Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 60 The natural advantage of a skilled person

The wolf pack is a medium-sized team with an internal number of between 300 and 400 people. It is generally active among low- and mid-level adventurers.

I heard that his boss is a top adventurer with great strength.

Qin Ming still knows some simple information and numbers of each team. After all, they are all planning to hang out here. How could he not collect these things.

Looking at the badge with frowning eyebrows, looking at this prop that has been recognized by the nightmare space, Qin Ming suddenly spoke in a deep voice.

"Give me a reason why you want to recruit me for no reason?"

Hearing this, the visitor grinned and answered very decisively.

"Because I saw your potential."


"Yes, the flamethrower is an equipment in the second act. It cannot appear in the first act of The Punisher. Since you have obtained it, it means that you have successfully triggered the hidden mission and followed the Punisher into the second level. Punishment The guy is not easy to deal with. He only cares about strength and not people. The guy who can be chosen by him and brought to the second level as a helper is definitely not a simple thing. In other words, you must be very good at fighting! "

Looking up at Qin Ming, the man spoke in a low voice.

"So I'm here to invite you to join us. If you join our wolf team, you will be one of us. We can provide you with two pieces of white equipment and two pieces of green equipment to arm you. It is considered as equipment loaned to you for free. Just treat it as I invested in advance and can share with you all the information about the mission world, how to trigger hidden missions, and various BOSS fighting techniques.”

When he said this, the man paused slightly, and then added another sentence.

"If you perform well or have strong natural skills, the team can promote you to a key training seed and directly provide you with blue equipment or even silver equipment for you to use! How about it? Are you willing to join?"

Qin Ming was silent for a while after hearing the man's words, and then spoke quietly after a long time.

"I never believe there is a free lunch in the world, so what's the price?"

"The price is that you need to help the wolf team to do things. For example, when the team is chasing someone and they need you, you must come to help. When encountering a large-scale mission world, you must obey orders and act in unison."

"... Then forget it, I don't like to be bound by reactions."

After waving his hand, Qin Ming turned around and left.

As soon as he took two steps, he was stopped by the other party's hand.

"It doesn't matter if you don't join now. This is my space contact information. If you have any ideas in this regard in the future, let's contact you. My friend, it is difficult and dangerous to be a lone ranger in the nightmare space. I hope you can understand it soon. to this point.”

After giving Qin Ming a space number, the recruiter of the Wolf Pack team quickly disappeared into the crowd, leaving only Qin Ming holding the number in his hand with a gloomy look.

The team, this has always been what Qin Ming is wary of, because it is impossible not to be wary. After all, in terms of intelligence gathering capabilities, they are definitely countless times stronger than him. The most important thing is that they have too many informants.

It was even because he knew about their existence that Qin Ming, who had been planning to save some points, buy low-price props and sell high-price props through his own synthesis talent, and make a fortune directly from the price difference in the space, gave up this idea.

But now it seems that his judgment was correct, these guys are really not easy to mess with.

A silver prop can attract their attention and accurately find you. What if you sell props on a large scale? Is it possible not to attract their attention?

And what happens after it’s introduced? If you choose to join, once your talents and skills are leaked, you will definitely be hunted down by people from other teams.

If he doesn't choose to join, he might be directly hunted by the team. The more treasures he sells, the harder he will be hunted. After all, no one will allow an emerging force to rise under their noses.

It is true that you can make money quickly by synthesizing props and selling them, but the price is endless trouble. Qin Ming doesn't want to try whether he grows faster or the team members who sign up for the group are stronger.

I don't even want to try to see if there is a monster with more terrifying talent than myself in the team.

After putting away the number, he started walking around the streets again, passing through one adventurer's stall after another, buying the items and props he needed.

Half an hour later, the familiar nightmare space prompt sounded in his ears.

That piece of silver equipment was sold, but the price was a bit unsatisfactory.

Because low-level adventurers are relatively poor, this piece of silver equipment, which is rare in low-level areas, was not sold at a high price and only sold for 18,000 points.

It's higher than the blue plot equipment, but the level is limited.

After receiving the money and looking at the huge sum of 24,000 in his hand, Qin Ming became energetic and immediately started purchasing frantically.

Returned to the room after an hour.

And what he bought this time! They are all skill books!

To be precise, it is a low-level skill book!

Three E-rated books! Three D-level books! Six skill books in total! It cost him a full 20,000 points!

And he bought these skill books to strengthen the three passive skills he just acquired!

Basic firearms proficiency! Basic combat proficiency! Mastery of basic weapons!

These three E-level skills learned from the Punisher brought Qin Ming a lot of fighting experience and fighting skills.

If they could be upgraded, Qin Ming felt that it would be able to greatly make up for his own combat ability and completely fill in his shortcomings of not being proficient in combat!

so! He is going to invest heavily in this area!

As the skills began to merge, skill books were consumed one after another.

Qin Ming had already learned three passive skills that did not occupy the regular skill bar, and immediately began to upgrade.

From the lowest level E to D, and from the more common D to the stronger C.

In a blink of an eye, the skill books had been consumed, and Qin Ming's three skills were officially strengthened.

As the strengthening was completed, a large number of memories emerged from his mind, constantly deepening his skills in fighting, firearms, and weapons.

Passive skills:

Advanced Fighting Mastery (C-level)

Advanced Firearms Mastery (C-level)

Advanced Weapon Mastery (C-level)

Directly skip the entry-level mastery of D-level! Enter the formal master stage!

After receiving the memory, Qin Ming stretched his muscles and quickly punched a set of military boxing, with an amazing speed, and each punch mobilized a large number of muscles in the body to increase explosive power.

After adapting to the new skills, he couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

Although Qin Ming did not dare to guarantee that he could defeat his instructor, the monster Punisher, in a one-on-one fight.

But Qin Ming felt that with his current state, it would not be easy for the Punisher to sneak up to him and put a gun to his head.

At this moment, he was already a genuine master of the King of Soldiers level, and he was also a master who was proficient in weapons, firearms, and hand-to-hand combat.

Although it was a good thing that his combat effectiveness was enhanced, Qin Ming soon realized a big problem.

That is, he was a peddler in reality and did not know how to fight, let alone use knives and guns, so he entered the nightmare space as a blank slate.

But in reality, there is no shortage of boxers, soldiers, mercenaries, and even killers who are masters of fighting!

Doesn't that mean that they, who are already proficient in fighting, have already acquired skills as soon as they entered the nightmare space? Completely one step ahead of others!

So in addition to these soldiers, what about talents in other industries?

For example, computer experts, vehicle modification and driving experts, and gun manufacturing experts, do they also have special skills as soon as they appear?

Wow! People with special skills! They are also popular in the nightmare space, right!

Looking at the three upgraded combat skills on his body, Qin Ming's eyebrows trembled, and he suddenly wanted to try it. If he went to the real world to learn Muay Thai Sanda, would it be possible to gain a new passive skill?

If it is possible, doesn't it mean that training in the real world can actually affect the body data in the nightmare space? !

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