Hanyun hurriedly said: "Brother, this..."

Lin Xiao waved his hand: "It's okay, it's just burning evil spirits. When the fire dissipates, this temple will still stand here. Brother, don't worry at all."

"Really?" Jiao Hanyun looked at the ruined temple again, why did it look so evil?It can not be!But thinking about the methods Lin Xiao showed earlier, he believed Lin Xiao a little bit.

But no matter what, Lin Xiao helped the old people in the village to reincarnate. This alone is a great kindness. If the ruined temple is gone, it will be a big deal to rebuild it.

After he figured it out, he didn't ask any more questions, and led Lin Xiao towards the other two temples.

But just after they were less than a hundred meters away, a large wave of evil spirit burst out from behind them, rushing towards the flames.

At the same time, an extremely angry voice rolled in: "Who on earth is so bold to destroy the temple of this god?"

Jiao Hanyun was frightened by the voice and lay down on the ground, but Lin Xiao squinted his eyes, looked at 387's ruined temple with his hands behind his back, and said coldly, "Are you willing to come out? I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Boom... After a loud noise, a rough man wearing ancient wartime armor fell to the ground, holding a long moon knife in his hand, staring at Lin Xiao with scarlet eyes: "It's you, little boy!" The bastard ruined the temple of the god? You are blaspheming the gods, are you guilty?"

Looking at the evil spirit on this big guy, no surprises, it has a very strong power of faith, although it has not condensed a godhead for it, but it is not wrong to call itself a god, but... that also needs to be Lin Xiao really doesn't care who is called a god in front of someone, a mere evil god who is equivalent to the peak of the ghost king.

"Convicted? What crime? You destroyed the temple of this evil god? Hehe, this deity is a Daoist priest, and his status is no higher than that of a small evil god like you? This deity is still an envoy of reward and punishment in the world. Shouting in front of you, can you be convicted of a crime?"


As soon as the words fell to the ground, a burst of golden light burst out from Lin Xiao's body, and the majestic aura directly suppressed the evil spirit on the evil god.

The evil god couldn't help but snorted, took two steps back, and looked at Lin Xiao in shock: "Taoist? Reward and punishment envoys? Damn, I think I've never done anything to disrupt the world. Even if you are a Taoist, you can What about me? This god has faith in divinity, if you kill me, you will definitely be punished by heaven, if you are sensible, get out of here immediately, if not, don't blame this god for being rude."

Lin Xiao sneered noncommittally, and the Dragon Yin Sword rushed out with a buzzing sound.

But at this moment, another ray of brilliance fell from the sky and landed between the two of them. It was a woman dressed as a civil official. After the woman landed, she looked at Lin Xiao apologetically and bowed: "Dao Zun Above, the little god has taken the liberty to appear, and please forgive me."

Lin Xiao looked at the female official in front of him warily. This female official and this military general should be the two men enshrined in Dayue Temple among the three temples in Fengmen Village. It is said that this female official is accompanied by Yasha and a maid.

It's just why this female officer doesn't feel much evil in her body?

In addition, Lin Xiao even noticed a little Taoism cultivation base from the female officer. Although it is very weak, it has become the core of the female officer.

When Lin Xiao was contemplating, the general suddenly raised the long knife in his hand, and angrily shouted at the female officer, "What are you doing out here? Go back quickly, otherwise I will let you die without a place to bury you."

The female officer sighed slightly, turned around and looked at the general: "Why do you have to do this? I admit that evil cultivators can indeed improve their cultivation very quickly, but don't you feel that you are slowly losing your original intention now? In March of that year The construction of the temple, you and I swore back then to enter the temple with our souls and guard the Fengmen, but now? You secretly devoured the souls of the living souls in Fengmen Village behind my back and forcibly improved your cultivation level. You have changed. , the magnificent Buddha general has disappeared."

"What do you know? I've had enough. For thousands of years, I can only stay in the stone statue every day. I can't bear the feeling. What's more, I have guarded the damper for thousands of years. Now I just swallowed some souls. They shouldn't be Is your soul offered up on your own initiative?"

"You... are unreasonable!" The female officer was so angry that she trembled all over: "You swallowed their souls, how did they reincarnate? You committed a crime!"

"Hahaha, I have already entered the temple with my soul. I have lost myself a long time ago. What else can I do? Now that I have the power of faith, who can do anything to me?" The general looked at the female officer frantically, and suddenly He raised Yanyue's long knife: "I'll say it again, go back immediately, or you don't have to go back."

The female officer was shocked all over, and then she walked to the side with a face full of disappointment, and said: "Daoist, this man's heart is not bad, but he has been dazzled by desire in the thousand years of loneliness, so if Daoist... please ask Daoist to help you." Can you show mercy and let him retain some spiritual thoughts?"

After finishing speaking, the female officer seemed afraid of hearing the answer she didn't want to hear, so she covered her face and flew out, and two lines of tears could be vaguely seen falling from the sky.

The corner of Lin Xiao's mouth twitched slightly, so bloody?But this man in front of him is really not a thing, and the thought of not being able to see through the female companion around him for a thousand years is also drunk.

After the female officer left, the general waved the Yanyue long knife in his hand and glared at Lin Xiao: "Now the person who got in the way has left, boy, I don't care what kind of bastard Taoist you are. You ruined the temple of this god. You have to die to apologize. , die!"

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