Job Change: I Was Born With A Poisonous Body, You Made Me A Nurse

Chapter 40: Waiting For The Pig! The Savage Howl Of Death Echoes!

【Name: Liu An】

[Occupation: Nine-Stripes Resuscitator·Second Rank]

[Level: 24 (2%)]

[Physical: 158]

【Spirit: 157】

【Strength: 163】

[Agility: 154]

[Skills: Light of Hades, Hymn, Rain Curtain of Emmanuel. 】

[Possess toxins: Tianshuang Powder, Tianma Liquid, Miasma Poison Mist, Miasma Frost Mist (90%)]

[Talent: Poison Penetration MAX, Poison Refinement MAX, Poison Fusion MAX. 】

[Poison value: 3870]

"This wave is good. There are more than 30 porcupines directly, and they rushed over without a brain, but it's easy."

"I remember that the porcupine king seems to have a skill that can summon his subordinates."

"Probably the savage howl."

Liu An looked up at the porcupine king in the distance.

At this time, the porcupine king seemed to have reacted, and was immediately furious.


After a growl.

The porcupine king also rushed towards Liu An at a very fast speed.

He is much bigger than a normal porcupine.

When it collided, it shook the ground even more.

Even some big trees along the way were knocked down by him.

The power of savagery is displayed incisively and vividly by it.

Liu An took a step back, "With 2,500 HP, Tianshuang will die immediately after dispersing the milk."

"It's still useful to keep him."

"Frost fog poison, see if he summons the pig herd."

Liu An swayed the white mist out.

Then retracted instantly.

And the moment the porcupine king came into contact with the white fog, most of his blood volume dropped, and his head was confused for a while.

It was startled, and its four hooves froze instantly, then stuck to the ground and came to a sudden stop.

The ground was plowed into four ravines by his four hooves.

A pair of red eyes twinkled with suspicion and fear.

Looking at Liu An from a distance, he didn't dare to step forward.

Liu An smiled, "Yo, as expected of the king of wild boars, it seems to be a little bit smarter than ordinary porcupines."

The wild boar king lingered in place for a few steps, and then slowly retreated in fear.

Then he howled loudly.


Howling sounds echoed throughout the forest.

Immediately, a response came from the forest.

The ground in all directions began to tremble.

One after another, porcupine figures appeared.

Surrounded by the porcupine king.

The porcupine king stared at Liu An, howling continuously, as if giving orders.

After the porcupine herd gathered more and more, the first wave of charges began.

Liu An's eyes brightened, "As expected, this dungeon can gather all the porcupines in the forest as long as it finds the porcupine king."

"It's also easy to brush."

Liu An waved his hand and shed white mist.

White fog shrouded within ten meters in front of him.

One porcupine after another rushed into the white fog, and then fell to the ground in an instant.

The porcupines in the back are still moving forward, not afraid of death.

Just like pigs on the assembly line of a pig farm, it automatically feeds.

Bang bang bang!

The porcupine kept falling to the ground, making hills on the ground.

Liu An found a tree trunk to sit on it and started the hang-up time.

With the porcupine's self-introduction, Liu An's experience value is also rising.

Every time a porcupine fell to the ground, an experience flooded into Liu An's body.

As the porcupine hills in front of them piled higher and higher.

Liu An couldn't see the porcupine herd not far ahead.

So he patted his butt and stood up, changed direction, and continued to sit down.

The porcupine king was already beginning to feel the fear, and when Liu An returned to his vision, he even shuddered.


New porcupines are still emerging in the woods.

Under the order of the porcupine king, keep rushing towards Liu An, and then turn into Liu An's experience points.

The porcupine king himself is constantly retreating.

Because there are fewer porcupines.

And it still remembers clearly now that Liu An poisoned most of its blood just by getting close.

How dare it go forward.

Until the end, only scattered porcupines appeared.

The porcupine king finally couldn't stand it any longer, and after howling, he began to run backwards.

Unfortunately, Liu An wouldn't let him run away like that.

"Praise you, big porcupine!"

A ray of light poured into the body of the porcupine king.

What followed was a huge amount of poisoning.



The porcupine king fell to the ground.

[You killed the Rampage Porcupine King, EXP +2000]

[Obtain the porcupine king tusk sword (green), constitution +10, strength +20, attack has a 2% chance to cause bleeding. 】

[Get the fur of the porcupine king*1]

[Poison value +40]

"Yes, in the last wave, there were more than 30 animals before and after, and the experience directly increased by 35,000, and the poison value also increased by 700."

"From experience, it's not worse than the Black Bat Cave."

"It's just that the poison value is a little less, but it's not harmful."

【Name: Liu An】

[Occupation: Nine-Stripes Resuscitator·Second Rank]

[Level: 24 (22%)]

[Physical: 158]

【Spirit: 157】

【Strength: 163】

[Agility: 154]

[Skills: Light of Hades, Hymn, Rain Curtain of Emmanuel. 】

[Possess toxins: Tianshuang Powder, Tianma Liquid, Phantom Miasma Poison Mist, Phantom Miasma Frost Mist (89%)]

[Talent: Poison Penetration MAX, Poison Refinement MAX, Poison Fusion MAX. 】

[Poison value: 4570]

"The poison body value of 4,500 is already 15,005, and it is still 15,000 away from the exchange of Styx Death Qi."

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