“Run! Lion God classmate! ”

In the next second, countless bullets swarmed, like an iron rain, descending in front of Lion Shenhao and Watanabe Shiyin.

Although the lion god Hao has thrown Watanabe Shiin to the ground, he has protected her with his own body.

But it was still difficult to resist some stray bullets, causing blood-red “flowers” to bloom on Watanabe Shiyin’s delicate body.

Lion Shenhao resisted the strafing fire of the SWAT and compared his hand to the gesture of a gun!

The SWAT officers in the house are simply unable to resist this invisible bullet!!

In less than 10 seconds.

All of them were solved by the lion god Hao.

For a while, the smell of blood filled the entire room…

Everything in the room was stained red with splattered blood.

When everything calmed down, the scene in the room was silly for the audience.

The room was filled with SWAT corpses,

Even the grandmother, who did not know everything and was completely innocent, was shot into a sieve by the indiscriminate strafing of the special police!

She was still asleep in bed, but…

Blood had unknowingly stained her bedding.

Seeing that even the grandmother was shot, the audience was silent for a while.

Are these guys crazy??

Even civilians were shot???

Next, the camera returns to the lion Shenhao and Watanabe Shiyin again…

At this time, Watanabe Shiyin already had several bullet holes on his body, and his pretty face was also stained red with blood…


The lion god Hao trembled, and his voice trembled a little as he called Watanabe Shiyin’s name.

But Watanabe Shiyin had no way to respond to him anymore.

The lion god held Watanabe Shiyin’s pretty face stained with blood.

Tears slipped out of his eyes again.



Lion Shenhao did not want to believe this fact, and shouted Watanabe’s name over and over again.

Seeing this, the audience was also silent.

Even Watanabe Shiyin is dead, how many people will be killed by the next lion Shenhao?

The audience can’t imagine it!

At this time, Lion Shenhao had completely fallen into darkness.

“Why don’t these SWAT officers even care about civilians? Directly unfolded indiscriminate shooting? – Kamiyama Hibiha! ”

“Lion Shenhao has been listed by the police as an extremely dangerous figure, and the police naturally want to kill Lion Shenhao at all costs!

However, the people are innocent after all! – Ryu Terui! ”

“The grandmother is really pitiful, she obviously doesn’t know anything, Watanabe Shiyin’s parents are dead, and she has experienced two white-haired people sending black-haired people.

In the evening, he lived in poverty, could not be peaceful, and finally ended up being shot! Woohoo! – Sudo Yai! ”

“A thousand mistakes, Lion Shen Hao should not have destroyed people in the beginning, all these tragedies began after he killed people 600 years ago……——Reihara Liang!”

“These SWAT officers are kind of interesting, kill the hostages with them, so that the hostages will not be killed by the bandits!” Hahaha! – Gagula! ”

“What a misfortune! I really love this world! – Beloba! ”

“Kill!! That’s it!! Drive him completely into madness!! I would love to see the footage of his massacre!! Hahahaha! – Uncle Snake Asakura Wei! ”

“The consequences of doing evil will eventually return to you…–Ryotaro Nogami!”


After a long time.

Lion Shenhao stood up from the ground.

The expression on his face is like dead ash, and the whole person is like a walking corpse.

At this moment, his heart has been completely blackened.

The people he cared about left him one after another, and now, he wants to make it all over!

Next second.

Lion Shenhao, turned into a stream of light, and instantly flew into the sky from the room!

This made the SWAT officers who were blocking outside the door all look stupid!!

Because the special police in the room were all slaughtered by Lion Shenhao, the impact of this incident also made the senior management of the Metropolitan Police Department have to hold a press conference.

A director of the Metropolitan Police Department named Tufang Kung Fu announced on TV that the police would step up their efforts to arrest Lion Shenhao.

[The indiscriminate large-scale murder initiated by the suspect Lion Shenhao is an unheard of vicious crime. 】

[We, the police, will unite to stop him, and the lion god’s behavior threatening the peaceful life of the people of Tokyo is absolutely unforgivable…”


At this time, the audience’s attention was not on what Tufang Kung Fu said, but all on the face of Tufang Kung Fu!


The spokesman for this police, Tsuchikata Kung Fu…

How is TMD the conductor in the world of Denwang!!!


Kamen Rider Denjo World!

At this time, the electric king train exploded!

Everyone looked at the conductor who was sitting silently in the corner, holding crutches and elegantly eating egg fried rice with a spoon!

I never expected it…

The parallel world body of the commander is actually in the same world as Ryotaro’s parallel world body!!

The conductor at this time, although the surface is as stable as an old dog.

But in fact, his heart was also slightly shocked, he never expected that he still had a parallel world body in that world!

“Commander!! Don’t eat it! Stop Ryotaro!! He’s going to kill!! ”

Rontarus shook the conductor’s arm and told him to hurry up and stop Ryotaro!

At this time, Ye Nai pulled away Rontarus, and very kindly gave him a brain melon on his head!

“That’s not Ryotaro!” (abdg)

“That’s Lion Shenhao!”

“And that Lion Shenhao is so strong, how can the commander stop it??”


“My day! Conductor?? Is this earthwork kung fu a commander!! – My wife Shanyi! ”

“Goodness! I knew you were perverted, but I didn’t expect you to be so perverted at all! The commander of the car is all old and boneless, and you are still ??? ——Xu Si! ”

“In the future, you kid don’t follow us and call other women’s wives on the barrage! We don’t want to be with a pervert like you! – Turtle Immortal! ”

“??? , what the hell are you talking about!! – My wife Shanyi! ”

“With such a serious painting style, how did you manage to joke on the barrage? – Honganji Jun! ”

“Commander!! Stop Ryotaro! The girlfriend who just made a friend died before he held his hand! He will definitely kill a lot of people! – Tsuyoshi Shijima! ”

The commander sat up from bed in the middle of the night: No, he was sick, right? I’m an old body, and he asked me to stop a pervert who can kill people along the network cable? Hahaha! – Shindai Sword! ”



Lion Shenhao is still constantly browsing the information on the Internet.

I have to say that the netizens of Sakura Country really don’t have a long memory!

Knowing that Lion Shenhao can kill people through the Internet, or is he overwhelmingly crusading against him on the Internet!

Shouting for him not to be a shrunken turtle, having the ability to kill more, and so on can provoke him!

Lion Shenhao, who was browsing this information, whispered:

“Don’t worry.”

“I will kill the people of this country clean.”


Lion Shenhao stood up from the ground, turned his hand into a camera, and pointed it at himself.

Next second.

All kinds of screens in the country of Sakura have been invaded by the lion god Hao.

Computer screens, outdoor advertising screens, mobile phone screens…

All of them show the figure of Lion Shenhao.

“Hello everyone in Shinjuku.”

“I am Lion Shenhao.”

Lion Shenhao looked at the camera that broadcast the national screen live in his hand and said to everyone.

“I’m going to correct a piece of news, it was the police who killed first!”

“They brutally killed my unarmed classmates and her grandmother.”

“I killed for revenge.”

“I guess no one believes it…” When he said this, Lion Shenhao laughed at himself.

“As long as this country remains, I will always be hunted down.”

“Since the police have declared war on me, then this is the war between Sakura Country and me.”

“Start with this street, 120 million people, I will kill one left!”

Hearing Lion Shenhao’s words, countless viewers felt their scalps numb!

The audience knows!

Lion Shenhao is definitely not joking!

He really kills mercilessly!!


In the next second, Lion Shenhao directly shot without hesitation!!

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!!

He directly through the outdoor advertising screen, facing the crowd on the street, unleashed an indiscriminate massacre!!

As he said!

He wants to kill all the more than 100 million people in the Sakura Country alone!!

Not for a while.

The originally lively street instantly became chaotic into a pot of porridge…

The streets were instantly full of corpses and rivers of blood!

The masses looked at their companions around them, fell one after another, and fled in a hurry on the street… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The woman’s piercing scream.

The children’s cries rendered this picture into the end of the world…

“What the hell are you doing!!!


“Stop it!!”

Ryotaro Nogami was barrage, shouting over and over again, making the lion Shenhao quickly stop.


His shout was destined to reach the ears of Lion Shenhao, and he could only watch Lion Shenhao slaughter people madly through the light curtain!

This feeling of powerlessness made Ryotaro Nogami very painful.

It didn’t take long.

The whole country of cherry blossoms made a pot of porridge in a mess.

Countless people fell under the gun of the lion Shenhao, and the blood stained the cherry blossoms!

This picture.

The audience of the Dragon Kingdom was stunned!

At this moment, the audience on the side of the Dragon Kingdom finally knew why a title about the anti-Japanese heroes appeared on the light screen just now.

This Nima…

What an anti-Japanese war!

Lion Shenhao really opened a copy of the entire cherry blossom country alone!!

“It’s horrible!! This ability of his! It’s so scary!! The indiscriminate massacre is simply a natural disaster for innocent people! – Kiryu War Rabbit! ”

“Hehe, Ryotaro, I admire this parallel world of yours! Humans are so much fun! – Ebelt! ”

“Yes!! That’s it!! Kill it!! I love seeing images like this! – Wei Asakura! ”

“I don’t know how many times I’ve thought about this kind of picture in my head, and now… He seems to have achieved it! We, Shu Magia, should also exterminate humanity! Start a holy war! – Extinguish! ”

“Hahaha, buffet!! Buffet!! – Weis! ”

“Hmph! Mankind…… How vulnerable is it? In this world, it is better to let the demon control it in the end! When Lord Keefe is resurrected, the world will be under our control! – Orutga! ”


At this time, Lion Shenhao was still killing people madly.

He even started to deal with his former classmates without distinction, and he didn’t miss the old feelings at all!

When Shiin Watanabe was shot indiscriminately by the police…

He also started his own indiscriminate killing plan!!

Right now……

He wants to kill the people of this country until there is no one left!!!

While the lion god Hao was killing people madly, Onteng Naoyuki and Inuyajiki Iro on the other side also took action.

Through the ability to go to Inuyashiki Iruro, Anten’s ability to spread his own images to all screens in Sakura Country!

He told everyone to quickly turn off mobile phones and other electronic products, it is best to cut off all power!

The frightened Sakura people no longer cared whether what An Itanium said was true or false, and threw their mobile phones and so on on the ground.

At this time, the expression on Lion Shenhao’s face did not change in the slightest.

Sure enough, as he expected, there was another person who was exactly the same as his ability.

“It’s useless, go straight…”

A sneer appeared on Lion Shenhao’s face, and in the next second, he unfolded various incomparably fine mechanical structures of sadness.

A shot of missiles, extending from behind!!

Seeing the missile, the pupils of the audience suddenly contracted!!


This guy is determined to destroy the entire Sakura Country!!

Brush brush brush !!!

Behind the lion Shenhao, hundreds of missiles were launched in an instant!

A missile shot, dragging a long tail flame, flew into the air, and then fell to the ground, indiscriminately against the ground came a shell fire cover!!


Countless missiles exploded at the same time, and the whole city trembled!

The fire of the missile, like a sun, is rising from the horizon!

Tight for a moment.

The once prosperous city has become a ruin!

“Crazy!! Crazy!! Is he going to carry hundreds of millions of lives!! Human slaughter!! – Tsuyoshi Shijima! ”

“What the hell is he doing!!” Do you really have to kill the entire country before you can give up? – Peacharas! ”

“A person, intend to brush a country alone! This guy… Damn it! – Kazuma Kenzaki! ”

“Hehe, I’m getting more and more fond of the kid! – Ebelt! ”

“Missile plow! Not only does he want to kill people, but he also wants to raze the entire Sakura Country to the ground! – Flying electricity or people! ”

“When the police indiscriminately shot Watanabe Shiyin and her grandmother, the last trace of humanity in Lion Shenhao’s heart was completely annihilated! – Kiryu War Rabbit! ”


Just when Lion Shenhao was frantically slaughtering innocent people and preparing to launch the second round of missiles…

Soon after, Inuyashiki came to the top of the building where the lion god ho was.

“Stop it…”

Inuyashiki roared angrily at the lion god.

Lion Shenhao looked at Inuyashiki Irou, “You were back then…”

Lion Shenhao remembered that when he first killed someone, he had seen Inuyashiki Irou.

“Ah~~~ It turns out that you are the other …”

“Even going straight is involved by you, why do you always come to get in my way?”

Lion Shenhao looked at Inuyashiki Iro with an impatient look and said.

Inuyashiki Iro, on the other hand, plans to play the emotional card against the lion god Hao first, and if he can move his mouth, then don’t do it first.

After all, when he started his hand, he was not the opponent of Lion Shenhao.

“I was your companion, and that night…”

“In that park, with you, after the body becomes like this, I am afraid that I can’t do it!”

“I’m just like you, but the reason why our bodies have become like this must be to save people.”

But the lion god Hao can’t enter the oil and salt!


“I want to destroy this country, since I am a companion, I will come to help!”

Inuyashiki raised his “gun” and aimed it at the lion god Hao, “Stop killing people!” ”

“How? Save a few people and consider themselves gods? ”

“With your false sense of justice, you can’t overcome true hatred!”

Lion Shenhao looked at Inuyashiki with an impatient expression, what he hated to hear the most now was these big ideas.

All he wants to do now is destroy the country!

And the audience also shook their heads, if the lion god could persuade him…

It is estimated that he will not go on such an extreme road!

The next screen.

But it surprised the audience outside the light screen!

I rub!!

Inuyashiki Iro, this sixty-year-old old comrade, does not talk about martial virtue at all!!

I didn’t expect that Inuyashiki, who seemed to be honest and responsible, was also so old and six…

Inuyashiki Iruro: Who specifically said… I’m here to persuade you???


PS: It is estimated that the next chapter can be written about Ryotaro, Ryotaro’s subhuman, so I won’t write it for the time being, and I’ll make it up later.

Too many readers are waiting to see the tooth wolf!

Finally, ask for a wave of self-ordering from the righteous fathers! Kneel to thank the righteous father!.

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