In addition, Shen Yi also learned.

The Hexian Channel used to have 100,000 people, and the Arm Spin Channel used to have 10,000 people.

However, now there are only 90,000 people on the Hexian channel, and only 7,000 people on the arm-spin channel...

It is conceivable how cruel this game of technological soaring is.

Just under half an hour.

Nearly 10,000 people were eliminated within the river system where he was located.

Nearly ten to one elimination odds...

And it's only been ten minutes.

So, looking at all the six billion chosen players, how many have been eliminated?

Shen Yi only felt a chill go straight to the top of his head.

He crushed the pride that had risen from him.

In this game of soaring technology, human life is really worthless.

A little carelessness can lead to death.

Even if he has a golden finger now, he is not absolutely invincible.

At least, now he is not absolutely invincible.

Throughout the entire universe, there may be many civilizations that can easily crush him.

Even pre-Earth technology can do it...

"You have to walk every step of the way..."

Shen Yi clenched his fist secretly, keeping this sentence firmly in his heart.

Because, whenever he has one step missing.

They could all fall into a dead end.

After adjusting his mood, Shen Yi clicked on the arm rotation channel.

The news here is not very fast compared to the other two channels.

After all, the number of people is more than 7,000.

Moreover, everyone's speech also has a 15-second CD, so he can easily read it.

This also allows him to roughly understand the current situation of the players.

"Wuwuwu, who will save me, all the robots I sent have been torn to shreds, I have no energy now, who can lend me a little!"

"My current energy can only last for ten days, who can help me! I will give you ten million when I go back!"

"I am a great player, who can lend me 90 energy points! After I pass the early stage, I will definitely give it back a hundred times!"

"Mom, I want mom, woohoo!"

"Damn, do you know who I am! And this is a virtual online game with holographic technology! I don't want to play, let me go out! Otherwise, I want you to look good!"

"Upstairs, stop struggling, I can tell you very clearly, this is the reality."


In the arm-twisted chat column, it can be said that there are all kinds of living beings.

There are those who fail to gamble, those who draw pie with money to buy people, there are liars, there are children, there are those who cannot recognize the reality, and there are those who have accepted the status quo...

I have to say, it was really wonderful.

It made Shen Yi feel like he was watching a movie.

It's a pity that this time he is also part of the plot of the movie, one of these struggling survivors.

Of course, his situation is much better than the others.

At least, it is impossible for other people to directly use the C-level legion to open the way like him.

Shen Yi was also chatting and saw someone showing off the surroundings of their base.

The biggest threat around is some leopard-like creatures, which a combat robot can easily deal with.

Then, a large amount of copper and iron ore was discovered, and it was almost impossible to dig it out.

Shen Yi was a little jealous when he saw it.

However, he did not envy the other party.

After all, he is a man with a hundredfold strengthening system.

And if it weren't for the current dangerous environment, how could he get such a rich first pot of gold energy income.

"It doesn't seem that all players are miserable. There are also many players who started Tianhu, but they can consider trading some resources."

Shen Yi touched his chin and pondered.

He had no such plans at all.

After all, he felt that everyone should be miserable.

However, the European dogs in the mines at the beginning made him see business opportunities...

As for what to trade, it is naturally a type of combat robot or something.

He believes these things will definitely sell very well.

After all, even the Type 1 operation robot and Type 1 reconnaissance robot with the lowest rating under him today are all technological creations with a rating as high as D.

The strongest combat robot.

It is a top individual strategic weapon that is comparable to a small-yield tactical nuclear bomb.

Those players who are in a desperate situation will definitely go crazy and want to get such a powerful killer.

And these robots are for Shen Yi.

But it's just a bunch of cheap stuff that doesn't cost more than 25 energy points!

Just as much as you want.

Of course, Shen Yi didn't plan to sell at a low price because it's not easy for players now.

Not only will he not sell it cheap, but he will buy it very expensive!

At least for players at this stage, a very expensive price!

As for what means those players will use to collect enough money.

Then it's none of his business.

All he wants is results.

Instead of wasting time looking at the chat bar, Shen Yi directly clicked on the transaction bar.

The trade bar is somewhat similar to a consignment house in some games.

All kinds of things have been hung in here.

Special ores, strange plants, and some gold and silver jewelry or jewelry and the like.

Even more exaggerated, Shen Yi even saw Siwa and Neiku on it.

Although some consignors look really good.

But it was still the batch that made Shen Yi feel sick, and goosebumps arose.

No, no, no, no one really buys this stuff in such a perverted way, right?

Moreover, these things, without exception, are all expensive.

At least 15 o'clock energy start.

These early poor coin players, who can be so rich to buy such useless things.

At least, he, who is about to have more than 300,000 energy resources, does not feel that he has rich energy to do this kind of thing.

Not to mention just other ordinary players.

However, his idea was just emerging.

I saw that the original Siwa and Neiku of the trading house were missing several.

Shen Yi: "..."

Well, he still underestimated the determination of those monsters to seek death.

Spending 15 or 20 energy points to do this kind of thing is not waiting for death?

Thinking of getting comfortable before you die?

Shaking his head, Shen Yi didn't have any further thoughts.

No matter what others do, what he has to do now is to do his own thing well.

After groping for a while, he also probably understood the operation method of the trading house.

The operation method of the trading line is quite simple. Hang the items you want to sell, and then mark the price you want.

At the same time, energy can also be spent on advertising.

It can be said that this is very humane.

As long as you spend 100 energy points, you can send an advertisement on the arm spin channel.

Spend 200 energy points, you can send an advertisement on the river channel.

Spend 500 energy, and you can advertise directly in front of all channels and billions of players.

Of course, this feature is definitely something that current players never dare to think about.

Even those European dogs who started hustling.

Never dare to think about such a thing.

However, for Shen Yi, this is an excellent opportunity to cut leeks!

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