Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 507: World moves

Emperor Yan was sitting on the tall golden dragon chair. He drew back from his left and right attendants, looking down at the Seventh Prince Yan Yun below, his murderous intent was not hidden.

"Yan Yun, you are very good. I really made my father look at me!"

Yan Huang looked at Yan Yun, his voice was extremely cold.

When the second emperor Yanyu was brought back, he immediately recruited an imperial doctor to treat Yanyu.

But there were no exceptions to the answers. Yan Yu was completely abolished. Only by finding the legendary Nine-turned Immortal Pill can the other party recover!

It's just that this nine-turn elixir, I'm afraid that I can't find a few after searching the whole world. Even if he is Emperor Yan, there is no way to get the nine-turn elixir.

He did not hesitate to kill several pill masters and imperial doctors, but he could only do nothing.

He had to admit that Yan Yu's heir that he valued extremely was completely turned into a waste, and the future Great Yan Kingdom could not be handed over to him.

"Father doesn't know why you called your ministers, why?"

The seventh prince Yan Yun pretended to be confused, he knelt on the ground and said, but his heart was turning rapidly.

The message that Emperor Yan ordered to send to the outside was that he had suffered a very serious internal injury and had to find King Pill for treatment.

This is also one of the reasons why they dared to do it directly in order to win the prostitute.

However, at this moment, seeing that the other party did not appear to be sick at all, this made him completely stunned.

"You and Yanyu are fighting for the crown prince, and you use your own means. I don't care about it. You can think of winning the Suzaku Holy Land to fight against Yanyu. This is a wise way.

But you have to know that if you drive the wolf away, you may eventually lose yourself!

I have drawn up an edict to pass on the throne to you. If I die in the future, the throne of Yan Kingdom is yours, but you must remember that Qin Feng must not stay! "

In Yan Huang's eyes, a peerless murderous intent appeared. His whole body was intertwined with emperor and dragon aura, full of vitality, extremely sacred and domineering, and there was no way to look sick.

"Go down."

Emperor Yan's eyes drooped, he waved his hand and gave a big order to Yan Yun.

"Children retired."

The frightened Yan Yun withdrew from the palace hall, and the cold wind blew his spine cold. At this time, he realized that he had been wet with cold sweat.

Facing his father, he felt a great deal of pressure. The other party seemed to have a means to control everything, making it difficult for him to control himself.

At this time, he had already determined that his father was seriously ill, which was completely blind, and the other party deliberately spread the news to let their brothers' fight for power surfaced.

Now the second prince has been abolished, and the other princes are all rubbish. Among the Great Yan Imperial City, only Yan Yun is worthy of Yan Huang's training.

Emperor Yan was sitting on the throne, with a shocking murderous intent in his eyes. In his eyes, there was a cold light that was unfathomable.

In his mind, no matter how the two competed, as long as they didn't use the killer, he would not go to the question. However, Yan Yun's subordinates abolished the second prince, and this matter absolutely cannot be ignored.

The other party is just an outsider. Since he dares to discipline his children, he definitely cannot stay in this world!


Above the Vermilion Bird Mansion, the void was smelted, the terrifying sword pulsed into the sky, and the clouds in the sky were shaken apart.

The dark clouds dissipated, revealing the bright moon. Under the moon, the two of them were like two gods, crisscrossing the sky, the scene was terrifying.

"Die to me!"

The Dark Night Demon Lord roared, roaring the mountains and rivers, countless black sword lights gathered around him, densely covering the entire sky.

Qin Feng was horrified, the Dark Night Demon Sovereign's strength was terrifying, and it was really powerful and terrifying, and the opponent had no fear, and had a powerful back move.


The sword of absolute immortality weaves the most holy light across the sky, and the sword light is like a golden dragon, shaking up, filling the world with a terrifying breath of a dragon.


The invisible sword aura around the Dark Night Demon Venerable was completely extinguished by Qin Feng's sword moves, stirring up the sky.

The void is constantly collapsing, the peerless sword light splits and slashes horizontally and horizontally, countless sword auras spread between the sky and the earth, and the four major runes appear, and the opponent is to be sealed in the big formation!

"No wonder my disciple can be defeated, really!"

Dark Night Demon Lord's face changed drastically. He tried his best to shock, and the black sword light turned into thousands of sword lights, piercing the void.


The terrifying sword agitated nine heavens, and the huge energy fluctuations destroyed all obstacles. The four-like rune array that Qin Feng played out instantly collapsed into the sky like a force bursting a bank.

The terrifying impact destroys everything, and the space Qin Feng is standing in is almost unbearable, ripples spread out, and the space almost collapses.

However, at this time Qin Feng was standing in the Nine Forbidden Realm, and Suzaku's horrible aura flowed with one blow, and the Suzaku's divine fire was even more unfathomable. He jumped out of this place and emerged in the higher air.

Although the Suzaku mansion has his formation, but the battle has reached a fierce situation, and the two are afraid that the Suzaku mansion will be destroyed in ruins!

This is Qin Feng's property, and that result is something he doesn't want to see.

Moreover, the two people fighting in the sky over the imperial city, the sudden fluctuations will cause incalculable consequences, I am afraid that the people of the imperial city will suffer, and if the end comes, it will cause unpredictable consequences.

"You go back to the Suzaku Holy Land and wait for me."

Qin Feng's words passed over the Vermilion Bird Mansion. At this time, the imperial city was no longer a place to stay for a long time. Only the Vermilion Bird Holy Land was the safest.

After Qin Feng's voice fell, Zhu Luo immediately sent someone to take Zhu Xiaoman, Zhou Qing'er, Ouyang Xue and others to the Suzaku Holy Land.

Qin Feng's guess was indeed correct. Just after they left the Suzaku Holy Land, a line of enemies popped up and attacked Zhu Xiaoman, Zhou Qinger and others.

However, their mounts have extreme speed, and Ye Qingcheng, with the highest cultivation level, has unlimited killing intent. Her body style is like swimming a dragon into the sea, almost inconceivable.

In an instant, these enemies were all beheaded, and the cranes and peacocks that Ouyang Xue, Zhu Xiaoman and others immediately rode back to the Suzaku Holy Land under the protection of everyone.



On Qin Feng's side, his speed was so fast, Ni Xianbu turned him into a faint afterimage in the void, and in a flash, he came outside the Yan State Imperial City.


Without any worries, Qin Feng's combat power was fully deployed, and this energy light was gushing like a volcano.

Qin Feng was standing in the Nine Forbidden Realm in an instant, surrounded by the vision of the King of God, and a bright moon appeared on the sea, illuminating the world.

The two made a strong shot between the mountains. A mountain peak collapsed directly under the bombardment of the two, the earth was trembling, and the mountain was shaking!

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