Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 89 Earth and Wind

Name: Shura Devil~Mochizuki Double Horns (Fatal Fury World)

Strength 40

Constitution 40

Agility 40

Spirit 40

Skills: Orthodox Wudao Style (D-level~C-level) Shura Devil (B-level) Shura Bullet (B-level)

Introduction: The disciples of the Moon-Moon Sect, who are known as the Shura Hunters, will become a member of the Shura once they are devoured by the evil spirits in their bodies. The stronger their own strength, the stronger the Shura they will become. The same is true for the Moon-Moon Double Horns.


Roaring to the sky, the Moon-Moon Double Horns, with red eyes, raised his ghost claw condensed by energy and threw it out with all his strength, leaving three ghost fire marks in the air in an instant.

"Shiranui Hanzo! I'm back! I'm back to find you as a Shura! Give me back the lives of my junior brothers!"

The roar fell, and before the people in front could react from the shock, the Moon-Moon Double Horns had already strode forward with a tin staff in his hand.

His body spun up and instantly turned into a strange green fireball, and rushed towards Shiranui Hanzo with a bang.

Seeing this, Shiranui Hanzo's face turned pale, and he was instantly wrapped in flames and rushed towards the target in the opposite direction.

Super special move! Ninja Bee!


Amidst the violent tremor, the two fireballs collided fiercely, and this time it was Shiranui Hanzo who was forcibly knocked out.

The huge gap between the attributes caused him to be unable to match the opponent of Mochizuki Shuangjiao even though he had used his trump card.

Looking at Shiranui Hanzo who broke through the wall like a cannonball and flew directly into the house, Mochizuki Shuangjiao couldn't help laughing wildly and jumped in.

Seeing this, Shiranui Mai's face changed drastically, and she rushed into the room without thinking, and Andy followed closely.

As for Qin Ming's side...

Qin Ming's body had just moved, and before he could make a move, a figure had blocked him.

The adventurer named Feng looked at him with his arms folded across his chest, smiling brightly.

"Boy, you killed our people and ruined our business. It's not appropriate to leave like this, right? Shouldn't we settle the accounts?"

Hearing this, Qin Ming quickly stopped and turned to confront him.

Looking at his strange body movements just now, Qin Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Iori Yagami's ghost steps? No, there is Feng, the leader of the Eight Heroes, the Glacier of the Breathing Storm Gonis!"

"Oh, you know a lot of them. It seems that you have collected a lot of information before, but what's the use of recognizing them? Can you break them?"

His hands opened instantly, and Feng showed a grim smile on his face. With his feet tapping the ground, the whole person disappeared strangely on the spot.

"Now! Let's settle the accounts!"

In the howling wind, Feng had teleported behind Qin Ming, and before he could react, he raised his hand and gave him a claw.

The airflow wrapped around the finger was like a steel knife, completely ignoring Qin Ming's super high defense, and this claw actually broke Qin Ming's defense on the spot.

Then, before Qin Ming could groan, he felt his neck tighten and was pinched by someone.

Skill! Dark Crying!

A tornado quickly emerged around Qin Ming! The airflow continued to cut Qin Ming's flesh and blood from all directions!

But unlike Mai Shiranui who was scraped to a bloody mess on the spot, although Qin Ming was trapped by the tornado at this moment, the large amount of airflow cut on him, and it actually made a sound of metal clashing!

Facing Qin Ming's super high defense! This multi-stage damage move! It can't break the defense at all!

Such a scene was completely beyond Feng's expectations, and he was shocked and suddenly widened his eyes.

He also took this opportunity to see Qin Ming, who finally stopped teleporting, and punched him on the spot without hesitation.

The fist wrapped in flames hit Feng's cheek, twisting his expression and shooting to the side.

Before Feng could struggle to stand, Qin Ming, who had fallen to the ground, took a deep breath and opened his hands to catch up with the sonic knife!

The moon-shaped sonic knife cut out, spinning at high speed in the air, and was wrapped in flames.

By the time Feng noticed this move, it was too late to dodge...


A loud noise suddenly came out, and the sonic knife that was about to hit Feng was smashed by a punch.

That's right! Just a punch!

C-level skill! Roar the Earth!

Another adventurer who forcibly broke Qin Ming's killer move with a wave of air on his fist, that is, the burly man codenamed Tu, stood sideways and blocked his companions, turning his head slightly to look at his companions.

"Are you okay?"

Feng, who stood up after wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, had a sullen face when he heard the words.

"Don't worry, you're not going to die yet."

"Be careful, this guy is a bit of a jerk."

"Don't worry! There won't be a next time!"

Gritting his teeth, Feng, who had lost face in front of his companions, suddenly turned into a stream of air and disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already near Qin Ming.

Running at high speed, he shuttled back and forth around Qin Ming with the high-speed moving skill of Binghe.

And as long as he found a gap, he would definitely rush up and give Qin Ming a claw.

High-speed movement + cutting through defense, this kid's fighting style is completely a standard assassin.

Facing a highly agile enemy, Qin Ming, who did not focus on agility points, was a little confused for a while.

He couldn't react in time, and his movements couldn't keep up at all.

He was clawed several times in a row, and several sonic hand knives were all missed. He tried to hold the attack and catch the enemy several times, but was easily avoided by the opponent.

Instantly, Qin Ming, who was completely trapped in a passive situation, began to be covered with wounds.

Seeing this, Mary, who was standing by, finally couldn't sit still anymore and quickly stood up to come to support.

Although she couldn't see the enemy's strange route, she was an agile fighter after all. She didn't dare to say that she could take advantage of the opponent, but she would definitely not be as passive as Qin Ming.

With defense, she still had the strength to fight.

However, she had just moved forward, and the big man standing next to her had already pointed his finger at her and spoke in a deep voice.

"Stop! What do you want to do! Your opponent is me!"

Hearing this, Mary's eyes condensed, and after looking at the other party, she suddenly pulled off her coat and threw it to the side.

The Dalmatian jumped up to catch the coat and ran away quickly, while Mary stretched her muscles and bones on the spot and began to warm up.

Seeing this, the big man took a deep breath and strode directly towards her.

Hearing the heavy footsteps coming from this side, Mary finally moved!

She rushed forward at high speed, leaving an afterimage behind, ready to use her most proud joint skills!


Seeing Mary rushing over, the big man roared and suddenly punched the ground.

The next second! The rich power of the earth began to gather towards his arm! Even causing the entire ground to tremble wildly!

Seeing this, Mary instantly realized that something was wrong and hurriedly slowed down to try to distance herself.

But before she could retreat, the big man who saw her stop also stopped charging on the spot and suddenly punched forward.

C-level skill! Charge! Roar the earth!


The violent energy gushed out from his arm and hit Mary who was caught off guard several meters away. The burst speed was simply amazing.

Mary was hit on the spot and was blown away on the spot, while the big man who punched raised his head viciously, with red light in his eyes.

Special bloodline is activated! One of the Eight Heroes! Dry Earth: The Seven Shackles Society!

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