Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 65 Unreliable robbers

In the end, Qin Ming, who had made up his mind, still failed to go to Japan.

The reason was very simple, because he had no money...

He couldn't even afford the fare, and he still expected to take a taxi to Japan? What was he thinking!

Seeing that Qin Ming couldn't pay, the taxi driver opened the door without hesitation, forcibly pulled Qin Ming down, and then drove away, leaving Qin Ming alone standing in the wind.

After a long time, the boy sighed, put his hands in his pockets and walked towards Nanzhen.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't give up on seeing the beauties, he was going to get some money first, and then go.

This is not called persistence, anyway, the main task didn't ask him to kill the BOSS, he just needed to get along with a main plot character.

It's all about getting along, why doesn't he go find a beauty? But stay here and play with a group of big men?

After being severely punished by the second-act boss in the previous world, Qin Ming has returned to being the coward he once was. This time, he is unwilling to fight the characters in the plot alone.

The reason is very simple! First of all, the difficulty of this world is very high! It has reached the B level! That is to say, the existence in it is not easy to mess with!

Secondly! The bosses here are all fighters! They are a group of licensed gangsters who make a living by fighting!

They are bosses, good at single-player fighting, and have many skills. Who dares to fight alone!

Not to mention that this broken world also has a vicious penalty of reducing the loot by one level in non-single-player situations, which means that it is not possible to rely on layout to find helpers.

It is easy to lose your life to fight a boss with great effort, and the loot will also be reduced?

Bah, he doesn't want to play in this broken world anymore, whoever wants to fight these bosses can fight them!

He wants to go to Japan to see beautiful women! No one can stop him!

It is not easy to get money in a place like Nanzhen, because there are many masters here.

But that is for ordinary people, but not for Qin Ming.

Do you remember how this guy made money in the Punisher world? This time he used a similar method!

Waiting in front of a gold shop, he broke into the door directly in the dark night.

Then he robbed, looted, and synthesized gold bars, a one-stop service.

The stolen goods were transformed into artworks with completely different shapes.

Qin Ming took the artwork gold bars and swaggered to the gold shop, successfully exchanging a large amount of money.

As for the police who were searching for the gold robbery case? What does your search for stolen gold have to do with him, who sells ancestral artworks?

In just one day, Qin Ming has successfully obtained a large amount of banknotes and became a rich man again.

And he did not forget his original intention after getting the money. While entering a high-end restaurant to enjoy the food, he has begun to think about how to sneak into Japan to see breasts... to see the goddess!

Just as he was eating food, drinking beer, and planning the next course of action in his mind, he suddenly felt a shadow in front of him.

Noticing this scene, Qin Ming frowned and looked up quickly, and saw a short-haired beauty with her arms crossed, looking at him expressionlessly, and a large Dalmatian was following her.

Looking at the short-haired beauty in front of him wearing a green leather jacket and looking aggressive, Qin Ming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"What's the matter?"

Hearing this question, the short-haired woman nodded slightly, and finally spoke in a cold voice, and her tone was very stern.

"Did you rob the gold shop?"

Hearing this, Qin Ming was stunned, and then his eyes widened on the spot, looking at the other party in disbelief.

Damn! I did it so secretly! I was masked and wearing gloves! How did the other party find out so quickly! Did I do this?

Looking at the other party hesitantly, Qin Ming suddenly stretched out his hand to signal her to stay calm.

After wiping his hands and mouth with a towel, he quickly took out the dinosaur glasses from his arms, put them on his face solemnly, and then turned on the glasses to look at the woman opposite, and then...

Name: Blue Mary

Strength 30

Constitution 25

Agility 40

Spirit 25

Skills: Rocket Kick (D-level) Foot Twist (D-level) Turning Back to True Fall (D-level) Neck Lock (D-level) Mary Plunder (C-level Vertical Arrow (C-level) Rotating Drop (C-level) Mary Spider Solid (C-level) Mary Typhoon (B-level)

Introduction: With the death of her father, who was an agent, and her boyfriend, Blue Mary's life has completely fallen into darkness, and her personality has become silent and withdrawn. Only the detective work she loves can keep her from suffering.

Queen of Comeback ! Mary. Throat lock. Broken bones. Running around. Mary!

Looking at the character standing in front of him, Qin Ming took off his glasses silently with a straight face.

"No, girl, you recognized the wrong person!"

Hearing Qin Ming's answer, Mary, who was standing in front of him with her arms crossed, raised her eyebrows instantly.

She raised her foot to hook the stool leg, directly hooked the stool in front of her, and picked it up and put it heavily beside Qin Ming.

Mary, the short-haired beauty, just sat on it directly, holding the backrest of the seat in front of her with both hands, and looked at Qin Ming with an expressionless face.

"Did you recognize the wrong person?"


"I don't even know you, how could I recognize the wrong person?"

"Since you don't know me, why do you say that I robbed the gold shop?"

"Why? There are many reasons. First, I found out that someone sold gold yesterday. Although the shape of the gold is different, it is obvious that someone forgot that a robbery had just happened recently, so no one dared to sell gold at this time, fearing that it would cause trouble. Only he sold it stupidly! He thought that no one would suspect him if he tattooed some flowers on the gold!"


"Secondly! When I asked a guy just now, the idiot had an expression on his face that said "How did this woman know that I did it?" He didn't hide it at all!"


"There is another point! It's a poor idiot! He was still eating bran and vegetables yesterday! He couldn't even pay for the car fare! But today he suddenly has money! He dares to run to a famous hotel to eat delicious food! So, Mr. Idiot! Where did you get this money? Can you give a reasonable explanation?"

Looking at the plot character Mary who was getting closer and closer, and was almost close to him in the end, Qin Ming had an expression of eating a fly.

Before he could speak, Mary had already grasped the back of the bench with both hands and straightened up, and spoke again with a stern face and raised eyebrows.

"Now a certain idiot must be thinking in his heart, "This woman is really a detective, her eyes are really sharp", right?"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Ming, who was still frantically thinking of countermeasures in his mind, widened his eyes again.

And seeing his expression as if he had seen a ghost, Mary's cold face finally showed a trace of smile... a smile of gloating.

"When you looked at me with glasses just now, it seems that you recognized my identity, your expression just now really didn't cover up at all, idiot, I have to say that you are a very bad robber, why don't you go to prison to retrain?"

Looking at Mary who was pressing step by step, Qin Ming had a stern face, and now he finally understood that the background story of the plot character is not just as simple as a story.

This woman in front of him! She is really a private detective!

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