Chapter 69: The Death of Tuan Zang, Ri Four Elephant Seal!


At this time, above the base of the root.

The two sides faced each other, and the atmosphere seemed a little dignified.

However, I am afraid that only the ape flying sun chopped the group.

The impression that Bai Ran brought to Konoha was too deep!

Especially the invincible posture!

On the other hand, Bai Ran's side was indifferent.

Kagura walked more freely towards Danzo's position.

The sound of footsteps was particularly loud in the silent forest.

Step by step, it was like stepping heavily on the heart of Tuan Zang.

Makes his heart clench.

When did he suffer such grievances in Konoha?!

You know, he is Shimura Danzo in Konoha, under one person, above ten thousand people!

Danzo stared at Kagura with grim eyes, and the bleeding wounds on his body kept stinging his nerves.

The body suddenly raised a cold momentum, and Chakra surging.

Kagura was surprised, "Do you actually want to resist?" "

Seeing this scene, Kagura was wary.

Although the energy in the bodies of the native people of this world is far inferior to the demon power.

Some of the abilities she could master were a bit tricky.

If you are not careful, there is a great risk that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

Therefore, it is worth her to be so careful!

But the next moment, Tuan Zang's reaction left her speechless.

I saw the majestic Tuan Zang's voice cold, and suddenly spoke: "Ape Fei, are you ready to watch me die?" "

Seeing this, Kagura couldn't help but be startled.

The momentum is so full, it is actually just for help?

Speechless in her heart, she thought that this Tuan Zang was going to put some big move.

Even the dark part that rushed over with the ape flying sun was a little speechless.

Kagura may not know Danzo's identity.

But the people of Konoha know something about Danzo.

The Darkness of Konoha, the leader of the roots, and the identity of the Hokage's advisor, and even the same division as the three generations of Hokage-sama.

They are all the right-hand disciples of the second-generation Hokage Senjutsu!

All kinds of identities show their dignity.

In terms of power, I am afraid that it is only a little smaller than the ape flying sun who is a third-generation Hokage.

Even Mito Menyan, who is also Hokage's advisor, and the two elders of Koharu, who are not as good.

Moreover, there are rumors that when the second generation Hokage was appointed as the next Hokage, he hesitated for a long time on the third generation of adults and the elder of the group.

But is it such a figure who almost became a Hokage, releasing the surging momentum, actually just to ask for help?

This contrast makes them feel strange.

Of course, they didn't know that the rumor in the market was spread by Tuan Zang.

When Hokage was appointed, his teacher, Senjukuma, did not hesitate to give the position of Hokage to the guy Sarutobi Hinata.

This made Tuan Zang how willing he was, so he let people spread these rumors.

In order not to make him look much worse than the ape flying sun in the hearts of the people of Konoha.

If it was usual, Tuan Zang would not allow himself to show this posture in front of others.

This will greatly affect the impression of Konoha ninja on him, and it will definitely have an impact on his candidacy for Hokage at that time.

But now in the face of death, he can't care about face.

People are dead, what dreams are you talking about?

For Tuan Zang's face, Bai Ran was not surprised at all.

After all, Tuan Zang's faceless character has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Ape Fei Richo heard Tuan Zang's words, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

He also wanted to go to the rescue of Danzo, but he sighed in his heart after seeing Tsunade who was staring at him deadly.

Although he is Tsunade's teacher, it is not so easy to break through Tsunade's defenses.

So he said to the dark ninja beside him: "Eagle, you go to rescue Danzo, I'm fine." "

When the dark ninja known as the eagle heard this, he hesitated, but still said, "Yes, Naruto-sama!" "

The words fell, and then he beckoned the three dark ninjas behind him to support Danzo.

To be honest, they heard Tsunade-sama talking to the three generations of Hokage, and they almost knew something.

He actually designed to frame his compatriots in Konoha, and he is still the last male member of the Senju clan!

The entire Konoha was created by the original Hokage Senjukuma-sama.

Moreover, the first two Hokage were both of the Senju clan, and even the current Hokage-sama is also a disciple of the second Hokage-sama.

Even Tuan Zang himself is also a disciple of the second generation Hokage.

For the last bloodline of the Thousand Hands Clan, shouldn't it be well protected?

But Tuan Zang did such a disgusting thing.

Plus those rumors these days.

As a dark part, they have always looked at things with this objective eye.

What Tuanzo did, maybe the matter of the Nine Tails was really his mastermind behind the scenes.

In this regard, they are even more == naturally have no good impression of Tuanzang.

But after all, it was Naruto-sama who gave the order, and they had to do it.

Four dark ninjas passed by Tsunade.

Tsunade didn't care about them.

Because in Tsunade's eyes, these dark ninjas are not able to pose the slightest threat to Kagura.

So she just needs to focus on the confrontation with the ape flying sun.

And that's exactly what happened.

The four dark ninjas had just approached Kagura when they were already detected by Kagura.

Gently wave the folding fan in your hand.

Several dragon-snake-like tornadoes flew towards several people.

In the stunned eyes of the dark ninja, the dance of the dragon snake quickly condensed into a net-like defensive net.

No matter how they attack, they cannot be shaken in the slightest.

Even these tornadoes will launch fierce attacks from time to time, causing them to rush to parry.

Ape Flying Sun saw this scene and was surprised.

"Muji Ninjutsu??"

When, did Muji Ninjutsu suck so badly?

Not only Bai Ran's technique, but even his subordinates were also able to release such a powerful technique without sealing!

This situation made Ape Fei Sun's heart sink.

You know, even the second-generation Hokage, who created an unknown number of forbidden arts, has not studied the so-called Muji ninjutsu, which shows the rarity and preciousness of Muji ninjutsu.

More importantly, in the entire ninja world, those who can study Muji ninjutsu are geniuses among geniuses.

Even if it can be studied, it is full of irreproducible coincidences.

On this Bai Ran's body, Ape Flying Sun Slash saw no less than several kinds of Muji ninjutsu.

Now the subordinates who suddenly appeared actually mastered the Sealless Ninjutsu!

"Behind this Bai Ran, there may be a terrifying force standing!"

His eyes flashed, guessing in his heart.

Subordinates who suddenly appeared, three unknown special knives, and all kinds of unknown Muji ninjutsu!

Ape Flying Sun Chopper never believes that this is a person who can make it!

Even he felt that Tsunade must have been brainwashed by them.

Otherwise, why would Tsunade stand in opposition to Konoha?

If Tsunade knew what was in Sarutobi's mind, he would have laughed.

She was not standing opposite Konoha, but opposite his three generations of Hokage, and a kind of decaying Konoha high-rise!

"Are you sure you're going to do it so well, Tsunade."

Ape Flying Sun said in a deep voice.

Tsunade let out a 'huh' and said, "If you want to save Danzo, then kill me first!" "

When Ape Fei Ri heard this, he was silent for a moment.

His eyelids drooped, "So..."

The next moment, there was no warning.

Ape Flying Sun's hands flashed several afterimages.


Around him, two dragons rose violently.

One was covered in mud and had the momentum of the earth, and the other was surrounded by flames, breathing with flames in his breath.

Tudun Earth Dragon Bomb!

Fire Dragon Bomb!

But that's not the end of it.

The ape flying sun chop was sealed again.

The next moment, the two dragons instantly merged.

"Compound Ninja Fa Earth Dragon Yanliu!"

A shot is both a killing move!

Not the slightest bit of a hand!

Like a shooting star, countless flaming earth dragon bullets fell towards Tsunade.

Seeing this, Tsunade took a deep breath.

In the face of such an offensive, Tsunade was not worried, but his mood was a little complicated.

This is her good teacher...

For the disciples, there was not the slightest mercy from his subordinates.

At the same time, there is something strange in the heart.

Is it so important that the regiment hides in the heart of the ape flying sun?

She couldn't figure it out, but she didn't need to understand it anymore.

This rotten Konoha, it's time to put things in order!

What they lost in a thousand hands, they will get back now!!

The next moment, Tsunade's eyes froze, and Chakra instantly wrapped around the soles of his feet and stepped heavily!


A thick wall of earth instantly rose and blocked in front of Tsunade.

Endless flame earth dragon bullets slammed on it.

But Tsunade did not let his guard down, and the Earth Dragon Flame Stream unleashed by the ape flying sun slash was extremely penetrating.

The earthen wall alone cannot be stopped.

But taking advantage of this gap, Tsunade directly withdrew from its attack range.

As soon as Tsunade withdrew, countless flame earth dragon bullets directly pierced through the earth wall and slammed into the ground, and suddenly smoke and dust were everywhere!

And Sarutobi saw this, and did not face Tsunade again, but moved and ran towards Tuanzo.

He has not forgotten his true purpose.

But as if guessing his intentions, the sound of breaking the air instantly sounded in his ears!


A kick full of terrifying strange power kicked straight towards the ape flying sun!

For a while, the two reached a stalemate again.

On the other side, seeing that several dark parts were slightly tricked by Kagura, they couldn't advance a bit, and Danzo snorted coldly, "Waste!" "

Of course, he didn't think that these people could help him much.

Even the entire ninja of the root could not block this woman's attack, let alone the dark part that he couldn't see?

He looked at Sarutobi who was entangled in Tsunade's hand again, and took a deep breath in his heart.

This time, I'm afraid it's less fierce...

Just as he sighed, several wind blades suddenly slashed towards him.

Tuan Zang's face changed, and he hurriedly rolled a donkey to dodge.

He looked at the ground where the wind blade was left behind, and his face became gloomy.

When the ape flew over, he was afraid that there was only a cold corpse left.

And at this moment, there seemed to be a breeze flashing behind him.

The next moment, Kagura's voice sounded behind him, "Let me help you dance the last dance of your life." "

As soon as the words fell, the dance of the dragon and snake swept through Tuanzang.

Tuan Zang only felt a chill behind him, and just wanted to dodge away, but he felt that his body suddenly softened, and he couldn't help but stagger a step.

In an instant, the whole person was shrouded in the dance of the dragon and snake.


A mouthful of blood spit out, and the next moment, the tornado went directly through his heart!

Pain swept through the body, and consciousness gradually blurred.

He knew he was going to die.

But he was unwilling!

He hasn't become Hokage yet!! How can you die like this!!

"In that case..."

In the tornado, Tuan Tiang's tone was weak.

Kagura looked at him in surprise.

The next moment, I saw that the wounds on Tuan Zang's body were all torn, and blood gushed instantly!

But strangely, the color of the blood is black.

On it, there are even densely packed spell marks.

In just a moment, the black blood instantly wrapped the group and formed a ball.

Like the frequency of breathing, it expands rapidly!

"Then let's die together!! Seal of the Four Elephants!! "

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