Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 46 Chapter 46 Weird Skills

Skill: Wave Ken (Street Fighter World)

Skill level: C level

Effect: Condensate energy, consume mental power, and shoot an energy ball with lethality equal to your own strength x 2.


Skill: Sonic Knife (Street Fighter World)

Grade:C grade

Effect: Concentrate energy, consume mental power, and shoot out a ball of energy knife with lethality equal to your own strength x 2.

Introduction: Sali Cool Wave!

Skills: Hundred Styles, Ghost Burning (King of Fighters World)

Grade:C grade

Effect: Fire appears in the hand, causing damage equal to one's own strength

Introduction: This is not Shoryuken! Repeat it again! This is not Shoryuken!

Skill: Blood Bite (Three Kingdoms World)

Grade:C grade

Effect: Hug the enemy and then bite it continuously, causing four times of damage equal to its own strength.

Introduction: This is a strong control skill. It can control the enemy while also controlling yourself. It is not recommended to use it when being beaten by a group.

The four skills are all C-level, and the effects are very good.

Seeing this, Qin Ming couldn't help but twitch his eyebrows, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly spoke.

"This is my blue plot equipment."

The man opposite nodded quickly when he heard this.

"I know this, that's why I took out the C-level skill book. If you feel you are still not satisfied, I can give you an additional 2,000 points."

"I'll give you 2,000, and I want two skill books."

"Impossible! This is a C-level skill book. It can be sold for 6,000 to 8,000 points at least. Two copies are at least 15,000! This piece of equipment is not of such high value and cannot be exchanged."

When he said this, the man hesitated slightly and looked at the armor with quite good attributes on the stall. In the end, he was unwilling to leave just like that.

After all, such a high-defense armor has an added attribute of physical strength. It is perfect for use as a human shield. If possible, he must win it.

He quickly took out a new skill book from his arms, placed it gently on the stall, and spoke in a deep voice.

"How about you pick one book and add this one to it? Two for one!"

When Qin Ming heard this, he quickly looked at the new skill book, but he almost laughed out loud.

Because this skill book......

Name: Essence Absorption (World of the Goxueji Clan)

Grade:C grade

Effect: Absorb the essence of the opponent by biting, thereby strengthening yourself in a short time. It can absorb 2 points of each attribute of the opponent, lasting one minute.

Introduction: Gukongin Kanedaro's signature skill, relying on the power of blood, this child can grow up in a short time by absorbing the essence of others, thereby gaining tyrannical fighting power, but there is no one with the bloodline of Goxue Temple. , don’t expect to be able to transform.

Gukongyuan Kanedaro? The world of Goxue Temple?

Isn't this the funniest fighting game in the arcade? The characters in it have more bizarre moves than the last.

There are things like farting, biting, and punching, and the special blood of the characters in it seems to allow them to transform.

The old lady turned into a young girl, the old man on crutches turned into a strong man, and oh, by the way, this several-year-old kid named Kanedarou can also transform into an adult state.

But his transformation method is very strange, and he needs to eat his enemies to absorb energy.

The most important thing is that this guy will eat people and look at the dishes beforehand. Those who eat men or old ladies will hold their heads and eat them until they die.

But when it comes to young girls or big beauties, he specializes in nibbling on their breasts, and is typically a little pervert.

The guy in front of me actually took out this skill book! Who broke it? This is it!

Seemingly noticing Qin Ming's strange gaze, the man opposite him smiled awkwardly.

"Well, although the effect of this skill book is a bit poor, and the attack method is a bit weird, it is still a C-level, so it is still of some value. Besides! This trick is used to deal with female plot characters! Maybe It can also have miraculous effects! So..."


Although this second skill book is a bit strange, not only is it short-handed, but it also has to bite the opponent, and the effect of the skill is not very good after it is activated, so it is not of much use.

But Qin Ming still decisively chose the exchange. After all, he did not lack the two thousand points.

Qin Ming selected the skill book, handed out the armor, and successfully put the two skill books into his arms. He quickly left a contact information with the man opposite him so that he could continue to trade when there was an opportunity in the future, and then quickly left the stall.

Looking at the two skill books in his arms, to be honest, Qin Ming originally planned to combine them into one, but he was a little curious about what this useless eating skill would look like after upgrading.

Therefore, after much hesitation, he chose not to fuse it first, but was going to go to the market to see if there were any other cheap skill books for sale.

After some searching, Qin Ming soon found something.

After paying 6,000 points and four vegetable salad consumables as a price, he successfully obtained two worthless C-level skill books.

Taking the skill book exploded by this elite monster as a consumable material, Qin Ming quickly merged it with the two skill books in his arms.

What then appeared in front of him was an upgraded version of B-level skills!

Name:True-Sonic Hand Knife (Street Fighter World)

Grade:B grade

Effect: Concentrate energy and throw out an energy wave, causing damage twice the strength value, and can be charged up to 4 times the damage.

Introduction: Soldier Guilie probably never thought that the trick he created would be used by others one day.

Name: True Essence Absorption (Hao Blood Temple World)

Grade: B Grade

Effect: By gnawing, devour the opponent's essence to strengthen it, absorb 5 points of the opponent's all attributes, and last for five minutes.

Introduction: Eat me and chew! Slurp!

The two skills that have been upgraded to B grade have undergone a complete transformation, and they are much stronger.

Especially the second skill, the originally useless close-range biting skill, has directly transformed into a powerful weakening skill!

All attributes -2 and all attributes -5, this is a world of difference, not to mention that these attributes will be fed back to Qin Ming.

Seeing the new skills in his hand, Qin Ming immediately had the urge to merge the two into one, but after hesitating for a moment, he finally did not choose to merge.

Skills that are too advanced may not be practical. Now these two skills, one for long-range release and one for close-range sneak attack, can be regarded as a tacit cooperation.

I am currently lacking the ability to output close-range, so it is not bad to keep this essence absorption skill as a trump card.

If anyone dares to rush up with supersonic hand knives and bullets and tries to get close to me, and ends up being hugged and bitten by me, and the attribute is reduced by 5 points on the spot, then I believe his expression will be very exciting.

This skill may seem extremely useless for high-level adventurers, after all, 5 points of attribute are not much for them.

But for low-level adventurers, this is simply a life-threatening weakening!

Thinking of the wonderful scenes that may happen in the future with full of evil taste, Qin Ming quickly learned the two skills.

Then a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face.

Because he found that even if he had already learned the skills, he could still choose to merge these two skills!

The skills that he had learned were still within the fusion range!

This! It was really an unexpected surprise!

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