Interstellar Energy Tycoon

Chapter 270 Break the situation with force


Wang Changlin and others opened the box, turned on the super-god armed mecha, and then finished wearing it.

Buzz buzz~

The engine starts.

Bang bang bang bang~

Then he launched an attack, and in a short period of time, he destroyed the surrounding armed robots, as if he were destroying everything, and it was done very easily.

Then, following the navigation provided by the intelligent control system, he went straight to the luxurious villa area where the bosses lived.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of all the bosses, and they immediately felt extremely angry:

"Okay, you guys really have evil intentions and come here with a conspiracy. On the surface, you want to cooperate with us. The actual purpose is to plunder our resources and destroy our peaceful life."

"You guys don't accept imprisonment and reform honestly, but you actually want to resist with force. You are so audacious. The Planetary Defense Force is dispatched to kill these bad guys who want to harm our interests!"

"If you choose to surrender and stop resisting, you will only be imprisoned for a while at most. If you behave well, you may be released. But I didn't expect you bastards to show your fox tail and expose your conspiracy. I can only capture you all." Or kill them because you have committed an unforgivable heinous crime!"

"Our decision was very correct. If we had listened to them before, we would have lost everything now and suffered a lot of losses. Fortunately, their true colors have been exposed, and we don't have to have any psychological burden. , just destroy these criminals and swindlers from the home planet."

"This immigrant planet was developed with our hard work. Even the construction cost of the spacecraft and various investments were made by ourselves. The home planet only provided some technical information and some genetic cells. We mainly rely on our own self-reliance. Although the mother planet also has things to be grateful for, it is not to the extent that we can dedicate our core interests. Moreover, we are more than ten light years away and want to establish a relatively unified civilization structure. This is It's not very realistic, and we don't welcome the hand of control extended by the mother planet. As for the people sent by the Star Source Group, they have all been killed. What can they do to us? After all, it is just a company. What do you think? Can’t you cover the sky with just one hand?”

"That's right, kill these criminals and liars, give the Star Source Group some eye drops, and don't try to trick us in the future, otherwise we will only suffer heavy losses. On the Immigration Star, we are the boss, Star Source The group is nothing!"

All the bosses said one after another.

And in space.

The Planetary Defense Force, which had an absolute advantage in terms of numbers and equipment, all mobilized and launched a fierce attack on the five super-god mechas.

Suddenly, missiles were flying randomly and lasers were shooting, like an airtight network, covering the five mechas. No matter how maneuverable they were, they could not successfully evade them, and they were about to be wiped out.

But after a bang bang bang collision.

Wait until the view becomes clear.

There seemed to be no trace of damage on the surface of the five super-god mechas. They were all as shiny as new, and their maneuverability was not affected. They were still heading towards the luxury villa area where the bosses lived, and at a very fast speed. The defense team behind them, It's hard to catch up even if you try to catch up.

Saw such a scene.

The bosses were very surprised at first, and immediately realized why this situation occurred.

Strong material.

These mechas are actually super mechas made of powerful materials. Their defense is invincible and cannot be stopped even by nuclear bombs.

Look at the ghostly and terrifying speed. Even if it is more than twenty times the speed of sound, it still has extremely strong maneuverability. It is expected that in ten minutes, it will arrive near the villa area where they live and will be in front of them. , and this is a live broadcast for all immigrants. If they immediately turn around and run away in embarrassment, they will definitely lose face and lose their reputation, which proves their guilty conscience. But if they don't choose to run away, they will wait until these mechas come to them. In front of him, if he wanted to take their lives, it would be completely ruined. They were not mentally prepared to lose their lives at all. They all wanted to enjoy it for decades and hundreds of years.


Turn around and run.

Immediately, a few bosses fled in panic out of fear of death, which caused an uproar among many immigrants. They felt that these bosses were too cowardly, too shameful, and had no courage. They were nothing like that. The previous glorious image of a good boss suddenly fell from the altar.

The other bosses who did not choose to escape were not because they did not want to run, but because they were too late. Wang Changlin and others were moving faster and faster, even exceeding thirty times the speed of sound. They were like balls of high-speed fireballs and ran to several buildings. In front of the luxury villa, a large number of houses were destroyed and after decelerating, the target person was quickly locked through the life detection and identification device. After a few steps, he reached the boss's side, stretched out the mechanical arm, and grabbed the person. , controlled it in his hand, and squeezed it a little harder, the other party screamed, and then desperately begged for mercy.

"Wrong, I was wrong. I should not have rejected your cooperation application. I agree now. I am willing to cooperate with you and help complete the projects you mentioned."

"Misunderstanding, this is completely a misunderstanding. I personally support the cooperation between the two parties, but some shareholders are too selfish and only think about their own interests and do not want to be restricted in the slightest. They are short-sighted people. Now I feel It is very necessary for everyone to establish contact and cooperation. Working behind closed doors is a dead end. We should insist on opening up and not just focus on small interests without looking at the big interests in the future."

"I also think it is a big misunderstanding. We should cooperate and discuss it carefully. We did not have a good attitude before and had too many personal concerns, but now I have figured it out. It is futile to resist integrating with the mother planet. Our Don't be too short-sighted. You guys, let us go. This time I have really figured it out. I am willing to cooperate with you and Xingyuan Group. Don't hurt me. You can put forward some conditions now, beauty. I have wealth, I have rights, and I can give you some, as long as you don’t harm my life, I can make concessions.”

"It hurts, don't kill, don't kill. I didn't expect that Xingyuan Group has such powerful mecha equipment. If you had shown your strength earlier, there would not have been such a big misunderstanding. Let's continue talking. Cooperate, you will not be rejected this time, we can nod to cooperate, we can discuss carefully, and we must not be impulsive!"

beg for mercy.

The several bosses who were controlled became extremely weak. After their lives were threatened, they all surrendered and begged for mercy, saying that they would agree to any conditions. This caused an uproar among many immigrants, and their jaws dropped in surprise. All have been subverted.

Afraid of death, these bosses are so cowardly. Although everyone is afraid of death, there are really not many who are so afraid. They immediately made compromises and sacrificed the interests of the immigrant stars. It is simply shameful. The other dozen or so bosses who escaped also yelled and cursed, saying that the few guys who were controlled were all cowards and bastards who actually wanted to sell out everyone's interests. These guys should die directly and were not worthy of representing the interests of immigrants at all. Therefore, their shares have been automatically invalidated and they can no longer represent everyone. They also issued an order for the armed robots to continue attacking. They completely ignored the life and death of these hostages and even hoped that they would be killed. In this way, the originally relatively dispersed shares could be transformed With greater concentration, the efficiency of decision-making can be greatly improved, which is actually a good thing.

Bang bang bang~

A large number of armed robots continued to fire, completely disregarding the life and death of the hostages, and even deliberately wanted to silence them.

Faced with this dilemma.

Wang Changlin and others resisted while protecting the safety of several hostages and doing their best to prevent them from being harmed.

Bang bang bang!

Boom boom boom!

The fierce battle lasted for a long time.

Although during the battle, Wang Changlin and the others felt a little bit unable to let go. Many places were restricted. Later, they simply threw out a few bosses and allowed them to be beaten into a ball of flesh and blood. Then they continued to look for new bosses, even if they were They dug 3,000 feet into the ground and chased them like crazy. Soon they caught the second batch. They immediately compromised, but they still couldn't protect them. They could only continue to chase and catch them, and finally caught the third batch. , at this time, the number of core bosses and shareholders, who originally numbered 28 people, was reduced by half, leaving only 14 people. Then they finally got scared and did not dare to continue the confrontation. They had to announce that they had given up their weapons. No matter how good the two sides were, Let’s talk, it’s by no means non-negotiable.

Wang Changlin nodded in agreement. After fighting for several days, the energy of the super-god mecha was almost exhausted. He had to go to the star first, took a bath and soaked in the surface with a temperature of nearly 10,000 degrees, and replenished a lot of it. energy, and then controlled the super-god mecha, returned to the vicinity of the Emerald Star, and began the third round of negotiations.

This time.

Out of fear of death.

Seeing that these special mecha equipment had such strong combat effectiveness, the remaining bosses lost the courage to fight. Therefore, even if public opinion was very opposed, they could only show a smile and said that they could discuss it carefully. , cooperation can be achieved, but it is better to value peace, and confrontation is the next best option.

See these bosses finally change their minds.

"Humph, I won't shed tears until I see the coffin. Only now do I know that I have to talk properly. Weren't we very good at it before? Why don't we continue to be tough now? It seems that they are more afraid of death than the interests in their hands. ." One of the team members snorted coldly.

"If I had known this, why bother? If we had cooperated obediently, how could we have been so embarrassed? We all came with sincerity and discussed it again and again. However, these bosses are all short-sighted and blinded by the power. We can only use Force teaches them how to behave."

"Although we have captured most of the bosses, the public's opposition is relatively fierce, and those bosses are still quite popular. This has made our work more difficult. I wonder if someone will cause sabotage, which has increased a lot. Variables, hey, those bosses really deserve to die, they just can’t understand people, they just want to force us to put the knife to their necks.”

"The next step is to take it one step at a time. No matter what, we must complete the task, otherwise we won't even be able to return home. If we are not careful, we may die here."

"That's right, we must be more careful and strive to complete the mission and return to the home planet."

So after successfully controlling those bosses and shareholders.

Wang Changlin and other five people have a status like an emperor within this immigrant planet.

Find a way to obtain relatively high management rights.

Then a large number of robot labor forces were mobilized to mine minerals, build space factories, produce a large amount of materials and equipment, and then deploy a large number of light energy collection converters about 10 million kilometers away from the star, and deploy them at a distance of about 10 million kilometers. Far behind, a thick main energy channel was established, which accommodated a massive amount of light energy.


A large number of mining spacecraft have also been dispatched to search for "star core crystal" materials, and even drilled into the cores of some planets to search for such materials. Fortunately, the "star core crystal" reserves on the immigrant planet are greater than those in the solar system. It was much richer. It took less than three years to collect hundreds of cubic meters, which was enough to build a large 'star gate' and then return to the home star.

Wang Changlin and others were suddenly extremely motivated.

The construction of the Stargate was also very rapid.

Including the space energy facilities next to it, the energy and power it can provide have also rapidly increased to one hundred billion kilowatts and two hundred billion kilowatts. As long as it reaches the trillions of kilowatts, the conditions for driving the star gate can be met and a giant one can be opened. Wormholes enable the ability to travel across tens of light years in an instant.

The day of success is already around the corner.


As the transfer day gets closer.

Wang Changlin and the others could feel that a stormy atmosphere was enveloping them. The people here were secretly planning large-scale actions that might prevent the plan from succeeding.

Although by controlling those bosses, we can barely monitor the situation within the entire civil society, these bosses have secretly delegated some authority, allowing the people to increase their freedom of movement and engage in mineral mining, factory construction, and technology research and development. Wang Changlin was so angry that he wanted to kill all the bosses of these chicken thieves, but he couldn't really kill them, so he could only lock them up more tightly.

Wang Changlin also knows that once the resistance breaks out, it will definitely bring considerable destructive power. Even if the super-god mecha cannot be destroyed, it is likely to destroy the space energy facilities, which are closely protected. The stargate device is up.

what to do?

Wang Changlin had no choice but to turn on the National Radio, do some persuasion work for the people, and brainwash them, hoping that they would not be impulsive:

"Citizens, our Stargate project is not to oppress and harm you, but to strengthen the connection with the home planet and promote the common interests of both parties. You must not be confused and do wrong things. Your interests and freedom , in fact, it will not be affected in any way, and you can also get more advanced life-extending medical technology, and see a better future. There are only advantages and no disadvantages. Don’t be impulsive. The moment the star gate opens, that’s when the opportunity comes, which means As human civilization will usher in greater glory, you will definitely benefit from it, and there is no need to resist."

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