Infinity Armament

Vol 4 Chapter 24: Chi aid (on)

The meaning of sinking is actually very simple.

Nedine's ability is eliminated, and any mutant can't use his abilities within 10 meters. It can be said that this mutant is born to be the nemesis of all the mutants.

The adventurers who participated in the competition, despite knowing his abilities, only looked at the killing value and relatively weak strength brought by his up to four-level mutants, and no one expected to use him to deal with the advanced mutants.

However, Shen Yu realized that with Nedine, some actions that could only be done can be immediately feasible. Such as the existence of Professor X, Wan Wang Wang, is no longer terrible to invincible existence. They can completely target these famous powerful characters.

Nedine is like a chicken that can only lay golden eggs, which can bring great convenience to the followers of the adventurers, which is far better than killing him.

This is also the main reason why Shen Yu wants to choose to help the West District to eliminate the Southern District: it is not enough to deal with the senior mutants, but they must also be able to find them.

Although he has been to the United States many times before, he has not grown up in the United States after all, and his understanding of this place is limited. Although the combat strength of the Western District is ordinary, they have geographical and information advantages here. Just think about this group of Western adventurers who competed with their own mutants yesterday and found Nedinier today. They can know that they still have some methods in collecting information.

After the 198 Street mutters were cleared, they would no longer have access to new information resources. These Westerners may be able to help, and they may provide support in force. Coupled with the presence of Nedine, some targets that I didn't dare to start can now be started, and the range of search mutants will be further increased. As a result, their next actions will be smoother.

Wei Na and others are not stupid. Shen Shen reminded me that they immediately realized that they had almost made the mistake of killing chickens and taking eggs.

As for the three adventurers in the Eastern District, they were reacted by Shen Yuyi. They have treasure in their hands and don't know it, they all wipe their sweat on their foreheads.

"So what you mean is..."

"We all work together to find and deal with the mutants. We will help you to save the Western District from the situation of killing all the members. As for the specific ranking, you have to work hard."

Weina and several other adventurers looked at each other and discussed each other for a while, then Weina nodded and said: "You suggested this. The question is how can we believe in you? You must know that when your companion comes, That is, you have more people than us. Unless you promise us to call a few more friends."

"Call reinforcements must be decided according to the target strength. I don't want to have a wolf-scarce situation. As for the question of trust..." Shen Yan immediately put Nedine in the car: "This person can give it to you, he The life is in your hands, your life is in our hands, this is the fairest, and I have no better way to do it. But from the perspective of interests, we are fighting for the first, you are fighting for life, only the bad luck In the Southern District, we don't have a fundamental conflict of interest. So you can trust each other unless you are stupid enough to want more."

The white youth Lake stepped forward: "Even if the Western District becomes the third, our current rankings are still on the list."

"As long as the cooperation is pleasant, this problem will soon become your troubles."

"What about them?" The black youth pointed to the three adventurers in the Eastern District.

The big voice called An Wen: "We also join!"

"That's the way it is." Shen Yan pointed his finger at Wei Na.

Weina will hand over the boxes of the two adventurers from the Southern District to Shen.

Shen Yan shook his head.

Weina yelled: "That one is killing us!"

Sinking and smiling, just keep pushing your hand.

Verna glanced at him and shouted: "The stingy guy!"

Still handed out the third box.

I got three boxes, Shen Yan opened the walkie-talkie, and the other side of the walkie-talkie came a roaring gunshot, then a gentle voice came: "Sinking! Is your problem solved?"

The brows of the sinking brows: "Yes, if you look at the leaderboards, you will find that there are three South District numbers missing, but listening to the static, are you busy there? I thought you should have settled the battle."

"It was like this, but the situation has changed. A large number of variants have almost surrounded us."

"What are you talking about?" Shen Yan was shocked: "How could this be?"

"We don't know. Just when we intercepted the mutants, there were suddenly a large number of other mutants killed. There were a large number of people, and there were several senior mutants. Fortunately, the fat people made great contributions and surrounded them. I found the problem before, and escaped in time. Now we are chasing after being mutated!"

"Stay on, I will bring people here." Shen Yan took the intercom and collected the Mercedes-Benz, which was nearly scrapped. At the same time, he said to Wei Na and An Wen: "My friend has some trouble and needs Support, they are on 198 Street, I think we can use this rescue as the beginning of a perfect cooperation... The quality of the German car is really good, this car can still open."

"That is my car!" The owner yelled behind him.

He is still alive.

Sinking and stunned him.

"We have heard the voice of your companions, which sounds very urgent." White Youth Lake gloating: "I am sorry that I don't think this is the beginning of your cooperation. Rescuing your companions is not a cooperative content unless you give them another Pay the price code."

Shen Yan looked at Lake with a sympathetic look and said: "Unless I am willing, no one can get anything from me. You can't go... Oh, yes, forget to tell you, chase them. It is a mutant... many variants."

Said, Shen Yan stepped on the gas pedal and drove away.

The seven adventurers in the place you look at me, I look at you.

An Wen suddenly yelled: "What are you doing? Get on the train and go up."

The three men ran to their car at the same time.

Lake looks at Weina, Vera reluctantly said: "Let's help."

"I don't understand why we want to listen to him? You know that now his companion is in trouble, he is asking us!" The black youth screamed: "We have four people, there are three people there, but he There is only one person, why do you want him to say it?"

"How do I know!" Weina yelled in anger: "Get on the bus! Do you want to miss the chance to kill the mutant? Or want to stop the cooperation? You stupid! Don't forget that Nedine is still in his car. !"

Said to run to his car.

"Hell!" The other three adventurers also caught up.


198 Street, gentle, King Kong and Hong Lang and others are desperately resisting the mutants who flocked from all sides.

The square has become a battlefield, the flames are burning everywhere, the bullets are screaming in the sky above New York City, and the smoke is rolling into the sky.

In the corners, the roof, the street, and the back of the car, there are mutants shooting at them everywhere. The helicopter flying in the sky is no longer owned by the New York government, but by the mutants.

Adventurers have always underestimated the mutant organization.

In their eyes, in addition to those famous story characters above the fourth level need to be treated with care, other mutants are like harmless reindeer waiting for the arrival of the adventurers. The only thing the adventurers care about is how to find the animals hidden in the forest. The only headaches are those who compete with them.

But they ignored it. They are not hunting reindeer, but tigers and leopards.

This is a race to hunt down big beasts, not a race to kill bunny.

When the mutants' counterattacks surged, Honglang realized that the mutants were far stronger than they thought. Hundreds of mutants have come to them from all directions, armed with the most advanced weapons of mankind, and each has a special ability. Maybe one-on-one battles, they are not opponents of adventurers, but when ten-on-one, twenty-one-one, the situation becomes different.

Once the hunters instantly became the object of anti-hunting, Honglang, while they kept escaping in the streets and lanes, they fought fiercely.

When entering an alley, a mutant suddenly swept down the sky from the top of the building, holding a grenade in his hand.

"Head!" Hong Lang called out loud.

King Kong turned his gun at the muzzle and fired into the air.

Unexpectedly, the mutants smashed their bodies in the air, and slammed into the wall next to them like a big ball. They bounced out and suddenly accelerated, flying in the air with numerous strange curves. King Kong’s bullets whizzed through the air, but none of them could hit him.

"Hell!" King Kong yelled and raised his hand, and the control was launched. A grenade turned to the mutant, chasing him into a crush, and by the way, another mutant.

Unexpectedly, the mutant who had blown up just landed, and stood up again, and the body that was blown up was broken and he began to heal again. The mutant sneered and ran again, and the gun in his hand shot in a gentle and continuous manner. Gentle moments dodge, in the middle of a bomb, but fortunately she got the bulletproof props of the northern strong, until the injury, Honglang violently rushed over, an axe will change the mutant from head to toe into two breaks, arrogant Road: "Are you **** not to be able to heal yourself? I am looking at you and see how you heal yourself! You are still going to climb up! Grandma!"

Just then, the fat man screamed loudly: "Be careful!"

The Honglang suddenly looked up and a rocket was flying in the distance.

The Hong wave was so scared that he quickly jumped. The rocket exploded under his feet, and huge waves of air made him fly in the air. The Honglang people screamed in the air: "Why always hit me!"


He landed on a roof not far away.

The bomb did not blow him, but he shook his head.

At least four mutants were thinking about the roof at the same time, and one of the mutants had already raised the rocket launcher against Honglang. The gentle and gentle King Kong fired at the same time as the mutant, but did not expect the bullet to pass through the mutant body as unimpeded in the air. The mutants even had the leisure to go back and smile at them gently, and then they turned back and continued to aim at the Honglang.

Honglang bit his teeth, and the giant axe squatted on the roof under his feet. The fragile roof collapsed immediately, and the flood wave immediately fell. The second rocket flew over the head of the Honglang, killing a mutant who was surrounded.

The collapsed roof quickly expanded, and all the mutants standing on the roof stood unsteady at the same time and fell together. A mutant was stabbed in a steel bar and died on the spot. The Honglang people fell in a hurry, but they heard two beeps, prompting him to kill two mutants.

Honglang stayed: "Is this also my kill?"

He opened his mouth and smiled.

With a bang, he fell heavily on the ground and grimaced.

When the sound of the second cymbal came, the rocket launcher, the mutant with the phantom cat ability, also fell on his side. Hong Lang grabbed him, but felt that he had caught the air and could not turn anything. The mutant sneered, and the backhand punched the nose of Honglang. This punch was a real attack.

Honglang raised his head and the mutant had lifted the rocket launcher for him for the third time.

Unexpectedly, Honglang reversed his hand and cut the rocket barrel into two pieces. A rocket bomb fell on the ground and hit the firing position.

"No!" The mutant screamed loudly.

The rocket exploded and the two of them flew at the same time.

The Honglang people were in the air and laughed smugly.

The explosion of the rocket was strong, but the physique of his adventurer was able to withstand the attack. The mutant was killed on the spot.

Just flew out of the house, and several mutants gathered around.

Hong Lang was angry and angry: "Is there still not finished?"

However, the four mutants had not been able to launch an attack, and they were screened by a series of bullets.

There are more than ten second airborne battalion soldiers around, and it is Frost who is headed.

"Froster, how come you? Isn't it for the person who brought you to keep the west exit?" Honglang yelled, and he quickly took the medicine from the **** coat of arms and gave it to himself.

"I can't keep it, those mutants are very powerful, just as powerful as you! My soldiers can't stop it!"

"Damn!" Honglang yelled and rushed back to King Kong's gentle side: "Froster they can't stand, the west exit is blocked!"

"Shen Yu said that he is coming with a rescuer, let us stay a little longer." Gentle shouted.

"Then you better urge him to hurry!"

"I don't want to say." Gentle and not sighed: "This is good, he is going to observe, we will help him after the battle, but now he has come to help us. It is already shameful, I don't want to continue Shame!"

King Kong and Honglang looked at each other and said: "The woman's thinking is really difficult to understand!"

A mutant suddenly appeared, and the hand was actually a heavy truck. The mutants screamed, and the big trucks in their hands were already rushing toward them like a meteor in the sky.

"Oh, hell!" Looking at the dark clouds over his head, he instantly screamed and screamed softly: "King Kong!"

King Kong replied loudly: "There is no energy, just relying on the medicine to support it!"

Honglang screamed: "Flash!"

Everyone flashed to the left and right at the same time. At this moment, their movements are flexible enough to show their different physical qualities from ordinary people, but several airborne battalions can be downcast.

An airborne battalion soldier was dodged and was killed on the spot. The tumbling big truck was crushed like a bulldozer. Several airborne battalions screamed in horror and watched they were crushed to death by a big truck.

At this moment, a thunderous snoring suddenly sounded.

The big truck in the rolling stopped miraculously.

Everyone looked at each other and saw that the fat man had a hand in his arms, and he even resisted the rolling of the big truck.

The big truck rolling is a huge impact on the fat body caused a -244 significant damage ~ ~ fat but hard with the body as a barrier, blocked this terrible blow.

"Fat!" Hong Lang shouted.

The fat man squeezed an ugly smile on his face and coughed up a blood. He replied: "Nothing, I am physically tall and can't die."

"Today is a **** evil." Hong Lang stunned.

Even fat people know to come forward.

At this point, a large number of variants are rushing.

"Fat, give me a mental armor! I am gone!" Gentle whip strangled a nearby mutant, and also suffered a fierce blow before the mutant, and the mental armor was completely shattered.

The fat man shook his head: "I have run out of mental power and can't add it any more."

"Damn!" gentlely sighed, her mental power armor was exhausted, and even bulletproof props were consumed in this battle.

Three bullets hit the body and three blood holes were played on the gentle body. Gentle and snoring, while the left hand shot and shooting, the right hand backhanded a whip in a mutant, the mutant figure shook a bit, and suddenly disappeared.

A gentle glimpse, it is strange that where the mutants went, and a strange rustling sound came from the ear.

Tenderly minded the electric turn and shouted: "He is underground."

The Honglang around him was violent and slammed his fists to the ground.

With a low and low suffocation, a blood spring is shot in the soil.

"Good job!" shouted softly.

But the next moment, at the same time, four mutants reappeared. One of them raised their hands and a series of bombs had already flown toward them. The helicopters in the air also hovered over to the top of their heads. The airborne heavy machine guns began to vomit and spit under the control of a mutant. Several second airborne battalions waded and were screened.

No matter how hard you work, the situation is still getting worse.

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