Invincible Scratch System

Chapter 502: Hard choices

Qin Feng raised his foot with a smile, and let go of Fang Hongyuan.

In this way, Lord Hou Fang Hongyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly got up from the ground, and his whole body vigorously sealed his injury without making it worse.

As a prince, although he still has the power of a battle, his combat power is already not as good as before. If he wants to return to his previous state, he needs more than half a month of rest.

"My son, I really have a pill that can heal my son. I am willing to pay at any price!"

Fang Hongyuan's eyes lit up. He spent countless hard work on his son Fang Nian. The other party did indeed strive for strength. He reached the realm of no phase at a young age, and he would definitely be able to take over his class in the future.

However, the other party was abandoned by Qin Feng, making him extremely uncomfortable. When he heard that he had a chance to be cured, he was overjoyed and his eyes brightened.

"It can be saved, but I only have one pill, so I sell it very expensive. More importantly, the second prince was also abolished by me. Who will use this pill? Think clearly."

Qin Feng waved his hand and took out a Nine-turn Resurrection Pill from his arms. As the pill appeared, spiritual energy lingered in the place immediately, and a divine spring even appeared on the ground.

In the big lake that was originally ruined, a few plants suddenly bloomed, and some seeds buried deep in the ground instantly sprouted into green grass. This medicine contains energy, which can be imagined.


Fang Hongyuan was utterly stunned. Qin Feng's words were spoken in front of everyone. The other party did want to sell him the pill, but this would undoubtedly make him make a difficult decision.

The pill that can heal Fang Nian is extremely precious in the world. In his cognition, he could not find one after searching the entire imperial city for fear of death.

Moreover, he could feel the medicinal effects contained in Qin Feng's pill, and he really had great hopes that he could heal his child's injuries.

It's just that if there is only one pill like this, whether it is for Fang Nian or the second prince to use it makes it difficult for him to make a choice.

"Is there really only one?"

Fang Hongyuan didn't give up, although Fang Nian was injured by the other party, but Fang Nian took the initiative first, no wonder the other party!

For Fang Nian's future, he had to compromise in exchange for the other party's medicine.

"Naturally, there is only one pill. I got this pill from a secret realm. If I want, I can exchange it with 30 ten thousand years elixir!"

Naturally, Qin Feng didn't mean to give it to the other party in vain. There were still many pills in his hand that he had refined near Yaoxian Peak.

The reason why he did this was to get some panacea, and to let Fang Hongyuan make a choice.

Fang Hongyuan is a member of Yanyu's family. If there is only one pill, he can only choose one between Yanyu and his son.

If the other party is for his own son, then he must stand in the Yanyun line, otherwise, he can only make his own son a waste.

Ye Qingcheng on the side listened to Qin Feng’s pill, and she couldn’t help feeling contemptuous. She knew that Qin Feng had dozens of pill that were refined outside the Peak of Yaoxian. Keeping a house, knowing how to do business to the extreme.

"I change!"

Fang Hongyuan gritted his teeth, he waved his hand and took out all his family properties from his space.

These extremely precious elixir, there are hundreds of 8,000-year-old elixir, and more than a dozen ten thousand-year-old elixir!

"The sum of these should be worth 30 ten thousand years elixir."

Fang Hongyuan took out all his savings, these people should all be carried by him in case of emergency.

"Well, just so-so."

Qin Feng's speed was as fast as lightning, and he took all these spirit medicines into his own space in an instant, and then handed the medicine pill to Fang Hongyuan.

As for how Fang Hongyuan chose, he didn't care at all.

After doing all this, Qin Feng was about to leave, and the storm caused here was so violent that it would cause the imperial city to pierce the sky.

The heavenly arrogances here are silent, no one dares to stop Qin's figure, and even the dignified princes can't help it, how dare they stop Qin Feng.

Soon after, Qin Feng, Yan Yun Lanyue and the others waved goodbye and prepared to take a stroll around the imperial city.

Everything here is over, Yan Yun also sent someone to take care of the situation, and it was also a moment for people to relax.

At this moment, a maid beside Lan Yue had a rapier in her hand and stab Ye Qingcheng beside her.

The opponent's speed is extremely fast, there is no wind, and there is a very strange feeling.

Ye Qingcheng's cultivation base was banned, and she had no resistance to such a sudden attack, just at the moment when she was about to be second.

When it was said that it was too late, Qin Feng stepped on the opposite fairy step, and he was already blocking Ye Qingcheng.


As if traveling through time and space, Qin Feng directly suppressed the Heaven-shaking Seal in his hand, and the powerful strength gleamed. He directly killed the maid who shot on the spot, and could not die again.

At this moment, the other maid beside Lan Yue also pierced Ye Qingcheng's throat with a sword, and the speed was not unpleasant.

The rapier penetrated the void, murderous, and before it was approaching, the sword qi directly cut a strand of Fallen Ye Qingcheng's hair!

At a critical moment, Qin Feng's palms intertwined with innocence, and he grabbed the rapier. Then, with force, he directly shattered the rapier into the void, turning it into pieces.


The assassin saw that he had missed his hand, and instantly rose up from the sky, trying to escape.

However, Qin Feng's speed was extremely fast, he immediately caught up with the opponent and grabbed the opponent's neck.

"Say who made you come?"

However, Qin Feng's voice just fell, the assassin saw that he couldn't escape, he gritted his teeth, spurted blood, and died on the spot.


Qin Feng threw the body in his hand aside, and the other party swallowed poison and killed himself.

As these two people died, their skeletal muscles changed and they became two extremely ordinary women.

"What a weird way to change your face, these two people are not our maid!"

There was a little bit of Guanghua in Lanyue's eyes. She checked the two bodies and came to this conclusion.

These two people didn't know when they began to dress up as maids, and they actually got into the Tianjiao event, and even she cheated!

And the two maids of her Lan family don't need to think that they will end very miserably.

"It's a killer god!"

Ye Qingcheng's eyes bloomed with chills, this was the disguise of the killer gods, she recognized it at a glance.

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