Job Change: I Was Born With A Poisonous Body, You Made Me A Nurse

Chapter 186 : Token! Gratitude from the Warriors of Extreme Demon Mountain!\r


All the mad warriors looked down and saw Wu Junxian's broken body, and they were stunned for a while.

The breath on their bodies also began to stagnate the moment they saw Wu Junxian's body.

One by one, their eyes were complicated, and they stood there quietly, looking at Wu Junxian, who was lying on the ground, motionless.

No one knew what they were thinking.

Liu Junzhang shook his body, his expression both relaxed and sad.

Can't say happy or disappointed.

"Dead, just like that.

The enemy who wanted to kill day and night is now lying in front of him without making a sound.

But he was not happy.

As the protector of Yuhu Xinxing who was mutilated a few years ago, he tried frantically to catch Wu Junxian, but failed to succeed in "060".

Now Wu Junxian just fell to the ground and was slaughtered by a rising star.

This hatred began when Xin Xing was kidnapped, and finally Xin Xing was kidnapped.

It's like the reincarnation of heaven.

Wu Junxian finally died at the hands of Xinxing.

Liu An, after all, is still unusual.

This feeling is both grateful, happy, proud, and lost.

Thankfully and happily, someone finally killed Wu Junxian and brought back all the corpses so that they could confirm Wu Junxian's death.

Let go of the big stone that has been weighing on my heart for many years.

Proud to be the No. 1 nova of my human race, regaining a city for the human race.

The pain of being kidnapped by Nova is now doubled back to the Sun and Moon Society.

But what is disappointing is that Wu Junxian died after all, but they didn't kill it with their own hands. In the end, they were not able to avenge the child who was protecting the Tao in person.

There will inevitably be some regrets.

Liu Junzhang came to Liu An and looked down at the handsome young man, smiling with tears in his eyes, "Thank you. 39

He bowed deeply, not letting Liu An see his tears fall.

Liu An looked at the tough guy in front of him with an aura of blood and blood, and said that it was fake if he wasn't shocked.

But next.

Soldiers came forward one after another and thanked Liu An deeply.

"Liu An, thank you. 35

"This is my Wu Yaoshan's carry-on thing, it is a token, if there is anything, come to the 23rd Army of Jue Yaoshan to find me! 35

Wu Yaoshan took out a pendant and handed it to Liu An.

Liu An clearly saw that there were four stars on Wu Yaoshan's military uniform.

This is a big school!

Although several other figures came up one after another, "Liu An, please accept this thing, I am also in Jue Yaoshan, if you have anything, come to the Nineteenth Army to find me."

"And me, I'm from Longhuwei. You bring this brand and come to Longhuwei to find me, you don't need to be polite!""

In a short time, Liu An had several things in his hands.

There are pendants, rings, and jade cards.

These things are not equipment, not even props.

But it is very precious.

Because it carries the gratitude of those people.

And those people, as far as Liu An sees it, don't have a simple one.

The lowest one seems to be the battalion commander of Dragon Tiger Guard.

Good guy, he now understands why Mr. Fan said just now that when he captured Wu Junxian, he captured the hearts of many people.

That's what it meant.

But he still underestimated the number of feuding Wu Junxian had.

Soon there was another rumbling outside.

Figures one after another rushed into the basement like a tomb.

"What about Wu Junxian?

"Elder Gu, here we are, we must catch Wu Junxian today!!"

"This time, don't say anything to let him run away!!"

Their breath was also incomparably thick, and their voices rumbled like thunder, causing the dust in the basement to fall down.

The room was full of dust, crowded with people, and Elder Gu had a look of disgust.

"Dead, already dead."

"Oops, Wu Junxian is dead, and the Sun and Moon Society has been brought by Liu An. What are we still doing here? Eat dirt?"

"Go out quickly, this basement will collapse in a while. 99

He went outside first.

The person who had just entered was stunned.

Wu Yaoshan pointed at Wu Junxian, who was lying on the ground, to several of his fellow robes, "Well, he is indeed dead, killed by Liu An."35


The few people who came in later glanced at Liu An0 in disbelief.....

"Killed by Liu An?""

How cunning this guy was, they couldn't know better.

Unexpectedly, he was killed by a little guy on the star list.

"what happened?"

Someone in the know explained while following the team, "I heard that Liu An took the plan and was kidnapped under the guise of being kidnapped, but he actually sneaked into the branch of the Sun and Moon Society, and then handed over Wu Junxian's branch. 39

"But we don't know the specifics.

Someone looked at Liu An in disbelief, and then at the mutilated Wu Junxian's body.

"There are monsters in this class of freshmen. 99

"Wu Junxian has already turned five, and is about to turn six.

"No, it's been six turns.

"Liu An has only turned three, how did he get rid of this?"

"You ask me and I ask who to go, so this guy is a monster."

"What is the specific situation, let's see what to say. 35

"It is estimated that there will be more people coming. Our commander wanted to come when he heard the news just now. Unfortunately, the battle is tight. Now that the battle is over, he should be coming soon. 35

Everyone silently followed a few old men to the open space in the wilderness city outside.

Teams of law enforcement officers stood guard in the distance.

As soon as Gu Lao and others came here, someone cleared all the monsters around to ensure the quietness of this space and not be disturbed 5.3.

Liu An looked around.

I saw the barren and ruined city in the dark night.

The broken building is covered with vines, and the steel bars exposed at the break can still be seen, which are already rusted.

The wide road that was originally paved with concrete is now overgrown with weeds.

In the distance, there are some car wrecks that have been deformed to the point that they cannot be seen, which are the products of the last technological civilization.

It's completely gone now.

The corpses of the monsters were scattered everywhere.

Looking at these ruined relics of civilization, Liu An pondered.

Do you want to revive Wu Junxian, the bastard?

He died too cheaply.

But if it is resurrected, there are too many people watching now.

Everyone died like this, and suddenly cheating the corpse, wouldn't it be too shocking to the world....

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