Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 30 Unethical Means

The sound of chaotic footsteps sounded, and outside the large outpost, a dark crowd of people and horses ran over from a distance. As soon as they got closer, they saw that the outpost was already in flames and filled with corpses.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked pale and quickly looked for the figure of their leader.

Finally, in a corner, they successfully found the body of their boss...well.

Kaido, whose face had been smashed to a bloody pulp, just stared with his eyes completely lifeless, as if he couldn't believe that he would be beaten to death with a blunt instrument.

Looking at the bullet holes in his armor, the adventurer Fei Shen standing next to him could not help but twitch his cheeks and slowly clenched his fists.

gun! It's a gun! This was really done by other adventurers!

But there is no reason! This is different from what was planned! Who did this?

Before the adventurer Fei Snake could recover from the shock, he suddenly felt his collar tightening and someone was forcibly grabbing his armor and lifting him up.

A sharp sword was pressed directly against his neck.

The heavy-armored swordsman named Kai Lai next to him had a ferocious expression and his teeth were crunching.

"It's you kid who's doing the trick, isn't it? It's you who is cooperating with the militia to set up a trap against us! Isn't it?"

"No! I didn't!"

"Nothing! Didn't you say they would attack only at night? Didn't you say you could wait and wait! Then what's going on! Damn it! I'll kill you!"

As he spoke, Gloria raised his sword and prepared to attack.

When the soldiers around him saw this, they also drew their weapons and looked at this side with unkind eyes.

Seeing this scene, the adventurer Flying Snake quickly screamed and began to explain desperately.

"It's not me! It's really not me! If it was me! Then why don't I cooperate with them and kill you all now! You can't kill me! Kaido is dead now! The top priority is to deal with the militia in the village as soon as possible! Otherwise, My right-hand man is dead! With Sir Scown’s character, I will never let you go! I have a way to make up for it!”

Hearing the cry of the flying snake, the surrounding soldiers couldn't help but look at each other. After a long silence, they silently put down the weapons they had set up.

As a knight personally conferred by the Terror Archduke, Scowan, the boss, has never been a good-tempered master.

His love will die for no reason, and with his character, he will indeed take his anger out on everyone.

Everyone has climbed to where they are now with great difficulty, and they don't want to lose everything because of it.

So everyone, including Kai Lai, lowered their weapons and looked at Fei Shen with serious expressions.

"Tell me, what can I do?"

The released flying snake took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

"Gather everyone! Follow the original plan at night! Ambush the enemies who come over!"

"But the boss is dead!"

"It's precisely because he died! That's why the ambush must be successful! Only by capturing the village can we make up for Kaido's death! You can even be promoted to official positions because of this! Take his place! If you don't fight, everyone will go back and accept the punishment together, Give it a try and you might be able to fly into the sky, choose one of the two!"

Now that such an accident happened, the little boss Kaido died directly, completely disrupting the flying snake's plan.

Already desperate, he could only choose to take a gamble now.

As for what to bet on? Of course that was the guy who bet on killing BOSS Kaido! Not the three adventurers originally planned! But the fourth person!

Bet when he does it! There was absolutely no discussion with the other three! They were not even notified! But acting alone!

The lack of notification means that others are unaware of the changes and will still act according to the original plan.

That's it! As long as the militia teams that were led out can be wiped out! Capture the village with a backhand! Then he doesn't lose!

As for what to do if you lose the bet? joke! If you don’t gamble at this time! The swordsmen around him won't let him go! He still has a choice in this matter!

Quickly following Gloria and others, they began to gather the soldiers from the remaining two outposts into one place.

The adventurer Flying Snake, with a gloomy expression, led them into action immediately. However, what was different from the original plan was that he slightly changed the details of the ambush...

As night fell, Qin Ming secretly returned to the village and came to the village square as agreed, where he met the other three adventurers and their so-called helper, the militia captain.

After arriving here, Qin Ming, who went out during the day to make some extra money, finally understood what Bai Lang's previous claim of being able to set up a trap to let the militia captain help fight was.

This wicked guy kidnapped the daughter of the militia captain and secretly threw her outside an outpost...

By the time the militia captain got the news and took his daughter back by force, his daughter had already died completely under the torture.

The hatred for killing a daughter is irreconcilable, so how could he not take revenge!

Not only did he have murderous intentions, but several of his close friends also chose to come over and help him get revenge.

Bailang and other traveling merchants entered the scene as knights who overheard this incident and drew their swords to help when they saw injustice.

Not only did this not arouse the suspicion of the militia captain and the others, but it also greatly improved their favorability.

Qin Ming, who was standing next to him, squinted at the white wolf beside him and couldn't help but grin.

He had to admit that none of the guys who could get along in the nightmare space were easy to mess with.

This gentleman is also a wicked person! He is really ruthless!

Although Qin Ming thinks that he does business by any means, compared with the other party, he finds that he still has some bottom line.

At least he can't do such wicked things.

Qin Ming, who successfully mixed into the militia team, has now confirmed the camp and opened the camp exchange column.

The three protagonists who have not met yet, as expected, have a 0 favorability with Qin Ming, so Qin Ming can't exchange anything from them.

In addition, this time there is actually a village favorability. At this moment, the village's favorability towards him is 50, which is a little, but not much.

As for what this village favorability can be exchanged for? There are many things that can be exchanged!

A black bread with 50 favorability has the same effect as a croissant.

100 favorability can be exchanged for white-quality militia armor and militia sword.

250 favorability can be exchanged for malt wine, which is the specialty of this village. After using it, it can actually increase the mental limit by 10 points within a day. The effect is very terrifying. It is a blue quality consumable.

In addition, 500 favorability can be exchanged for a certificate of honor. Giving this thing to the plot character can directly increase the plot character's favorability towards oneself by 150 points, but there is an increase limit, which cannot exceed 500 points.

As for the last 1000 favorability...

Name: The best sword in the village

Category: Weapon (ordinary silver equipment)


Strength +10

Constitution +5

Agility +5

Introduction: Whose village doesn't have an ancestral artifact!

Looking at the final exchange item with extremely good attributes, Qin Ming couldn't help smacking his lips.

Seeing that the militia around him had changed into camouflage clothes and were ready to start the action, he immediately chose to follow.

More than a dozen people marched forward in such a mighty manner.

Target, soldier outpost.

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