Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 94 Showdown! Feng and Ming!

It was a dark and windy night, a time for murder and arson.

As the night deepened, two figures appeared in front of the Shiranui Gym again.

Feng and Tu, who had used recovery items to recover, came back with a stern face, especially Feng, whose originally handsome features were now severely distorted, and it was obvious that he was extremely angry.

As the team's key training target, and his brother was a high-level adventurer and a powerful main member of the team, Feng had a smooth journey and had gone through seven worlds in a row without encountering any setbacks.

Not only did he have good equipment with the help of the team as soon as he entered the space, he even had two powerful teammates and a set of high-level skills, and even strengthened to the incomplete version of the blood of the snake.

At this moment, he could be called a master even among the low-level adventurers, not to mention among the intermediate adventurers.

But with this strength, he almost fell in the Shiranui Gym this time. If his companions had not rushed over at the critical moment and used special items to teleport him and others away, he would have died here.

How could he not be furious?

He used the tools to recover from his injuries, and through his companions' innate abilities, he confirmed that the enemy stayed in the Shiranui Gym. After not taking the opportunity to escape, he chose to attack without hesitation.

Now he and his companions stood at the entrance, looking at the quiet courtyard in front of him, and couldn't help frowning.

When he strode in and saw the target standing at the door, Feng's eyebrows trembled vigorously.

"Huh? You knew we would come to your door soon, but you didn't choose to run away, but chose to take the initiative to attack? You have courage."

Opposite, at the entrance of the gym, three figures were standing there quietly.

Shiranui Mai was wearing white mourning clothes, and her expression was extremely cold.

As the saying goes, if you want to be beautiful in mourning, she now looks more beautiful in white clothes, and her perfect figure can't be covered at all.

On the right, Mary, a woman who limped because of a leg injury, also wore her signature leather jacket and stood there with her hands folded.

As for her beloved dog, she had hidden it to avoid being affected by the battle.

And sitting in the middle was Qin Ming.

Qin Ming, who had recovered from his injuries with the help of recovery items, sat there motionless.

With his muscles tensed, he looked at the two powerful enemies standing in front of him, and slowly stood up with his hands on the ground.

"I thought you two didn't dare to come."

"Huh? What nonsense are you talking about? We adventurers can recover from injuries quickly, but the plot characters can't. They can't take our consumables. Facing two disabled people and one of you, why don't we dare to come?"

Gently stretching his muscles, Feng smiled brightly.

"Tell me, how do you want to fight? This time I'll listen to you."

"Don't talk so big. Three against two, of course you have to listen to us. You have the right to choose."

He twisted his shoulders hard, strode to Qin Ming on the side, and suddenly pointed his finger at Feng.

"Come on! Our duel has not been decided yet! Today! It's a fight to the death!"

Looking at the finger pointing at him, Feng's cheek twitched, and a ferocious smile quickly appeared on his face.

"I hate people pointing at me the most!"


As soon as the words fell! Accompanied by a strong wind! He had disappeared strangely from the spot!

When he appeared again, he had already rushed in front of Qin Ming! After dodging a sonic hand knife sideways! He kicked Qin Ming in the chest with a flying kick! Kicked him back on the spot!

"With your ridiculous speed! Who gave you the confidence to provoke me!"

While speaking, Feng used a glacier to disappear on the spot again, and when he appeared, he had already grabbed with one claw, leaving three bloody wounds directly on Qin Ming's back.

Seeing that the two people here had already started fighting, the big man shook his head helplessly, then bumped his fists hard, and rushed towards Mai Shiranui and Mary on the opposite side with a serious expression.

Although the two speed-type plot characters in front of him were already injured, one of them was deliberately injured in the leg by him, and his strength was greatly reduced.

But plot characters are plot characters after all, and their basic attributes are there, so the big man dare not relax his vigilance.

In fact, just like the tactics designed by Qin Ming, the fighting method they summarized here is to defeat them one by one.

Through the talents of their companions, they have confirmed that Andy has left, and there are only two plot characters and an adventurer left here.

In this way, it will be easy to deal with. The big man relies on his thick skin and flesh to forcibly hold the two plot characters, and then Feng relies on his high mobility to quickly kill the adventurer, the variable.

In this way! The victory or defeat can be determined!

Therefore, in this battle! The main duel target is actually not them at all! But the two people who are fighting in the distance!

And for the strength of his companions! The big man has confidence!


With a loud bang! The sonic hand knife rotates and cuts on the pillar beside it! Cut it off on the spot!

Qin Ming, with his arms burning with blazing flames, concentrated his attention and continued to punch and attack all around.

However, facing the high-speed movement of the enemy, he could not keep up with the opponent's tracks with his agility.

After all, in the King of Fighters world, among the strongest displacement skills in the early stage! The Ice River of the 96 final BOSS of the Breathing Storm Goenitz! But it can be ranked third!

The high-speed movement ability that cannot be captured by the naked eye is second only to the instant movement of Athena Asamiya! And the unsolvable ghost step of Iori Yagami!

Feng is a speed player! With the help of the elusive Binghe! How can Qin Ming, whose agility is only 10, keep up with his speed!

After several rounds of fighting, he failed to hit the enemy once. Qin Ming, who was hit several times, suddenly had his pupils shrink and rolled back.

Seeing this scene, Feng, who suddenly appeared from the front, couldn't help but be stunned.

Because at this moment, Qin Ming actually rolled directly into the alley between the two buildings!

The alley with a width of less than one meter is extremely narrow, which can greatly limit the speed of the entrants.

And this kind of terrain is obviously not conducive to Feng's fighting style.

Therefore, Feng couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene, and did not choose to rush into it.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ming, who stood up quickly after rolling in, grinned, suddenly stretched out a hand to him, and hooked it with his middle finger.

"Flea! Come here if you dare!"

Jianghu special skills! One Yang Finger!

Seeing this gesture, Feng gritted his teeth and showed a smile of anger on his face.

"I say! You don't think this kind of terrain is only good for you! Idiot!"

As he spoke, his body flashed and Feng disappeared instantly. The next second he appeared in the alley.

And he stood in the air with his feet on the walls on both sides and his legs spread out.

Looking down at Qin Ming below, seeing the surprised look on his face when he looked up, Feng's smile became more ferocious.

"In this place where there are footholds everywhere! My speed! Will only get faster!"

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