Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 512: Magic Blade Sky Eye


The magic knife's sky-eye penetrated the void, intertwined into a piece of electric light, and instantly hit Qin Feng's throat with a terrifying speed!

At this moment, Qin Feng and Qin Feng were horrified, and the opponent's magic sword heavenly eyes were even more terrifying than his own fiery eyes!

Such a speed is too fast, using his eyes to kill, it can be unexpected, terrifying to the extreme!

However, Qin Feng was very experienced in such attacks, because he had passed through many opponents with fiery eyes.

Therefore, he instantly reacted when he saw the magic sword sky eye of the **** son Motu.

The golden bell of the **** king, under the blessing of the nine bans, instantly enveloped his whole body, and the Wishful Armor blocked him, blocking his terrifying murderous aura.

"Clang, clang!"

The magic knife's sky-eye collided with Qin Feng's body, causing his golden bell jar to spread endless ripples and almost collapsed.

Qin Feng was extremely shocked, the true energy in his body was boiling, and he had endured a marvel of supernatural power. He extremely suspected that if he had used the Eight Forbiddens just now, he would definitely not be able to stop the power of the magic sword's eyes!


Qin Feng was blessed by the vision of the **** king, and a dragon talisman appeared on his body. The dragon talisman bloomed with bright golden light and surrounded him, and then he rose directly from the sky, speeding to the extreme, and rushed towards the devil.


There was a whistling in the air, the terrifying sound of dragon chants, resounding through the barren hills, shaking countless beasts.

The mountain forest was silent at this time, countless fierce beasts all hibernated, kneeling to the ground, as if facing the emperor between heaven and earth, any changes.

In front of Qin Feng Sui, there was an extremely terrifying aura permeating, if the Shenlong was born in the world, great pressure would flow.

"Brush, brush, brush!"

The killer **** child demon tuo. The eyes of the magic sword pierced the void, causing terrible sounds to sound between the heaven and the earth. A dozen sword lights destroyed the heaven and the earth, all slashing towards Qin Feng's body.

Even with the blessing of the Dragon Talisman, Qin Feng couldn't make any further progress. He was stopped abruptly and couldn't move forward!

"The Eye of the Magic Blade is really terrifying!"

"Such an attack can kill people invisibly, and its power is boundless!"

"A person who is worthy of being a killer, can kill people with his eyes. If the opponent wants to kill, who can resist?"

Many people all showed horror, and the sound of exclamation came one after another. The performance of the killer **** toward the **** child demon was beyond their imagination.

More than a dozen magic knives made weird fluctuations in the sky, which was too mysterious. It made people tremble in the depths of their souls, and made people unable to resist.

Qin Feng was awe-inspiring in his heart. The dozen or so magic knives were so fast that they could destroy the sky and the earth. If they continue this way, they are afraid that it will be the golden bell of the king's vision.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

At this moment, Qin Feng waved his hand and threw out his Suzaku fairy knife. Under the control of Qi Ling, the Suzaku fairy knife ignited the Suzaku divine fire. The power was unpredictable and penetrated the world.

The terrifying sword and light are intertwined, like a Suzaku, to break through the sky and see eternity.

The Suzaku fairy knife slashed across the sky, shattering all the magic knives into the void, disappearing into the invisible!

This scene astounded countless monks in the distance. The Assassin God's Eye of the Demon Sword of the Divine Child Demon Tuo was broken by Qin Feng, and people were amazed.


At this moment, the **** son Motu's eyes condensed, and two magic knives burst into his eyes again. These two magic knives completely turned blood red, possessing strange power, and pierced the void.

"Shoo, hoo!"

The magic knife was too fast, even if Qin Feng didn't have time to stop it, it penetrated his body in an instant.


The golden bell of the **** king under the blessing of the nine bans on Qin Feng's body could not be stopped, and it instantly shattered into the void.

The two magic knives directly collided with Qin Feng, causing him to hit the ground directly from the sky, crashing into a big mountain and being buried by rocks!


In the void around the distance, countless monks all sucked in air-conditioning, and the invincible Qin Feng was defeated. This scene is truly incredible!

"The dignified saint Qin Feng hasn't missed a defeat since his debut. I didn't expect to be defeated today!"

"The **** son of Nanling God Dynasty is so terrifying, it is amazing!"

Countless monks talked about it, this is a peerless murderous opportunity, if it collides with them, it will definitely tear them to pieces easily.

And such an attack hit Qin Feng, even if it was Qin Feng's Divine King Body, I was afraid that he could not bear it, and was penetrated!

The **** child Motu didn't take advantage of the victory and chase. This blood-colored magic sword sky eye was extremely worn to him, and he could not use it at will.

The Magic Sword Sky Eye has ten times the combat power blessing, and he will not use it until the critical moment of his life.

In his opinion, Qin Feng had withstood such an attack, and he would have to peel off his skin if he died. The opponent will definitely die here today, without any suspense!


Qin Feng in the ruins suddenly coughed, he rose from the sky, and the stones that were suppressing him were pushed away by him, and he appeared in the air.

At this moment, his whole body bloomed with a terrifying aura, and countless boulders hovered around him, lingering with the energy and light waves around him, making the distant clansmen invariable.

People discovered that Qin Feng's white robe had two holes, and his robe had been frozen through during the attack just now.

But what surprised people was that the inside of the Taoist robe burst into silver brilliance, and the two **** magic sword blades just didn't penetrate Qin Feng's body, and were stopped by the armor on his body!

"What the **** is it?"

"Qin Feng actually completely stopped the magic knife!"

People were all stunned. How could Qin Feng's treasure armor be so terrifying?

Even the God Child Demon Tuo was terrified. His **** magic sword sky eye, even the top-grade treasure armor of the immortal grade, couldn't stop it, and would be frozen through instantly.

Unless the treasure of Qin Feng's body is similar to a magic weapon of the immortal rank, it is absolutely impossible to stop his attack!

"The Baojia on you is the magic weapon of the earth fairy?"

The saint demon of the assassin **** dynasty asked in disbelief that the magic weapon of the earth immortal rank is hard to find in this world. How could the other party possess such a precious thing?

"You still have some insight!"

Qin Feng was suspended in the air, and his precious armor had already risen to the inferior rank of Earth Immortal. It was made from the scales of the sword dragon in the secret realm, and his defense was extremely terrifying!

He and his maid and apprentices, with one hand, in this state, it is difficult to have weapons that can be broken!

This has undoubtedly made him invincible. Although it was a bit shaken, it was not a major problem.

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