Interstellar Survival: My Technological Creations Can Be Strengthened A Hundredfold

Chapter 70: The confidence of the Chiyang Empire to start trade again

However, at this moment Shen Yi's attention is no longer on the sixth star system.

His attention has been completely attracted by the simplified version of the apocalypse-class Dyson sphere.

Although it is said that the simplified version of the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere does not require as much resources as the full Dyson sphere.

However, the required resources will never be less.

【Apocalypse Dyson Sphere (Simplified Version)】

[Grade Rating: Grade C (Stellar)]

[Ability: A huge Dyson sphere can be built around the star, perfect use of stellar energy, 500 billion energy can be collected every day, at the same time, the radar can be amplified to the star system, and all energy fluctuations below B-level (stellar level) can be detected]

【Consumption: None】

[Production requirements: 300 billion units of iron, 150 billion units of copper, 80 billion units of psionic crystals, 21 billion units of any C-grade material, 18 billion units of any B-grade material, 9 billion units of any A-grade material, 5 billion units of any S grade Grade materials, 300 million units of D-grade (star-grade) materials, 50 million units of C-grade (star-grade) materials, 1 trillion points of energy]

To be honest, even a simplified version of the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere requires an astronomical amount of energy.

If it is used to produce Dawn-class magnetic rail battleships, it can produce at least more than a thousand ships.

However, at the moment, only a simplified version of the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere can be produced.

It is conceivable that the resources required are astonishing.

Of course, Shen Yi can also choose to build a more advanced apocalypse-level Dyson sphere.

But that is completely unnecessary, only the top-level apocalypse-level Dyson spheres can have active attack capabilities.

In addition, the improvement is basically the conversion of energy, or functions such as radar and range communication.

For other stellar civilizations, this function may be very important.

But for Shen Yi, it's a bit of a bummer.

After all, he is the only civilization he represents, and these functions are basically of little help to him.

Possibly the biggest help is that his orders can be conveyed in an instant.

However, for such a huge amount of resources, he can't come up with it for the time being.

We have to look at the resources for the subsequent recovery of the wreckage of the battleship before we can start.

Just then, an announcement suddenly flashed before his eyes.

[Congratulations to player Shen Yi, who successfully repelled the attack of thirteen fleets of stellar civilization, and the progress of the advanced world mission increased by 30%. Get 15% completion, and the reward will be issued after the stellar civilization has been completely defeated. (100% completion is normal, 101%~119% is good, 120%~149% is excellent, 150%~179% is perfect, 180%~199% is epic, 200%~200% is legendary) 】

"Huh? You got 45% progress in one go?"

There was a hint of surprise in Shen Yi's eyes.

But then, his mind came to a realization.

Judging from the information obtained before, the Chiyang Empire has only nineteen fleets in total.

Now, he has forcibly defeated the opponent's thirteen fleets, and at the same time eliminated more than nine of the opponent's fleets, still a large number of private armies of nobles.

This almost directly destroyed more than half of the fleet of the Chiyang Empire.

It's not surprising to have such a high rating.

It's a pity that if he could leave all the opponents at that time, even if it is just the basic completion rate, I am afraid it will reach 50%!

However, that kind of thing cannot be forced.

Unless he has an S-class (stellar-class) fleet of more than 500 ships.

Otherwise, there is simply no way to leave the other party behind.

But it is a pity, even if the S-class (stellar-class) battleship, he only needs to produce the B-class (stellar-class) battleship to obtain it.

But the resources that the scale needs to consume are not what he could meet before.

"When I completely occupy the sixth star system of the Chiyang Empire, the progress of the mission should continue to improve! 35

Shen Yi touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

However, this kind of thing is not so easy to accomplish for the time being.

If you want to occupy a star system, you don't have to kill all the enemies of a star system.

It is not difficult for him to kill a star system's enemies.

With nearly 7,000 A-class (star-class) warships, Shen Yi even has the strength to fight the Chiyang Empire.

An abandoned sixth star system, but no one can compete with him.

The difficulty is that if you want to occupy a star system, you must establish a Dyson sphere and arrange a certain defense force.

Now the star system on my side has not been occupied.

Shen Yi doesn't have the heart to go to the sixth star system to develop.

After he will completely digest his side, he will not consider the matter of the sixth star system.

However, at this moment all players are boiling.

Because, after a lapse of a month, Shen Yi's name actually appeared again in the form of an announcement...

"Damn it, what does this mean? What earth-shattering thing did my boss Shen Yi do?"

"The thirteen fleets that repelled the stellar civilization? This Nima can be called a fleet, it should be no less than 100?"

"Brother, that's a space battle. 100 ships can also be called a fleet? That's at least 1,000 ships to start! The thirteen fleets add up to 13,000 ships? This Nima is too perverted!"

"By the way, what is the top of the star level! Even the performance of the C-level robot is so abnormal! How exaggerated is the star level?"

"Ahem, according to the previous theoretical basis of the earth, the star-level at least has the ability to sink the 877 continent... And how strong is the fleet of a star-level civilization, I don't need to say more!"

"Hey...isn't this a bit too exaggerated? How strong is Shen Yi now! And since the group of white-eyed wolves appeared last time, Shen Yi has never appeared again, it's all to blame for that group. White-eyed wolves! If it weren't for them, we would definitely be stronger now than we are now!"

"That is, if it weren't for the distance between the galaxy now, I would definitely hammer them to death now! It's just a bunch of beasts!"

"I don't care if the big boss Shen Yi is too good. I beg the big boss Shen Yi to trade with us! We have not traded for a long time."

Many people are amazed that Shen Yi is awesome.

However, there are more people hoping that Shen Yi will calm down and continue to trade with them.

Even, this type of people is not in the minority, almost occupying more than 70% of the total number of players.

After all, there is no C-class robot provided by Shen Yi.

Even if they still trade with each other.

But it will definitely not be as frequent as before, and the amount is so huge.

After all, what the player has on hand is nothing good at all.

Even if there is a quantity, it will definitely not be too much, so that many resources cannot be circulated at all.

This undoubtedly makes the development speed of many players much slower.

Even after a month.

Only a small number of Ouhuang players with particularly unfortunate luck have upgraded the base to level three.

However, other facilities have not made any progress at all.

It is even more difficult to produce a C-class robot by yourself.

After all, the Type III war machine is only C-level.

And to the four, those working robots will reach the C rank.

It is conceivable how difficult it is to increase it.

Even Shen Yi put in a lot of effort to get the Type 3 war robot out.

And other players don't have the conditions like Shen Yi at all, and it is undoubtedly more difficult to get it out.

Moreover, what they desperately wanted was to get a more advanced robot from Shen Yi.

It doesn't need to be particularly high, just A or B grades are enough for them to use for a long time.

However, Shen Yi did not notice the player's appeal.

In other words, even if you really noticed it, you wouldn't absolutely not care too much.

Players don't really help him now.

It can only provide some basic materials.

But compared to the accumulation speed of fighting to support the war.

The speed of trading with players is probably slower than mining resources by himself.

Unless there are some star-level ores on the other planet.

That might even arouse his interest.

Of course, Shen Yi will not give up resources on the player's side, although these amounts may not be particularly large.

However, little is better than nothing, and it can also speed up some of his growth.

On the other side, the Chiyang Empire is located beside the natural wormhole between the fourth star system and the sixth star system.

It is a Chiyang Empire that has spent a lot of money and spent decades to build a huge space port.

In other words, it is a huge space city.

The area of ​​this space city is not even much smaller than the earth.

All kinds of powerful stellar weapons have been set up on this space city, eyeing everything that passes from the natural wormhole.

This is the foundation of an old-fashioned high-level stellar civilization.

Such a powerful space city, even an S-class (star-class) battleship, may not be easily shaken.

Even, there is a chance to repel the S-class (stellar-class) battleship.

Of course, wrecks are not realistic.

With A-class (stellar) weapons, it is difficult to shake the defenses of S-class (stellar) warships.

Unless the S-class (stellar-class) battleship is stupid and defends against this space city.

In the case of paying a huge price, there is a certain probability to win the S-class (star-class) battleship.

However, there was an uproar in the space city at this moment.

Because, a large, but a little embarrassed fleet is sailing out of the natural wormhole.

And the leader was the fleet led by Prince Chiyang.

However, this fleet can be called the top fleet even in the Chiyang Empire.

At this moment, even the queue is not well arranged.

The space city lord Gilson looked at the fleet that rushed back, and frowned slightly: "Hey, is the battle over there already over? It's just that the empire's fleet will be so messy?

As the lord of the space city who is in charge of the natural wormhole, Gilson's status is naturally not low.

Even if you look at the many nobles in the entire Chiyang Empire, you can rank in the forefront.

Therefore, he also got the news that the Chiyang Empire had discovered a powerful stellar civilization.

In his estimation, the battle between the two sides may take several months, or even several years.

It will definitely be a very long fight.

Just like the battle of the Chiyang Empire back then.

But why did the battle between the two sides end so quickly?

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the Chiyang Prince's Fleet, it seems that something is wrong!

Logically speaking, even the worst fleet of the empire should not have such a misalignment.

After all, in this high-speed cruise.

Once it deviates from its original position, it is likely to cause a very violent collision.

So much so that the fleet suffered huge losses.


Gilson didn't dare to think about it further.

That possibility is terrifying.

You know, the Chiyang Empire has sent out thirteen fleets!

Just as his mind was full of thoughts, a communication request suddenly came over, and the object was actually Prince Chiyang.

Gilson didn't dare to delay, he quickly connected the communication, and respectfully said: "See your Royal Highness!

However, Prince Chiyang did not mean to be polite at all, but said in a hurried tone: "City Lord Gilson, immediately put the space city on the highest alert, activate all weapons, except our fleet, all other signals will be blasted. kill!""

Prince Chiyang was full of anger at this moment.

Because, just before they were about to step into the natural wormhole of the fourth star system.

They got news, a group of monster-looking creatures.

It flew out of the newly emerged natural wormhole and rushed towards the nearest planet.

Then, began to madly slaughter all creatures on the planet.

The people of the Chiyang Empire had absolutely no power to fight back against these monsters whose level was as high as B-level (star level).

Those red beams of light like mist can easily destroy the genetic makeup.

Fundamentally annihilate living beings.

In less than half an hour, the planet was directly slaughtered by most of it.

The killing speed of this scale is more than terrifying.

Just fucking perverted!

Although they have done this kind of thing, and they have done it too.

But their killing speed is far from being so efficient.

More importantly, the other party seems to be a civilization where mechanical technology and biotechnology go hand in hand...

But, for a stellar civilization, it is already very powerful to evolve technology to the level of advanced stellar civilization.

At the same time, biotechnology has also been upgraded to an intermediate stellar civilization.

That can only be described with the word monster...

Are the resources and talents possessed by the other party so terrifying?

The high-efficiency teamfights of mechanical technology, coupled with the strange characteristics of biological technology.

I am afraid that in addition to using S-class (star-class) battleships, relying on technological advantages to directly crush the past, there is no possibility to compete.

At the same level, there are civilizations with two technological routes at the same time.

That is definitely an invincible existence at the same level.

"What? Would this order be too exaggerated? What if it was our people?"

Gilson was shocked.

The meaning of this command is too heavy.

That means that their fronts over there have completely collapsed, and such an order will appear.

"No matter who it is, the channel must be closed, and we cannot allow anyone to expose the intelligence on our side!

Prince Chiyang said in a deep voice: "Your identity is also high enough, I will not hide it from you, the opponent's strength is really terrifying, and now of our thirteen fleets, there are less than five fleets left... ."

Speaking of this, his face became a little grim: "If it weren't for the fact that the other party didn't use all his strength, I'm afraid we would all be left there!

He wasn't joking.

The opponent's biological beasts are not bad.

I am afraid that if those biological beasts with strange abilities are also dispatched.

Their losses may be even more tragic.

However, he didn't know what the other party was thinking.

Those biological war beasts were not put on the field.

Of course, he didn't know the reason why Shen Yi didn't let the biological beast on.

On the one hand, it is because the level of these biological beasts is too low.

On the other hand, these biological beasts cannot be recovered when they die.

This wave of Shen Yi came entirely to earn resources, not really to destroy the Chiyang Empire.

To deal with a mere high-level stellar civilization, Shen Yi was not in a hurry at all.

Even, even the top stellar civilization is nothing in his eyes.

Only those old top star-level civilizations will cause him some trouble.

If it weren't for digesting the star system that he had at the moment.

Shen Yi, a mere Chiyang Empire, could easily be destroyed.

Of course, the early stage is to find the opponent's position.

After all, the star system where the Chiyang Empire is located is passed through natural wormholes one by one.

The distance from star system to star system spans too much.

The distances are at least in light-years.

And one light-year is equal to a distance of 9.46 trillion kilometers...

Such a long distance is not something that a star can easily cross.

However, Prince Chiyang didn't know all of this.

In his mind, Shen Yi's purpose is to reduce the power of their Chiyang Empire, and then swallow the Chiyang Empire in one bite.

Although his guess was not wrong, Shen Yi did have an idea for the Chiyang Empire.

However, it was far less urgent than he thought.

On the contrary, taking steady steps is Shen Yi's consistent style.

However, sometimes his strength improved so quickly that he seemed to be reckless.

"Is that so..."

Gilson was greatly alarmed, and the news of Prince Chiyang made him feel a little unbelievable.

Their Chiyang Empire, actually had to face such a terrifying enemy?

Moreover, the abandoned sixth star system... has a population of seven or eight billion!

That astonishing number made him feel a little scared.

However, he also knew that what Prince Chiyang did was right.

At this moment, separated by a natural wormhole, the other party may not know the information on their side.

But if there are spies infiltrating, then the situation will be different.

Today, the strength of their Chiyang Empire is unprecedentedly weak.

If the other party really thinks about them.

Well, now is the best chance.

But if their information is not leaked, the other party does not know what their level is!

The other party may not dare to act rashly.

After all, their Chiyang Empire is also a veteran high-level stellar civilization.

Although the power under his control is no match for the top stellar civilization.

But it is definitely not an existence that can be easily grasped.

Moreover, according to the information of the Institute of Technology, the difficulty of the S-class (stellar-class) battleship seems to be almost overcome.

Once they have mastered the S-class (stellar class) ships.

Then, it may not be impossible to carry out a counter-offensive in the future and take down the lost territory!

It's just that the loss of seven or eight billion people is too terrifying...

"I understand, His Royal Highness! 35

Gilson's old face showed a hint of determination: "After the fleet has all passed, the old minister will never let anything cross the natural wormhole!

Prince Chiyang didn't say much, just nodded: "I will tell the fleet to stay here, I have to go back to the palace, and report the situation here to my father! The Chiyang Empire is about to usher in the biggest crisis!

Speaking of this, his heart couldn't help but worry.

Although the other party destroyed more than nine of their fleets, they still knew nothing about the other party.

This loss is really too great.

However, what can be determined with a high probability now is that the opponent does not have an S-class (stellar-class) battleship.

Otherwise, if the opponent will show the S-class (star-class) battleship early in the morning.

The other party may not have to pay such a huge price.

That's 3,000 A-class (star-class) battleships!

Even if the other party really doesn't feel bad about battleships, don't they feel bad about those elite soldiers who can control A-class (star-level) battleships!

Even if an A-class (star-class) warship only needs 1,000 soldiers, that's 3 million soldiers!

The other party really doesn't treat their warriors as human beings!

It's outrageous Nima!

Why don't such civilized soldiers directly mutiny?

The Prince Chiyang, who couldn't understand, hung up the communication directly, and took his own guard fleet, quickly flew towards the first star system where the palace was located.

As the birthplace of the Chiyang Empire, the first star system has now been forged like an iron barrel.

Not only has A-class (stellar) Dyson spheres.

Moreover, on the Dyson sphere, it is also equipped with an A-class (star-level) star destroyer without (ahdg) number.

This is the true heritage of the Chiyang Empire as a veteran high-level stellar civilization.

Even if it is a top star-level civilization, if they are not prepared to pay a huge price, they will never dare to attack it easily.

This place is already capable of threatening S-class (stellar-class) warships.

Although the gap in technology is huge, the gap is huge.

However, to a certain extent, quantitative changes can affect qualitative changes.

At this moment, this A-level (star-level) Dyson sphere, which has condensed the great efforts of the Chiyang Empire, obviously possesses such power.

At this moment, the Emperor Chiyang and all the ministers in the palace have all gathered in the hall, listening to the report given by Prince Chiyang.

The atmosphere in the hall was extremely solemn, when Prince Chiyang was reporting.

No one interrupted, but everyone frowned and remained silent.

In the past, there were many old officials who quarreled endlessly and even did not give face to Prince Chiyang.

Surprisingly, he didn't trouble Prince Chiyang at this moment.

It's not that their personalities have changed, it's just that they are currently facing a crisis of civilization extinction.

The so-called conflict of interests is no longer important.

If even civilization can't survive, what use can they be?

"That's all I want to say. Although there is a high probability that the other party is not a top-level stellar-level civilization, it is definitely not something that a high-level stellar-level civilization can deal with. 39

"Both of mechanical technology and biotechnology have reached their peaks, which is really difficult.

Prince Chiyang said with a sigh.

What he said was no joke, if those big-eyed monsters had entered the battlefield at that time.

Their casualties will become even more horrific.

However, the other party's losses will be very large.

"Well, your previous approach was good, very decisive, and you should really give up the sixth star system directly.

Emperor Chiyang, who was sitting on the throne, nodded and said.

The ministers present did not refute.

Although giving up the sixth star system, the sacrifice for them will be enormous.

The effect it can bring is also very obvious.

It will definitely take some time for the other party to annex the sixth star system.

And these times are enough for them to build a line of defense in the natural wormhole between the sixth star system and the fourth star system.

If there is no such line of defense, the other side's terrifying forces will be used.

Their losses will be immeasurable.

At that time, it was not a loss of a star system...

"Father, what should we do now?"

Prince Chiyang asked with a solemn expression.

"The whole country has entered a first-level wartime state, and it is fully producing A-class (star-class) warships. According to the information of the Institute of Technology, it will only take at most one month for S-class (star-class) warships to be developed. 99

"At that time, we will directly lead the troops to fight back. Even if the opponent is a top star civilization, I will make him pay a heavy price..."

Emperor Chiyang's tone was full of serenity.

The last time Chiyang Empire suffered such a huge loss was hundreds of years ago.

At that time, he was just Prince Chiyang.

It is precisely because of the final annihilation of the other side's star-level civilization.

Therefore, he became the new emperor of Chiyang Empire.

Now that the Chiyang Empire is in his hands, he will not let the other party be so arrogant.

The words of Emperor Chiyang made Prince Chiyang look a little excited.

S-class (stellar-class) battleship, it turns out that it will be developed so soon!

This is definitely great news for those who are facing a crisis now.

"Father, please let me return to the battlefield!

Prince Chiyang said immediately.

He didn't want to earn military merit or something.

He simply wants to avenge the soldiers who died before!

The battle situation at that time was really too embarrassing and too cruel.

He never thought that the other party's show of weakness was just a bait to lure them into the bait.

If it wasn't for this reason, the soldiers of the Chiyang Empire would never have sacrificed so much.


Emperor Chiyang nodded, and then he said: "You are tired too, go down and rest first.

Prince Chiyang did not refuse. In order to rush back all the way, he did not rest much.

At this moment, I really feel deeply tired.

"The minister has retired!

Prince Chiyang bowed, and then exited the hall.

After Prince Chiyang left the hall, a minister asked with some doubts: "Your Majesty, why didn't you tell His Royal Highness about that?

Emperor Chiyang shook his head, chuckled lightly, and his face was full of confidence: "The young eagle is always going to take off, and he still needs enough training. Today, the star level is no longer an obstacle for us!"

Not at all the sadness of the past.

Even the many ministers in the hall have lost their previous solemnity.

It was as if everything before was false.

In other words, everything that happened before was indeed disguised by them under the order of Emperor Chiyang.

In fact, the loss of the sixth star system is nothing to them at all.

The loss of a mere 70 to 80 billion people has not attracted their attention.

That's right, they didn't take the invasion of a suspected top stellar civilization into their eyes at all.

Because, just ten years ago, they accidentally discovered the wreckage of an arm-spin-class civilized warship...

Moreover, it doesn't seem to be the wreckage of an ordinary arm-spin-class civilized warship. I am afraid that among the arm-spin-class battleships, it already belongs to a good level.

Arm-spin-level civilization, that is the existence above the star level.

Even the wreckage of a battleship is enough to give them a great chance.

And their technological breakthrough for S-class (stellar-class) warships.

In fact, it was only because they made a small breakthrough in the analysis of the wreckage of this arm-spin-class battleship...

It is conceivable that if the wreckage of this Jixuan-class battleship is completely analyzed.

Their civilization must be able to step into the arm-spinning civilization smoothly.

And as a future arm-level civilization.

They despise a suspected top-level stellar civilization, which is naturally a very normal thing.

Even if the other party is more powerful in the high-level stellar class?

What if the other party is a top stellar civilization?

As long as they are given enough time, they are nothing but ants-like garbage!

So, they didn't take Shen Yi seriously at all.

"However, this civilization has done a bit too much.

"To dare to slaughter my people, after the successful development of the S-class (star-class) warships, they must be taught a hard lesson."5

A trace of murderous intent appeared in Emperor Chiyang's eyes.

Although he only regarded this incident as an experience for his son.

But that doesn't mean he's going to give up on it.

When the S-class (star-class) battleship is completed, he will let the other party know what cruelty is.

The Chiyang Empire has never had a precedent of suffering.

Those civilizations that once made the Chiyang Empire suffer, have all turned into dust of the universe and disappeared into history.

And this time, there will be absolutely no surprises.

He swears that even if the other party is a top stellar civilization, he will make the other party pay a huge price!

"That's natural! Those who bully the empire are just killing themselves! 99

"The day when the fleet is reorganized will be their annihilation!"

"Provoking my Chiyang Empire is definitely the wrong choice they made in this life..."

A group of ministers also followed suit.

No one in the hall was afraid of war.

This is the Chiyang Empire, an empire full of iron and blood and conquest.

But at this moment, Shen Yi was not what they thought.

How interested in the sixth star system.

To be honest, the planet where he is located is still very rich in resources.

Half a month, although not enough for Shen Yi to explore the entire star system.

However, it is still possible to explore most of the star system.

He has explored four planets in this star system.

Among them, in addition to the previous life planets, there are two planets with stellar-level materials.

Although it is only the most basic D-class stellar material and C-class stellar material.

However, on each planet, the reserves of these materials are around tens of billions of units, which is enough to develop for a long time.

And as for why there is no star-level material on the life planet underfoot.

Shen Yi also found it.

Because the radiation contained in these stellar-scale materials is simply too great.

If this material exists on a living planet.

Before long, the living planet will completely turn into a dead star.

At least, Shen Yi's current physique.

If it is exposed to these stellar-level materials, it will definitely not be able to withstand it for too long.

You must know that his physique is a thousand times that of a human being, and he is even comparable to many planetary B-level war beasts.

Even if you look at the entire universe, except for those same genetically modified warriors.

Basically, it can be considered powerful.

However, even he can't handle this radiation, let alone those planets where life has just been born...

If there is really any life can resist this level of radiation.

At least it has to be an S-rank creature, even in the planetary class, it is the existence that dominates.

But, this is basically unlikely.

No creature can be so outrageous at birth.

"However, should I also improve the player's level? Otherwise, they will be completely useless."

In the command room of the base, Shen Yi touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

To be honest, players are a very large force, and each of them has the opportunity to climb to the peak of civilization.

Moreover, the other party is basically equivalent to holding a star system.

Billions of players are equivalent to billions of star systems.

What a huge resource that is?

If you can get this kind of help, even for Shen Yi, the help is huge.

Therefore, Shen Yi never really gave up on the huge collective of players.

It's just that the player's improvement speed is indeed a bit slow now.

Should he speed up the development of the players and let them rise to the point where they can explore the stars as soon as possible?

Of course, it's not that he wants to support these players unconditionally.

On the contrary, he only needs to open the trade channel, which is enough to be of great help to the player.

Just like before, after just a few transactions, the first-line players have all stepped into the second-level survival base stage.

And those top players have a third-level survival base in one fell swoop.

The third-level survival base already has the strength to expand outward.

If it is only a planet of the level of the earth, the third-level survival base has even the ability to occupy a small country.

"Master, my suggestion is to completely open up the purchase rights of Type 1 robots and Type 2 robots. As for Type 3 robots, they can be sold through auctions to supply those top players, let them develop rapidly, and provide us with some help. .

After some analysis, Shen Ling gave a suggestion.

"Open Type 1 and Type 2 robots..."

Shen Yi touched his chin, which was fine.

After being strengthened, the first type of robot is at the level of D-level to C-level.

After being strengthened, the second-type robot has a level of C-level to B-level.

After the three-type robot is strengthened, the level is at the level of B-level to A-level. Such power is even enough to destroy the earth's civilization.

If those top players have that power.

It must be very easy to completely take down the planet under his feet.

Start to develop the resources of the planet under your feet on a large scale.

In this way, it is also better to buy the warships he launched later, and explore space to obtain resources.

The reason why he could not easily escape the shackles of the planet before.

Just because the planet under our feet is really too big, five times the size of the earth.

Therefore, the gravitational aspect is also completely different, and it is very difficult to get rid of the gravitational force of the planet.

But other people may not be like him.

As long as those people can come up with stellar-level resources, why would he sell the stellar-level battleship?

After all, for him today, battleships below A-level (star level) are basically no different from garbage.

There is no combat power at all.

Now that he wants to grow, the resources he needs are really terrifying.

Just like the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere that he has always coveted.

Copper and iron resources have directly reached the trillion specifications, even those star-level resources are worth millions and tens of millions.

Even S-class stellar-class materials would require a full 800,000.

Just relying on him for one star system, or even two or three, is far from enough.

If it is a normal top-level stellar civilization, I want to create an apocalypse-level Dyson sphere.

It may take them thousands of years to drain the resources of dozens of star systems to do it.

However, once it can be done.

Then the price paid is clearly worth it.

The Apocalypse Dyson Sphere is the ultimate weapon that can easily destroy planetary forces.

This, even the S-class (stellar-class) battleship is difficult to achieve.

In the face of this truly stellar strategic weapon.

Even S-class (stellar-class) ships will appear vulnerable.

The only regret is that this kind of power has no way to directly attack the enemy, basically it can only be used for passive defense.

However, this alone is enough to make countless top stellar civilizations flock to them.

Who doesn't want to have an absolutely safe site for the development of various top technologies.

And the apocalypse-level Dyson sphere, a super weapon, can meet their needs.

Once the fire is on.

Even a fleet of so-called S-class (star-class) battleships will be vulnerable to a single blow.

Therefore, Shen Yi is very interested in apocalyptic Dyson spheres...

"Then open up, and this matter will be handed over to you!

Shen Yi said softly.

He doesn't have the energy to deal with player transactions.

This kind of thing is boring and tasteless, and only Shen Ling, who is an artificial intelligence, will not mind at all.

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