
After getting drunk, passers-by slowly woke up from bed.

His clothes were still intact, and there were no traces of being picked up.

This disappointed many spectators outside the light screen, what is the matter with this kid still wearing clothes?

It’s different from what they imagined!!

At this time, the Kiryu war rabbit was quietly relieved, fortunately, he was fully dressed, and he should not have been picked up by the corpse!

The leather swallow is saved!

Who would have thought that passers-by who fell drunk on the road would still be able to get home safely!!

After waking up, the passerby looked excited, “I’m really good, even if a bunch of things happen, I still came home safely!” ”

“I knew it would be fine, even in this comic world where B is destined to L, I would never involve BL!”

Passers-by still insist on implementing the idea that they will definitely not become BL.

It is absolutely impossible to become a BL or something!

However, after a moment of complacency, passers-by suddenly had fragments of memories of last night in their minds.

He vaguely remembered that he was carried back by a man in the heavy rain.

As for who that person was, he couldn’t remember at all.

So, he quickly stopped his brother who was about to go to school, “I was yesterday…”

“By the way, someone carried you back yesterday, what the hell are you doing…” said Ayato to passers-by.

The passerby hurriedly turned to Ayato and asked, “Who carried me back?” ”

“Who knows, I asked his name, but he insisted…”

“I’m going out, I’m going to meet with the East Treaty today, and I’ll go home later.” After Ayato finished speaking, he went out to school!

Passers-by reacted later!


So he made up in his mind Aya and Tojo shopping, and then Ayato’s classic ice cream dipped into the corner of his mouth.

Tojo classic kissing the corner of Ayato’s mouth, ice cream and the like…

Thinking of this passerby, he couldn’t help but feel a chill, and quickly shouted at Ayato:

“Ayato, you’re still too young to talk to people!!”

Soon after.

Passers-by also packed up their belongings and prepared to go to school.

“I don’t remember much about what happened yesterday, but I’m sure of one thing.”

“That is…”

“His back is very warm and soft, with a faint citrus scent…”

So passers-by decided to start looking for the guy who carried him home, and he struggled to smell everyone’s aroma on the street.

He didn’t let go of the school class, and everyone who passed by his seat had to be smelled by him!

He even ran to the men’s dressing room to smell it!

“Who the hell is that citrus man?”


“I don’t want to develop a B and L relationship with that man at all!!”

“It’s just… People helped me, but I didn’t say thank you, and I always have a polite style for me, a polite person! ”

While passers-by were thinking about these questions, he suddenly smelled that familiar smell!

Citrus scent!!!


Passers-by looked back in the direction where the fragrance wafted from, and saw Kikuchi standing behind him.


“What’s wrong?” Kikuchi looked puzzled.

“I mean, you… Did you save me yesterday? The passerby asked as he turned to Kikuchi.

Kikuchi had a warm smile on his face and said to passers-by

“You don’t need to thank me, you helped me first…”

“Do I have one?” Passers-by can’t remember when they reached out to Kikuchi.

“That was probably more than a month ago, and I was dumped by my dating partner at that time.”

The beloved hamster “Hamyan” is also gone. ”

“My whole body fell to the bottom…”

The light curtain followed Kikuchi’s thoughts back to a month ago, and Kikuchi, who had been hit one after another, was standing in front of a printer, printing documents.

But he found that the printed words were too small to read.

And he won’t tinker with this printer in the classroom.

When he was in a very low mood, passers-by descended from the sky like a big hero, appeared beside him, and helped him solve the problem.

It was from here that Kikuchi fell in love with passers-by!

After the audience learned about this, not only were they not moved, but they also felt more and more the horror of this BL world….

I Nima….

What kind of fairy world is this!!

Any little thing can be remembered by a man!!!

“This world is too terrible, just such a little thing, will be loved by a man, who can withstand this?? ——Shinnosuke Tomari! ”

“The world … I dare to pack a ticket, if that kid from An Daqing comes here, his identity as a boy chicken will definitely not be able to maintain for 30 years!! – Tachibana Shuoya! ”

“Don’t say that Andaqing, I can’t stand it when I go!” If you don’t weld yourself an iron chicken and modify a real steel door, you don’t dare to wander around in this world! – Tsuyoshi Shijima! ”

“This Nima… The world is afraid that the passing male mosquitoes have to cover their asses and fly, right? ——Wang Ye! ”

“The male dogs on the side of the road have to clamp their tails and cover their skin swallows to be dogs, it’s terrible!! It’s a straight man’s nightmare!! – Daiko Kiryu! ”

“It’s a paradise for rotten women!!! – Can Marsh Hanayi! ”

“A whole world to follow the “crooked path”, it’s terrible, I will never set foot in such a world in my life! – Menyaji! ”


Light curtains.

After pulling my mind back from a month ago.

Kikuchi this kid….

Also made an amazing decision.

This kid….

Confessed to passers-by….

This one.

Kiryu War Rabbit couldn’t laugh at all….

The smile did not disappear, but only transferred to the corner of my mouth….

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