Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 556: Thunder Dragon Holy Medicine

After solving the Golden Winged Thunder Dragon, Qin Feng waved his hand, and the Peacock once again carried him, Suzaku and Ye Qingcheng.

He took the two of them and appeared above the lake, preparing to break through the prohibition on the third floor and enter the third floor to take a look.

Moreover, as the formation was broken, the ban on the holy medicine guarding the stone pillars also disappeared.

At this time, Zhao Tianque and their six great arrogances all used amazing methods to grab the holy medicine at the top of the stone pillar.

This holy medicine is really tempting. It not only allows them to heal their injuries instantly, but also raises their realm. Therefore, all six of them are dry-mouthed and directly use it.


At this moment, Qin Feng became angry, and the consequences were very serious. His cold eyes scanned the six people, and in an instant, six earthshaking marks appeared in his palm.

The immortal martial arts turned the sky, as towering as a sacred mountain, facing the six great arrogances, suppressed the past.

The terrifying seal of the sky, under the blessing of the Nine Forbiddens, was extremely strong, bursting into a dazzling horrible light.


The six sacred mountains were suppressed on the six Tianjiao's bodies, and they were so heavy that they radiated the radiance of their whole body, and they all went all out, wanting to fly out the earthshaking seal.


The small world was trembling wildly, the golden lake completely boiled, and countless lake water rolled towards the sky and flooded in all directions.

Countless electric lights, intertwined and overloaded with some surrounding vegetation, made the earth become blackened, and some life and vegetation were instantly burned to fly ash, making this place a dead silence!


Qin Fengzhen flew out of the six great arrogances. He came to the sky above the holy medicine and collected the holy medicine with a white jade box.

In an instant, countless spirits filled Qin Feng's pores, making Qin Feng's three people comfortable, as if they were soaring.

This holy medicine is extremely splendid, winding like a small dragon, looking no more than two inches tall, blooming with a blue luster, crystal clear.

"It's the Holy Medicine Thunder Dragon!"

Ye Qingcheng saw the quality of this holy medicine at a glance. Such a holy medicine possesses dragon energy. According to legend, it is true dragon blood. By chance, the holy medicine that gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and incarnates is extremely precious.

This Thunder Dragon Holy Medicine contains about 15,000 years of energy, enough to refine the raspberry elixir, and if it is taken immediately, it can also make the monk break the mirror, which is really precious.

"Good stuff."

Qin Feng looked at the Thunder Dragon Holy Medicine in his hand, his eyes were full of joy. The electric light of the Holy Medicine intertwined with strands of light was extremely bright. If he used it directly, he would be able to step into the realm of no phase.

"Want to **** my holy medicine, but there is a price to pay!"

Qin Feng's eyes were cold, and he scanned the six great arrogances around him. He took action to destroy the Golden Winged Thunder Dragon, so this holy medicine should naturally belong to him.

However, it was too shameless for these six people to dare to grab their holy medicine.

"The holy medicine is here, do you want to come and get it?"

Qin Feng squinted at the six people, his eyes bursting with violent aura, and before that, Wang Yan asked Zhao Tianque to divert the thunder dragon to the east, so as to hide the evil heart.

Although, the attack of the Golden Winged Thunder Dragon did not cause much damage to him.

However, Suzaku and Ye Qingcheng couldn't resist, and the two even risked their fall. This is his inverse scale, which harms them and must die!

Wang Yan and Zhao Tianque, the two must not leave alive!

"Hurry up!!"

The six great arrogances were shocked, and they finally got off the ground and walked out.

Qin Feng was only one person, and he threw the heaven-shaking seal to stop the six of them. Although they were injured, their fighting power was not comparable to that of ordinary monks.

This suffices to show that Qin Feng has the ability to go retrograde and kill immortals, which makes it difficult for him to give birth to the heart of antiphase. If he doesn't leave at this time, he will definitely end up miserably.

The six people made a decisive decision, without any hesitation, and fled in all directions.

At this time, they also knew that separate escape was the best way. They increased their speed to the extreme and rushed thousands of meters in an instant.

"Can you run away?"

Qin Feng's gaze froze, and for an instant, Tien Xian Shuo penetrated the void like a dragon, and swept towards Zhao Tianque.

At the same time, Qin Feng raised his own speed to the limit, Ni Xianbu let him shuttle through the void, came to the sky above Wang Yan, and stepped on it.

Wang Yan was already seriously injured. At this time, facing Qin Feng's full attack, he was horrified and turned low.


This foot possessed the supernatural power of the Ten Thousand Arms, stepped directly on Wang Yan's shoulders, crushing him directly on the ground, and sprayed two mouthfuls of blood on the spot.

"How can this be?"

Wang Yan was shocked in his heart, smashing his shoulders with just one move, making him hard to control himself.

Could it be said that the gap between oneself and Saint Son is so big? This makes him unacceptable!

"I don't believe it is so powerful, it can really kill immortals retrogradely!"

Wang Yan roared loudly and flew a purple-golden hammer on him. The purple-golden hammer rose up, piercing through the void like a sacred mountain, and blasted towards Qin Feng abruptly.


At this moment, a golden light was flowing in Qin Feng's hand, and he slammed on the purple golden hammer with bare hands.

In an instant, the sturdy purple-gold magic hammer was torn apart by Qin Feng's bare hands, and he couldn't stop his speed at all.

"This is impossible!"

Wang Yan was completely stunned. The opponent's body was so terrifying that even Xianjin couldn't compare with it!

"Everything is possible!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Qin Feng's mouth. As a Pangu bloodline, her body was invincible. It was not easy to break the purple golden hammer!

"Get on the road, remember to be a good person in your next life!"

Qin Feng came directly to Wang Yang's upper hand and stepped on it again.


Wang Yan was horrified and completely desperate. The treasure armor on his body and his own qi protection body could not achieve Qin Feng's attack.

In an instant, Wang Yan's body was shattered in the mountains, turning into a **** mist and spreading.

At the same time, Tienxian Lock pierced through the void, blooming endless rune patterns, directly binding Zhao Tianque.

How Ren Zhao Tianque struggled was useless. The more trapped the immortal locks became, the tighter they were, and the ability to block magical powers made Zhao Tianque's strength useless.


Zhao Tianque lost all his supernatural powers, he fell directly from the void to the ground, and was thrown to death!

This is a very strange scene, but it just happened.

Countless monks were stunned, this is simply the ancient world, the biggest joke in history.

A Tianjiao in the domain of princes fell from the sky and was directly killed. This refreshed all people's cognition.

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