Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 31: Sudden death

The 46th hour.

"Ah!" A screaming screaming through the silent night.

"Run! It's a hunter!"

With this cry, several figures on a street flew up and fled around.

The sound of the gunshots sounded like the morning sun's motor breaking the mist of the night, and the fire flashed in the darkness, when it was dark.

A few quick figures are moving through the road, resembling ghosts, and quickly killing every target that can be killed.

Two mutants rushed through the long passage, just to let out a sigh of relief, and suddenly heard the sound of the top of the head.

A huge figure was pressed down. The next moment, a thick arm of a big man had already plunged into one of his chests, and he had a **** heart when he pulled out.

The mutant man shook a few times and fell down.

Another mutant was so scared that he was going to be trapped in the beast. The big man looked at him, but he left himself.

How is this going? The mutant can't figure out what happened.

In the dark night, fierce hunting is playing a bleeding slap, but there are always some mutants who have come out in this **** killing because they don't know it.

These come and go like the wind, the action is fierce, and the fierce hunters are like tigers hunting on the grassland. After staring at a target, they will not look at other people.

The mutants who survived fortunately did not dare to stay, and they left the night.

They did not know that, not far from the street, two people were always staring at the battlefield, gazing through the night, and commanding them to reach every combat unit.

"King Kong, 12 meters to the left, three mutants. Only kill the black man, and the other two don't kill."


"Vina, the person who brought you to the 45th of this street, there are two mutants, remember, there is a woman, don't move her."

"Understand... all the adventurers are looking for mutants in the world, even if a child is not willing to let go, but we are picking up the fat, playing the punishment and promoting good." Weina is full of emotion in the walkie-talkie Reply.

Another sound was inserted in time, it was gentle, and the sound of the bell-like sound rang loudly: "Don't care, this is our style."

Lake also came together: "You gave me a feeling of leisure rather than competition."

King Kong’s voice sounded: “I said this yesterday morning.”

Then there was another burst of gunfire and killing.

After a while, there was a big bang in the walkie-talkie: "Is there any more? It’s not enough to kill them one by one."

"There are two more places, everyone is working hard, and strive to finish before dawn!" Shen Wei put down the far-infrared telescope and sat back in the car.

By his side, the little boys Jerry and Nedine.

Nedine is a whispered person. Since he was looted, it seems that no matter what happens, he can't make his emotions fluctuate. He just looked at it all coldly, watching the adventurers hunted the mutants, watching Shen Wei and the little boy Jerry do the deal, and the handsome face never even showed a trace.

There is no doubt that this is a very interesting and weird combination.

Four hours later, the time went to 8 am on the third day.

From noon yesterday to the present, time has passed twenty hours.

Jerillasio has taken them to find a number of small-scale mutant settlements.

Everyone's grades have risen steadily.

There is no such thing as a big break in the end, and the surprise of a large-scale killing of the killings, and it shows a steady growth at a higher speed.

It's hard to say which way is better, but for the already-sinking squad, staying steadily under the prevailing position is undoubtedly the best option – people who want stability are usually the vested in the interests.

Four people, such as Tovina, rose sharply to kill the blessings. The West District finally got out of the fourth place and entered the third place. Unsurprisingly, the Southern District fell to the end, but the gap was small.

The West is a European and American region, but Americans do not occupy a majority of the population. In fact, 25 people in the entire Western District, except for Wei Na and other four, are members of European countries. Although they are far more familiar with the United States than other places, they are not their own land, so they are no more advantageous than other adventurers in terms of environmental familiarity.

From this point of view, Shen Yu said nothing at all. The national geographical concept is still deep in mind and body even in a **** city, and the consequence is that it is impossible to accurately match the combination. If the four people of Weina are taken apart and entered the other teams in the Western District, the efficiency will definitely increase. However, it is precisely because the countries in the Western Region have the same situation of disagreement and disagreement, the result is that the Western District has wasted its own advantages. And Wei Na and others were unlucky to eat in the first two days, and they all hit the wall in the hands of the Eastern District. Until now, they finally came back. This is still the opportunity for them.

There were two screams in the distance.

It was issued by the last mutant.

This is the last variant of Jerry's offering.

The adventurers who finished the hunt began to return.

Hong Lang was the first to come back.

He jumped on the land tiger and said in a Chinese language: "I don't quite understand something."

"What?" Shen asked.

"Why do you still want to keep those American cockroaches? The three left in the Eastern District will remain. Anyway, the ranking will not affect us, so I will help as much as possible. The four Western Districts, you originally wanted to use They help us find people, but now with this little guy, the help they can provide is very limited. Why not drive them away?"

Shen Wei looked at Honglang with a strange look: "You think they are useless, so I want to chase them away?"

"Is it wrong?" Honglang strangely asked: "This is a real world. We don't have to give the killing value to others."

"First, I am not used to talking. It is a matter of deception. It is another matter to tear up the promise. Second, what is the use of so many killings?"

When Hong Lang was stunned, Shen Yu had already slapped his head on his head and smiled: "Stupid, the killing value itself has no meaning, because the contrast has meaning. In this mission, the only real meaning. Is the ranking. As long as our ranking is first, do you manage us as a thousand or a hundred kills?"

Hong Lang touched his head with some confusion, thinking for a while to understand. However, he is still somewhat dissatisfied: "But without them, we can get more, this first position can sit more stable. Don't forget that there is still one day behind."

"Do you know what is the most unstable thing in the world?"


"It's the first!" Shen Yan answered very seriously: "How much killing value makes you believe that we can be steady first? One thousand? Ten thousand? Or more? Because of the senseless greed to tear up the agreement, you know that What are the consequences? You think about it again. If we don't help Weina, then the West End will continue to fall to the end, will they be mad? Don't forget that they know our bottom line. Then you say they What will happen? Will the dog jump over the wall? If they tell people everywhere that we have Jerilacio and Nedinier, what should we do? Kill them? If they are desperate, they may lose, but they want It’s not necessarily difficult to kill one or two of us, like Jerry and Neddy. Are you sure you can protect these two people when facing four crazy tigers?"

Hong Lang was stunned.

Shen Yu continued: "In turn, we are always in the first position, and then give extra parts that are not useful to us. What do they think? They also know that they are now mixing with us. We are guaranteeing that they will not be obliterated. They must be grateful and obedient to us. If there is any unexpected battle, as long as it does not involve the entire West End life and death, even if it is against some adventurers in the West, they are very It is possible to stand on our side. That is to say, we have a lot of useful people to fight for us to ensure that we are safe in the next mission time, even with people in their own districts. Maybe. What is wrong with growing up without affecting our own interests?"

Honglang’s mind did not turn around for a moment, and it took a while to understand the meaning of Shen Yu’s words.

He grabbed his scalp and muttered: "Mom, it's too complicated."

"In any case, you listen to him is right." Two people in the distance came out of the darkness, it was King Kong and gentle.

Not far behind them, they followed the fat man.

Shen Yu’s wrist looked at the time on the **** coat of arms, and casually said: “The sky is bright, and the action is here for the time being. Everyone goes back to sleep.”

"Sleeping again?" Hong Lang shouted.

"I have been killed for a day and a night, you are not tired, I am still tired." Shen Yu answered.

"But I am excited now. We are no longer ordinary people. I promise that I can stick to the end of the day after tomorrow." Hong Lang screamed.

"But I need a rest here." Shen Yan pointed to his head: "I hope it will stay awake. Rest for four hours, then start work. There is Zhang Yichi, understand?"

Hong Lang and King Kong looked at each other and shrugged.


Back to the Imperial Holiday Inn, the two rooms that were originally vacant for the sake of the eyes and ears are now owned by An Wen and Weina.

Since it was already in the morning when I came back, I felt that everyone had been sleeping until noon.

During the period, the waiter came once and gave breakfast once, but the breakfast in the three rooms added up to six people.

Half of them let the fat one eat, and the other half left for Jerry and Nedine.

So when everyone wakes up, they all feel hungry. As adventurers, their physical fitness is very different from ordinary people, but some people's normal needs still affect them. Look at the leaderboards. During the time they were asleep, although others have improved, they have not formed too much threat to them. Everyone will leisurely go to the restaurant for lunch.

The splendid restaurant is now a door-to-door.

This is the 54th hour.

4 hours of sleep may not be enough for the adventurer, but it is enough to support the next move.

They enjoy the VIP-level treatment, order the most delicious dishes, and talk and chat while eating.

Honglang forked a piece of grilled steak with a fork and said with emotion: "You said, if the world is not true, then what is this? Why can we fill our true stomach with unreal steaks?"

King Kong smiled and said: "Maybe you are not real. Maybe we are all a virtual spiritual existence, such as... like a hacker?"

Hong Lang has a big hand: "Stop, don't mention philosophy, don't mention movies. I am bored with movies now. If you wear them in the movies every day, you will know that movies are not cute at all."

"Not every day, it is once a month." Shen Yan reminded him with ulterior motives.

This ambiguous discourse made everyone laugh.

Gentle kicking him with his feet under the stage.

Shen Yan smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I am not kidding, but I do have a problem. I always wanted to ask but I didn't bother to ask. Since there are three ladies in the room, I will ask Vera, maybe she is the best to accept this question. of."

"What do you want to ask?" said Verna.

"Since coming to the **** city, your monthly old friend is still coming?"

When Vera stayed, the other two women in the room blush at the same time.

However, the attitude of sinking is a serious face.

Weina thought for a moment and shook her head: "I want the **** city to cancel some of the functions in our body..."

When she said this, her expression was a bit stunned and a little relaxed.

Sinking at the gentle, gentle nod.

He looked at An Wen again, and the girl with the devil figure nodded.

"Why ask this?" asked tenderly.

Sinking and laughing: "Nothing, curiosity."

"Get it, you never curious." Gentle, I know how you look.

Shen Yu thought to answer: "I just want to know, in the **** city, and the world of tasks it created, we have been deprived of the power that human beings should have. For example, fertility."

When I heard the word, everyone was stunned.

For a long time, the white youth Lake Lek muttered: "What a hell. Here we have to consider our own survival problems, not the problem of creating life."

"The question is why is this?"

"Maybe because it is the only way to keep female adventurers fighting," Verna replied.

Shen Wei pointed to Wei Na: "Well, the problem is here. If this is the case, it means that men should be unaffected, right?"

"It should be, but unfortunately you can't confirm it."

"So, what happens if we have a relationship between these male adventurers and a female character in the mission world? Can we have a relationship with an unreal world? Even create life? If you create life~ What kind of life is it? Is it real or virtual?" Shen suddenly asked.

Everyone stays at the same time.

Hong Lang opened his mouth and finally squeezed out a sentence: "You think too much."

Sinking and smiling, took a sip of wine, beckoning, and the attentive waiter came quickly. He took a cigar from the waiter's plate and let it go, and then slowly said: "So, there are still many problems in the world that we need to discover, and what we face is not just survival. The problem... It seems to me that it is the most boring to consider only the survival problem."

King Kong replied: "That is because we don't want to die, and you... never care about death."

Sinking and laughing.

Lunch is still going on.

Everyone talks loudly about each other.

Honglang was so excited that he raised his glass and shouted: "Come, for another Sino-US cooperation, cheers!"

The tone is like a national leader.

Some fat people drink high, and if they hear the wrong Honglang, they shake their heads and raise their glasses: "To defeat the evil beauty*, cheers!"

The adventurers in the Eastern District laughed together, and Weina and others turned helplessly.

Gentle said: "Or to live a toast."

Shen Yu added: "There is freedom!"

Gentle and glance at him with a deep look, whispered: "Yes, there is freedom."


All the wine glasses slammed together.

Along with the hops of the hops, a smashing fireworks signal rose from the far end of the sky.

"It is a distress signal!" An Wen shouted and stood up.

At the same time, the **** coat of arms of all people suddenly sounded.

"No. E1244 died."

"No. E2236 died."

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