The 100-fold enhancement system has saved Shen Yi a lot of resources.

As long as he can win the battle, he will never lose.

Coupled with the assistance of technological soaring games.

Once those civilizations were caught up by him, they would not have the capital to wrestle with him at all.

At this moment, an announcement suddenly flashed before Shen Yi's eyes.

[Congratulations to player Shen Yi, who successfully repelled the attack of fifteen fleets of stellar civilization, and the progress of the advanced world mission increased by 40%. Because player Shen Yi successfully wiped out the enemy fleet, he gained an additional 25% completion degree. In addition, Due to the existence of 13 S-class (stellar-class) warships, an additional 25% completion rate will be obtained, and the reward will be issued after the complete defeat of the star-class civilization]

This announcement made Shen Yi stunned for a while, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"How come you have given such a high level of progress! In this way, it is not difficult to reach the legendary standard!

Shen Yi touched ~ Ba and said with great interest.

This wave has provided him with 90% progress, plus the previous 45% progress, which can all be 1-35% progress.

Just need to get a 65% progress in the follow-up.

He can achieve the legendary condition.

And this progress, even if he normally takes down the remaining six star systems of the Chiyang Empire, one only provides 10% of the progress, which is basically enough.

However, the announcement did not attract much interest from Shen Yi.

His attention has been fully focused on those S-class (stellar-class) warships.

These S-class (stellar-class) battleships were badly damaged.

However, in fact, it was not directly destroyed by the magnetic storm bomb, and many things inside are still well preserved.

You can also unlock some things.

Of course, what Shen Yi looked forward to the most was actually the information contained within it.

For such a high-level warship.

Shen Yi believed that the intelligence information possessed by the other party would be of a very high level.

And these are exactly what he needs most for a half-way monk.

After all, he didn't know anything about the interest he was in right now.

At this moment, other players also saw this system prompt.

When they saw Shen Yi defeat 13 S-class (stellar-class) battleships, they all went numb.

They thought they had successfully occupied the planet under their feet.

The gap with Shen Yi was slowly catching up.

At that time, everyone has stepped into a stellar civilization, so no one is much worse than the other.

But who knows, Shen Yi has already been able to destroy the S-class (star-class) battleship!

"Damn it, am I dreaming now! Mr. Shen Yi can defeat the S-class (stellar-class) battleship?"

'That should be the most powerful warship in the star class... I don't know what power the most powerful warship in the planetary class has, but the most powerful warship in the star class has already stopped?

"It's so fake, I'm reporting someone for cheating! It's too unfair!

"??? Upstairs, you don't want to die! How dare you say that about me, Mr. Shen Yi! Do you want to be blacklisted!"

"I just want to say, my knees are for Mr. Shen Yi! When I saw the announcement, I knew what to do!"

"Damn it! I want to be so majestic too!"

"Curious, how powerful is Shen Yi now! This is fifteen stellar-class fleets... and there are S-class stellar-class warships, and the opponent should be the most powerful stellar-class civilization. now!"

"I'm also curious...but I guess it's at least a top stellar civilization.

"I want you to fart..."

The entire channel has been in chaos.

Everyone was shocked by Shen Yi's feat.

Before, it was only a D-class (star-level) and C-class (star-level) warships.

They haven't felt anything yet.

But now this is an S-class (star-class) battleship!

If according to the information contained in the base.

In addition to the planetary-level civilization, the technology of all subsequent civilizations is divided into five levels: D, C, B, A, and S.

D-level and C-level can only be regarded as the bottom layer.

S-level is already the pinnacle of a civilization level.

Such weapons, even to the same stellar civilization, would have a huge threat.

And how terrifying would it be for Shen Yi to destroy a battleship of this level?

No one can guess this.

After all, now they are only relying on Shen Yi's breath to completely grasp the planet under their feet in just over two months.

Even those players who are at the forefront.

It's only just beginning to step out of the planet with those A-level three-type robots.

It will take a long time before they can officially step into the pinnacle of planetary level...

Of course, if Shen Yi continued to open up the follow-up Type 4 robots, it would allow them to step into this level very quickly.

After all, the four-type combat robot has already reached the S rank.

The auxiliary robots have also reached the A level.

However, no matter how they guessed, they could not guess that Shen Yi had actually completely ignored the stellar civilization.

Even, if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't know whether there was a powerful arm-spinning civilization on his head.

Shen Yi even has the ability to mass-produce the Boom-class warships.

After all, for Shen Yi.

D-level (arm-spinning) level battleships only need to produce A-level (star-level) level battleships to strengthen what they get.

With a hundred times strengthening system, he can do whatever he wants.

At this moment, Shen Yi, who is in the middle of a heated discussion among players.

But it didn't pay too much attention to the player's situation.

He had already watched and deciphered the information in the wreckage of the S-class (star-class) battleship that Shen Ling had pulled back.

Although these S-class (stellar-class) battleships were destroyed a lot.

However, the data of a full seven S-class (stellar-class) battleships have been preserved.

And these data were also integrated by Shen Ling and presented to Shen Yi...

"It turns out that the Chiyang Empire doesn't know if there is an arm-spinning civilization above..."

Shen Yi frowned slightly.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party actually knows it, but only the highest level of the other party knows.

Although these S-class (star-class) battleships are the strongest combat power of the Chiyang Empire.

But this does not mean that the people who drive these S-class (stellar-class) warships are the real high-level of the other party.

"However, the other party has mastered so many natural wormholes!"

Shen Yi raised his hand and called out a huge star map, sighing in his heart.

This is the background of the old-fashioned advanced stellar civilization.

Although the other party only has seven star systems on hand, this does not mean that the other party's territory is small.

There are some natural wormholes that lead to, but not to the star system.

Instead, it is a huge asteroid belt, or an endless starry sky.

This situation is actually very common in the universe.

After all, natural wormholes don't necessarily have to be connected to galaxies.

Many natural wormholes are actually just opposite a starry sky with nothing at all.

After all, the distance between the star system and the star system is too large, take the solar system as an example.

The closest star system to the solar system can be a full 4 light-years away from the solar system...

At this distance, either there are some asteroids distributed, or there is nothing at all.

And the Chiyang Empire is obviously not so lucky, every natural wormhole can lead to a star system.

At least among the 465 natural wormholes on the star map in front of Shen Yi.

279 of them lead to the void of no value.

174 of them lead to an asteroid belt that may contain ore. The various stellar resources of the Chiyang Empire are basically mined in these places.

Even wrap those S-class stellar resources.

And the remaining 12 wormholes.

Except for 6 that are connected to their own star systems.

The remaining 6 are connected to 1 top stellar civilization and 6 old-fashioned advanced stellar civilizations.

This is also the reason why the Chiyang Empire did not send all the fleets to die.

Because, the Chiyang Empire still needs to guard against the invasion of these civilizations.

"However, these natural wormholes, which are defined as worthless, should not be completely useless."5

Looking at these natural wormholes marked as waste wormholes, this idea popped into Shen Yi's mind.

It's just not enough technology.

So these natural wormholes can't be used.

Want to travel long distances in the interstellar space without mastering the technology of jumps or artificial wormholes.

The only way is to transfer quickly through the natural wormholes one by one.

However, even the fastest S-class (stellar-class) warships fly at a speed close to Mach 10,000.

Such a speed may be very fast if you are sailing between planets.

But if it is sailing between galaxies, it seems a little trivial.

Distances between star systems, which are not measured in light-years.

Mach 10,000 is actually only 12.24 million km/h.

That's the distance that light travels for 34 seconds.

Not to mention sailing across the star system, even flying out of the star system where you are located is difficult.

Even if there are expressways formed by natural wormholes, there is absolutely no way to fly.

Shen Yi reckons that if it reaches the arm-spin level civilization, it should be able to do it.

Arms...River systems generally have several revolving around the star system.

Just like the lines of the whirlpools on the water.

However, this arm spin is made up of countless star systems.

Take the Milky Way as an example.

The Milky Way has four large arms and two small arms.

Among them are at least hundreds of billions of star systems.

And how strong a civilization that can master an arm rotation can be imagined with a toe.

The reason why Shen Yi didn't dare to easily expose his arm-spin-level combat power.

It is for this reason.

Mastered such a huge territory.

The resources of the other party can be said to be inestimable.

Even the small forces among them can easily pull out a super-large fleet.

Without knowing what the other party's situation is.

Shen Yi doesn't do things he's not sure about.

Otherwise, even he will definitely encounter a huge crisis.

Moreover, the most troublesome thing is that even if he owns an arm-spin-class battleship, he probably won't be able to move within the arm-spin as quickly as those arm-spin-class civilizations.

Not to mention those voyages across galaxies, the star map alone is a huge hassle.

Without a star map, he was completely blinded in the vast starry sky, and he didn't even know what was on the opposite side of the natural wormhole.

As for the navigation method of the arm-spinning civilization, it is even more troublesome.

Perhaps these star-level warships can indeed be comparable to arm-spin-level warships after being strengthened.

But it is the same as the troubles encountered by the previous type 1 robot and type 2 robot.

Although their combat power has risen, the basic configuration can't keep up!

If it does not have the navigation method of the arm rotation level.

Even if there is a hundred times strengthening system to strengthen it, it is useless.

"Let's get rid of the Chiyang Empire first... Maybe we can get some information from the other party."5

Shen Yi shook his head, throwing these thoughts out of his mind.

These things are still too far from him now.

In the case of not building an arm-spin-class battleship, his background is probably not as good as those of the old top star-level civilization.

The information at hand is also seriously insufficient.

There is no need to think about those issues now.

Right now, the most important thing for him is to eliminate the Chiyang Empire and complete the advanced world-level task after digesting the resources.

Maybe this way, his troubles will be solved immediately.

After all, Legendary level rewards can't be too bad!

Shen Yi had no interest in reading the rest of the information about the Chiyang Empire.

A mere existence that has just stepped into a top star-level civilization is just a slightly larger ant to him.

What's more, the other party was directly beaten and kneeled by him in this wave.

The fleet that consumed almost 70% of its heritage was directly wiped out.

No matter how unwilling, there is no room for resistance.

The most important thing is that he has already mastered the natural wormhole positions leading to the other six star systems.

I am afraid that the Chiyang Empire will not think of their highest security measures.

In front of Shen Yi, it would be less than half a point.

He turned his attention to the blueprint that Shen Ling had collected first.

The harvest of the blueprint this time is even greater than the last time.

This time, a total of 237 D-class (stellar) blueprints, 65 C-class (stellar) blueprints, 22 B-class (stellar) blueprints, and 3 A-class (stellar) blueprints were harvested.

Among them, these three and two A-level (star-level) blueprints, if nothing else.

After they are produced, they will be graded D (armspin).

Of course, they are only forcibly raised to the D-class (arm-spinning) level in terms of performance.

After all, no matter how powerful the 100-fold enhancement system is, it cannot conjure functions out of thin air.

Those D-level (star level) blueprints and C-level (star level) blueprints Shen Yi still doesn't bother to look at, this level is really too low.

Even after being strengthened, it is only B-level (star level) or A-level (stellar level).

Perhaps for other stellar civilizations, it may already be very good.

But for Shen Yi, it was a complete waste of resources.

After all, the star level can't let him stay in his footsteps, after he has figured out the current situation of the arm or the river system.

He will immediately be promoted to the arm rotation level civilization level.

And these things that can't even reach S-level (star level) will undoubtedly be directly discarded by him.

Originally, even these B-level (stellar-level) blueprints, Shen Yi was somewhat disgusted.

However, the blueprint of the B-class (stellar-class) Dawn-class frigate made him a little interested.

[Dawn-class frigate blueprint]

[Grade Rating: Grade B (Stellar)]

[Ability: With thirty-six Dawning missile launchers, it can cause mass destruction to warships below B-class (star class), and at the same time, it can open up an energy barrier covering a range of 100 kilometers, and the barriers of multiple Dawning-class frigates can be superimposed, It can withstand up to A-level (star-level) firepower attacks, and also has the special function Dawning Crash, which can be accelerated to Mach 3000 in an instant, and the impact strength is no less than A-level (star-level) maximum attack]

[Consumption: 20,000 energy points per day, 30,000 energy points per hour after the energy barrier is activated]

[Production requirements: 60 million units of iron, 40 million units of copper, 15 million units of psionic crystals, 9 million units of any grade C material, 5 million units of any grade B material, 1 million units of any grade A material, 150,000 units of any grade S Grade materials, 70,000 units of D-grade (star-grade) materials, .10,000 units of C-grade (star-grade) materials, 10,000 units of B-grade (star-grade) materials, 900 billion points of energy]

This Dawn-class frigate is quite interesting.

Let's not talk about the attack method and the defense method.

This was the first time Shen Yi had seen a warship with special attack methods.

Moreover, after it has also been strengthened to the S-level (stellar level), this Dawning Crash is launched.

Wouldn't it be able to reach the power of the D-class (arm-spinning class) level?

If a group of Dawning-class frigates launched Dawning Crash at the same time, they would be able to directly smash the opponent's energy barrier.

What's more coquettish is that these Dawning-class frigates are themselves frigates.

The physique is sturdy and very durable.

Coupled with the ability to hold a shield and bear injuries, the fear that this brings to the enemy is absolutely terrifying.

But it is a little more expensive!

Of course, these are all small things, after all the materials are harvested.

He can definitely manufacture Dawn-class frigates and Phoenix-class interstellar aircraft carriers on a large scale.

At that time, the Dawning-class frigate went straight to the face in a wave, rammed towards the opposing battleship group, and broke the opposing team's shield.

At the same time, put your own shield into the opponent's mouth.

Then, the densely packed space fighters and star bombers took off directly to carry out terrorist air strikes on the enemy.

That scene is sure to be very exciting.

As for the Dawn-class magnetic orbital battleships, after the S-class (stellar-class) battleships appeared, they could only be eliminated.

In addition to the Dawning-class frigates, these B-class (star-class) blueprints are what attracted Shen Yi.

On the contrary, these A-level (stellar) blueprints are not bad.

There are at least two of them that Shen Yi can use now.

【Advanced Ultra Brain Blueprint】

[Grade Rating: Grade A (Stellar)]

[Ability: With a very powerful intelligent system, it can easily maintain the operation of an advanced stellar civilization]

[Consumption: consumes 50,000 energy points per day, and consumes 30,000 energy points per hour at maximum power]

[Production requirements: 300 million units of iron, 200 million units of copper, 120 million units of psionic crystals, 67 million units of any grade C material, 40 million units of any grade B material, 12 million units of any grade A material, 6 million units of any grade S Grade material, 1.2 million units of D-grade (stellar) material, 500,000 units of C-grade (stellar), 120,000 units of B-grade

(Stellar-level) materials, 30,000 units of A-level (stellar-level) materials, 5 trillion points of energy]

[Hart-class anti-stealth radar blueprint]

[Grade Rating: Grade A (Stellar)]

[Ability: It can make all invisible units below S-level (star level) have nowhere to hide, and at the same time can forcibly interrupt the opponent from the invisible state]

[Consumption: 40,000 energy points are consumed every day, and the maximum power consumes 28,000 energy points per hour]

[Production requirements: 200 million units of iron, 160 million units of copper, 110 million units of psionic crystals, 59 million units of any grade C material, 32 million units of any grade B material, 10 million units of any grade A material, 4 million units of any grade S Class materials, 800,000 units of D-class (stellar) materials, 300,000 units of C-class (stellar) materials, 80,000 units of B-class (stellar) materials, 10,000 units of A-class (stellar) materials, 3 trillion points of energy]

【Blueprint of Reaper-class Star Destroyer】

[Grade Rating: Grade A (Stellar)]

[Ability: Equipped with a Reaper-level Star Destroyer Cannon, thirty-six small Star Destroyer secondary artillery, the maximum attack distance of 10 million kilometers, the maximum attack can destroy an asteroid of 2000 kilometers]

[Consumption: The main gun needs to consume 5 million energy per shot, the secondary gun needs to consume 300,000 energy if it is not fired, and the daily maintenance energy needs 30,000 energy]

[Production requirements: 100 million units of iron, 80 million units of copper, 72 million units of psionic crystals, 45 million units of any grade C material, 28 million units of any grade B material, 9 million units of any grade A material, 5 million units of any grade S Grade materials, 800,000 units of D-grade (stellar) materials, 350,000 units of C-grade (stellar) materials, 90,000 units of B-grade (stellar) materials, 20,000 units of A-grade (stellar) materials, 3 trillion points of energy]

Except for the Reaper-class Star Destroyer, there is no way to use it casually.

Even if it is upgraded to the arm-spin level, it is basically difficult to expose the Hart-class anti-stealth radar blueprint and advanced super-brain blueprint.

These are all things Shen Yi can currently use.

Needless to say about the advanced super brain, Shen Ling has helped him a lot so far.

However, with the gradual spread of his territory, Shen Ling seemed to struggle a little to maintain the operation.

However, if it is upgraded to the D-level (arm rotation level) level.

That's a different story.

According to the introduction of the advanced super brain, the other party can easily maintain the operation of the entire advanced stellar civilization.

What a huge amount of computation this is...

If Shen Ling is allowed to do it now, he will definitely fall into a state of downtime in an instant.

But if Shen Ling was equipped with an upgraded high-level super brain, the situation would be completely different.

Although I don't know if it can meet the needs of the primary arm rotation level civilization.

However, at least to maintain the operation of the top stellar civilization, Shen Ling is completely able to do it.

As for anti-hidden radar... not to mention.

Shen Yi doesn't think that he is the only one in this world who has stealth warships.

Once the opponent's stealth warship touches his fleet or near important buildings.

If he is not prepared, it will definitely pay a huge price.

This can be seen from the soul-class ghost battleship against the S-class (star-class) battleship of the Chiyang Empire.

It was definitely an instant kill without any surprises.

Even, even if the number of soul-level ghost battleships at that time was small, it would definitely end in the same way.

Therefore, the existence of anti-hidden radar is very necessary.

At that time, one will be installed on the base, and one will be installed on those Tianyan-class command ships.

You can greatly avoid this problem.

What if the opponent has an S-class (stellar-class) stealth battleship?

As long as there is no accident, after the Hart-class anti-stealth radar is strengthened, the level will reach the D-level (arm rotation level).

According to the introduction of the other party's functions, as long as it is not a stealth warship that exceeds the D-class (arm-spinning) level, it cannot escape its detection.

It can be said that with these two things, although it cannot be said that it has brought much help to his strength.

But at least in other respects, it gave him a very big boost.

"This time is really a bumper harvest! It really is the correct way to open the system by fighting to support the war!

Shen Yi sighed.

Nearly a month of development, he basically did not move.

On the contrary, a wave of war brought him a huge improvement.

However, in the future, I am afraid that such good things will not be delivered to the door.

If he wants to obtain such a huge harvest, I am afraid he can only invade other star systems.

Of course, his primary task now is to digest these resources and expand his S-class (star-class) fleet.

It can be said that the Chiyang Empire has been regarded by him as something in his pocket.

His eyes have been placed on the top stellar civilization bordering the Chiyang Empire.

Although that civilization is not quite the old-fashioned top stellar civilization.

But the other party is obviously not comparable to the new top star-level civilization of the Chiyang Empire.

If you can take the other party down, it will definitely be of great help to him.

........for flowers·

Time flies and half a month has passed.

The main star system of the Chiyang Empire, in the magnificent palace.

With a gloomy expression on his face, Emperor Chiyang roared angrily at an official who was kneeling below: "The fleet has been gone for half a month, why hasn't any news come back! What the hell is your Intelligence Department doing! Why is it still there? No news!

Although there are some vague guesses in my heart to solve it.

But Emperor Chiyang could not accept the consequences.

Maybe he will feel distressed when the prince dies.

After all, he was the successor that he had finally cultivated. He had spent a lot of effort in cultivating it for decades.

But the problem is that the fleet is gone, and that problem is much more serious than the death of the prince!

When the prince died, he was looking for a son, and it took him decades to cultivate it.

But if the fleet that entrusted the national fortune of the Chiyang Empire was gone.

That problem is very serious.

That is their hope!

If there is any problem with that fleet, there will be problems with the national fortune of the Chiyang Empire.

Even, it may be counterattacked by those stellar civilizations...

Once the opponent counterattacks in the weak stage of the Chiyang Empire.

Then they may only retreat to the main star system and rely on the main star system for defense.

That would definitely be a disaster for the Chiyang Empire...

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, our people can't live in the sixth star system at all, and once they pass, they will be killed by the other party as soon as possible.

"Even 50 A-class (stellar-class) frigates can't pass at the same time! The other side definitely has a large fleet stationed on the other side!

The director of the Intelligence Department, who was kneeling in the center of the hall, shouted with a face full of grievances.

As the director of the Intelligence Department, he is definitely the top official of the empire.

In addition to the prime minister and the elders above, he is the biggest.

It's just that he didn't dare to be dissatisfied with such a big problem at the moment.

Emperor Chiyang's anger has accumulated to the limit, just waiting for a thorn to come up to let him vent!

After the director of the Intelligence Department in the main hall, it suddenly fell into a dead silence.

In fact, everyone knows that the situation is probably not optimistic.

After all, the opposing fleet has the ability to block the natural wormhole of the sixth star system.

If the fleet of the Chiyang Empire was still there, how could it be so arrogant.

However, the Dyson sphere in the sixth star system is now destroyed.

They have been unable to achieve intergalactic contact with the sixth star system.

Therefore, after those warships entered the sixth star system, they simply did not know what happened there.

It's just that they couldn't accept the reality of the fleet's destruction.

After all, if everything is true, then it will mean that the Chiyang Empire is completely finished.

Not to mention how long it will take to recover, it may not be easy for them to even maintain the continuation of the empire.

Now they only have six fleets left...

There is also no foundation to continue to build S-class (stellar-class) battleships.

Even if you want to turn it around, you can't do it at all.

"Your Majesty...perhaps we should shrink our strength immediately.35

At this time, the Prime Minister of the Chiyang Empire broke the dead silence in the hall.

As the prime minister of the Chiyang Empire, he had to say this.

No way, if you don't do this, the Chiyang Empire might really disappear into the dust of history.

The threat of the other party is even greater than they imagined.

Can destroy their full 15 super-spec fleets plus 13 S-class (stellar-class) Twilight-class Star Destroyers.

The other party is definitely the kind of existence that has gone a long way in the stellar civilization.

I am afraid it is no less than the top stellar civilization bordering their main star system.


With Prime Minister Chiyang speaking, other ministers also persuaded them.

"Your Majesty, we can't wait any longer, this time we lost, but we still have a chance to come again!"

"Yeah, as long as there are the remains of the Armor-class battleship, we have a chance to turn the tables!

"We still have a chance to win an azure civilization with our best efforts. As long as we obtain the heritage of a high-level stellar civilization, it will not be difficult for the Chiyang Empire to return to its previous state!

"This minister agrees! This strategy is indeed feasible!"

"Second! 35

After all, several veteran officials are the pillars of the Chiyang Empire.

Between the words, a good plan was actually negotiated.

This is where the Chiyang Empire is awesome, their high-level executives are not just a bag of wine and rice.

In other words, there is no wine bag and rice bag at the top of every powerful civilization.

If it is really mixed into the high-level position by a group of wine bags and rice bags.

Then that civilization can't be strong either.

The Chiyang Empire is an existence that has gone through many twists and turns, but can still rush to the top stellar civilization.

In addition to being lucky, he also has a lot to do with this group of people.

This is also what Shen Yi and other players lack.

They simply don't have the talent available.

On the one hand, there is the issue of trust. Everyone is separated by a galaxy, who knows what your special thoughts are.

On the one hand, it is also because no one is convinced at this stage.

Everyone is a player, and everyone has the opportunity to climb to the top. The comparison is everyone's European spirit!

Who wants to obey your orders!

Therefore, it can be said that it is very difficult for players to form a huge force similar to an empire.

Unless there is a very powerful person who makes all players feel desperate, such as Shen Yi.

Of course, Shen Yi, at least for now, doesn't have the spare time to do this kind of thing.

He is still living under the shadow of the arm-spinning civilization.

I am afraid that only after he truly becomes an arm-spinning civilization or even a higher civilization will he have the heart to care about these things.

Naturally, there is no such person as Shen Yi who has absolute prestige to take the lead.

Such forces naturally cannot be organized.

Although it can also be done by artificial intelligence.

However, although the efficiency of manual work is much higher than that of human beings, the ability to think actively is really poor.

No matter how smart they are than humans.

That is only an analysis and judgment based on sufficient data.

Not really a question of thinking.

This is the flaw of artificial intelligence and even mechanical civilization.

They may be stronger than intelligent life on every level.

But they can't have a wild imagination.

However, Emperor Chiyang did not intend to follow the advice of the ministers.

Instead, he vetoed: "No, we don't need to take such a risk!""

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes: "Let's go directly to communicate with Frost Demon Civilization, using the wreckage of the arm-spin-class battleship as an excuse!

As soon as his words came out, the entire hall was in an uproar.

All the ministers looked at Emperor Chiyang on the throne in shock.

Prime Minister Chiyang even shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible! This is absolutely the introduction of wolves into the room! If the other party knows this news, they will definitely destroy us at all costs! It is impossible to negotiate with us!"5

That's right, how could the strong negotiate terms with the weak peacefully.

Just like the third star system of their Chiyang Empire.

Once belonged to a top-level planetary civilization.

At that time, when the other party was discovered, the other party was after seeing their powerful fleet.

The first time he chose to surrender, he was willing to give up all the resources in the star system, and he only needed to keep the life planet.

However, the Chiyang Empire is an old-fashioned advanced stellar civilization.

Will you negotiate conditions with a mere top-level planetary civilization?

They directly launched a war of extermination, wiping out all life in the opponent's entire civilization.

Directly forcibly plundered the opponent's entire star system.

Today, the situation of the Chiyang Empire and the Frost Demon Civilization is obviously a replica of them and the planetary civilization of the third star system.

If the other party knew that they had the wreckage of the Armor-class battleship in their hands, would they still negotiate with them?

Wouldn't it be better to take them by yourself if you destroy them directly?

However, Emperor Chiyang sneered and shook his head: "If at this time, I tell them, there is another civilization that is no less than them, or even stronger than them, and it will force us to turn the arm around. The warships are handed over to them and seek their refuge?

All the old Chiyang officials present took a deep breath.

They have also been in this position for hundreds of years.

Absolutely a cunning and cunning character, he naturally understood the meaning of Emperor Chiyang in an instant.

If this is the case, then they may really be able to accomplish a feat of driving tigers and devouring wolves!

Frost Demon Civilization is naturally impossible to shelter them with kindness.

However, this news is definitely enough to make the other party vigilant, so that the other party dare not destroy them for a while.

After all, no one wants to face a civilization that is no less than himself, and may even be stronger than himself.

The Chiyang Empire would be left behind as a buffer zone.

On the one hand, it is used to test the strength of the opponent.

On the other hand, it also guarantees that there will be no direct conflict with the other party.

Therefore, although the Chiyang Empire will be in a very passive situation, it may even be used as a battlefield for the top stellar civilizations of the two parties in the future.

But this is also their chance!

They have already mastered the ability to manufacture the S-class (stellar-class) battleship Twilight-class Star Destroyer by analyzing the wreckage of the Armor-class battleship.

Because the technology comes from the arm-spin-class battleship.

Therefore, the capabilities of the Dusk-class Star Destroyer are excellent even in the S-class (stellar class).

As long as they have enough materials, they can build a large number of Dusk-class Star Destroyers...

And once they've done that, it's time for them to sound the horn of the counterattack.

At the time of exhaustion when the Frost Demon Civilization was at war with that unknown civilization.

They will be like divine soldiers descending from the sky, killing them all in one fell swoop and destroying both sides!

As for the resource issue...that's not hard to fix either.

After the Frost Demon Civilization determined the strength of the opponent's civilization.

Certainly don't want them to be wiped out too soon.

Therefore, sufficient resources will be given to support them for a long enough time.

Buy yourself time to study the wreckage of the Boom-class battleship.

And at this time, it was the time when the Chiyang Empire had obtained a fortune.

But that doesn't mean they really want to fight that unknown civilization.

They can completely close the Dyson sphere immediately after the arrival of the unknown civilization, and do their best to protect themselves from the battle.

As long as the frost demon civilization does not want the battlefield to appear on its own territory.

Then, it will definitely appear in the main star system of the Chiyang Empire, and choose to go to war with the opponent.

At this time, the frost demon civilization will inevitably fall into a fierce battle with that unknown civilization.

Once the two sides show weakness.

That's when they launch a full-scale counterattack!

"Your Majesty Shengming! In this way, these two civilizations will surely become our treasures!"

Prime Minister Chiyang said excitedly.

"Your Majesty is sure that the sword is not old! The means are still so powerful!""

"Your Majesty really made me feel as if I had seen it back then!"

"There is His Majesty in the Chiyang Empire, it is definitely a lucky star!"

The other ministers of Chiyang also followed suit and praised Wan.

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