Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 6 An unexpected encounter

A few hours later, under a remote bridge tunnel, Qin Ming held a cigarette in his mouth, took a deep puff, and then sighed while exhaling smoke.

Tsk, business is not good these days, and things are getting harder and harder to sell.

He had sold all three guns at this time, but he now had some new goods, such as six or seven daggers that he had picked up and could not take out of this world.

There were also two watches, a metal belt, a pair of earrings, a nose ring, and a gold tooth.

Tsk, these things are not as easy to deal with as guns. The most important thing is that they have been used by others, and most people are not willing to buy them.

But if I throw them here, I am reluctant to do so!

Looking at the large number of scattered objects piled up next to him, Qin Ming's expression became more and more melancholy, and his little head worked hard, trying to think of a good way to sell these things.

It's a pity that he couldn't come up with any good ideas after trying hard for a long time, which made him a little annoyed and threw the cigarette fiercely, and got up and strode outside with a bag of things on his back.

After a while, Qin Ming went to the garbage station and exchanged these things for two packs of cigarettes. He then walked back to the street with satisfaction.

Humph! He, the garbage king, never does a business that loses money! You can make a lot of money! But he must not lose money!

Shaking the gold tooth that he had taken from the mouth of a poor guy, Qin Ming strode out, trying to see if he could meet a few more people from the poaching organization and continue to get some activity funds.

And this so-called poaching organization is the gang built by Ves-Thuen, the final BOSS of the first act of Dino Crisis World.

To put it bluntly, it is a group of hooligans who are responsible for assisting Ves-Thuen in transporting and selling dragon bones and dragon meat.

The owners of the daggers before, that is, the guys who wanted to rob Qin Ming's gun, are their people.

However, Qin Ming, who was walking on the street this time, did not immediately meet the members of the poaching organization. Instead, he suddenly saw an uninvited guest.

With a twist of his footsteps, he turned and walked into the alley on the side very naturally.

Qin Ming, who disappeared around the corner in an instant, leaned against the wall with a serious expression on his face and his eyes gradually became sharp.

He took out the revolver from the inventory and carefully looked at the situation outside.

At the other end of the street, a tall and strong man walked on the street with an expressionless face.

This guy was the guest who suddenly left the bar with another drinker before, and he was also likely one of the remaining adventurers.

He raised his hand and gently pressed the safety hammer, carefully avoiding any movement. Seeing the big man turn around and walk forward, Qin Ming leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

The next moment, the guy directly put the hand holding the revolver into his coat, lowered his head and pulled his clothes, strode out of the corner, and quickly walked towards the big man with his back to him.

Hearing the sudden footsteps behind him, the unusually burly big man couldn't help but be stunned, and turned his head sharply to look over.

Looking at the person who couldn't see his face clearly because it was too dark, this guy's expression gradually became serious. He turned around quickly, his muscles tensed, and he slowly reached out to grab the short knife inserted in his waist.

Who is the person? A passing plot character? Or another adventurer?

Who cares! Whoever it is! Just kill him!

With the sound of footsteps, the distance between the two was getting closer and closer.

Ten meters! The big man's body became more and more tense!

Eight meters! The short knife has been slowly pulled out!

Five meters! The big man who completely closed the distance had a fierce light in his eyes! He raised his weapon on the spot!


Bang bang bang bang bang!

He pulled out the pistol like lightning. Under the shocked expression of the big man holding the weapon, Qin Ming, who was about to touch his face with him, came up and pulled the trigger frantically, and directly gave the big man a set of super close-range American Iai.

The big man with six blood flowers bursting out of his body fell to the ground with a plop as his body retreated repeatedly.

Qin Ming, on the other side, was in a hurry to throw out the shells in his gun and reload the bullets.

After reloading, he pulled the safety hammer and fired another round of bullets at the sturdy man lying on the ground!

The big man with twelve bullet holes on his body had his eyes wide open at this moment, and his face was full of disbelief until his death.

He never expected that the guy on the opposite side would have a gun, let alone the power of this gun would be so fierce!

You must know that as the selected adventurers, their bodies, as well as the characters in the plot of all worlds, have been digitized.

In other words, even if they are hit in the vitals, it may not really take their lives. These guys have an alternative blood bar! They will never die if their blood volume is not empty!

As for how much blood volume is? Generally speaking, it is their own physical fitness x10!

In addition, now they are in the novice world, and these adventurers have a novice protection mechanism, and all attributes will be doubled.

Even Qin Ming, who doesn't have a very good physique, now has 8 points of physique under this bonus, which means 80 points of health.

Not to mention the big man with an extraordinary physique.

This guy's initial physique is as high as 7 points! Double it and it will be 14 points! That is 140 points of health!

Even if Qin Ming took out a normal gun and shot him at close range, he might not be able to kill him, because this guy's talent is nothing else! It's damage reduction!

Iron muscle! Immune to all damage below half of your own physique! When it is higher than half! Deduct the corresponding damage!

Terrible HP! Super strong defensive talent! Plus the doubled attribute of novice adventurers!

This guy is immune to all damage below 7 points. The bullets of ordinary guns hitting him are just like tickling.

Otherwise, the other adventurer who was followed by him before would not be killed by him without any chance to fight back.

However, this super meat shield was taken away by Qin Ming's two rounds of bullets. After all, who could have expected that he could get a green revolver with 20 points of fixed damage in less than two hours after entering the nightmare world!

Looking at the big man who died with his eyes open, Qin Ming, who was standing beside him and reloading the revolver for emergency use, quickly drew a cross in front of him.

Then he picked up the spoils of war that the big man exploded, as well as the short knife in his hand, and inserted the revolver under his coat again, crouching and quickly slipping away.

He came and left in a hurry. In addition to leaving twelve shells and a corpse, Qin Ming left nothing behind.

He quickly returned to his beloved bridge hole and took out the blood-red key and the dagger from his arms.

Looking at the dagger in his hand, Qin Ming shook his head with regret.

Tsk, what a good white equipment, it was wasted again.

The knife in his hand was the equipment obtained by the muscular man after he killed another adventurer and opened the other party's blood-red key.

Although it has now been passed to Qin Ming, it is a pity that because it was not a regular explosion, it has not been recognized by the nightmare space, and there is already an additional prefix at the bottom that cannot be taken out of the plot world.

This made Qin Ming look at it, and for a while he beat his chest and stamped his feet, complaining.

You say die, die anyway, anyway, you will die, why did that kid die in the hands of that big man! It would be better to die in your own hands, right! You can also add one more piece of equipment to yourself!

This is a typical way of not knowing how to live! This kind of person deserves to be beaten to death!

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