Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 57 Special Training of Punishers

Outside the castle, a car was driving at high speed.

The Punisher sat in the front and drove the car with an expressionless expression.

Qin Ming was sitting in the back, treating the wound with a grin on his face.

Originally, he thought that his attributes had been improved, and with the blessing of two powerful skills, he should be able to sweep everything easily.

As a result, as soon as it expanded a little, I turned around and was slapped twice by the BOSS in the second act.

If he had not been helped by the Punisher this time, but had fought on his own, Qin Ming seriously doubted that he would die at the hands of a combat robot.

Because that guy's skills are so terrifying! And the attributes are completely unreasonable!

Qin Ming took a deep breath and quickly bandaged the wound, his face turned pale.

The Punisher, who was driving ahead, saw this scene through the rear mirror and couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

"What? You are ruthless when you kill people, but the pain is unbearable when you are injured?"

"Stop talking sarcastically! The flesh grows on my own body! Of course it will hurt if I get hurt!"

"The enemy is also made of flesh."

"That's not my meat! It's none of my business!"

Gently pressing the wound, feeling the severe pain coming from above, Qin Ming grinned again.

Although with the improvement of his physique, his wound healing speed has also increased a lot.

But the wound heals quickly, but that doesn't mean it won't hurt.

This is the first time that someone has beaten me up like this. Next time I won’t pretend to be cool and try to challenge the BOSS!

Leaning on the chair and looking up at the Punisher who was driving, Qin Ming's mouth suddenly twitched.

"I asked, how did you get into a fight and not get hurt at all?"

Upon hearing this inquiry, the Punisher, who was driving leisurely and had no wounds on his body, quickly raised his eyebrows.



"Yes, if you go to fight in the jungles of Vietnam for a year and come back alive, you will be able to see the six directions like me, because those who can't do it will already die in the woods."

"Vietnam? Talking tree?"

"Haha, it's not just the trees, the ground, the stones, the grass. Everything there can talk, and the corpses may even get up and give you a shot!"

He slammed on the brakes and stopped the car.

The Punisher, who had already taken Qin Ming to another safe place, got out of the car and helped Qin Ming open the rear door, and raised his hand to bow slightly in the direction of the house.

"The wounded go first."

"Go away! Stop making sarcastic remarks!"

Covering the wound on his body, Qin Ming walked into the room with a dark face. The Punisher who followed him quickly opened the refrigerator, took out two cans of beer, opened one himself, and put the other can in front of Qin Ming.

"Drink some, finish it quickly."




Looking at the punisher in front of him, Qin Ming felt his gums ache.

The good news is that with the joint efforts to kill the battle robot, the Punisher's favorability towards Qin Ming has improved a lot, reaching 345 points.

In other words, the Punisher, a ruthless tough guy, finally recognized Qin Ming and regarded him as a friend.

However, as they became friends, Qin Ming discovered that the tough guy Punisher was not as tough as expected.

After getting to know each other, this guy actually likes to tease others and really deserves a beating.

Qin Ming opened the cold beer and took a sip. Feeling the coolness in his body, Qin Ming let out a long breath.

He didn't know if it was an illusion or not. He didn't know if the recovery from the injury had accelerated after drinking. Anyway, the pain seemed to have been reduced a lot.

Looking at Qin Ming who was grinning and drinking, the punisher sitting opposite was silent for a second and then suddenly spoke.

"Boy, you haven't received professional training. You will suffer a lot when fighting against masters. What happened today is a lesson."

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming quickly raised his head.

"so what?"

"So, I can help you train, do you need it?"

There was a smile in his eyes. When the Punisher said this, he added another sentence.

"It's going to be tiring and it's going to hurt."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Ming's mind quickly rang with the reminder of the nightmare space.

Ding dong! Conditions met! Trigger special options! The Punisher is willing to provide you with special training! But it requires 300 favorability points! Training or not?

Special training? !

Hearing the reminder in his mind, Qin Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

Isn't this so-called special training something that can only be exchanged for 500 favorability points? The Punisher actually gave himself a discount?

Looking up and looking at the punisher, Qin Ming nodded without hesitation.


Almost as soon as he nodded, the favorability points he had accumulated with the Punisher were consumed by 300 points in an instant.

The Punisher on the opposite side quickly stood up and clapped his hands vigorously.

"Okay! Let's start training right away! It doesn't matter if you are injured. Training when injured can strengthen your willpower! Let's start right now!"

The Punisher is clearly a fast-moving guy who never puts things off until later.

Since the Punisher is willing to start training immediately, Qin Ming will naturally not refuse.

After all, with the hidden mission completed, he only has two days to stay, and he will be forced to return after two days.

He must also seize the time to train, otherwise the special training he finally obtained will be in vain.

Took a vegetable salad from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth.

Relying on consumables to replenish his state and recover from his injuries, Qin Ming began to follow the Punisher to train various skills in high spirits.

And what the Punisher taught was basically what he learned in the army, also known as military fighting skills.

Close combat! Long-range shooting! Even armed combat!

In two days, Qin Ming slept for only four hours in total, working overtime to absorb various knowledge and skills from the Punisher.

And when there were still four hours before returning, the cold reminder sound of the nightmare space finally rang in his ears.

Ding Dong! Congratulations on completing all the tutorials of special training! Obtained passive skills: Basic Combat Mastery (E-level) Basic Firearms Mastery (E-level) Basic Weapon Mastery (E-level)

As the sound fell, a large number of skills suddenly emerged in Qin Ming's mind.

Firearms skills, unarmed combat skills, weapon use skills

These skills are not very advanced, but they are very solid and quickly make up for Qin Ming's weakness in fighting.

At the same time as he received the system prompt, the Punisher who had been training him intensively also stopped training and nodded with satisfaction at Qin Ming.

"Not bad, you learn quite fast, and now you are considered to be a soldier."

"Can you only be a soldier?"

"Well, if you don't count your special physical fitness, then you are a soldier."

After taking off his training clothes, the Punisher put on his battle clothes again, turned his head and looked at Qin Ming, and suddenly spoke.

"I'm going to continue to look for the whereabouts of the Jin Bing gang, so I'll leave first. Boy, if there is a chance in the future, let's cooperate again."

As he spoke, the Punisher had already stretched out his hand.

Qin Ming saw this and quickly shook it, grinning.

"There will definitely be a chance, Punisher."

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