Iron Germany

Chapter 1179 Destruction

The "Constellation-class" aircraft carrier of the German Navy is much more than the previous "Deutschland-class" aircraft carrier. Especially the last batch of "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers, after installing the angled deck, the attendance rate of fighter jets has improved a lot. The hangar plus the deck can park up to 103 fighters in total.

Among these fighters, there is a carrier-based fighter brigade, including 36 carrier-based BF-109 fighters, a dive bomber brigade, and 36 carrier-based Stuka dive bombers. A torpedo attack aircraft brigade, including 24 torpedo attack aircraft. In addition, there are 7 fighter planes in reserve, which are three fighter jets, two dive bombers and two torpedo attack planes. Compared with the previous two batches of "Constellation-class" aircraft carriers, the number of fighters on board is a little more. The fighting power will naturally be stronger.

After the order of Marshal Lütjens was issued, the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy immediately took off from the aircraft carriers "Archer" and "Capricorn".

The carrier-based aircraft on the two aircraft carriers took off half of each. After completing the formation in the air, they flew to the Murmansk naval port in a mighty manner. The order given to them by Marshal Lütjens was to completely destroy the military port, so that the Russian Navy could no longer use the military port. In this way, the Bu-Russian fleet was forced to come out and fight them decisively.

After the first batch of carrier-based aircraft took off, the ground crew got busy. They needed to refuel and add ammunition to the second batch of carrier-based aircraft. In this way, the second batch of carrier-based aircraft can take off before the first batch of carrier-based aircraft returns.

More than 90 carrier-based aircraft flew to Murmansk at high speed. The current Bu Russia does not have radar, and they are unaware of the upcoming attack. It was not discovered until the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy flew not far from Murmansk.


The shrill siren rang through the entire naval base, and countless Russian anti-aircraft guns began to rush towards the anti-aircraft gun positions. When Admiral Isakov left, he told them that if they were attacked by the German navy, they must find a way to keep the military port. In this case, they will have a way out.

"Fighters suppress the Russian air defense positions, dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft, and prepare to attack the target!" Colonel Hoffmann, the captain of the 16th Wing of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft in charge of commanding this battle, ordered.

Thirty-six carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets took the lead in attacking. Their targets were the Russian air defense positions that were firing.

"Boom boom boom! Da da da!"

A series of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns are firing crazily. There is no doubt that the Russian air defense forces at this base are participating in actual combat for the first time. So much so that they seemed a little flustered when facing the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy.

Although the firepower of anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns was fierce and dense, it seemed very scattered. The carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy can easily shuttle through the rain of bullets. It looks very dangerous, but it is actually very safe.

A carrier-based BF-109 fighter jet passed an air defense position of the Russian Navy. The two bombs hanging under the wings have already been dropped. The bomb fell accurately on this air defense position. After the explosion, two anti-aircraft guns were overturned, and several Russian air defense soldiers were killed.

Under the attack of these carrier-based BF-109 fighter jets, the Russian air defense positions suffered heavy losses. For a while, the anti-aircraft artillery fire was also much weaker.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the dive bombers and torpedo attack aircraft launched an attack.

The dive bombers began to attack valuable targets in the military port. The ammunition depots, oil depots, and headquarters in the military port were all very valuable targets. The heavy aerial bombs carried by these dive bombers can effectively destroy them.

When the torpedo attack aircraft launched an attack on a land target, it did not carry a torpedo, but mounted several aerial bombs and used it as a horizontal bomber.

These torpedo attack aircraft dropped bombs one after another at a height of one thousand meters above the ground.

Intensive explosions sounded throughout the military port, and a ship repair yard directly next to the dock billowed thick smoke.

"Damn Germans, fire! Shoot them down!" a Russian officer shouted.

However, the Russian air defense firepower seems to be very violent, but in fact it poses no threat at all to these carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy. The carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy are like petrels in a storm, shuttling through the dense rain of bullets.

"Boom boom boom!"

A carrier-based BF-109 fighter jet strafed an air defense position of the Russian army with its cannon. The entire air defense position suffered heavy losses in the intensive bombardment. One by one, the Russian air defense soldiers were torn to pieces.

It can be said that before the emergence of air defense missiles, the air defense troops on the ground were already at a very disadvantaged position in the confrontation with fighter jets. The fighter jets are fast and can quickly avoid the anti-aircraft fire on the ground, and then launch an attack. The anti-aircraft firepower on the ground is mostly fixed. This makes them vulnerable to fighter fire.


A violent explosion sounded, and an underground building at the corner of the military port was blown apart. Flames and smoke are coming out of it. This is the oil depot of the military port. It was originally built underground, but it still couldn't escape.

Under the fierce air strikes of the German carrier-based aircraft, the buildings in the military port were destroyed one after another.

After suppressing the Russian anti-aircraft fire, some carrier-based fighter jets opened fire on the ground personnel who were scattering them. Many Russian soldiers were directly slaughtered.

During this round of attack, one of the German carrier-based aircraft was also shot down by ground anti-aircraft fire.

After dropping the bombs, the German carrier-based aircraft began to withdraw. They need to return to the carrier-based aircraft, refuel, add bombs, and launch another round of attacks on the Murmansk naval port depending on the situation.

Not long after the first batch of carrier-based aircraft left, the second batch of carrier-based aircraft flew over the Murmansk naval port and launched an attack here again.

Many carrier-based aircraft that survived before were not able to escape this time. Including the ammunition depot, which was also blown up in this round of attacks. The entire Murmansk naval port has been bombed to a mess.

Subsequently, the carrier-based aircraft of the German Navy launched a third round of attacks. In fact, there are not many valuable targets in this round of attacks. After this round of attacks ended, the Murmansk naval port was completely destroyed. The Russian Navy has no place to dock.

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