Infinity, Arcade Era

Chapter 10 Formal confrontation

The hunting organization is at the entrance of the city's building, and a van is parked there quietly.

The five people in the car were all sorting out their equipment with extremely serious expressions, which caused the atmosphere in the car to be extremely depressing for a while.

Hannah is a master of throwing knives and firearms, but is not very good at fighting with bare hands. After all, women are born with less strength, which is a flaw that is difficult to make up for, so they must learn to use foreign objects.

Needless to say, Mais was a reckless man who faced off head-on. Although his speed was slower, the force of his punch was extraordinary.

Mustafa is an expert in using his legs, he is as fast as the wind and his legs are like a dragon.

As for Jack? He is a balanced player. Although he is not very good at anything, he has no shortcomings.

And Qin Ming, well, Qin Ming has a gun!

Putting the flying knife in her waist, Hannah suddenly nodded vigorously towards several people and spoke in a deep voice.

"Remember! Don't show mercy! These guys are all desperadoes! And they have been modified by the hunting organization with dinosaur genes! So as long as you don't want to die! Then you must act decisively!"

After saying that, Hannah raised her hand and opened the car door directly, and rushed out the next moment.

Jack and others followed closely behind, each one faster than the other.

Compared with them, Qin Ming seemed a little embarrassed for a while.

Because he found that even with the slowest Maisby, his running speed was actually not as good as his opponent.

You must know that you are now in the novice protection period and have double attributes!

Even though he can't outrun the slowest Max, how terrifying are the attributes of these protagonists? !

They are all like this, but what about the boss of the first level, Wes Terhune!

Qin Ming, who noticed that something was not right, his face became very gloomy for a moment, gritted his teeth and ran as hard as he could, finally barely catching up with a few people.

Hannah, who was leading the way, flew forward and hit the door glass with her knee, instantly shattering the hard tempered glass.

After flying to the ground, she threw out the flying knife with both hands, directly hitting the two minions in front of her, causing them to cover their throats on the spot and stagger back.

The other three people who rushed in immediately after Hannah had already scattered and fought. They caught the enemy with a series of blows, showing extremely superb fighting skills.

As for Qin Ming......


With a scream, a member of the poaching organization wearing light boxing gloves ran madly towards Qin Ming. He ran extremely fast and his fists clenched loudly.

Seeing this guy charging straight towards him, Qin Ming also unceremoniously performed a radio gymnastics boxing technique on the spot.

Then when the guy opposite him who was not frightened finally got close to his face, Qin Ming quickly stood up, took out his revolver, and gave it to him with a bang.

With the flames soaring into the sky, the members of the poaching organization who rushed over flew back.

The upgraded blue-quality revolver couldn't withstand the high damage caused by an ordinary guy like him.

With just one shot, this little guy died suddenly on the spot.

Qin Ming, the guy who killed the enemy with one shot, quickly pressed down on the revolver with one hand, kept swinging the rear safety hammer, and cocked it every time he fired.

As rhythmic gunfire sounded one after another, several minions rushing from the front fell to the ground one after another.

Although Qin Ming's marksmanship is not very good, he has watched movies and knows how to hit someone close to him. He can't hit accurately from ten meters away, and it's five meters close to his face. How can he continue to miss!

Besides, just rely on the speed of fire of the revolver. As long as you don't pursue damage, just click the safety hammer with one shot.

Qin Ming can punch six holes in a person's body in one second!

Even if it misses the target, it can still kill someone!

With the revolver opening the way, Qin Ming's advancement speed is very fast, coupled with the bullets already placed on his waist, which he bought in advance with the US dollars he spent.

For a time, Qin Ming was able to directly block the enemy with his powerful firepower.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. Before he could show off his power, rumble of footsteps suddenly came from the opposite side.

The next moment, an extremely fat man knocked away his younger brother like a heavy tank and rushed straight towards Qin Ming!

Although his body is very round, this guy's fat body is full of muscles.

As he ran with all his strength, the tense muscle lines on his arms were terrifying!

them! They are the middle-level personnel of the poaching organization! Elite enemy! Fat man!

Looking at the big man rushing towards him crazily, Qin Ming was also startled. He quickly turned around and pointed the gun at him, and when he pulled the trigger, he fired a series of waist shots.

With several crackling sounds, the body of the elite fat man was shaken violently, and several holes were directly blown out of his body. His footsteps were instantly messy.

After reluctantly running a few more times, he finally fell to the ground with a plop as his legs weakened, and slid to Qin Ming's feet.

Seeing this, Qin Ren quickly reloaded the bullet without hesitation, then raised his hand and aimed at the back of the big fat man's head again.


Blood spurts! Bloody and bloody!

Qin Ming, who completely killed the elite monster with one shot, bent down to pick up his trophies while continuing to shoot at the surrounding enemies.

Amidst the sound of the gun turning, he subconsciously turned his head and glanced around, and saw Hannah and the other four guys. They had completely dispersed at this moment, and they were all rushing in.

Hannah, who was the fastest, kicked the fat man and sent him flying. She also shouted loudly.

"Split up and charge! Meet at the end!"

After that, Hannah grabbed the upper edge of the window with both hands, and with the force of her arms, she stood upside down.

She dodged the fat man's collision instantly and kicked him hard on the back.

Hannah kicked him out through the window on the spot, and she had already rushed to the second floor when she turned over.

Qin Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw this scene, and continued to shoot while shaking his head.

"Separate actions, separate actions again, you protagonists are all back from training in horror movies, it's really..."

Before the voice fell, the whistling wind suddenly sounded above.

Qin Ming hurriedly raised his head and looked closely, and suddenly saw a fat man jumping down from the stairs on the second floor, and his big butt was aimed at him and sat hard!

At the moment of landing, there was even a visible airflow around him, and it was obvious that some skills had been used.

Qin Ming was startled when he saw this scene, and hurriedly raised his gun and shot at him crazily.

However, the fat man who used the falling bomb skill from the sky did not pay attention to these attacks.

After all, his D-level skill can be immune to attacks to a certain extent when it is used, and he does not need to pay attention to the enemy's resistance at all.

However, this guy obviously underestimated the destructive power of the blue revolver. With three shots, this guy's skill defense did not play any role, but three blood holes were opened on his buttocks on the spot.

Especially the last shot, it hit the bull's eye, and the fat man couldn't help screaming in pain in mid-air, twisting his body and falling directly to the ground.

Then, before he could cover his buttocks and struggle in pain, Qin Ming, who came quickly, had already shot him three more times and took him away on the spot.

"You dare to sit on me! Next time I will strengthen a spear! I will let you sit on it enough!"

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